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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Poetry Night Cafe

Hello All,

I hope you are all preparing for the event. Please read the following below.

Dress Attire: It's a black and white event :)
Mr. Calderon said that it is ok to come dressed ELEGANTLY only! No Jeans or Sneakers are allowed into the café. If you have gym, bring a change of clothing. If you can't do that, then only wear your uniform. Classes 419, 420 & 421.

421 Juice Bartenders: Wear a bow tie or regular tie with your uniform or elegant clothing.

Bring what you said you will contribute. What is on the menu should be in your hands when you come to school.

Bring a large spoon, spatula or tongs for serving the food. Please do not expect me to have that provided for you!

Waiters/Waitresses: Wear your hair off of your shoulders!

Poetry Reading:
Everyone is reading their poem and each person will introduce the next poet starting in alphabetical order. Therefore, you must have a poem prepared. Case closed!

Special Guests:

Please remember that if there are people (i.e. Mrs. Capous, Ms. Karipas, etc.) that did not receive an invitation, please know that they will be on the VIP list. VIP's don't need invitations.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Miss. N :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PBH due 5.27.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Go to LearnBoost and print out your MP4 assignments. Highlight the assignments you received a 0 on in one color and the ones that there is no grade highlight in another color. When you come to class, I will give you the opportunity to look through your academic portfolio to match it with what you recorded. This will be the time to look for any discrepancies or any other issues. Due 5.27.14.

2.  Go to the previous blog posting for other assignments due dates posted for over the next few weeks. The only change is the following:  Class 8-419 your vocabulary game is due 6.9.14.

3. Assessments: the To Kill A Mockingbird writing assignment is due on 5.23.14 (both classes). For class 8-419, your poetry essay assignment will be due on 5.30.14. You will do this on your own, I will go over the pre-written essay with you and provide you with a template to write your essay draft.
Class 8-421 your mini-video is due June 3, 2014.

4. Both classes will have a final reading assessment on 5.27.14 consisting of MC questions and one long essay question.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F btween 4-7pm.

Miss. N

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

PBH due 5.14.14 (and other dates too!)

Hello All,


Marking Period 4 Reminder

As noted earlier in the marking period, I told all of you that I am not accepting late work by any means! You must hand in your work by the due date! Absolutely no exceptions! If you receive a 1 or a 2 on your assignment, you are more than welcome to redo the work for a higher grade, ONLY if you handed it in on the due date. I told all of you this in the beginning of MP4. Therefore, there is no need to have your parents write a letter stating that you were not "feeling well". Although I did say that I can only accept absentee work with a doctor's note stating why you were absent. That does not mean that this circumstance should be taken advantage of. It is only for an emergency. I would rather honesty and hand in whatever you have been able to complete in class than choose to take an extra "day off" to complete your work. This is not fair to other students who have worked diligently and ardently in class and at home and turned in their work on the due date. If I accept work from students after the due date, then what good is my word or my rules. Hence, this is the reason why I allowed you to work on it in class without interruption, with my guidance and support and those of your peers too.

I can honestly say that if you were in class during the poetry draft writing days, then I can account that you actually have been working on it. However, if you do not hand it in, I cannot give you a grade for something I do not have. Please remember that YOU asked to have the assignment due an entire week later, knowing full well that it was supposed to be due 1 week to 1 1/2 week earlier. Therefore, I am holding you accountable for the decision YOU made.

Please note that you will have other assignments that will be due in the next few weeks and you must hand it in by the due date. Do not wait until the last minute! It is not a comfortable feeling at all!

Class 421 Only

Poetry Portfolio Essay Analysis Entry

For the students who handed in their portfolio's, please print an extra copy of your essay's. Place it inside the mailbox on Monday, May 12, 2014.

Stereotype Mini-Research Video Assignment - Due June 3, 2014

To continue with the theme question from the essay analysis of your poetry portfolio, please think about how you will creatively answer the following question in video format:

Supporting Questions
What is the relationship between identity, stereotypes and prejudice?
How does stereotyping create conflicts in society?
Acknowledging that stereotyping can affect a person's self-worth, how was Ha's self-worth affected before and after living in Saigon?

Big Focus Question for Video

How does stereotyping influence and/or affect a person's self-worth?

You must answer this question through inferential reasoning. That is to say that you do not state it directly in your video, it must be inferred through people (i.e. family, friends, teachers, and other adults) you have chosen to interview, books/articles you chose to research, images you strategically used and placed in specific areas of your video, etc.

Length of Video: 15-20 minutes long (anything longer must be discussed for approval)

Number of People: No less than 2 and no more than 4

Must have APA citation as part of your credits at the end of your video (i.e. people resources, online articles, books, etc.) Please note that this portion is not part of the length of the video. For example, you should not have a 10 minute long video and your APA citation credits takes up the last 5 minutes. That is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

More details and other questions for the video assignment will be provided next week.

Before you complete this assignment, you will watch a movie that I will show in class. Please note that the library video was incorrect, therefore I will substitute it with something else. Q&A worksheets will be provided in class too. . However, I will let you know the details later. - Due when given in class!

We will continue to work in the workbook which will be considered a class grade. Please note that whatever we do not finish in class will be homework. In addition, packets will be given out and will be worth a test grade. Please do not pass this up!

Class 419 Only - The poetry/music essay analysis will be on Friday May 16 and Tuesday, May 20.
The APA Citation exam will be Tuesday, May 27, 2014.

Both Classes - Vocabulary Game Invention due Friday, May 30, 2014. Make sure you have clearly written rules and instructions. This time around a game board or card games would be preferred over an active whole class game. The more we are able to keep the groups small the more manageable and efficient we will be in class. If there is another way you would like to create this game (i.e. video game) for a small group, please let me know and we will see what can be worked out. The word list will be given to you next week.

Class Events
The Poetry Night Café will be held this month (May). Due to NYSESLAT and Science testing, I cannot give you an exact date and I want you to have enough time to prepare as well.  I will let you know once I clear dates with some key people. However, we will discuss and plan in class hopefully by the end of the week.

PLHH Board Meeting (8-421) on May 12th. Please come prepared with any last ideas of what you would like to see done with the remaining funds.