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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Review Blog # 2 - Due by 7pm 11.3.14

Hello All,

You can now post a blog response for the next book review which is based on the novel Inside Out and Back Again OR the biography A Child Called It. Choose a different question from the blog syllabus that was provided to you in class.

Please remember that your blog response should follow the quick write protocol we use in class and your response to another student should be no longer than 1 to 2 sentences. Although it is a short response to another student, it should be thoughtful and insightful. A response such as "Good job! Where did you get that book? Why did you like that book/character?" is not a thoughtful or insightful response to another student. A response that elicits deeper thought into the book a student has read or responding in a way that has involved some online research about the author or the issues/themes/topics presented in the book is considered highly thought provoking and intellectual.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N :)


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  3. Aveneet Kaur
    Title: A Child Called "It"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?
    When I read this book I literally had water in my eyes. This man got so badly abused when he was just a little kid. Now, I would recommend this book to people. So, people right know who is reading this please read this book. It is so heartwarming and it makes you feel the pain. I would recommend this book to my close friend because she would feel the pain and never have to put the book down. I recommend this book to people because they would really know how so many kids get abused every single day for no reason. This book also captures your heart and makes you just fall in love with it and the character.

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    3. I agree with the part where you said you literally had tears in your eyes because I have to say that I cried too. In your comment you said, "... they would really know how so may kids get abused every single day for no reason." Can you give an example of another childhood abuse case besides Dave Pelzer? What does that person and Dave have in common?

    4. I agree with you because this book was one of the few books that I have read that almost made me cry because of the experience Dave Pelzer had to go through. Also because even though there were a lot of tough times Dave Pelzer always had a goal to survive and get away from the mad house he was living in. Some question that I have for you are what were some other emotions you felt throughout the book? and if you were in the position of Dave Pelzer what would you have done differently ?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Afnan, your response to Aveneet was absolutely thoughtful. I am sure that there are countless childhood abuse cases that Pelzer can connect to. In addition, I am sure that he is an advocate for the welfare of abused children

  4. Tittle: The giving tree
    By: shel Silverstein
    Question: what happen when the boy got older?

    There was a tree. The tree loved the the little boy and she was alone and when the little boy came to her then she become friend with him. They both like to play. The like to play hide and seek and she lets him climb her tree. She was a tree.when The boy becomes older they don't play like befor when they were little. The want to have a family but he don't have house so he tell her so she sad cut off my brunches and make a house. They become alone a long time then the boy came ask her to make a boat but she said cut off my trunk and make a boat. They become alone and alone they were best friends for life. ����

    1. Tausif Tushin
      I do feel really bad for the tree when the boy got older and stopped playing with the lonesome tree. I see how the tree love the boy so much and gave him anything from the tree's body to fulfill the boy's wishes. The boy wanted a boat and he got a boat because if the tree because the tree gave her the trunk to make a boat. I feel like the boy is greedy. The tree is really helpful to the greedy boy. I really understand the story you are reading.

    2. Ruin,

      You did not follow directions. You were only given two books to respond to: Inside Out & Back Again or A Child Called It. You did neither. The Giving Tree will only give you a 0 on JupiterEd.

      Ms. N

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Ruin the question you choose was not from the list given to you in September. It looks like you created this one yourself. Please follow directions.

  5. Tausif Tushin
    Title: A Child Called "It"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friends? Why? Why not?
    I would recommend this book to other readers because I want everyone else to find out how children are treated every single day for no reason. After reading this book I literally felt like crying. The main character in this book, Dave Pelzer has to face many obstacles with his worst nightmare, his mother. He would always get beaten and tortured by his mother everyday for no good reason. Literally getting abused. I want all the readers to find out how abusive human can get. Reading this book can change the way people thinks. Maybe we can even find out a way to destroy abuse power. This is why I would recommend this book to readers and close friend.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you about this book being really sad. He got abused everyday for no reason. He did nothing to deserve any of this. I agree that his mother was his worst nightmare. He would try to avoid her but he could not. She would never give him any food. She would give him the worst of punishments for nothing.

    4. Tausif, I agree with you in the fact that some can learn from David's experiences and that reading this book can change the way people think. I also agree with the fact that his mother tortured and tormented him for no good reason. One question that I have for you is; would you take the initiative to obtain and read the sequels to this book?

    5. Mazharul,
      You provided Tausif with a very insightful response to his blog post. The question you challenged him with I hope he has followed through with it. Ask him and make sure he does.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with you that this book will seriously make us "have tears streaming down your face and gone through a whole box of tissues" -Afnan Answar, because of the heartbreaking events Dave had to go through. I also agree with you that this book can give us a insightful perspective towards child abuse. Would you , lets say in the future , if you have a chance , help kids facing these kinds of situations ?

