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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PBH Due 2.4.14

Hello All,

Please do the following:

Word Wall Word - Due 2.4.14

This must be an unfamiliar word that came from the movie you have or will watch, your independent reading book or what you read in the novel.

The Reading Café Blogging - Due 2.4.14 by 7pm (Respond to ONE PERSON ONLY!)

Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

Movie/Book Review - Due 2.4.14 (Please come with it printed and ready to be peer reviewed)

For this book review, you will write a review about a movie that you have watched or will watch. The movie must, however, be connected to Ha's refugee experience. The focus question is: How do the events in this movie compare to the refugee experience that Ha and her family is dealing with?

Introductory Paragraph - The first sentence must begin with a quote that represents the central or universal theme of being a refugee or being away from home or something you cherish/love. The next three sentences should briefly explain the quote without giving out too much information. The last sentence should briefly explain what you are going to prove about the theme you found that is connected to Ha's refugee experience and

Body Paragraph - Must have a focus topic sentence restating the question, three details from the movie (must be the exact words the characters say in the movie) and NO you don't need to cite page numbers for a movie. However, you will need to cite page numbers when you make connections in your explanations about the connections that the movie and Ha share. Lastly, and an explanation after each evidence explaining how the movie connects to Ha's experience.

Conclusion - In two sentences, summarize how both the movie and book share a similar central/universal theme (i.e. fleeing home, finding a home, losing something you cherish or love). In one sentence, explain what you believe the movie director and author are trying to teach you about themes both of these share.

Suggested Movies

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
I heard that this movie is on Netflix. : )

Catfish in Black Bean Sauce, Chi Moui Lo, 119 minutes
Dwayne and his older sister Mai are adults: Mai is married to Vinh, Dwayne is about to propose to Nina. Twentytwo years ago, when Mai was 10, she and Dwayne were refugees in Vietnam, adopted by Harold and Dee Williams, AfricanAmericans from Los Angeles. When Mai locates their birth mother, Thahn, and she arrives in Los Angeles, tensions reach the breaking point.

A Family Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story, Christopher Leitch, 90 minutes
This film is based on the true story of the fiveyearold Cuban boy who is the sole survivor of a refugee boat that sunk in a storm on its way to the U.S.

War Child (2008) Christian Karim Chrobog, 94 minutes The film documents the story of Emmanuel Jal, a former child soldier of Sudan’s civil war. He is now an emerging international hip hop star sharing a message of peace for his wartorn land and beloved Africa.


Vocabulary Test - Next Friday, February 7th 2014. On Thursday, February 6th there will be a Vocab Basketball Review Game. You must study the definitions, spelling of the words that you have not been tested on as yet as well as the antonyms.

Words to know: ebullient, pretentious, superfluous, abdicate, expound, perpetuate, astute, renege, nuance, humanitarian, elite, ration, and paucity.

Antonyms: As for now, study all of the them!


FYI: Next week we will begin collecting and analyzing data for the debate, therefore, please have your articles ready. I know that some of you have already handed in your research articles. However, some have not. You will be left out and a bit confused if you don't have it with you. By now, you should have 4 articles.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Continue to look for updates on the BlogSpot.

Miss. N


  1. Question:Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.
    Response:"Maybe sometimes you have to live for the better".
    Ha and her family had to live home and in the movie i saw
    the two twins and their family had to flee their home.Ha's family left
    because they didn't have safety in their country any more, and in
    the movie the twins and their parents had to flee their home for
    protection,almost the same as Ha.The twins had to live their home,their
    parents had to quite their jobs and live their friends, and Ha had
    to live her papaya tree,her home her friends.But Ha's family and the
    twins and their parents are going to have more opportunities,learn new things and meet new friends.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. your write keyla because you have to do what happens to you in life.

