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Monday, February 27, 2012

Project Based Homework

1. Money for the trip to Chelsea Piers is due Thursday, March 1, 2012. The cost is $15.

2. Think of your favorite sport and research online for articles that discuss the pros and cons of having this sports program in the school. For example, if you like hockey, you would search for articles that discuss the pros and cons of having hockey as a sports program in school. You must select and print 3 articles online. The more articles you have the better it will be for you to write your argumentative essay. Due 3.5.12.

3. Please note that although the trip to Chelsea Piers is on March 5th, you still have to do this homework, bring it to school, and place it inside the mailbox.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hello All!

I hope you've enjoyed your vacation thus far! Here's a gentle reminder...

1. Complete ELA Vacation Packet which is due on Tuesday, February 28th.

2. Complete the Acuity assignments - Last day Sunday, February 26th. This is my last and final extension.

3. Please I beg of you to bring in Box Tops ( visit http://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/clip/Brands.aspx
 to find out more about the participating brands) due 27th of February.

4.  As suggested by some students, please note that you do not have to research and print THREE pros and cons sports programming in schools articles for class.  If you have already, it is fine, if not please don't. However, it will be due soon.... so if you've done it think of it as one less homework. : )

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

PBH Due 2.17.12, 2.27.12 and 2.28.12

Hello All,

1. Class 421 and 424 your PBH will be to complete the ELA vacation packet provided to you by your ELA teacher. Please read and follow all of the instructions provided.  Due 2.28.12.

2. Continue to read, research and print 3 online articles about the pros and cons of sports programming in schools. You will need this information for class and other assignments. Due 2.27.12.

3. Continue to read nonfiction books and check the website provided in the ELA packet for the most popular nonfiction books. If you look at previous blogs, you will see the website that I provided to you last month. This is also a popular site for nonfiction books (e.g. A Child Called It).

4. The last day for extra credit/bonus assignments on Acuity is 2.17.12. I have told both classes a few times that I will count a certain amount of Acuity assignments as a grade or as a cummulative score for the third marking period. If you haven't been working on them get to it! You must have at least 5 out of 6 correct. Some assignments give more questions, however you must get at least 80% or more correct to receive it as a grade. There is no excuse, use a friend's, family, trusty neighbor, local library, or school's computer to get the work done. If you have a Tablet, Nook, Kindle or any flat screen online capable device that will grant you access to ACUITY... YOU MUST USE IT! LAST CHANCE!!!
5. Please continue to check the blogspot for any updates or reminders!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

PBH Reminder 2.13.12

Hello All,

Class 421 Please note that your proposal letter must be in letter format. Please do not write it like an essay. At the end of the letter it should have a closing salutation such as:


Your name (hand written in print)

Your name (signature)

Please note ABOVE the space between each of the lines for the closing salutation. If you are not sure about the format of a proposal letter please visit http://www.kurzweiledu.com/files/proof_resources_grant1.pdf and scroll down to page two. For those of you asking about the length of the letter 1-2 pages is fine, however, as I stated, the lines within the paragraph should NOT be double spaced ONLYsingle spaced. However, the space between EACH paragraph should be double spaced. Once again, please refer to the website stated above for a visual.

As for the lesson we worked on in class on Thursday, I am thinking about changing it slightly. I will let you know what that will look like.

As for your how to video's, it will be due on Monday which will give most of you more time to make changes and for others to actually start it. Please refer to the previously posted PBH on the blogspot for information on what to do.

Here is a brief criteria for the video: It must be creative (i.e. using sound, animation, props), it must be informative using information from your mini research online about the do's and don'ts of preventing sports related injuries, and you must cite your sources. You must provide a list of your sources of where you retrieved your information in the form of rolling credits on your video or if you're not tech savvy you can type and print it. This is the format for citation I should see:

  • Name of website. Editor(s) of website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.

  • If the above format confuses you, please write down the name of the website (i.e. ESPN), the URL address of the website, the date it was published (i.e. 2010) which is usually found at the end of the webpage, and the date you accessed the website (Feburary 7, 2012)

    Lastly, your 30 journal entries are due on Monday.

    Class 424 - Please be ready with your trivia questions and your 30 journal entries. I will grade your journals within the week but will collect them on MONDAY.

