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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Review Blog # 2 - Due by 7pm 11.3.14

Hello All,

You can now post a blog response for the next book review which is based on the novel Inside Out and Back Again OR the biography A Child Called It. Choose a different question from the blog syllabus that was provided to you in class.

Please remember that your blog response should follow the quick write protocol we use in class and your response to another student should be no longer than 1 to 2 sentences. Although it is a short response to another student, it should be thoughtful and insightful. A response such as "Good job! Where did you get that book? Why did you like that book/character?" is not a thoughtful or insightful response to another student. A response that elicits deeper thought into the book a student has read or responding in a way that has involved some online research about the author or the issues/themes/topics presented in the book is considered highly thought provoking and intellectual.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N :)