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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Book Review Blog # 3 - Due 12.1.14 by 7pm

Hello All,

Is there really any need for me to explain? You know what to do. However, if you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N :)


  1. Title: The Hunger Games
    Author: Suzanne Collins
    Question: What about plot? did it pull you in; or did you you feel you had to force your self to read?
    This book was an amazing novel to read, basically it had a really interesting plot . It was a real page turner and difficult to put down . For example Katniss says "Imagining my home makes me ache with loneliness.(Collins.p 54)"Quotes like this are presented throughout the novel creating a vivid image representing what is happening. Another example is when the announcer said " Ladies and Gentlemen let the 74th Hunger Games Begin .( Collins. p147)"The novel also makes me ask questions to my self like , what is going to happen next which makes it a page turner ,this quote starts the beginning of the Hunger Games and of course everyone else has the same question afterwards : What happens next ? Another example that makes the plot so interesting is the action that is presented throughout . For example Katniss says while in the games " ... the girl from District 2 , ten yards away , running towards me , one hand clutching a half-dozen knives . ( Collins.p 150). This gives me chill because of the action and makes it a much interesting plot . To tie it all together , The Hunger Games has a amazing plot which will leave you turning pages .
    -Caterin Loja

    1. I agree with you when you said that Katniss was saying that " ... the girl from District 2 , ten yards away , RUNNING towards me , one hand clutching a half-dozen knives" gave you chills. I agree with you because if you saying this gave me chills, then hearing it from Katniss probably was even more shivering. Imagining someone running towards me ready to attack would be one of the scariest things that I can ever imagine. Overall, I do think that this book was "difficult to put down" because of the details you have provided from the novel. I have never read this novel, however, I will probably very soon.

      -Rian Chowdhury 8-421

    2. I agree with you about giving you the shivers if I was in Katniss position then I would have had the same shivers or even worst. I haven't read this book just like Rian said but, I would definitely give it a try from the way you described it. If you said it was a page turner I would believe you because I have seen the movies and if the movies are awesome then I would definitely read this book and I will as well as read this book soon like Rian said.
      -Aveneet Kaur

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Title: Number the Stars
    Author: Lois Lowry
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected?

    Number the Stars is about a girl named Annemarie, her father, and her mother who helsp her best friend, Ellen out to flee from Nazis and Hitler from relocating her and her family. Although this book was close to excellent, I do not think that the book ended the way I had expected. The way I had expected the book to end was with Ellen returning from Sweden, back to her hometown after the war had ended. However, it had ended with Ellen not returning. It ended with Annemarie understand more about what had been going around, the dangers she had faced, and about her dead sister, Lise. Therefore, this is why this book had not ended the way I had expected it to.

    -Rian Chowdhury

    1. I agree with you that the ending should have been with Ellen returning from Sweden, back to her hometown after the war has eneded because I have read the book as well and I was disappointed with the way it ended. Overall I also agree with you that it was an excellent book because I like books that involve different time periods , like your book which was from world war 2 .Would you have liked the book better if it was the way you have expected it to end ?

    2. From what you have shown me, I can see you really liked the book but it did not end the way you expected to. I really liked how you have explained to us how the book ended and how you expected it to end. Did you think this book was close to excellent but not because of the ending? Would it been better with your ending?If you were given the chance to rewrite the book, would you include your ending or the author's ending?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Title: Beastly
    Author: Alex Flinn
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected?
    Have you ever read a book and when you finally got to the ending you didn't know it was going to end that way like you didn't expected that to happen? Well, in Beastly by Alex Flinn is about a boy named Kyle Kingsburg who is a rude and obnoxious dude and is popular in school so, he says that beauty is important in life than knowing the real person. So, he soon "meets" this witch that turns him into an ugly beast and he has to find someone that will love him for who he is and he only has two years but, to find someone he has to change himself which will lead to something big. Now, in the ending he does meet someone that he loves as well as the girl that loves him but, he actually gets lucky and turns back into a human being either though it was 12:00pm when his time ended. So, when I reached the ending I was scared if he was going to stay a beast forever but, he turns into a human when his love kisses him which breaks the spell and yes, the book did end the way I expected it to. Now, has a book ever ended a way you wanted it to or not?
    Aveneet Kaur

    1. Aveneet, I agree that many books end the way we want it to, but some do end unexpectedly. I have read Beastly and it ended the way I wanted it to, but The Fault in Our Stars did not. Also Beastly has many lessons we can learn like inner beauty beats all. All in all, I agree with your response..

