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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

PBH - H.F. Unit Due Date Reminders

May 31st – Historical Fiction Traditional Food Menu Presentation (in class oral presentation)
June 1st – H.F. Traditional Food Celebration Presentation (in class). Unfortunately both classes will not present together due to conflicts with projects due to other teachers.
June 4th – H.F. 10 Journal Entries (please note that you should include an authentic name, historical dates and events, what life was like, etc.) Please refer to the format I provided for you in class. It was two sheets consisting of the menu and journal entry format. The journal entry format had 10 questions broken into two sets of five questions each. You can type, hand write or type it as a powerpoint presentation slide show. It is up to you! Just make sure to make it authentic(real).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PBH - H.F. Unit Menu/Journal Entries

Please follow the outline I provided in class for you.

The menu will be due on May 31st. You can choose any design you want for the menu (i.e. pamphlet accordion style, foldable program style (just like you fold it for the word wall), or flyer style (like what I used for the poetry night cafe). It is up to you. Please use the colors of the country of your "adopted" immigrant.

Due June 1st: The food presentation, which is only ONE food item (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, beverage, or sauces) that you selected from the menu to showcase for the H.F. Food Fest. Only one item are you required to bring in not the entire menu. That would be crazy and unrealistic!

If you have any questions, please email me. The Research Questions 1-6 that was posted on the SMART board in class is on the blogspot, just scroll down. If you have not finished answering the research questions, please understand that by completing the journal entries you are thereby answering 1-6 simultaneously. This cuts your time in half so that you will not have to do double the work. I will count the grade twice by just doing the journal entries alone without also doing 1-6. This will make it easier on you.

Working with Partners
If you and another classmate have the same country, please work together to share and alleviate the workload. You can share ingredients to buy at the store, divide the menu of traditional foods in half so that each person is researching only their categories of food, and share the journal entries in half. Also, if you have already selected a name for your adopted immigrant, you can make them sisters and brothers, twins, cousins, or whatever seems to work with you and your classmate. It is a joint grade, so you must work hard together, the grade of what you produce alone or in a group depends on you.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

PBH Due 5.29.12

1. Please take your journal out of hiding and blow the dust off of it because you will need it for the Historical Fiction Unit.

2. You are required to write 10 journal entries, however 5 will be written in class and the last 5 will be completed at home. Please note that in order to write these journal entries, especially the first 5 you will need online research for facts to support your responses.

3. The 5 entries at home must be about the immigrant's life in the United States. What are the difficulties he/she faced when they arrived? (i.e. language barriers, no education, gender inequality, no work, etc.) How did he/she overcome the difficulties? What success or accomplishments did he/she gain?

4. The H.F. Food Celebration is tentatively going to be held on June 1, 2012. Please make sure you have spoons, a knife, spatula, etc. that is necessary to serve the food. DO NOT EXPECT THAT UTENSILS WILL BE THERE WAITING FOR YOU!

5. You must have a menu ready for your in class presentations. You can choose to video tape your presentation with music and paraphenalia from the immigrants country as your background while you give a short history of the migration and the history of the food. However, you must have a printed menu. Keep it simple if you wish!


If it rains tomorrow the trip will be canceled!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Historical Fiction Research Questions

These are the historical fiction research questions that need to be completed in order to progress in this unit (i.e. journal entries and H.F. short stories) and have our food celebration at the end. Please continue to do your research. Each class will use these questions as an introduction and basic knowledge of historical fiction and will receive slightly different assignments within this unit. You will find out the rest later on.

   }1. Why did the immigrant migrate to the U.S. during that time period?
}2. What historical events were happening during this time?
}3. What difficult times were they facing?
}4. What types of jobs were they able to work?
}5. What type of education did they receive? If they couldn’t why not?
}6. What was life like when they arrived in the U.S.? What challenges did they face?

Lastly, please check SKEDULA for updated grades. What I have not received from you is now a zero unless the deadline has not passed. As was mentioned in previous posts, if you haven't submitted your poetry portfolio today, May 18th was the last day. As for the sports bundles, May 25th is the last day. Please scroll down to read details.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Poetry Night Cafe

Hi All,

I hope all of you come prepared with your poetry and food. Mr. Rivera said that all 8th grade students must dress up and bring their uniform in a bag. That means ABSOLUTELY NO JEANS! Girls should not wear anything revealing or short. Boys come dressed to impress. In addition, if you are waiter or a waitress you must come dressed like a waiter or waitress. Absolutely no acceptions.