    Sunday, February 5, 2012

    421's Proposal Letter Outline

    Proposal Data: (Please list this information in a block format at the top of the page.)
    Name of organization: (Your organization’s name)
    Name of proposed project: (your organization’s project idea)
    Project time frame:  (How long will it take you to complete this project?)
    Total project budget: (How much money, if any, will be needed to complete this project?)

    Issue: Concise statement of the public policy issue to be addressed by the proposed project.  Basically you will explain in 2-3 sentences what public issue or problems will your project solve within the community or individuals, corporations or education system.
    Project: Brief description of the methods (how you plan to do this project) and program activities that will be used to examine the issue and the products (e.g., reports or books) that will result from the project.
    Proposal: The body of the proposal should be single-spaced with spaces between each paragraph. It should be two to three pages in length.
    Background: Discuss the background of the issue and the current state of the policy debate over the issue. For example, if you want to create and educational video game to be used in science, math, ELA, and social studies, you must be able to provide information, from research, that supports why this is necessary in the classroom in the century in which we live.
    Personnel: In a short paragraph identify the staff for the project. Basically, explain why you are collaborating with these individuals and why they are important to the success of your project.
    Analytical Approach: Please provide one or two substantive paragraphs that describe the research information that will be used during each group meeting. This material should include the nature and importance of each topic, the original work that you expect the researcher/author to undertake, and the identity and credentials (the skills that each individual on your team has that will the project successful) of each participant who will present or will be asked to present commissioned work.
    Products: What products – papers, publications, books, etc. – will result from the project? For written products, please describe them in as much detail as is feasible at this point of the project (e.g., an outline of the probable chapters of a proposed book). Basically, are you going to have something produced that needs to be printed and delivered to people? Are you creating a 3-dimensional project that needs to be photographed, blueprinted, or mailed to your designated organization or politician?
    Community Implications: After completion of the project, what information will have been developed that the community lacks today? Basically, how has your project improved the community, individuals, or education system or any other organizations, important places or people?

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    St. John's University Trip

    Hello All,

    Please note that I just found out today during 7th period that for next Wednesday's trip all students with permission to go has to bring in $3 for the trip. You will have until Monday to bring in the money. Ask your parents as soon as you go home, put it in an envelope, seal it, write your name and class on it and put it in your bookbag immediately!!!

    Miss. N : )

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    Project Based Homework Due 2.8.12

    Hello All,

    Please read the assignments below and pay attention to the due dates.

    To kick off our new Argumentative Essay Writing Unit focusing on sports programming in schools, all students must watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. Please have fun and take mental notes. : )

    Class 8-421

    Due Date 2.8.12 - I am slightly changing the vocabulary word wall format that I gave to you in the beginning of the year. All students on the class list from Aemun Ahmar to Tatiana Iglesia (by last name A-I) must select an unfamiliar word from their nonfiction book, write it on the colorful vocabulary cards I will provide in class and staple it to the word wall. All students from Samuel Leon to Sumble Zaffer will do the same thing but instead of it being on the vocabulary graphic organizer, you will write it in the vocabulary section of your reading notebook. For these students, please be sure to write the date next to your unfamiliar word.

    Due Date 2.8.12  - Select your favorite sport and create a How-to-home-video about how to prevent injuries while playing sports. You may have to do a little research for this and you can work in groups of 2-3 for demonstration purposes for the video. Please be creative, informative and safe. I will provide the rubric and task for you within a couple of days. (the video criteria will be posted on the blogspot)

    Due Date 2.13.12- Proposal Letter Due (outline will be posted on the blogspot)

    Class 8-412

    Due Date 2.9.12 - Nonfiction Book Review (outline will be posted on the blogspot)
    Due Date 2.6.12 - On demand writing piece due in class and completed from home.
    Due Date 2. 9.12 - All students on the class list from Naheedah A.W. to Daisy L. (by last name A-L) must select an unfamiliar word from their nonfiction book, write it on the colorful vocabulary cards I will provide in class and staple it to the word wall. All students from Justyn M. to Raul V. will do the same thing but instead of it being on the vocabulary graphic organizer, you will write it in the vocabulary section of your reading notebook. For these students, please be sure to write the date next to your unfamiliar word.