  2. Quote: "Where we love is home-home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."-Oliver Wendell Holmes
    In the novel Ha must leave her home because the war was getting dangerous. It was a hard decision considering she had to leave her things, even her papaya tree. She did not want to leave her memories. In the movie " The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" Bruno must also leave home because of his father. His father was a soldier and had gotten a promotion. They had to go to the country side. It was hard for Bruno to leave his friends and memories of his old house. Which he say, "...this is the best house ever." It was hard in his new home because right in his backyard there were Jews. At that time the Jews were not liked. Bruno's mom didn't want this life for him, he was too young. Ha's mother also didn't want her daughter to live this way with the war going on. It just made her sad.

    1. Kimberlyn really nice! I also watch that movie you talked about. I like how you gave the information from the begging middle and a little of the end. Nice job.

    2. Kimberly its really nice. i watched the same movie. It was so sad

    3. Kimberly I think that you did a great job with this blog. I also watched the same movie, and agree with what you have to say.

    4. Kimberly I like how you described events that Ha and Bruno went through. I watched this movie as well and it was sad.

    5. Kimberly, I really like the point of view you gave out by connecting them with the movie you watched and the book. I really like your blogging because it shows you really saw the movie and pay attention for the important parts that could be connected to Ha. I have also watch this movie and I agree with what you wrote.

  3. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships for the fleeing and finding home.
    Response: " The first hot bite of freshly cooked rice, plump and nutty, makes me imagine the taste of rip papaya although one has nothing to do with the other" Ha is experiencing many things. She is suffering in many ways; Hunger and Embarrassment. " The first hot bite of freshly cooked rice, plumb and nutty, makes me imagine the taste of rip papaya although one has nothing to do with the other"(p.78) Ha is suffering from thirst and hunger, but she wants to be hopeful. As soon as she experience a small comfort her mind goes right to the papaya... even though rice and papaya have nothing to do with each other, like she says. Also " Brother Khoi gets to monitor lines for the bathrooms, where bottoms stick out to the sea behind blanks blowing stick out to the sea behind blanks blowing in the wind."(p.80) Ha is no longer only suffering/ she is embarrass, she is suffering base on she needs to go to the restroom. As soon as she experience this, she felt embarrassed of every-one looking at her doing her demanding release. Lastly " The commander ays, Thailand is much farther on one engine. It was risky to take the river route."(p.87) Ha is know suffering because they only had food for three weeks hoping they would be in Thailand soon now that they only have one engine and it would take them longer to get to Thailand; This tells that Ha is starving. All this horrible experiences that Ha face is connected to a movie" The Boy in the Striped pajamas." This story is base on a boy and their family that had to live because of war they wanted to go to a better place. The boy didn't want to live his country to go to a new one and live all his friends behind. Soon as they settle to the new county and new home The boy's dad was a military man who worked to hard to make his country become more save. Then his mom wasn't so comfortable living there she thought that her children shouldn't live their childhood like that. The boy experienced how was like to be with farmers and how they worked. The boy felt alone and went to an adventure and found a boy how was like a prisoner they both became friends the boy looked so bad clothed, hydrated and with hunger. The boy always went to him with food after he had eat the boy gave his friend food to eat. At the end of the movie the boy die with his friend trying to help him find his dad. This connects with Ha experience of facing loss, Hunger and Embarrassment. By Pricilla Rosa 8-419

    1. Pricilla I like how you gave gave evidence from your novel that was very nice of you.But next time make sure that you give a quote like the question said.

    2. Pricilla I like the way you have connections with Ha and the movie that makes it more better to understand how they are related to each other. And I also liked the quote you have it makes it better and goes with your work.

    3. Pricilla I like how you explain your evidence and after you gave evidence you also gave the page number. Nice job :)

    4. Pricilla, I watched that movie, too! It made me cry till the end. You gave good examples on how Ha and Bruno faced the challenges of being a refugee. I like the way you gave exact quotes from the book to support your answer.

