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Monday, October 9, 2017

Socratic Seminar Student Generated TPQs - Class of 2018 - Due every Saturday by 7pm

Hello All,

Please reread the requirements and criteria for how to post Socratic Seminar TPQs.

PosONE  thought provoking open-ended question based on the text emailed to you by your Socratic Seminar leaders.

Make sure that your first and last name, class, and title of text you're responding to is posted with your thought provoking open-ended question.

Happy Blogging,

Ms. N

Friday, April 21, 2017

April ePoints - All 8th Grade Classes

Hello All,

If you want to boost your grade, please do the following:

All 8th Grade Seniors (408, 419, 420, 421, 422) - MP4 ONLY:
Redo all assignments, tests, projects that you received a 2 and below on. Please note that if there are one or more + signs next to your 2 score it still is considered a 2.

This offer expires on Friday, April 28, 2017 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time.

Meet your academic goals and celebrate in June!

Sounds like a plan to me!

Ms. N

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Book Club Roundtables Assessor's Experience Evaluation Q&A Form - March 10, 2017

Directions: Please answer the following questions by providing feedback about your experience as a book club roundtable evaluator.

1. List three things you learned from this experience:

2. Write two suggestions for improvement that you have for our future book club roundtable assessments (for teacher, students or both):

3. Write down one book recommendation for our next cycle of book clubs:

Thank you parents, teachers and administrators for your feedback!

Hope to see you at our next cycle of book club roundtable assessments at The Reading Cafe!

Happy reading!

Ms. N 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Socratic Seminar Student Generated Thought Provoking Questions - 8-421 Class of 2017 Due every Saturday by 7pm

Hello All,

Please read the requirements and criteria for Socratic Seminar on JupiterEd and then post ONE  thought provoking open-ended question based on the text provided by your Socratic Seminar leaders.

Make sure that your name, class and the title of text you're responding to is posted along with your thought provoking open-ended question.

Use the reference sheet and follow the steps on How to Post a Thought Provoking Question on the Blog Spot. Or, please visit JupiterEd to access and open the MS Word document step-by-step procedure to post on the blog spot.

Happy Posting,

Ms. N

Socratic Seminar Student Generated Thought Provoking Questions - 8-408 Class of 2017 Due every Saturday by 7pm.

Hello All,

Please read the requirements and criteria for Socratic Seminar on JupiterEd and then post ONE  thought provoking open-ended question based on the text provided by your Socratic Seminar leaders.

Make sure that your name, class and the title of text you're responding to is posted along with your thought provoking open-ended question.

Use the reference sheet and follow the steps on "How to Post a Thought Provoking Question on the Blog Spot". Or, please visit JupiterEd to access and open the MS Word document step-by-step procedure to post on the blog spot.

Happy Posting,

Ms. N

March ePoints - all 8th Grade Classes

Hello All,

If you want to boost your grade, please do the following:

All 8th Grade Seniors (408, 419, 420, 421, 422) - MP4 ONLY:
Redo all assignments, tests, projects that you received a 2 and below on. Please note that if there are one or more + signs next to your 2 score it still is considered a 2.

Classes 8-408 & 8-421 ONLY:
You can choose one assignment to redo from MP3, however, it will be counted towards your MP4 grade.

This offer expires on Friday, March 31, 2017 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time.

Meet your academic goals and celebrate in June!

Sounds like a plan to me!

Ms. N

Thursday, February 2, 2017

February ePoints - All 8th Grade Classes

Hello All,
Thanks to those of you who participated in January's ePoints to support 422's food drive. Not only did you receive extra points towards your grades but most importantly you helped others.
February's ePoints are as follows:
We need to create a menu of educational resources students can use to help them have fun while learning. Think about those moments at school when your done with your work and need something extra to do...and not get into trouble. Especially something that is not assigned from the text or workbook.
Research the following:
Find the TOP THREE fun and educational websites students can access at school in the following subject areas: math, ela, science, social studies, health/physEd, music, art.
Select three subjects, list the top three websites under each one, and write a short blurb (one sentence) for each one.
Please note that these websites must be:
***educational and supports what you are currently learning in class
***websites that you have visited yourself
***age appropriate
ePoints: 10 points
Post this assignment at missnatthereadingcafe.blogspot.com beginning today until the due date. Make sure to write your full name and class so that I can give you credit.
This offer expires on Friday, February 17, 2017 at 7pm.
Ms. N

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January ePoints - All 8th Grade Classes

Hello All,
Do you want to earn 15 extra credit points? Please bring in THREE canned goods to support class 8-422's food drive. Trust me your grades will jump up positively!
Examples of canned goods:
***canned vegetables
***canned fruit
***canned meat
Just make sure to continue asking for help or seeking tutoring at school or in your neighborhood if you want to see your grades stay in the positive.
Ms. N
1/23 11:25am
Ms. Nicholson
Canned goods are due 1.24.17. This extra credit offer is only good on Tuesday, January 24, 2017. After that date the offer expires and is no longer valid.
Ms. N