    2. Caterin,

      You have an understanding of human emotions and the welfare of human beings. It is evident in your response to Afnan. The question you posed is very thoughtful and provoking. Has Afnan given thought to it?

  7. Caterin Loja
    Title: A Child Called "It"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers ? To your close friends ? Why ? Why not?
    I would recommend the novel A Child Called "It" to other readers because I want the readers to become aware that many other kids could be facing the life-threatning situations that Dave Pelzer faced. This is a book of a survivor who had to face many abusive events by his mother which made him come face to face with near death .While reading this book I felt like crying because Dave Pelzer provided vivid details that described the awful life that his mother made him live through . For example his mother smacked Dave's head against the mirror and rarely fed him , can you believe that ? Dave Pelzer's novel could help out many people throughout the world to make them become aware and help a child in these situations . This is why I would like to recommend this book to others and friends so these event that Dave lived through wouldn't be the same story for other kids .

    1. I agree with you because this story really shows the truth of reality. Everything doesn't always have to be perfect. David's life wasn't perfect. It was the opposite. However, David changed his life by never giving up. He can be our role model and we can learn from his life.

    2. I agree with you because many children have this problem at home and they can't say what is happening because they are scared and they fear something stronger could happen at home. Dave pelter is a strong kid who fought through this situation and was strong but many kids are not as strong as Dave.

  8. Title: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friends? Why? Why not?

    In the autobiography, A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer, it describes how Dave was robbed of his childhood. This book was written with thought and precision. In the book, Dave describes how, "One morning at school, I was told to report to the school nurse. She questioned me about my clothes and various bruises that spanned the length of both my arms" (117). Dave describes how bad he got beaten, from having to eat his own baby brothers full diaper to having to eat his own throw-up. I would recommend this book to many readers because I guarantee that you will have tears streaming down your face and gone through a whole box of tissues. The book really teaches you about how you shouldn't take your childhood for granted because someone out in the universe might not even have a childhood. I also recommend this book to close friends because this book gives a very insightful perspective towards child abuse. Although Dave Pelzer was lucky enough to survive child abuse, others aren't so lucky.

    Afnan Answar, 8-421

    1. As a person who read this book as well i strongly agree with you Afnan because i understand how Dave was abused as a childe and i agree that if others havent even read this book they would tear up so much they would need a whole box of tissues to themself. in addition did you enjoy this book why or why not? and if you can how is the book different from your life and experiences based on child abuse.

    2. I strongly agree with you Afnan because it is true that that the mother has robbed Dave from his childhood love how you describe how the mother treated him and how you thought about all of this. I was wondering what have you learned from this and how has this affected you as a young woman. How would you fell if you were Dave.

    3. Gabriella and Yover,

      Your responses to Afnan are insightful, thoughtful and compassionate. My question to you is, have you thought of further research of books about other types of child abuse cases, how it affects male and females differently, how society influences the cultural aspect of child abuse, child abuse cases in other countries compared to the U.S., etc?

  9. Titile: A child called it by Dve pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? to your close friends? why or why not?
    In this novel " Achild called it" it disscusses the many different obtacles that the main character " It" experiences. in this novel they describe the life and childhood of Dve Pelzer and how he was pushed in life. For an example in the novel it states " mother smacked me in the face... Blood gushed from my nose and i began to cry. mother snatched a napkin from her table, tore a piece and rammed it up my nose" pg 32. from reading this peice of evidence you can tell already that it's mother really doesnt care about his son and the way she treats him. also this describes as well as how he is costantly beaten for no reasons , and if there are reasons its a reason that doesnt contain nothing bad. I would reccomend this book to all readers because this book really shows and describes the life a inncoent kid. This book is also a very good book to read because it teches you life leassons. for example to appreciate what you have like your family and friends. and others doesnt even have a childhood so you have to also believe in yourelf. it teaches you to also to have confidence. I also reccomend this book to others because it is a very emotional book and it is very interesting and you would react to everything in this book, and good thing that it talks about how Dave Pelzer was abused. in addition to that it also teaches you about child abuse. Good thing that this book ended that Dve was able to survive.
    Gabriella Gutierrez

