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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PBH Due 3.3.14

Hello All,

The following is due:

1. Movie Book Review (I took the liberty of reposting the previous blog info about the movie/book review to this blog)

Movie/Book Review - Due March 3, 2014 (Please note that the focus question was changed)

We are still exploring the refugee experience, and, although we have taken a little break from reading the novel, we have not taken a break analyzing the impact of war within a society. What you will explore and analyze is: what is the importance of family when  war happens to divide it? First you must have a "working definition" of what a family and war is. This must be in the body paragraphs including evidence from both the text and the movie. The movies you can select from below are as follows:
1.) Life Is Beautiful (Highly Recommended) French movie with English subtitles. Mr. Sillman said that the full movie is on YouTube.
2.) The Pianist
3.) The Devil's Arithmetic
4.) The Hiding Place

Check your local library for these movies, YouTube or Netflix! Happy watching and reading!
Please follow the outline below:

Introduction Paragraph:
Hook (thought-provoking question, anecdote, quote, etc.)
Filler (3 sentences) Explain the quote you used without giving away too much information. Please do not start off your explanation with, "this quote means..." or "I think this quote is trying to say..." or any other cheesy and unprofessional sentence starters. Just say what you have to say without having to introduce that you are going to say it.
Thesis/Focus Statement (what you are proving and three supporting examples à one sentence)
Body Paragraph # 1 (Focus on the importance of family in both the movie and novel):
Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1 (word for word from movie)
 Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2 (word for word from movie)
Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3 (word for word from movie)
Explanation of evidence 3

Body Paragraph # 2 (Focus on the importance of community in both the movie and novel):

Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 3


Conclusion Paragraph:
Restatement of Thesis/Focus Statement
Restatement of Body Paragraph Topic Sentences
Thoughtful statement to leave the reader thinking (Clincher)

2. Word Wall (this must be an unfamiliar word that comes from either the movie you selected, your independent book or the novel)

That's all...for now! : )

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!


A. If you have not yet done the following, you still have an opportunity to submit the 2.3.14 Word Wall Word and post a reading blog and a response to one person by 7 pm Monday night. Don't miss this opportunity! I AM ONLY ACCEPTING THIS. ABSOLUTELY NO ESSAYS!
B. You still have one last time to submit a rubric for bonus points on Monday.

C. Here is another opportunity to earn bonus points. Go to google images and print one profound scene from the movie you watched that best illustrates the focus question above. Please REMEMBER TO COPY AND PASTE THE SCENE TO MS WORD AND THEN SHRINK THE IMAGE TO APPROXIMATELY 3 X 5 (this is about index card size). YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE FULL BONUS POINTS.

If you have any questions, email thereadingcafe@aol.com by 7pm M-F, or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm for other subject areas.

Miss. N

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