    2. Aveneet I half agree with you because during the books plot twist which I will not spoil. Me as the reader expected Kyle and Lindsey to end up together. I get there's a part in the book where you really don't know what to expect but overall it was pretty fair.

  6. Title: The Maze Runner
    Author: James Dashner
    Question: What are some of the book's themes? How important were they?

    James Dashner's The Maze Runner has many themes that we should know. The main character is Thomas who brings a change and then saves the world. Although the plot takes place in the future, we can still fit the themes into our lives. One theme is survival. Thomas finds himself in a box with no other memory except for his name. "Just try and avoid being killed, survive, whatever." (Dashner 9) This is what Alby, the leader, says to Thomas because he was asking too many questions. This holds significance because if you're in trouble with a newbie, you would usually tell them, "It's going to be alright" but here Alby just tells Thomas to focus on surviving. This tells us that their main focus was surviving and that's what they try to do every day. Another theme is hope. Thomas stays with Chuck because Newt (another leader) says, "Chuck'll be a goo fit for ya... Wee little fat shank, but nice sap when all's said and done." (Dashner 11) When Thomas asks his questions to Chuck, Chuck just says,"Nothin' I say'll do you any good... I'm basically still a Newbie too... But I can be your friend..." (Dashner 16) Thomas doesn't "need friends" but Chuck keeps hope and supports Thomas. When Thomas realizes Chuck's homesickness for home he says, "Don't give up Chuck... I promise... I'll get you back to that room of yours... I swear I'll get you back home." (Dashner 195) This holds significance because it shows they use hope to gain confidence. This is important because without hope nothing is possible. Thomas also shows hope when he and Minho get stuck in the Maze overnight. Minho, who is in charge of the Runners, loses all hope, but Thomas does not. As a result, Thomas makes and executes his plan.There is also a theme of friendship. Chuck and Thomas become brothers that are friends and this is important because their relationship helps them withstand obstacles. Out of these three themes, hope is the most important one because without hope nothing is possible.
    -Nuzat Zaman

    1. I like how you not only provided one theme but three. Along with stating what the themes where you also provided clear evidence to support you answer, I like how you also stated what theme you felt was the most important in the novel .I can tell by your response that you paid close attention to the novel and the details that where presented. I heard that this was a good book, did you enjoy it? Where there any sections of the book that were particulary exciting?
      Ella Regan

  7. Tittle:shootout
    Author:Mike Lupica
    Question:do you enjoy the book?why?why not?

    I enjoy the book because, Jake likes soccer just like me. Jake team was called Belmont and his team always loses vs the visitors. This kid called kevin liked soccer too just like jake. Kevin wanted jake to be on his team called Manchister United. So one day Jake went to his team and stayed there. So Jake and Kevin became best friend forever.

    By:Jefferson Fabian 8-408

    1. i can see that you really enjoyed this book by the way you compared yourself to the character jake and compran yourself and him by saying you like and enjoy soccer. i also can see that you conecten jake and kevin because they like the sport soccer aswell and because of that they became best friends. in additon to your response maybe next time you can be more specific and add details to your response by saying what else you enjoy about this book instead of gving a mina brief summary of the novel
      Gabriella Gutierrez

    2. Why did Jake change to Kevin's Soccer Team? and How did Kevin meet Jake?. I also, like the way that you make connections with your life and the book.

      by: Ivonne Santana

    3. I can really see that you liked the book and you compared your self to the character but why did you like it? Why did he switch trams? did he not like the team he played for before. Was he good at soccer?

