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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PBH Reminders

Hello All,
Happy State Test Week!
Please remember to do the following:
For the NYS state test
  • Go to bed early!
  • Eat breakfast!
  • Bring sharpened #2 pencils
  • Bring a tiny ziplock bag of unwrapped candy for the day of the test (421 only)
  • Bring chips and sandwiches if you need to eat immediately after the test is collected (421 only)
  • Bring PG/PG13 DVDs or Netflix (421 only)
  • If you have Dance Revolution and you want to bring it and play it before we begin the test for energy, please do. It cannot be used after the test since others nearby will be still testing.
For the Poetry Portfolio Project
  • Complete the analytical responsive poems
  • Follow the outline and the graphic organizers I provided in class for you. Since you were all given more time, this means that you should be handing in stellar work.
  • If you have any questions pertaining to the project, do not wait until the last minute. It is due on May 5, 2014. Each class has a slightly different assignment, therefore do not ask each other and bring on unnecessary confusion like some others did last time.
  • For those of you who are still writing, check the previous blog for postings of literary devices examples and definitions.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, April 14, 2014

Poetry Portfolio Project Resources

Hello All,

As promised, I compiled a list of resources to use for your perusal as you work diligently on your portfolio project. You can email me with any questions pertaining to it, however, please do not wait until the last minute.

Please click the following links below to see definitions and examples:












Both Classes - Non-negotiable
As discussed and agreed upon in class, when you return to school your personal poetry portfolio design of the front cover must be completed. Follow the instructions on the outline I provided you in class.

Class 421 you may also complete the table of contents as well since you are aware of the changes that we discussed in class. If you don't remember, it was about the change we agreed upon about the last two essay entries. Lastly, the drafts of your poems MUST be ready for review when you return to class. Most, if not all of you, have already begun this process in class, therefore, you should have something to review.

Class 419 you should hold off from completing the table of contents for now until we discuss the possible changes that may occur for the last two entries. If you completed it already, we can remedy this and discuss this in class. However, you must have the drafts of your poems for ALL of the literary devices you learned in class for review when you return to class.

Monday, April 7, 2014

PBH Due 4.24.14 (and other dates too)


Spring Break is right around the corner and you have work to do!

Visit the previous posting for information needed for the week of 4.7.14 -4.11.14 to complete any assignments or for spring break.

Finish reading the remainder of Inside Out & Back Again if you have not done so already. This will help you to have a better selection of poems to respond to for your poetry portfolio project.

Please follow the Poetry Portfolio Project Guide that I provided for you in class on 4.4.14. If you misplaced it, email me very early (that means WAAAAAY before we go on break) for a copy. I will try to post one on the BlogSpot

If you have not yet looked inside the supply closet for an unused notebook of considerable size by Friday, April 11, 2014, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN! Sorry, tough love!

Please purchase a notebook or create one from scratch. This is the time to showcase your creativity by creating something out of nothing! Email me if you need ideas or ask a friend or family. There are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm.

You can call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm when school is in session, not during Spring Break!

Take Care!

Miss. N

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PBH Due 4.7.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

I know we are approaching Day 3 of the NYS ELA test, and the last thing you want to see is homework.  However, we're in April now, it is your senior year and the school hear will fly by... therefore, there is still a lot to do!

Please do the following:

1. Poetry Portfolio Project due 4.28.14. Details will be explained on Friday.
2. On Monday, please bring your headphones and music devices (only your cell phone since most of you bring it everyday) to school. Please do not bring iPads, Tablets or any other expensive device to school. Neither the school or myself will be responsible if it is lost, stolen, damaged, etc. You will be responsible! Due 4.7.14 and 4.8.14
3. If you are not able to purchase a notebook for the poetry portfolio project, you must let me know before we go on Spring Break Vacation.

Class 421 Only (due 4.7.14)

1. Please make a list of the Top three stereotypes associated with your culture that you do not like. Explain why.

2. Find three strong online resources (i.e. articles, videos, etc.) that has strong proof to counterargue the negative stereotypes about your culture.

As for now this is it! I am sure I posted some other assignments that are due but we will discuss that next week.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm for assistance in other subject areas.

Take Care!

Miss. N