      Rebecca Chen 8-421

  4. Question:Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.
    Cindy Sanchez 8-419
    Response:"It's not easy to start over in a new place,' he said. 'Exile is not for everyone. Someone has to stay behind, to receive the letters and greet family members when they come back.”
    ― Edwidge Danticat, Brother, I'm Dying
    Ha and her family had to lieve home because of the war, In the movie that I saw "The boy in striped Pyjamas" the boy had to flee their homes, because of what was happening around the"re land. its not easy leaving somewhere that there is no safety that there is war everyday. That's why a lot of people might flee in this world right now because of the war that are happening around where we are leaving right. It may only not be for war but also for education, all of our parents want a good safe education so we go to different places to get a better life, better educations and different things that are better for us. that is why the boy in striped pyjamas and ha family had to flee they're home because of a lot of things that were happening around they're land. It is very hard to lieve behind things that you use to see every single day you woke up like the papaya tree. It is never easy to start a new life in a different place that you didn't live or didn't know, you dont know the life at that country so it is going to be hard for you to settle and get to know the country so that you could live.

    1. Cindy great Job I love the way you wrote everything in a very organize way and I love how you explain your quote and answered the question.... Continue the great job!

  5. Question:Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class? "For some people its easy to live in a place they never been before? I seen this movie called "The boy in Striped Pajamas" Ha left Vietnam because there is war. Bruno is a kid in the movie about ha age he had to settle into a new place because he father had a promotion for a better job so Bruno had to say bye to his friends. Ha had to say bye to her papaya tree. They both had similarities of resettling.

    By:Ahmed Almulaiki 8-419

    1. Ahmed, you have to add more details to your explanation. Next time, use more details from the movie and the novel.
      Reply By: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. good job but next time show more details in explain your work and add a quote
      By Brandoth Lopez m 8-419

  6. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.
    -Trystan Gardner, 8-421


    Quote: "“We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile,”
    -Ariel Dorfman
    In the novel, Ha has to flee her home with her family because of the danger in her country. The country of Saigon has become war country and now Ha has to adjust to her new home in Alabama. She has now become a refugee. She didn't want to leave Saigon only because she has some of her most prized possesions there but the decision was made by her mother. Her mother was just protecting her children from getting hurt. In the movie, The Boy and the Striped Pajamas, Bruno (the main character) must also leave his homeland because of the promotion his father had gotten. His father was a soldier.They "fleed" to the countryside. They really didn't even flee, they moved. Of course Bruno didn't want to go mostly for the reasons like he doesn't want to leave his friends behind, neither his memories, but had to. He had a hard time adjusting to his new home because of the Jewish person(s) in his backyard. Obviously, during that time period the Jews were disliked by many. Ha's mother and Bruno's mother both think alike when it comes to protecting their children because both moms didn't want their youngest children (or child that was a bit too young) to live in such a lifestyle. Bruno made friends in his new homeland, as did Ha. Ha made two new friends, while Bruno made a new friend.

    1. i agree but they didn't leave the "fatherland" they just had to move out of Berlin because it was dangerous for them.

  7. “People floating like pollen in search of more fertile soil.”
    ― Andrew Crofts
    Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.
    Xavier Joza

    The movie "The boy with the striped pajamas" remind me of Ha and her Family because of how similar the boy Bruno (the main character in the movie) is like Ha (the main character in the book.) They are very similar because they both don't want to move from their homes because of friends and or possessions. How they both leave because of the their parents decisions and how they make friend(s) in their new neighborhood. The quote reminds me of both of them because it says how refugees/ regular people look for fertile soil or a better safer place.

    1. Your quote was very relating to what Ha and Bruno had experienced. But maybe you can explain tell a little bit more about what each of them were missing from home, like how Bruno missed his friends and Ha missed her papaya tree.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote: "Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard."
    -Dave Mustaine

    In the movie "The Boy with the Striped Pajamas" the main character, Bruno reminds me of the hardships of flee and finding home that Ha had experienced when she had to leave her home in Saigon to Alabama. Ha left behind her life back in Saigon, with her friends, her papaya tree, and her crowded and noisy streets. In the movie, Bruno also had to leave his home, in Berlin because it was getting unsafe there. Bruno had to leave behind all his friends back in Berlin and his old house. This quote reminds me of how Bruno and Ha had to leave their homes and had a hard time forgetting about their belongings, possessions, or friends back in their old home.

