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Thursday, September 27, 2012

SAT Vocabulary Words Friday's Quiz 9.28.12

8th Grade SAT Vocabulary Words to Know for Friday's Quiz:


Words in context 421 missed:

Brandish - to wave or flourish (a weapon) menancingly; to wave in a threatening way.
Sentence: Although the criminal did not shoot, he was brandishing a semi-automatic gun in the air in order to scare the victims inside the bank.

Arduously: extremely difficult
Sentence: Janet worked arduously to complete her chemistry project. Although she was not good in science she still was determined to pass the class and graduate high school.

Profusely: pouring forth liberally; abundanlty; a lot
Sentence: After exercising on a very hot day, Mark was sweating profusely through his T-shirt that people thought that he was swimming in a pool all day.

Please bring in your most valued and prized possession tomorrow. :)

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