  10. Title: A Child Called "It"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer is a heart-warming story that can make anyone cry. David is tortured by his own mother, but he tries hard not to give up. For this reason, I would recommend this book to people who are at least eleven and to all my close friends. Kid under the age of eleven will not understand the depth of the meaning of this book and may get traumatized by David's life. Kids at least eleven, on the other hand, are more mature and are more likely to understand David's pain. For example on page 83 it says, "I had not yet reached my eleventh birthday, but for the most part, I knew what forms of punishment to expect. To exceed one of Mother's time limits on any of my multiple chores, meant no food. If I looked at her or one of her sons without her permission, I received a slap on the face. If I was caught stealing food, I knew Mother would either repeat an old form of punishment or dream up something... hideous." This quote shows that David was not considered a child, but he was was considered a slave. This also shows that David was starved and abused. David survived child abuse only because he didn't give up. The theme of this book is not giving up and I want to recommend this book to others because today many people give up. One of the most common things people give up on is school because they are lazy. David isn't like that. He didn't give up even when his life was at risk. We can follow his example and not give up. Another reason why I recommend this book is because of trust. Trust is a very important part of relationships and without it relationships would be broken. At first David trusted his mother more than he trusted himself. On page 33, it says, "After he said goodbye to Ron and Stan, he knelt down, held my shoulders tightly and told me to be a 'good boy.' Mother stood behind him with her arms folded across her chest and a grim smile on her face. I looked into my father's eyes and knew... I was a 'bad boy.' " This shows that just because his mother gave him a grim smile, David knew he was a 'bad boy.' Trust is good, but blind trust is not. At this moment, David trusts his mother with his eyes closed. He wouldn't oppose her and he believed he truly was the 'bad boy.' He shouldn't trust her because he knows he did nothing wrong. Today, many of us trust others with a blind eye and that isn't good. Take David as an example. All he got in return for his trust was punishments. A final reason why I recommend this book is to show the value of mother's love. David follows all of his mother's instructions even though most of the instructions involve him getting hurt only because he yearns mother's love. On page 7, it says, "The nurse must have seen the concern in my eyes. She puts the clipboard down and hugs me... 'She is so warm.' I don't want to let go. I want to stay in her arms forever." The blurb on the back says, "He had nothing and no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive-- dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son." The quote from the blurb relates to the quote from page 7 in the way that David is considering the nurse a mother-like figure. In this case, David is desperate for mother's love. He fights for it. Kids today ignore their mothers, hide things from them, and talk back. We take them for granted. In addition, if David were in our place, he would be he ideal son because he knows the importance of parents. We should change the way we interact our parents because they don't have to be loving. All in all, I recommend this book to people at least eleven or my close friends because they can learn to never give up, not to trust anyone with eyes closed, and most importantly to value mother's love.
    -Nuzat Zaman, 8-421

  11. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would You Recommend This Book To Other Readers? Too A Close Friend? Why Or Why Not

    I would recommend A Child Called It because is a very inspiritional book. It makes you think about whats going on to kids behind closed doors. This book will really educate you on child abuse. This book nearly brought me to tears. The thing thats was happening to dave was so cruel. Abuse can happen to anyone. From the time time I started reading this book I couldnt stop, when I read this book i could visualize everything his mother would do. I could never imagine why you were treat your kid like that. If you are interested in child abuse or just love to read you should definently read this book !

    1. I agree with you about the part where you said "This book will really educate you on child abuse." This book gives you an inside look on what child abuse was like for someone. I liked how you talked about what was going on through your mind while you were reading this book. Like how you said "From the time I started reading this book I couldn't stop, when I read this book I could visualize everything his mother would do." When I was reading this book, I felt the same way except that when I started visualizing what Dave's mother was doing to Dave, I had to put the book down because it was too much for me.

    2. I was thinking the same thing while I was reading this book as well. I couldn't believed how much a person can do to your own child. When you said that "The thing that was happening to Dave was so cruel', I agree with you because he had been slammed into a wall several times and had been threatened to be killed. After reading this book, I don't think that there is not even one other way you can harm a child after what has been done to Dave.

      Rian Chowdhury

    3. I definitely agree with you Zora because I too believe this book is an inspirational book. This book inspires kids and people to understand hardships of people. This book express what a mom might do to her child but it is not likely to happen very often. Mothers would never treat their kids like garbage. Do you think its possible that most mom's are doing this to their kids? To you, how does this book effect others? Does this book help mom's know that this is not the way to treat your precious kids?
      ---Danish Mohammad, 8-421

    4. Zora,

      Thank you for participating in this classroom blog post. Please note that when you respond, you need to cite evidence and the page numbers and the author. A part from that, your response is only an opinion with no factual support/data.

  12. Title:Inside Out & Back Again
    Author:Thanhha Lai
    Question:Did you enjoy this book?Why or why not?

    I really like this book. I really like this book because it shows Ha true life and it says whats going on with her life. Ha is also really proud that her family is poor. She said "Im glad that we've became poor so we can stay."(pg.11) Ha can also be selfish at times because she put her toe first on the floor. Thats why I really like this book.