    By: David Zhou

    1. I agree,Bruno remains me of the hardships of fleeing and finding a home that Ha went through

    2. I liked how you talked about Ha and her memories with a the Papaya Tree and her times in Vietnam

  10. "Home is a place your feet may leave but your heart will alway be"

    The movie "the blind side" is about a boy. His name is mike and he was a boy with a talent but he didn't have a home until a woman helped him and changed his life by giving him an opportunity to change his life in a new home but he had to lave his old life back. This movie reflects to Ha's life because Ha had to leave home where she loved and left because of the wad and now she has the change to start a new life again in Alabama but even though she didn't want to leave and in the movie mike didn't wanna leave they had to make the decision to leave and be in a different way of life style.

    -Erica Loja

  11. Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    The movie "WAR CHILD" a boy whose name is Emmanuel Jal. He became a hip-hop star. This movie is similar to Ha "inside out and back again. Emmanuel Jal lots of things lost in war like Ha. Jal said "I saw my home burnt down, everything we had was lost".Maybe in the war someone bombed his house and he saw that. When he was eleven he started to listening to hip hop. He heard them tell about what had happened to them.He started getting better and better. Jal recorded an album called "Gua".Now he became hip hop star. I think Ha will be better person like Jal. In war he lost everything now he became hip hop star.In war ha lost everything i think she will be famous person.

    Sanjita Laky

  12. Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    The quote I choose is Home is where your grew up and even is it's destroyed u will always rember it"

    The movie I watched and wil talk about is HiT MAN this movie is about a guy staring with a little cousin and his mom. They suffered a lot they went three war and in the middle of that he lost the most important thing in his world which was his mom and cousin. HE ended up being kidnap and in the keepnappers shaved his head and drew a tatto in the back off his head he tryed escaping a few times put one day he made the best plan and promised himself that he would find his family.

    By:Kimberlin Liranzo

  13. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote: "“We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile,”
    -Ariel Dorfman

    Response : In the book, Ha and her family had to flee and move to Alabama and have a sponsor as stated in the poem “Alabama,” it says “…all without speaking English our entire family has a sponsor to Alabama.(109-110)” Ha and her family had a hard time fleeing like leaving behind certain things especially Ha since she is the youngest. Ha had to leave behind her friends, papaya tree, her doll that she gave up in the ship and faced many challenges in the ship like food, water etc. Additionally, finding a home was difficult and stressing for them as it seems. In the poem “Another Tent City,” it says “… then by chance Mother learns sponsors prefer those applications say Christians(108)”, which they thought they wouldn’t get a sponsor because of religion and also because of how the family is big and it doesn’t meet American standards. In the movie, “the Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” the quote is related to this because refugees are people who had fled because of some danger or problem but in this case the jews were the refugees who were taken from their country and were placed in Germany as prisoners in camps and Bruno had to leave his home to another part of Germany because his father had a promotion.
    By: Daisy Zhagui 8-421

    1. Your response is amazing. I like the quote that you used. It matches both the movie and the book. I also like how you cited where your information from the book came from. Great job!

      Maryanne Atocha

    2. This response is very good, it is very detailed
      By: Fardid Chowdhury

  14. Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote: I think I'm still chewing on my years as a foreign correspondent. I found myself covering catastrophes - war, uprising, famine, refugee crises - and witnessing how people were affected by dire situations. When I find a story from the past, I bring some of those lessons to bear on the narrative.

    The book "Inside Out and Back Again" and the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" have many connections with the quote I chose. They are similar because the book and the movie was both placed during war time. The book was placed during the Vietnam War and movie was during World War 2. Ha and her family had to flee Vietnam and they got on a boat to go to a place foreign to them. Bruno from the movie had to move to Berlin because his father a Nazi officer had been promoted and to take care of a business. Bruno met a boy named Shmuel he was a Jewish boy who was held in a farm with other Jewish people became friends with Bruno. Somebody found out and told him to stay away because they are different from them. Its a similar thing what was happening to Ha and the rest of Vietnam the communist want people to follow in what they believe will be good for them but the South did not agree and all this happened because of that.

