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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Revised PBH for the week of 9.23.13 - 10.7.13


As mentioned in class, please read the following:

  • Top 10 favorite quotes due 9.23.13 (please scroll down to see the format)
  • Word Wall due 9.30.13 (Sorry, I'd rather keep it for this day instead of the 7th)
  • Crazy Fan Celebrity Dating Characterization Home Video due 9.30.13
  • Book Review # 1 is due 10.7.13
  • Reading Response Blog due 10.7.13 no later than 7pm
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F no later than 7 pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas M-F 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, September 16, 2013

PBH Due 9.23.13

Hello All,

For those of you who completed your first project based homework...Congrats! As I said you will notice how your homework is essential for understanding what I do inside the classroom. You will need it to complete most of your assignments.
I hope visiting this website will become a habit for all of you as the weeks and months progress. As mentioned, if you have not given in all of your supplies you may hand them in no later than Wednesday. You must be prepared for my class by having all of your supplies ready.

Please take note that your assignments will vary at times. There will be moments when I give 421 a different assignment from 419 and there will be times when it will be the same.

Assignment # 1 - Student Generated List of Favorite Quotes - Create a list of 10 of your most favorite quotes by famous and/or non famous people. These quotes must be a range of being funny, inspiring, motivational, having a serious tone, cultural, educational, about personalities, philosophical, etc. You can research it online and make note of the website you retrieved your information and the author of the quote (first/last name). For example,
Quote - "...that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong...,"  -- King Solomon
Source -  http://biblehub.com/ecclesiastes/9-11.htm.
 You are allowed to write your own original quote but ONLY ONE!

Assignment# 2 - Reading Skill Focus: Characterization

In order to prepare you for our upcoming unit, there are a few reading and writing skills you will have to brush up on. Therefore, for your next assignment please read the following:

Next week we will be discussing the author's use of characterization or character traits in literature. You will create a crazy fan celebrity dating ad home video trying to convince the celebrity of your dreams to choose you over someone else. Your video must include:

  1. Creativity - You can use music in the background, create your own persuasive lyrics, write a poem to the person of interest, use sound effects, create a setting, etc.
  2. You must identify who the celebrity is that you are interested in (i.e. Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber)
  3. Provide a list of reasons why you should be their number one choice
  4. Be yourself - you must allow your personality to shine through in order to be convincing and unique.
  5. Equipment - you may use your phone, iPad, camcorder, computer camera or any other device that will record your presentation.
  6. Time Limitations - your video must be 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 minutes long.
  7. Presentation - presentation and professionalism is everything. Please make sure that you check and double check that your home video is saved correctly on your flash drive. Also remember to bring it to school to show the class on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
  8. Reminder - If you haven't purchased a flash drive as yet, I suggest you do it rather quickly. All video recordings MUST BE SAVED ON YOUR FLASH DRIVE!
 All presentations are due on Monday! There are absolutely no excuses!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Do not email me on the weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Take Care!

Miss. Nicholson


  1. SAT Vocabulary Quiz 9.27.13
  2. Book Review # 1 Due 9.30.13

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PBH Due 9.16.13 (other dates too)

Hello All,

Once again, welcome back! For some reason, the BlogSpot did not allow me to post on Monday while at school. However, please take note of the following and make sure to BRING these items in on the highlighted dates:

Due 9.16.13 - Monday
  • Welcome back packet from Miss. Nicholson to you and your parents. This packet contains English and Spanish versions of my letter, the queens library card application as well as other documents to be signed and handed in.
  • 9/11 Poem about being able to triumph over tragedy. Please make sure that you incorporate literary devices to explain and describe tragedy and triumph as well as use images and/or cut out words that provides a visual explanation of your poem. - Class 421 ONLY!
  • Complete your personality poster using images and/or words that describes who you are as a person.
  • ALL supplies must be handed in on Monday.
    ·         1 ½  inch hard cover binder / 2 packs of loose leaf/ 1 pack of dividers/ 3 packs of sheet protectors/ 1 pack of hole reinforcement labels for loose leaf/ 1 marble notebook/ 1 expanding file folder
    ·         1 folder with pockets (High School Folder)/ 4GB or 8GB flash drive (mandatory)/ A pack of multi-colored pens/ library card (mandatory)
Due 9.12.13 - Thursday
  • old newspapers and/or magazines of images you don't mind cutting out for your personal portrait.
  • positive Google images that represent who you are as a person/individual
  • Inspiring, hopeful and motivating images about September 11th.

Due 9.13.13 - Friday
  • Summer Reading Report
  • Emergency Blue Cards
  • School papers to be signed by your parents (i.e. giving permission for neighborhood walks, video recording, photographs)
  • Bring in old newspapers and/or magazines that you don't mind cutting up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Do not email me on the weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Take Care!

Miss. Nicholson