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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PBH Due 3.19.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1.) Class 8-421 read all of  Part Two of Fahrenheit 451 and answer the following questions in clear and neat handwriting on loose leaf:
  • What illusions and reality are the characters facing? Why? Provide three pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer. DUE TUESDAY!!
1a.) This is what the representative from iKids inventions website said: "We would be very happy to showcase your students’ work on the iKids site. Would that be possible? Interested students could provide us with a brief one paragraph bio and a description of their invention (including inspiration, process, challenges, etc.), along with photos of drawings of the invention, the invention, or examples of how the invention works. Videos are welcome. With students, to protect privacy, we will only use first names and the name of the state."

Please note that they need this by the end of March. It is due Friday, March 22, 2013. Check the blogspot for updates.

1c.) Most importantly, please complete the AP English Writing essay that you began in class on Friday. It must be typed 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced, numbered pages with your last name on the top right hand corner (i.e. Nicholson 1) and block style heading. DUE MONDAY!!!

2.) Class 8-401
read "The Small Assassin" from The Vintage Collection of Ray Bradbury. Please answer the following question:
  • How is the small assassin similar and not similar to Stewie from Family Guy? Provide three pieces of evidence from the story and one of Family Guy's episodes to support your answer.
CPR training by Molloy College will be on March 22, 2013. The last day to sign up is on March 15, 2013. Please hand in your permission slip along with $27.50 in cash or money order on March 20, 2013. You must have exact change if you are bringing cash.

If you have any questions, please email thereadingcafe@aol.com or for other subjects call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380.

Miss. N

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