    By: Fardid Chowdhury

    1. Fardid I think you did a excellent job and next time use evidence from the text and put the stanza, page #, and the poem name.

      -Chris Tapia 8-421

  15. Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    "The hardest part about leaving is knowing what you're leaving behind."

    The movie "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas" is about an eight year old boy named Bruno who moves from his home to a home near a concentration camp. Bruno is forbidden to go near the concentration camp but one day he goes anyways and meets another eight year old boy. The only problem is that the boy he meets is a Jew and they are not supposed to be friends. The boy he meets has been put in a concentration camp and lives under horrible conditions. Much like a refugee but a bit worse. How does this reflect the refugee experience you ask? Well Ha was forced to leave her home in Saigon and much like the boy Bruno meets was forced to leave his home. They also both hate their new lives. The boy lives in horrible conditions and even got beaten at one point in the movie. As for Ha she gets picked on and bullied at school and she is not very good at English therefore she suffers on a daily basis much like the boy. When Ha and the boy were forced to leave their homes they suffered even more knowing what they were leaving behind. Therefore the quote "The hardest part about leaving is knowing what you're leaving behind." connects to both the boy and the refugee experience that Ha is dealing with.

    Maryanne Atocha

    1. Maryanne, I think your quote is great. It does a great job at comparing the movie and the novel because they both have to do with leaving behind stuff.
      Micaela Montoya 8-421

  16. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote: "Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard."
    -Dave Mustaine

    The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" has many refugee like experiences that can compare to the novel "Inside Out and Back Again." In the movie, Bruno meets a Jewish prisoner who is a refugee that was taken away from his home to be put in the camp. He can be compared to Ha since she also had to leave her home due to the Vietnam War. Also, Bruno had to leave behind his home and his friends who he really loved to play with. He and his friends would pretend they were airplanes and they would run all around town. He had to leave all of this behind because his father got a promotion as a soldier. As for Ha, she had to leave behind even more things than Bruno. She left behind her home, her papaya tree, and she dropped her doll into the ocean to show respects for her brothers chick. One last way that this quote compares the movie and the novel is that both Bruno and Ha didn't want to move away from their homes. Ha really loves her home since her papaya tree is there and she was raised in Vietnam. Bruno had a really big house and his friends in Berlin always visit him. This quote by Dave Mustaine does a great job at comparing Ha's refugee situation with Bruno's moving experience.
    By Micaela Montoya 8-421

    1. It's really nice and I love your details!

    2. Well done! Very briefly explain with all the requirements, wish I can do the same as you, I cannot explain my claim without going to large chunk of details, so I like the way of your writing!
      By: Thahera Oyshi
      Class: 8-421

  17. Task: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Task Completed:

    “Sitting around miserable all day won't make you any happier.”
    ― John Boyne, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

    In the novel Ha is sad about how she has to move away from her home where she was raised and born in. She always thought of how she misses her Papaya tree. In the movie when Bruno left his old house/home he was sad because of what he has left in the other house and he was raised in as well but not for too long. Bruno has same felling like Ha because they both miss their old homes and what they have left in their old homes. Ha's was felling terrible because she was leaving her home and she only made it worse because she just kept thinking about it. As well Bruno was sad because he missed his old home and belongings that he left. In the book "Inside out and Back Again" in the poem "American chicken" (page 120) in stanzas 11-12 Ha says "Brother Quang forces a swallow before explaining we are used to fresh-killed chicken that roamed the yard snacking on grains and worms. Such meat grows tight in texture, smelling of meadows and tasting sweet." In this poem Ha is reminding herself of how her old home back in Vietnam was and how and what she ate. In conclusion Ha is related to this quote because she keep on reminding herself of how her old home was like Bruno also did.

    -Chris Tapia 8-421

  18. Question:

    Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.