    Basam Almulaiki 8-408

    1. What are some things that we're going on in Ha's life??

    2. Can you explain more because it dosent said a lot about her life .

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Title- A Child Called It
    Author- Dave Pelzer
    Question- Would you recommend this book to other readers? Why or why not?
    I would recommend this book to other readers because this was a really good book and it talked about a child who was abused through out his life by his mom. He went through a lot of things, all of which that were bad. Her mom did not care what happened to him. She even stabbed him and did not even give him proper medical help. She would threaten him and lie to him. Even his dad got tired and he left. She would make him do all the house work and barely ever give him food. He was abused everyday by something worse by the passing day. He would lie to save her. All in all it was a really touching story of a boy trying to survive his cruel mother.
    Jibran Zaffer

    1. I couldn't agree more why you would recommend this book to other readers because of the quality and the plot behind the cover. This book really touched me because each act that his mother does is very gruesome and Dave specified what she did with what she did to Dave with and etc. I don't know how he got the courage to try to stay alive each day because it is like a war zone at home and home is a place where you feel safe and comfortable. One thing i don't understand is that why would he lie to save his mother? If he knew earlier that he had a way to be separated from his mother he would of done it a long time ago. When he was rescued he was old enough to understand what child abuse is and what are the penalties of this crime, but he kept on lying until a teacher couldn't handle seeing David with ripped clothes and a horrible smell he had. But at end he survived the terrible war against his abusive mother.

    2. Joshua,

      Well said! You are thinking like a lawyer, case worker or an investigator of a crime. Love it!

  15. A Child Called “It”
    By: Dave Pelzer

    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    A Child Called “It” is about Dave Pelzer’s experience with child abuse since his young age. In this book, he was tormented by his mother though what she called games. However, even though his struggles, he did not give up, for he was determined to survive. David was constantly punished by his mother, and she told him that the reason for his punishment was because he was a “bad boy.” At first, he honestly believed that it was his own fault and that it wasn’t because of any hateful intentions. But while growing up, the punishments became more cruel and wicked. In page 136, he said, “At the core of my soul, I hated myself more than anybody or anything. I came to believe that everything that happened to me or around me was my own fault because I had let it go on for so long.”David learned that his mother was taking all of her anger and frustrations out on him. Another struggle that David faced was getting food. One of his mother’s punishments was starving him. In page 3 of the book, he stated, “I’m late. I’ve got to finish the dishes on time, otherwise no breakfast; and since I didn’t have dinner last night, I have to make sure I get something to eat.” His mother told him to finish chores within a certain time or otherwise he would not get anything to eat. When he went days without food, he resorted to stealing or even scraping leftovers from the trash. However, for such actions, he received even brutal punishments like “the gas chamber game” where he was locked inside the bathroom and had to breathe in the gas from the reaction of ammonia and Clorox mixture. But even though all this, he believed that he would be fine because his dad was there to protect him. But in the end, his father, his only savior, became more distant and eventually left him. However, in the book, he said, “Mother can beat me all she wants, but I haven’t let her take away my will to somehow survive.” Despite his gruesome, everyday life and his tyrant mother, his courage and determination kept him from giving up. So all in all, I would highly recommend this book to other readers and also to my close friends because of what this book has to offer. And in the end, maybe we will be able to learn something from Dave Pelzer’s courage, willpower, resolve and determination.

    -Mazharul Mahe

    1. Mazharul,

      Exemplary use of information from the text. However, please make sure you cite the author and page number in APA in text citation correctly next time.

  16. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? Why or why not?

    To be honest, I would recommend this book to other readers. A Child Called It is about a boy named Dave who was abused by his mother every day of his childhood and during the days of his abuse, he had to learn how to survive his mother's abuse and try to find ways to stay alive and outsmart his mother even though she found out his plans every time. If you enjoy books that are depressing stories that have to do with a person's childhood, the abused they faced and the things they had to do and learned from their situations, then this book is just for you. "Before I opened the car door, I bowed my head and with peace in my heart, I whispered, "...and deliver me from evil." "Amen"" (Pelzer, p.153) In this book, Dave always prayed. He would ask God to help him with his struggles because God was his only hope. In the end, Dave was able to get his wish to be free of his struggles. Dave was also able to break out of the situation he was in to have a better life. "My beginning was extremely turbulent, being pushed and pulled in every direction. The more grisly my situation became, the more I felt as if some immense power were sucking me into some giant undertow. I fought as hard as I could, but the cycle never seemed to end. Until suddenly, without warning, I broke free." (Pelzer, p.156) Even though Dave was abused day in and day out throughout his childhood, he kept on fighting and fighting until the day he became free. He made something good out of his future even though his past was horrific. The challenges he faced in his past helped him later on in his future. "I made a promise to myself that if I came out of my situation alive, I had to make something of myself. I would be the best person that I could be. Today I am. I made sure I let go of my past, accepting the fact that that part of my life was only a small fraction of my life....I'm so blessed. The challenges of my past have made me immensely strong inside. I adapted quickly, learning how to survive from a bad situation. I learned the secret of internal motivation. My experience gave me a different outlook on life, that others may never know." (Pelzer, p.157) Dave not only learned from his past, but it made him a stronger person. He was able to take control of his life and turn it into a life he wanted to live without a struggle to try to stay alive. So in conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in books that talk about child abuse and if you like books that can actually make you emotional because this book has many parts that would make you want to cry. I know this because I wanted to do that a lot.