    4. the title of the book it look interesting.
      what is the problem of the story?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Title: Beastly
    Author: Alex Flinn
    question: did you feel that the author fulfilled your expectations

    I found this book very interesting and very enjoyare because this novel was about a boy named Kyle Kingsbury. this boy was a rich id he had a life a rich kid so he got everything he wished to get. by getting what he want he thought he was a perfecionist. so by that and thinking that he thinks that he can call anybody things and that really brought the ugly in and out of him . now he has to deal with the consecuentes and break the curse he created by being evil. which was he was turned into a beast. and to break the beast inside and out of him he needs to find true love. so this novel is like a fiary tale. this book fulfilled my expectations because it taught me how to understand the text more. it helped me to see the text more clearley. as well as it helped to créate and take images in my mind and compare it to the text. lastly i would like to say it fulfilled my expectations because it also was very helpful and was very descriptiva to the book and text and characters
    by: Gabriella Gutierrez

    1. I can tell you enjoyed this book to the fullest. i agree with you because i have also read this book and the book as fulfilled my expectations also. It helps you understand other texts that relate to it and improves your reading skills. also, the book has a lot of detail and creates a description where you are able to imagine the scenes in your mind, so i agree with you on that also.

    2. i love the ideas you have about the book and the kid "kyle" he is interesting because he felt so alone and maybe that's the reason he was being evil. Also I like how you use details and vocabulary words

    3. I really liked the book you are reading. I'm also agree with Melanie because I like how you use details and vocabulary words!!.

      -Sabrina Espinal 8-408

  10. Title: The Truth about Truman School
    Author: Dori Hillstead Butler
    Question: If one (or more) of the characters made a choice that had moral implications, would you have made the same decision? Why? Why not?
    Lilly Clarke has always been the popular girl in school; she hangs out with her popular crew and is dating the football quarterback. But once Zebby Bower and Amr Islam make a website where you talk about the truth about Truman School, the REAL truth, not all the good things they expect you to write on the school newspaper, Lilly’s whole reputation turns around. An anonymous person starts to harass Lilly and slowly, she loses everything because that anonymous person reveals embarrassing secrets about her that no one knew. The cyber bullying goes really far up to the point where she misses school and runaways from home. That was her choice to run away from all the negativity and hate, “LILLY: I wanted to go someplace where there were no people. And no computers. Some place where I would be totally alone and no one would ever find me.” (Butler p. 122) This is something I wouldn’t do. Running away from a problem isn’t the best way to handle things, no matter how hard it is. If Lilly just confronted whoever was posting all that nasty stuff about her, then it wouldn’t have gone to that extent where she has to skip school. Even though Lilly was really mean, only cared about popularity, and had horrible friends who turned their backs on her right when she was considered the loser of the group, she has the right to defend herself. “HAILY: “People didn’t respect her anymore. And if they didn’t respect her, they wouldn’t respect us” (Butler p. 78) this shows how Lilly’s friends cared more about their popularity than Lilly. Lilly could’ve defended herself but she ran away. Therefore, I do not agree with the decisions made in this book.

    1. I really liked how you describe what Lilly was going through in her life and I also agree with your decision. She should've fight for herself not to just run away! :) x

  11. Title: A Long Walk to Water
    Author: Linda Sue Park
    By; Ivonne Santana 8-408
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected?

    Yes, this book end in the way that I expected because it ends that the Dinka and the Nuer tribes were together. One example from the text is "The Dinka and the Nuer were enemies- had been for hundreds of years. Why would a Dinka bring water to us ( Park, P.114)." This means that the Dinka and The Nuer had been enemies from their entire life because of the water. Salva is a Dinka and he had a organization called " Water for Sudan Organization" and as a goal he was bringing water to those parts of Sudan that were really poor and he went to the Nuer tribe to drill a well so they could have clean water because the water that they got it was more mud than liquid. I really like the way that the book end because in that part they show that we all are the same and that it doesn't matter your tribe, your color or where you are from, because the only thing that matters is when you help other people without getting nothing in return.

    1. I really like the book that you are reading. I like how you use the evidence to support your answer, And also I like the why you explain the evidence!
      next time I will like to see more information..