    In the novel "Inside Out & Back Again" by author Thanha Lai we are up to the Part2 ("At Sea"). In this part of the novel Ha and her family had to depart from their home and are now traveling to another country to find a new home. There is a quote I know of that reminds me of this time that Ha and her family are going through said by, Mary Anne Radmacher she said "Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's that quiet voice at the end of the day saying' "I will try again tomorrow." In a sense I think that this quote also relates t a movie I've seen about a refugee experience. This movie was entitled, "The Croods". In this movie prehistoric family have to leave their home because of the breakage of Pangea (the Supercontinent). These people never stopped moving to find a new home. The characters in this movie were refugees and if they had given up and not look forward to tomorrow and hope they would have not made it to their new home. It takes a lot to find a new home both of these families express that difficulty. They had to figure out where their home was going to be and how they were going to get there. Both of these pieces are great examples of the refugee experience.

    By:Kiara Joseph

  19. Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    "Where we love is home-home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."-Oliver Wendell Holmes
    In the novel Ha and her family must flee their home in Vietnam in order to save their lives from Communist Vietnam. The days before they fled Vietnam they were taking what is most memorable item for them. In the documentary of Emanuel Jal, Jal is a former child soldier of the Sudan’s Brutal civil war. Jal fled home because after the war a woman saved him and took him in. In the documentary it showed Jal grew up far away from where he was born. But he grew up in the Refugee Camp like it was his own home, a place where he was born. When he finally grew up he became an International Hip Hop artist.

    1. While reading your responce I found it very detailed, informative, and enjoyable to read.

    2. I think that you explained how this is connected to Ha and her family extremely well. I also like how you decided to include the part with a happy ending just like how Ha and her family have a happy ending.

  20. Quetion: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Responce: “While every refugee's story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage: the courage not only to survive, but to persevere and rebuild their shattered lives." -Antonio Guterres
    While watching the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" I noticed that the main charecters such as Bruno and Shmuel had a deep connection with Ha since they were all refugees who had very similar problems but also faced it in many different ways. The quote that I have chosen above, I personaly think summarizes and relates to what Ha and the charecters in the movie felt. I strongly believe this due to the fact that Ha had to have courage and her life was definetly shattered after she had to leave her home, her best friend, and her beloved papaya tree. For example, on page 109-110 Ha states "A man comes who owns a stores...By the time she is done staring, blinking, wiping away tears, all without speaking English, our entire family has a sponser to Alabama", which means that her and her family had to suffer to find a sponser but her mom had courage to convince a man to sponser them, to help them heal their shattered lives. Also, in the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajama" there was a scene where Bruno was scared to get himself in trouble so he acuuses his friend Shmuel of stealing and the next time Bruno saw him, he was next to the gate with a black eye and blood dripping from his head. This demonstrates that Shmuel, the refugee, had to go through many traumatizing and bad things even when the enemies were lying which shattered his life but Shmuel still had the courage to make Bruno his friend again. Through ot the book and movie thay show the hardships of fleeing home and finding home by showing that it was difficult, forceful, and depressing because home is where you have memories and love.
    Manal Elbarhoumi 8-421

  21. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.
    "Where we love is home-home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts" Oliver Wendell Holmes once said. I absolutely agree with Holmes' statement, it's true no matter how far away we are from home, we can never forget the sweet memories, as well as the sad memories everyone shared, our cherished possessions, and important people in our lives that we left behind. This is why our hearts will never leave the place we call home; Ha's experiences are great to display the perfect meaning, for instance. In the novel (Inside Out and Back Again) Ha expresses her true feelings toward home, "...the rich go to flee Vietnam on cruise ship. I’m glad we've become poor so we can stay." From this I learned that Ha rather face danger than leave her home. Another evidence is,"...ration is now half clump of rice only at morning and night, and one cup of water all day." This explains the hardship Ha's family faced on the ship, which she never had to worry about before when her mom somehow managed to provide everything. And even when finding a home Ha's family were having difficulties getting a sponsor, as it was stated "...mother says a possible widow, three boys, and a pouty girl make too huge a family by American standards." Moreover the boy name Bruno in the movie (The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas) also had some issues about going to a new house. He also had to leave behind his cherished memories like Ha. the environment around his new House were very different from his old one. He had seen the horrifying scenes, the harsh way to treat people, which he was not used to, he couldn't make any friends, and even more. At length, I can confirm to highlight that comfort of home is not the same comfort elsewhere; this is why our hearts remains there, because we don't forget the things we can't, which drags us to those moments.
    By:Thahera Oyshi
    Class: 8-421