    Tyller Alexander

    1. Tyller,

      Exemplary use of data from the text and correct use of APA/MLA in text citation. Well Done!

  17. Title: A child called "it"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: would you recommend this book to other readers ?toy your close friends? why? why not?

    I would recommend this book to other readers. This book A child called "it" talks about this kid named Dave who his mother abuses him very brutally. When ever he gets beat his mother always said that he was acting like a bad boy. One day Dave's mother went to far in (pg42) "I watched the flames , praying the gas might run out." This shows that Dave's mother abused very bad. In the text (pg47) "By then , mother would forget to feed me ant dinner." This shows that after a while of abuse it started affecting him physically because Dave's mother stopped feeding him. In the text (pg85) "if you don't finish on time Im going to kill you." This shows that now Dave's mother is threatening him that she will kill him. This is a amazing book to read I would love for everybody to read this so they could see that we should be grateful for what we have.

    1. Yover,

      Thank you for participating. Please make sure if you are using someone else's email account, you are still required to write your name at the end of your post. An example was shown to you in class on paper and is also on Class Jump.

  18. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    As soon as I finished reading this novel, I knew that this is one of the best novels I have ever read. It was very detailed and I was able to put myself in this boy’s shoes. “…she grabbed my neck and pushed my head into the water.”(Pelzer, p.118) When Dave had said this, I felt frightened myself and although it was a bit shivering, I was able to imagine myself in his position. Also, in the book, several times, Dave had been threatened to be killed by his mother for committing crimes he had been accused of. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend because of how much emotion is involved in this book. It is unbelievable what someone can do to their child. If everyone is aware of these incidents, changes can be made and our community can become safer.

    Rian Chowdhury

    1. I agree with you because this book has so much details that let you picture every event clearly. From the bruises and beat ups to the deadly games that Dave's mother played. In this book the author explains how every single punishment was like. For example when his mom played games like making him inhale fumes, the author specified what kind of fumes. Which was clorox and amonia.

  19. By: Ivonne Santana 8-408

    A Child Called "It"
    By: Dave Pelzer

    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    Yes, I really enjoy this book baca use it talks how just a kid named Dave survive in his house and how he was able to realized his mother's abuses. Dave is approximately 9 or 10 years old and he had learnd how to survive with the brutally of his mother. His mother didn't like him, she considered him a slave but them she change her mind and considered him as "It". In order for him to survive he learnd throughout the years how to play his mother's games. Games that in which he is faced to dead.

    1. So you really enjoy the book "a child called "it" but I want to know how he die?

  20. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question:What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?

    This book was one of the most heartbreaking books I have read so far. I could not stop reading it because every page was full of emotion. throughout the book you saw how Dave was abused by his mother and how in the begining he actually thought that it was his fault because she always told him that he was a bad boy. throughout the book you saw how he felt and all the pain that he went through. I could not stop reading the book because every time i finished a page i wanted to know what happened next i wanted to find out more and know more about Dave and his life. At times i felt so sad that i wanted to cry and at this one time tears actually dropped out of my eyes because at times I imagined what it would be like to be in his situation and it was a horrible thing to imagine.

    1. i agree with you and this book deeply saddened me to find out how bad child abuse can be. It also makes me feel extremely makes me feel lucky that i on't have tp come home to that

  21. Title: Inside Out and Back Again
    Author: Thanhha Lai
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    I will recommend this book to other readers because is interesting book. The main character is Ha. Is about a girl who live during the war south fight the north of Vitamins witch it was involve the American. Ha lost his dad because of the war. She wish to see his dad it say " Whish Father would come home so I can stop daydreaming that he will appear in my classroom in a white navy uniform..." Ha hasten see his father 9 years. In the novel it would talk about her struggle because of the war.