    2. I disagree because reading A Long Walk To Water I didn't expect for Nya and Salva to meet each other who knew Salva would help the Nuer your right about helping people with no return but knowing the history of the nuer and dinka we would never think that Salva would help them. knowing that the people part of that tribe had killed his uncle

    3. I disagree and agree with you because at the end of the book salva and Nya did meet each other, but how did you new that they were going to meet if the dates of the both character were completely different ?
      Clariel Arias 8-421

    4. I agree with you because Nya and Salva did meet at the end but that didn't mean that the tribes were not fighting anymore. Salva was just trying to help the people in his country in plural but not everyone wanted the same thing or was as selfless as Salva

  12. Title-Snitch
    Author-Allison van Diepen
    Did this book end the way you thought it would?
    No because i thought Julia would be stuck with the gang forever and the gang would jump her for being a girlfriend of a traitor who worked for the cops. I thought they would hate her and try to get revenge. But at the end of the book Julia decides to leave Brooklyn to go somewhere else and start over. She left the gang and left her friends but stayed with her boyfriend.
    Jibran Zaffer

  13. Title: Shiloh
    Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
    By: Sabrina Espinal 8-408
    Question: What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?
    the plot of the book "Shiloh" is that the dog name Shiloh was being abused by his owner, Marty feels really sure the dog is being abused by his owner. When the dog turns up at Marty's house, Marty's parents say he better take him back, but it hurts Marty to return Shiloh to his cruel master. that's when Marty secretly decide he'll do anything to save Shiloh. according to the book Shiloh it states, " I'm coming back tomorrow with someone kind of leash for him. tell him we're going to run all over that hill, him and me, every day. tell him he's my dog now, and I'm never going to let anybody hurt him again ever, and then I leave, wiring that fence good. I go home and sleep a full night, fist time in a long while.(Naylor, p.45)" Thing means that he never going to let anyone hurt Shiloh ever again. this book really pull me in it really get my attention because Marty want to save Shiloh he don't want nobody to hurt him.

  14. Title: OH, BROTHER
    BY: Johnnies Marshall Walson
    Question: do you like this book?why or why not?

    I really like this book because it is talking about the two twin brother.
    They are together every time. They come and go together to school and they always play in the house. Andrew and Alex always ride bike with outside. They alway race with each other. They go to school with bike. One day Alex's bike was stolen
    Now he had to take bus to school.
    Andrew try hard to find his brother bike. I like how Andrew help Alex find his bike. They both where nice the love their mom and dad. Do like this book?

    1. I see how you really enjoyed reading this book. I understand how much each brother loves each other. Andrew is rally nice since he is trying really hard to find his brothers bike. I also see that they always did everything together. The title of the book is also really catchy. One question I have for you is that would you recommend this book to others?

    2. I also like the book you are reading because you help me understand how much the twin loves each other

  15. Title: Divergent
    Author: Veronica Roth
    Question: Did the actions of the characters seem plausible? Why or why not?

    In the novel, "Divergent," one choice decides your faith,this choice will decide your future.At the age of 16 character Caleb Prior abandons his old fraction Abnegation for a new fraction,Erudite. Every year teens who are turning 16 decide in a ceromony if they will remain in their old fraction or choose a new one.They can pick Dauntless (the brave), Abnegation (the selflessness), Candor (the honest), Amity (peaceful),and Erudite (the intelligent).I feel that Caleb's choice was sensible due to the details that were presented in the book. In the novel it described how he would conceal his love for knowledge by hiding textbooks behind his dresser, even though he knew that in his fraction that is highly frowned upon and an act of defiance he still did it. In the novel it also describes how Caleb's sister Beatrice would notice how every time a new subject was brought up his eyes would grow big and he would ask questions until he knew every single detail of that subject.This is why I feel Caleb's choice was reasonable.

    Ella Regan 8-421

    1. Ella, I have to agree with you that Caleb's choice was reasonable because he was a knowledge seeker. I also have to say that even Beatrice made some unexpected decisions when she chose Dauntless instead of Abnegation. I also agree with your evidence to prove how Caleb's choice was reasonable.