    1. Good job Thahera. I agree with your ideas and I found interesting that from the movie you can compare Ha's experiences to both Bruno's and Shmuel's experiences.

  22. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    "It's not easy to start over in a new place,' he said. 'Exile is not for everyone. Someone has to stay behind, to receive the letters and greet family members when they come back.”
    ― Edwidge Danticat

    Response: In the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is about a boy named Bruno who has to leave his home because of a war. His father is a soldier who just received a promotion and has to go live on the country side. In the novel "Inside Out and Back Again" Ha is forced to flee South Vietnam with her family because the war is becoming more dangerous. Ha and her family have to leave all of their belongings and only take of few things with them. In the movie, Bruno has to leave his home and his friends behind. Both Ha and Bruno have to start all over again once they reach their new home and they have to learn to adapt to their new environment when they get there.

  23. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote:"The exile is a singular, whereas refugees tend to be thought of in the mass ... What is implied in these nuances of social standing is the respect we pay to choice. The exile appears to have made a decision, while the refugee is the very image of helplessness."- Mary McCarthy

    In the novel "Inside Out and Back Again", Ha never chose to become a refugee and she was helpless as she was forced to become one just like many other South Vietnamese people. As the story progresses we learn about the many hardships Ha has to face as she is fleeing Saigon and finding and adjusting to a new home. In the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," we again see that many hardships come when you are forced to leave your old life behind and live a new and poorer life. For example, when Bruno first approaches Shmuel we learn a few details about the how the poor Jewish boy is living. Almost immediately, Shmuel asks, "Do you have any food on you?", and I noticed how the boy's face was quite dirty. Just from that you can infer that the boy is malnourished and living such a poor life that he can't even shower. Later on in the movie, we also learn about Shmuel'd dad who used to be a "watchmaker" and now he just "mends boots." This is similar to Ha's mom's situation where she used to work as a "secretary" (page 14) and now she lost her job because the whole family had to become refugees of the Vietnam War. Even though both Ha and Shmuel have a home (or at least a poor excuse for one) they had to sacrifice many things. In the novel Ha has to leave her old home behind and wait quite a long time while living in a refugee camp to finally get a sponsor and be taken to Alabama. However, Shmuel experience was a bit different. Since Shmuel was a Jew during the time of the Holocaust he was forced to give up his old life and was taken to (what seems like) a concentration camp to suffer. Whether their new home is for the better or the worse, both Ha and Shmuel had to face many Hardships in the end from the drastic transition. As you can see, the movie had many connections to Ha's refugee experience because Ha and Shmuel were helpless from prosecution and it's many negative effects.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I really like the way you made the connection about how Ha never chose to be a refugee because nobody choses to be a refugee

  24. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    Quote: "We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile,”
    -Ariel Dorfman

    The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" connects with the book "Inside Out & Back Again" in many ways. The movie is about a boy who has to move to another place because his father got promoted. In the book, Ha and her family has to move because life is dangerous in Saigon. The movie and book is similar because both characters have to leave things. Ha has to leave her papaya tree and her friends. The boy has to leave his house and friends. Ha has to leave because of the Vietnam War and the boy has to leave because of the Holocaust. Both didn't want to leave home, but they had to. Ha had a papaya tree that was like her baby. Bruno had his friends and he places to explore. Now both have to move to a whole new place and start all over again.