    By: Edwin Sibri
    Class: 8-408

    1. Edwin,

      I never knew that the novel was about a girl who lived in the south, north of Vitamins and that there was a witch involved too. I think you meant Vietnam and which. Please make sure you spell check before pressing publish or write it on MS Word where it will spell check it for you and then copy and paste it to the text box.

  22. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: What about plot? did it pull you in; or did you you feel you had to force your self to read?

    This was an amazing book to read. It was a major page turner to me and was difficult to put down. It describes the situation so well got a great description of what was happening and felt it myself. "I could smell the scorched hairs of my burnt arm"( 41) When I read this I started to imaging smelling burnt hair and flesh. This made you want to turn the page but afraid of what Dave's mother will do to him next. It just made his wins all the more exciting. "I had won"( 42) when ever he beat his mom he survived. He used his head to survive and beat his mother. The book was compelling me to continue reading and find out what will happen to David.

    1. Hey Nicholas great post i agree with everything you have said for example "This was an amazing book to read. It was a major page turner to me and was difficult to put down. It describes the situation so well got a great description of what was happening and felt it myself." I like the way you described the plot, you defiantly got me to want to read the book again.

  23. Title: A child called it
    By: Dave Pelzer
    Question: would you recommend this book to other readers? To you close friends? Why or why not?

    I will recommend this book to other reader because I want them to know about Dave and other people how they are treated in other countries and how the survive. Also when I read this this book I was crying. The main character in this book Dave pelzer has to face a lot of hard mission of worst nightmare of his mother. He always get hit by his mother for no reason If he do good thing. He was a good kid but his mother always yell at him. She make Dave live in the basement by his self. Through each struggle he enduring his pain. Reading this book will change the things the people thinks and how they fells. When I read this book I fell so bad about Dave and other kids how they are surviving. Maybe you can find out a way to destroy abuse power. I will tell this book to my close friends will you.

    BY- Ruhin Ahmed

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    After completing the novel A child called” it “I was astonished of the child abuse Dave Pelzer had to face throughout his childhood. I would have never imagine a mother doing that to her child. I would recommend A child called” it” because it’s an autobiography about a child story of child abuse. This autobiography can inspire many children that are out there in the world facing child abuse that are scared of telling people that their parents are abusing them. This book shows the survival of Dave Pelzer and his experience of child abuse from his mother. For example, it states “At the house, the dual punishment of hunger and violent attacks continued.”(Pelzer.p.50). These were one of the punishments he received from his mother. It also states” "My beginning was extremely turbulent, being pushed and pulled in every direction. The more grisly my situation became, the more I felt as if some immense power were sucking me into some giant undertow. I fought as hard as I could, but the cycle never seemed to end. Until suddenly, without warning, I broke free" (Pelzer.p.156). This explains the fight Dave had to do every day in order to finally be free. One last example, is that even thought there were a lot of tough times Dave Pelzer never gave up on survival and getting away from the mad house. Overall, I would recommend A child called” it “to a friend because it is a really good book that would bring anyone to tears after reading the experiences that Dave Pelzer had to go through.

    Nicole Sosa

  26. Moises Espejo
    Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    I would recommend this book to other readers because it is a very intriguing story about a boy and his very abusive mother. I think a lot of my fellow students will enjoy this book because of its very dark content. When i read this book i would often be sad or gag when Dave’s mother would play one of his games. I feel very lucky to have a loving mother after reading this biography. I too shed a couple of tears while reading it you can see it on my book. I was surprised at how well Dave turned hard and was able to take all the pain from his mother and not be suicidal. "I could smell the scorched hairs of my burnt arm"( 41) His mother would play such sick games like putting ammonia in his mouth or showing a dirty diaper in his mouth. I would definitely recommend this book because it interesting.

  27. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friends? Why? Why not?

    This book A Child Called It, if you start reading this book you can not put this book down. In this book, a boy name David who gets beaten up by his mother every single day or his mother lets her anger out on him for no specific reason. His mother tortured him, kept him starving for days and days and she didn't consider him as a member of the family. David was a slave to him. But David didn't gave up. He kept surviving. On page 43. as he said, " I could no longer cry like a helpless baby. In order to survive, I could never give it to her..." He made a promise to himself that he would not let his mother to take control over his life. As the days passed and his mother's punishments and beating got worse and worse he still didn't give up. He had the courage to keep going and survive all the beatings. So, overall, I would love to recommend this book to other readers because this book has so much emotions in it that you can literally feel how David felt in this book.

