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Thursday, May 23, 2013

PBH Due 5.31.13

Hello All,

As I mentioned to you all, there is NO WORK due on Monday because it is a holiday. All work that you submit will be for the Holocaust final project. Whatever you choose to submit from the final task sheet I gave you over three weeks ago, must be handed in on May 31, 2013.

Ms. Stern is visiting our classroom as a Holocaust representative for her grandmother. You must have one or two questions ready to ask during the interview. This will help you for your final project. She may visit either Tuesday or Wednesday so please be ready! 

All Student Release Forms and Donors Choose permission slips (8-421 only) must be handed in. This is not a choice, I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!

For being responsible, I am granting all students extra points for handing it in. If you know you didn't hand it in please do so expeditiously.

May 31, 2013 will be our celebration! Please bring the food/beverages you signed up for to contribute to our menu. on Friday. In order to participate you need to have your poem or your poetry portfolio to read. Class 8-401 the list will be discussed on Friday, 5.24.13. Please bring more than enough to feed over 40 people. Any questions, will be discussed in class.

For the next several days your class time will be dedicated to the Holocaust final project. Bring your supplies to class.

Email thereadingcafe@aol.com if you have any questions or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Miss. N

Monday, May 13, 2013

PBH Due 5.20.13

Hello All,

Both classes, please do the following:

I. Research and write four examples of discriminatory practices against your race in the United States. Explain why it happened and how it is affecting your ethnicity today? How is it similar or not to how Jews were treated during the Holocaust?

II. Make sure to go to the library to select a Holocaust fiction book of your choice for in class independent reading if you have not done so already. There are still some students who do not have their books for their book group. I posted the Holocaust Fiction books web links two weeks ago but I will post it again for your benefit.
III. Reread the final task and think about what you would like to focus your end of unit project on. If you are interested in creating a Holocaust poetry portfolio, the outline will be given to you this week.
Bring in your trip permission slip by Friday of this week. Read what you need to bring for this community service trip. The trip is tentatively set for Monday, May 20, 2013.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Miss. N

Monday, May 6, 2013

PBH Due 5.13.13 and Other Due Dates


Please do the following:

421: I am entrusting you with the decision to create your own book groups based on the Holocaust book list I provided online. Please keep your reading level in mind. If you're not sure if the book is on your level use the 5 finger rule for selecting a "Just Right" book. Select a Holocaust nonfiction and fiction book using the links on the previous blog. You must have this book by Friday. Go to your nearest library and check www.queenslibrary.org. to find the locations that have your book. Due 5.10.13. Read the blurbs provided on the sites to make the selections that you will enjoy!

401: Select one fiction Holocaust book from the links I provided in class. If you are not able to go online, use the school's lab, visit the library by asking your parents first, come during lunch to room 421 and I believe some of you can access it using your cell phones. NO EXCUSES!

Both Classes:
SAT Vocab test this Friday. Words to know (insight, elicit, bereft, renege, eminence, pugnacity, ethnocentrism)
Short Answer Test using the TEC Method this Thursday, 5.9.13 - 421 only
Short Answer Test using the TEC Method next Monday, 5.13.13- 401 only
Word Wall Due 5.20.13
Holocaust Book Review Due 5.20.13
Final Holocaust Project Due 5.27.13
Begin thinking about your Holocaust Project and begin working on it now by brainstorming ideas.
Return the Video Permission Slip that I will give you this week. Must be returned on Friday.

Other Reminders
Please return all of your Bradbury Short Story books by the end of this week. - 401 only
All PLHH passes that you may be HOLDING HOSTAGE, please return it by the end of this week. I am missing MANY! - 421 only

Email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com if you have any questions or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas.

Miss. N