    -Rebecca Chen 8-421

  25. Quote: We live in a age of refugee, the age of exile,

    The movie''The Road'' connects with the movie ''Inside Out And Back Again'' the movie took place in Dark times there was a boy and his dad that were refuges the boys mom died in a fire and there was no way someone could help her. the movie was about the world end and there was cannibalism the only ways u could survive is if u have weapons and people to keep u company. this is alike to ''inside out and back again'' because they are refugees and they are going though war and there is not many places they could go. they could only escape in boat/ship ha has lost his dad in the army. and the boy lost his mom at the end the kids dad dies and he is the only one alive until the finds a family that he could trust and take care of him.and ha finally be in a place that she could live and stay with her family.

  26. Response:
    Quote: “Home is anywhere that you know all your friends and all your enemies.” - Orson Scott Card. I read the movie calle, "The boy in the stripped pajamas" and a connection I made was between Shmuel and Ha because they both lost their dad, and were missing him a lot by showing signs of dreppesion or sadnees. For example, Shmuel said to Bruno “I can’t find my papa! He left to a new work and hasn’t come back for a long time.” This shows that Shmuel notice his “papa” wasn’t around anywhere, this really got him down. Another connection I could make with this is that Shmuels father used to be a watchmaker and had a proffesional job before they became refugge, but now he just mends boots. This also conncets back to Ha because her father used to be a soldier but then the communist people took over him and now he doesn’t have a job. An example for this is, Shmuel “Hes a watchmaker or was. Most of the time now, he just mends boots.” The movie connects to Ha and her family in so many ways as in passing through many rough times too.
    Kiara Caro 8-419

  27. Question: Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

    "While every refugee's story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage: the courage not only to survive, but to persevere and rebuild their shattered lives."
    Antonio Guterres

    I saw the movie Avatar which was about a paraplegic Marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home. The Avatars home was getting destroyed by the Resources Development Association much like how Ha and her family's home was getting destroyed by the communists. it was difficult for the Avatars but they fought back and remained hopeful, even though their home was destroyed. Ha and her family are like them because even though they felt like giving up sometimes, they still did not and that is what connects the Avatars to Ha and her family.

  28. Quote: A lasting Solution, the possibility to began a new life, is only dignified solution to the refugee himself.

    This quote connects to the book I read because they are both dealing with trying to find something stable in their life a place that they can call home. Because they were kicked out their home country Germany because of the Nazi and they had to move from place to place and sometimes take long trips in cars, boats or any other mode of transportation just like Ha had to take the boat trip to Thailand and from there move to some refugees camps and then they had to wait to be picked by a sponsor and so they never really knew were they would end. Overall they both couldn't find stable homes and were always moving from place to place trying to find one.

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  30. Quote: "It's not easy to start over in a new place,' he said. 'Exile is not for everyone. Someone has to stay behind, to receive the letters and greet family members when they come back.”
    ― Edwidge Danticat

    I watched a hindi movie called Refugee. The people who are in the movie had to leave their country and flee away to Pakistan. So, they selled their homes and everything. And then they got money, they gave that money to another guy who's son will take them to another place. And then they went to Pakistan. That's why for you to get something you have to give something. Ha and her family are also leaving behind their homes and many other things because they have to be safe and go to a better place. According to the novel, they are currently in a camp ready to come to America. It is very hard to leave your home behind. The place where you were raised and the people that you know around you. It is really really hard to leave a place where you live since you were born.
    By: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

  31. Quote: "people have been born in refugee camps and they are getting tired of that"
    -Javier Bardem

    I watched a movie called the boy in the striped pajamas and it was a kid called Bruno that moved to an another place because his father was promoted to a higher class now he lives next to a camp were this Jewish prisoners in a camp in a lockdown camp and Bruno meets this young Jewish kid, This remind me off when ha father had to leave everything behind also Ha left her home behind and all the stuff she knew it was a sad thing for her she felt that she could not do anything. She like an a camp like the Jewish stuck and could not do anything. Ha was raised with her family but know she has to leave everything behind.

    By: Brandoth lopez 8-419
