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Monday, October 22, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.29.12

Hello All,

This week we will be discussing stereotypes in our society and in literature. Please be prepared with your online cultural stereotype research of your articles this week of 10.22.12.

Class 421 ONLY

You will be starting your journey in Project Based Learning Independent Study Research. From now on, your PBH assignments will begin to take on this format. Your assignments will be due every 8 weeks, however, a lot of research and contacting important places and people will have to be conducted. We will have periodic meeting points where I will meet with you either via email or one-on-one conferences to check your progress. The meeting dates will be updated and posted on the center bulletin board inside the classroom. It is the board that has ideas written on sentence strips protruding from the board.

The first assignment is for you to create a brainstorm list of ideas that you would like to research and develop. Please keep in mind that you are not doing this just for show or a grade (which you will receive) but for your idea to become a reality. For example, if you wanted to create an invention for senior citizens or for students in school that would make life easier, cost effective and save time your purpose would be to sell the idea to Bill Gates or the Apple Company. You must think with the end in mind. As you begin to brainstorm, have someone and/or some place where you know your idea will be considered or possibly bought. Trust me it can happen! You just have to know where to search and who to send it to if you cannot reach the top person in charge. Do not lose hope, it will eventually make its way to the top.

Please take this assignment seriously. After you have found out what you want to research, your purpose for this interest and who it will be sent to (it must be a legitimate address), then you will have to write a proposal letter including the information I just stated.

The first portion will be a graphic organizer web with the PBL interest in the middle and the ideas that branch out of it. This is due October 29, 2012.

The second portion will be the proposal letter. The letter will be due the following Monday, November 5, 2012

Class 421 and 401

Walter Dean Myers Book Clubs

1. Please take out your library cards because all of you will need to take out a WDM book from the library. I already have the reading support questions for this assignment prepared. Please note that you CANNOT use any of the assigned book club or in class WDM readings for your second book review that is due on November 5, 2012. You are required to read a play. The outline will be given to you sometime this week. This reading will be done independently at home unless I tell you to bring it to school. I will provide you with a list of students who will be reading certain WDM books.

Class 421 and 401

2. To continue our exploration of stereotypes you will write a poem about the negative stereotypes associated with your culture.

Your poem only needs to be two stanzas and four or more lines in each stanza. Please keep it somewhat short but it should not be too short.

The first stanza should have a creative way to describe the negative stereotypes said about your culture.

The second stanza should have a creative way to describe how you are above these negative stereotypes, how you or people you know have overcome these stereotypes (i.e. Martin Luther King Jr.), and/or how your life experiences does not fit the negative "label" society has placed on your ethnicity.

Lastly, there should be a "catchy" creative title and it should be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and since it is a poem it does not need to be double spaced unless you feel that it adds to the interpretation of the poem!

I will show you a sample of the poem before Friday.

As always if you have any questions, please email me Monday through Friday before 7 pm.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.22.12

Hello All,

In the previous homework, I asked you to answer questions based on the stereotypes associated with your race. Since I will be starting Fontas and Pinnell Reading Assessments this week, you delve a little deeper into the study of stereotypes and its relation to characterization. Instead of writing an essay for this project based homework, you will do research online and brief interviews from family members. Although I will be approaching this assignment differently for classes 421 and 401, the research will be for both classes.

Please do the following:
  • Think about your race and ethnic background. What stereotypes or "labels" are associated with your culture?
  • Visit the following website to find out more:
  • http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-racial-stereotypes.php (print this for class on Monday)
  • Type into the search engine your race or ethnic background and print out the stereotypes associated with your specific race. For example you would type, "negative stereotypes of Filipinos" or "negative stereotypes of African Americans".  Please be very specific in your search especially if you are from a particular country or island. Print the website that offers a lot of information about the stereotypes of your race. You will only need one article to bring to class in addition to the TOP 10 racial stereotypes.
  • Ask your family about the negative stereotypes of your race and culture.
Once you have printed the TWO articles, underline/highlight and mark with a check mark the statements you already knew about the stereotypes of your race, mark with an "I" what you find interesting and lastly mark with an "M" those statements you would like to know more about.

Word Wall Word due 10.19. 12

Book Review due 10.22.12. You must use the outline I provided in class.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.15.12

Hello All,

I would like to point out that you must make sure that your PBH is printed and inside the mailbox the day it is due. Please don't give me excuses on the due date why you don't have it. I made it clear on day one that if you don't have a printer, it's out of ink or not working to go to a library, come upstairs during lunch (only days before it is due) or go to a friends home who has a working printer. That is why I say do not wait until the last minute. It is good for those of you who you save it on your flashdrive and send it to your email because now you have back ups. However, it must be printed and inside the mailbox. Make sure you check your flash drive to make sure you have saved it correctly. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!!!! The only acceptable excuse is if you are sick and it is accompanied by a doctor's note stating why you were absent.

To prepare you for what I will be teaching next week, both classes will answer the same questions in essay format, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced and proper heading.

In connection to "Thinking outside the Box" with Walter Dean Myers literature, please answer the following questions using three details from prior knowledge as supporting evidence for your claims.

1. What are the stereotypes associated with your race?

2. Where do you think these stereotypes originated or came from? Explain why. Please think outside the box.

3. Do you believe that everyone in your race fits under this stereotype category? Explain why.

4. Why do you think these stereotypes still exist today?

421 - Journal response due tomorrow, 10.10.12. You copied the question from the SMART board so answer it in essay format.

421 and 401
  • Open book test on "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" this Friday, 10.12.12.
  • Word Wall - Vocabulary word of your choice from your independent reading book is due on 10.19.12. Please complete and take one graphic organizer I showed you in class.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.9.12

Hello All,

This homework assignment will be different for each class. Only do what your class number tells you to do.

A. Class 8-421, please do the following...

To continue our exploration of Walter Dean Myers, in a full, typed, 12 font, Times New Romans, doubled spaced essay, you will explain the following questions using your prior knowledge and personal experience:

I. How does culture and environment (in which you live) influence who you are as an individual? Basically, think about how you were raised, your culture, close family and friends, school, religion, neighborhood, etc. has shaped you into the person you are today. Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.

II. How does culture and environment influence what author's write about? Think about what books you have read in the past and what evidence of cultures (i.e. Hispanic/African American) and the environment (i.e. discrimination, stereotypes) are described in the books of your favorite author(s). Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.

III. How does culture and environment influence the media in terms of what is produced in magazines, billboards, television, movies, the web, newspapers, your community,etc.? Think about how some of what you see around you (violence, discrimination, cultural stereotypes, etc.) is reflected in the media and entertainment. Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.
This essay must include an engaging introduction and a strong and clever conclusion.

B. Class 8-401, please do the following...

To continue our exploration Walter Dean Myers, in a full, typed, 12 font, Times New Romans, doubled spaced essay, you will explain the following questions using your prior knowledge and personal experience:

1. Choose a movie, sitcom or television series you watch on a regular basis.

2. Identify the main character and list the character traits of that character.

3. Explain how the writer of the movie, sitcom or television series reveals direct and/or indirect characterization through the personality and qualities of the character. Include in your essay 3 specific examples from the movie, sitcom or television series.

8-401 Hint: Each number above should be treated as a paragraph.

C. For both classes 8-421 and 8-401, read below...

Book Review # 1 will be due 10.22.12. The focus will be on characterization and the outline will be handed to you this week. Please do not wait until the last minute my book review outlines are NO JOKE!!!

Word Wall Vocabulary # 1 will be due on 10.19.12. Please follow the format that is on the classroom word wall.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me M-F before 7 p.m.