Look forward to seeing all of you with your poetry and food and I hope lots of it! : )

Monday, May 14, 2012

Project Based Homework

Hello All,

Please note that school is still in session and you are still required to do work. If you know that you did not complete the Sports Bundle when it was due the first week in April, you must complete it in order to not keep the zero you have on Skedula. The last day that I will continue taking Bundle portfolios will be May 25. Once again don't wait until the last minute, if you hand in unsatisfactory work (poor work) then you will receive a poor grade with 10 points off for lateness. Please note that although I am giving you until this time to hand it in does not mean that you will receive full credit...you must understand it is way overdue. For example, if your work is worth a 90 you will receive an 80, if it is worth an 80 then it will be a 70 and so forth. Please make sure that you look at the rubric inside of your portfolio in order to complete the assignment correctly.

Make sure that you make a concerted effort to continually look at Skedula everyday or at least a few times a week to make sure that you are not missing any work. It is your responsibility! You should not wait until the last minute to ask if you are failing the class. When you ask that question, you are only telling your teacher that you are not taking the responsibility to monitor your grades on Skedula. In September, you were told by all of your teachers to do this.

Although the poetry portfolio was due a week ago, some students have been handing it in because they would rather receive points off than a zero which will drop their average significantly. The last day that I will collect this will be May 18. Make sure that you read the outline and the lessons posted on the blogspot in order to do this assignment correctly. It is up to you! If you like receiving zeroes in any of your subjects then do not ask why you have failed a class when your parent is asked to come to the school to pick up your report card.

Lastly, the new unit we are in requires you to do the following:
*Research a country that your "adopted immigrant" came from during the 1600's-1900's. Find out why did immigrants from this country migrate to the U.S. during this time period. You will need this information later to write historical fiction journal entries.
*Research traditional foods and beverages that were most common during that time, find the ingredients and make it. Do not limit yourself to only dinner like food, but to traditional natural drinks (i.e. Sorrel from the Carribbean), or traditional desserts (i.e. Tiramisu from Italy).
* Create a menu containing: traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and beverages (drinks) from your immigrants country.
The final project will be due May 31 and the Historical Fiction Traditional Food Presentation will be June 1st.

Friday, May 11, 2012

PBH Reminders for the Week of 5.14.12

Hello All,

Please note and remember the following:

1. 421 remember your lines for "Two Gentlemen of Verona" for both scenes that we practiced in class for Monday.
2. For Poetry Night Cafe, on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, remember to bring in the food you put on the list so that we can create the breakfast and lunch menu to give to our guests and classmates. Please remember we should anticipate about 40 guests or more (including students during the period you have ELA) in room 421. The amount of food you bring is important for this special event put on by your class.

Lastly, please keep in mind the on demand question that was asked in class for the movie you watched. Throughout the unit you will receive more information from both SS and ELA class.

The Community Service Trip to Flushing Meadow Park will be on May 21, 2012. We will be cleaning the park for about 1 hr and 30 minutes, have lunch and then play for a little while before heading to the bus. All permission slips must be handed in NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012.  We need two chaperones (21 and older) per 8th grade class for a total of 10 chaperones. Classes 8-416A, 8-417, 8-420, 8-421 and 8-424 will be attending this trip.

On loose leaf, make a list of at least 10 high interest historical fiction books for teens and young adults.

Have a nice weekend!

Happy Mother's Day to all of your mothers and to those who have been like a mother to you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lucille Lortel Theater Permission Slips

The following students have not returned their permission slip for the Lucille Lortel Theater Trip to be held on Thursday, May 3, 2012. You must arrive at school tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. sharp.

Samuel L.

Please return the slip to school if you have it at home if not, please have your parents write you a note stating that you are allowed to attend the Shakespeare Festival at the Lucille Lortel Theater on May 3, 2012. We will be leaving school grounds approximately at 7:45 am and returning to Queens after 3 pm taking the train both ways. Make sure that your parents include all of their phone numbers (work, cell, house) in case of emergency.

Lastly, wear your costumes/outfits, bring an umbrella and for the club scene please bring your shades to show transition of scenes and money for lunch.