    -Ariana Shemonty

  28. Sabrina Espinal
    A child called "it"
    Dave Pelzer
    Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    I will recommend this book to another. Person because is explain thing that really happen on real life. I love the book a child called "it" because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave and no longer a boy but an "it" dave’s mother is a bad person because she is a alcoholic person she trade his son like he is a slave. "dave’s bed was a old army cot in the basement and his clothes were torn and raunchy" Dave’s. Mother really don't care about nothing.

    1. Some parts in your writing baffled me. However, I was 100% able to comprehend what you tried to share. And your thoughts are very deep. And better off, you give examples that make the image more vivid. I do concur with you in all ways, except that the events occur in a modernized world because there are more laws and more options to pass on information .

      -Tashrif Apon
      Class 8-421

    2. Also, I forgot to mention that your blogging is short and sweet.
      -Tashrif Apon
      Class 8-421

  29. Title: A Child called “It”
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Did the actions of the characters seem plausible? Why? Why not?
    I believe that it depends on the character because of what role they play. For example Dave’s mom had a happy life then all of the sudden she just turned her entire personality around. She was a caring mom in to the communist of the house. Like in the text it stated that “My relationship with mom drastically changed from discipline to punishment that grew out of control.” This quote shows how fast Dave’s mothers attitude change, and this just didn’t seem reasonable. Also the father the “man of the house” couldn’t help his son. Instead he just doesn’t care as if the problem didn’t occur. In the text it stated that “if we don’t acknowledge a problem it simply does not exist.” This show how much control the mother has in the house. However the Dave’s actions make sense because he does all of his actions to survive the “games” his mother play with him. For example in the text it stated “In order to survive, I could never give in to her.” This shows how determined he is to survive.

  30. Book: A Child Called “It”
    Author: Dave Pelzer

    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    The book, A Child Called “It”, is about the author (Dave Pelzer) being abused throughout his youth. In the book, he was involved in games (as Dave’s mom referred to it), yet it came out to be that he was smited...a lot. To decrease chance of survival even more, Dave’s mom starved Dave, Dave’s homework turned into a plethora of chores, and this made Dave even more lethargic. This leads to great confuddlement, for that why did Dave not tell others about his mistreatment? This is because Dave’s mother brainwashed Pelzer by persuading Dave that he is a “bad boy”. At such a naive age, Dave was easily fooled, because he actually believed it was his transgression and not his mom being biased. And his mother took advantage of this by unceasingly punishing Dave. For instance, he said to himself “At the core of my soul, I hated myself more than anybody or anything. I came to believe that everything that happened to me or around me was my own fault because I had let it go on for so long.” (Page 136). This incident is also relevant to that David came to understand that his mom was forcing all of her anger and dissatisfaction (in life) on him. Another impediment for Dave was starvation. For instance, in page 47 and continued to Page 48, for Dave “Mother would ‘forget” to feed me any dinner. Breakfast wasn’t much better. On a good day, I was allowed leftover cereal portions from my brothers, but only if I performed all of my chores before going to school.” To summarize, Dave’s mom would allow him to eat scraps of food if he completed his chores with time being limited, also if he was lucky. If he did not do this this, his “food” became the inhalation of a mixture of Clorox and ammonia, and “smash and dash” (Page 47). Making Dave even sadder is his disillusionment of his dad saving him. However, soon Dave’s dad separated from him. Yet, Dave managed to survive with all impediments charging at him, all because of his determination and him being autonomous. For this reason, I recommend it to people demure, or people that want to become more bold in life, for that this book conveys to never give up.

    -Tashrif Apon

  31. Title: A Child Called It
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Question: Did the author seem to appear in the book? How? Why? Was the presence of the author disruptive? Or did it seem appropriate/fitting?

    The author is in the book because the book mainly focuses on one point of his life when he was severely abused by his mother from four years of age to twelve years of age. The author presence wasn't disruptive because it was about him (Dave Pelzer). At first Dave's mother was a sweet and beautiful mother until the day she started to abuse him. Dave was saved by one of his teachers on March 5, 1973 he was saved and would no longer be abused by his mother ever again. This was one of the most deadliest child abuse case in California history, his mother would lock him up in the bathroom smelling bleach for hours and she stabbed him too. Dave almost died because of his emotionally disturbed, alcoholic mother. Dave didn't even have a room, he slept in the garage with a leather jacket and his brothers would be treated normally. Dave would eat the scraps out of the dog bowls or even from the garbage cans. He is the narrator of the book but he is also in the book but is a younger age and explains in sequence what happened to him from age four to twelve. This book would make you cry because of the gruesome acts his mother performed. This is why his presence wasn't disruptive but appropriate/fitting and this is how the author seem to appear in the book.