  16. Book: Fahrenheit 451
    Author: Ray Bradbury
    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?

    I really enjoyed this book for MANY reasons. For one the book had a very interesting plot with the main character, Guy Montag, a firefighter who burns books. Guy lives in a society where no one reads, no one has a social life, and don't fend for themselves. Instead, they waste time by watching television all day and hear nothing but a radio station called "Seashell Radio". The book displays very well written dialog, like how in the first page says, " It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history." (pg.3) The book itself was very hard to explain, but all in all, very intriguing. I also liked the fact that you can actually feel what the character feels in the book like how on page 77 is says, " I'm numb, he thought. When did the numbness really begin in my face? In my body?" Its a fact that this book is amazing.

    1. Afnan,

      Excellent selection of books. Who told you about this book? My 8th grade class of 2013 read this for our Sci-fi unit and had to do a Sci-fi movie based on illusion vs. reality. Good stuff!

  17. Book: Beastly
    Author: Alex Flinn
    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    I really enjoyed the book because I felt like it was inspiring. In the book Beastly Kyle Kingsly is Handsome and popular and basically lives around the mentality that if your ugly your not worth his time. He embraces a witch who then turns him ugly and gives him a year to be loved ugly. A girl he meets Lindsey falls in love with him slowly. She goes from hating to loving him. She was an average girl not gorgeous but not ugly as he would say. I enjoyed this book because reading it inspired me think with an open mind. To not let society influence your opinion on people based on looks, gender, nationality etc. Its officially one of my favorites. It was really interesting to see how Kyle's point of view changes towards other people. Overall I really enjoyed this book.

    1. From your perspective of comprehending the book's theme, I came to know that the book is about stereotypes and how people utilize them. For most cases it is a way to outcast the "viewed". However, it can be prevented by placing the "viewer's" feet in the victim's shoes. Finally, thank you Chelsea to make clear of the theme of Beastly.

  18. Book: Number the Stars
    Author: Lois Lowry
    Tausif Tushin
    Class- 8-421

    I really enjoyed reading the book, Number the Stars since it demonstrated the past really well. In this book it talks about how the Nazis took over and took control of all Jews. Jews did not have any freedom. Also many parents and children had to overcome many challenging obstacles. One example is Ellen. Ellen was a Jew that had to live in someone else's house without her parents because her parents had to go somewhere else. She did not want to get arrested by the Nazis so that is why she had to make this challenging decision about not living with her parents anymore. Another example of someone overcoming an obstacle is Peter. Peter lost his girlfriend Lise. Losing someone you love can be really challenging. Even though Peter lost his girlfriend he still overcame that obstacle and moved on. Any one of these obstacles are not easy to face but they found out ways to take control of those obstacles. It was really interesting to see how many people had to face and fight their challenging obstacles. Overall I really enjoyed reading this book!

    1. I can tell that you enjoyed this since you explained with clear reasoning. From your explanation, I can understand why the characters had to make certain decisions because of what they believed. And I do agree that it is interesting to see how many people face their obstacles. But I was wondering, what did Peter do to overcome the obstacle of losing his loved one? A question that I have for you is: If you wee in the position of one of the characters you described, how would you face the challenge?

  19. Book: Hope Was Here
    Author: Joan Bauer
    Question: Did you enjoy the book why? or why not?

    Honestly I did enjoy the book Hope Was Here it shows the meaning of Hope, and how one person can really make a difference in everybody life. The thing I like most about this book was that G.T had cancer and he was running for mayor and everybody had doubts about his Health or whether he would be able to take on that big job not only that but there was scandals going on about G.T health he didn't fight back with violence or mean words he fought back by showing them that even though you do bad things I wont cause he wasn't raised that way. The thing about it was that G.T lost the election for mayor but then people found dirt on millstone he resigned and G.T was elected that wasn't just only somebody guilty conscience but it was Hope. Even if there something bad going on in your life there hope It wont always be that bad you just have to patient , On that note I would recommend this book to anyone that doubt Hope.

    1. Your book seems interesting because of how G.T followed his dream to become mayor even though he had cancer. I agree with the part where you said "Even if there something bad going on in your life there hope It wont always be that bad you just have to patient." What I want to know is what happened after G.T got elected? What made G.T actually say you know what, I'm going to run for mayor?

