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Monday, February 3, 2014

PBH Due 2.10.14 (other dates too!)


Please do the following:

I. Pre-College Research Article Debate - The Impact of the Vietnam War

Research THREE articles that counterclaim (go against) your thesis statement.  Basically, if you decided that the war was justifiable (there were good reasons to go to war) then you need to find articles that discuss in depth and detail about how it was not good to go to war. If you choose that the war was not justifiable (there were NO good reasons to go to war) then you need to research articles that discuss in depth and detail about how it was good to go to war.

The point of finding articles that are the opposite of the claim you stated in your thesis statement, is so that you will be ready to argue and prove, intellectually, why the claim your opponent (enemy) states is wrong or in error. Basically, your mind must think like your enemy. You must ask yourself the question, "what would my enemy say against me, to prove me wrong, based on the evidence I have?"

Be prepared! Be 10 steps ahead of your enemy but don't let them know that you know. You know :).

Please note that you may not be able research the articles until I teach you how to craft a thesis statement. That will happen this week prior to the review and the test. Also, please understand that it is ok to change your position (claim), later on, if you find other compelling evidence that has persuaded you to think differently. However, your evidence must be strong, accurate, well-thought out and compelling.


For additional historical information, please use Smith, Rodler, online video sources, etc.

II. Community Service Points Opportunity

If you missed out on bringing in soup cans last Friday, please bring in Box Tops to help raise money for the school by Friday, February 14, 2014.

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

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