    -Joshua Piedra, 8-421

    1. I like how you explained the book perfect. But next time I want to know why the mother abuses him.
      ~ Raul Montoya

  32. Did the author seem to appear in the book? How? Why? Was the presence of the author disruptive? Or did it seem appropriate/fitting?
    Tittle A child called it
    author Dave pelzer
    The author of the book A Child Called It did appear in the book. The author Dave Pelzer was the main character. Dave the main character got beat up by his mother when he has a child. The book describes how he was abused by his mother just because some little reasons, she did not only beat him up but she also did other bad punishments such as not giving him food and making him stay in cold water for a long time. Dave’s presents was really important because since he was the main character the book was about him he was the child that got abused. His experience was really bad. He did not only get bad punishments but he also had to find ways to survive, for example “… mother must have become bored with finding ways to torture me around the house”(Pelzer. 109) Dave’s mother torture him with a lot of unbearable punishments that he could not take anymore.
    By: Clariel Arias

  33. Danish Mohammad 8-421
    A Child Called “It”
    By: Dave Pelzer

    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    A Child Called “It” is about a boy named Dave who was continuously beaten by his mother. He was kicked, punched, forced him to do chores and many more abusive activities he had to deal with. His mother called these abusive activities games. Even though he was treated badly, he never gave up and was determined to survive. He was told by his mother that she abused him because he was a "bad boy". He had at first believed it was his fault but over time he realized it was not his fault but was his mother's fault. He was punished more and more and as time passed and the cruelty of the punishments grew as time passed. According to the book A Child Called “It”, the author states that, "...everything that happened to me or around me was my own fault..."(pg. 136). Dave hadn't realized the truth before. Now he knows that it's not his fault. His mother was just releasing her anger and frustrations on him. He no longer blames himself. Dave was also punished by not receiving any food to eat. According to the book A Child Called “It”, the author states that, "...and laughed when begged for food". (pg.62). Dave had to beg for food from his mother and wasn't given food very easily. According to the book A Child Called “It”, the author states that, "'He can eat this!' Mother yelled at the the top of her lungs, shoving the bowl towards me and stomping off to the bedroom'".(pg.41). Instead of real food, his mother forced Dave to eat his own vomit because he was stealing food. He had no choice but to eat it. His father was just watching, doing absolutely nothing but standing there, watching. I would recommend this book to other readers and close friends because as you can see, this child was abused his whole life by his mother and I think people would want to read it because it's so interesting but horrifying at the same time.
    ---Danish Mohammad, 8-421

  34. Raul Montoya Class: 8-408
    Book: Inside Out & Back Again
    Author: Thanhha Lai
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?

    I would diffidently recommend this book to other readers because its easy and great to read. Its all poems which is why I like this book. Its so simple and interesting. I would recommend this to a close friend because he would be interested in a book so simple yet interesting and full of information at the same time. Its filled with serious and fun information at the same time.

  35. Jose Zamora

    Book: Inside Out And Back Again
    Author: Thanhha Lai

    Question:Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    I enjoy the book a lot because this book it only has poems and what i really like is that each poem talks about Ha's life how and Ha's personality and sometimes her feelings. For example on the poem ''The Year Of The Cat'' on ''page 2'' Ha said ''Now I am ten, Learning how to embroider circular stitches, to calculate fractions into percentages, to nurse my papaya tree to bear many fruits'' this is telling me that Ha is Hard Working girl. Ha is also sneaky for example on the poem ''Year Of The Cat'' on ''page 2'' ''I decided to wake before dawn and tap my big toe'' Ha brought bad luck to her family because only the male of the family could wake up first and bless the house and also on ''page 3'' Ha is sneaky she said ''Not even mother, sleeping beside me, knew. Ha explains on the poem ''Papaya Tree'' how her brothers point of view from the papaya tree how tall they are and how the papaya tree grew from a careless action she said ''It free from a seed i flicked into the back garden. Ha's life is hard and serious.

    1. Jose Z,

      Thank you for participating. Please make sure you cite the author and page number in the correct APA/MLA in text citation as shown to you in class.

  36. Title: The Cookcamp
    Author: Gary Paulsen
    Question: What did you think the book was about?

    The boy name is Carl his father had to go fight in the World War 2 and his mother had to work at a factory. His mom send him to go in the train to Chicago to his grandmother of Carl. Carl doesn’t now to read and write. Carl had a lot of problem without knowing to read, write, and without his parent.

    By Edwin Sibri
    Class: 8-408

    1. Edwin,

      Thank you for participating. Please make sure you cite the author and page number in the correct APA/MLA in text citation as shown to you in class. In addition, you need more evidence and in depth explanation of the evidence.