  20. Title: The Hunger Games
    Author: Suzanne Collins
    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    In all honesty, yes I did enjoy this book. I enjoyed this book because it was different from all the other books I've read before. I'm always reading books about supernatural creatures, so reading this book was something new. I was so absorbed into this book. Katniss seemed so realistic and I liked many of the things she did in this book. For example, "I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!” (Collins, p.22) I loved this part so much because when Katniss volunteered to take her sister's place in the Hunger Games, it showed that she truly loved her sister and that she was willing to do anything for her even if it included her giving up her life. Another part of the book I liked was, "When I was younger, I scared my mother to death, the things I would blurt out about District 12, about the people who rule our country, Panem, from the far-off city called the Capitol. Eventually I understood this would only lead us to more trouble. So I learned to hold my tongue and to turn my features into an indifferent mask so that no one could ever read my thoughts." (Collins, p.6) When Katniss realized that the things she was saying could affect her family big time, she stayed quiet and changed into a more mature person for the sake of her family. One last thing I liked is, “As long as you can find yourself, you'll never starve." (Collins, p.52) When Katniss's father told her that, she used that as her determination and her key to find her true self. This book was very interesting and fun to read.

    Tyller Alexander

    1. I can see how much thought you put into this and I can really tell how much you have enjoyed about the book I was wondering what was your favorite part of the book.
      Yover Tenezaca 8-421

  21. Title:the girl who was on fire
    Author:Leah Wilson
    Question:what did you think the book was about?

    This book is really good because I love the Hunger games and this book is base on the Hunger games and also is based on the catching fire. This book is about the main characters of the movie hunger games(katniss,peeta). This book discribes the feelings, thought and also emotionals feeling in the movies.For example, the book states that,"katniss is, at her core, a survivor, a fact that is reinforced by her very name... katniss is the kind of person who does what she needs to do to survive(Wilson,pp.20-21)."this means that this tells how katniss can be strong and confident about her self.I love this book because is like a diary that express the feeling of the characters and the moment in the story.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Title: Witch & Wizard The Fire
    Author: James Patterson
    Question: What are some of the book's themes? How important were they?

    The novel Witch & Wizard The Fire by James Patterson has several themes throughout the story. One of many is the loss of innocent lives. In the novel, one of the main characters, Whitford Allgood said, “I can’t keep watching the people I care about most die. I already did that. Twice. I wince, thinking of mom and dad (Patterson, p.9).” All who he has ever known, except his younger sister, have either been killed or are missing. And because of The One, the main antagonist, the world has fallen to ruins and innocent people are dying from the “curse” that he’s put, otherwise known as the Blood Plague. Another theme that was introduced in the novel was having hope. In the novel, Whit said, “No. Not yet. I will not let my sister die. Don’t give up on me yet, Wist. I’ve got a plan. Just hang in there (Patterson, p.35).” His sister, Wisteria Allgood was at deaths door, suffering from an illness called the Blood Plague. It was said that if not treated at first glance of the disease, there would be no cure. Even though it looked as though there was no hope for Wisty’s survival, Whit was determined to get his sister to good health. The idea of greater strength in numbers was another theme. In the novel, Wisty says, “The only thing that beats One is two, and three and four (Patterson, p.74).” This shows how she believes that they will have more of a chance in putting an end to The One with the help of others. During the fight against The One, the crowd cheers on speaking the words of the prophecy, “A boy and a girl, fated to rule all. Two will rise, and One will fall (Patterson, p.299).” This supports the idea of strength in greater numbers. I would say that all of the three themes that I’ve mentioned are important throughout the novel. Since innocents keep losing their lives in the hands of The One, it gives Whit and Wisty strength to prevent unnecessary deaths. Hope and determination is a key factor to their strength because it is needed to physically and mentally fight the immense power of the great villain. And at last, throughout the novel, it is shown that one can only do so much by himself, hence why the siblings, Whit and Wisty work together.

    Mazharul Mahe

    1. I see that you are reading adult level books. That's great. Keep it up. It shows in your writing. Excellent habit to have.

  24. Title: Black Beauty
    Author: Anna Sewells
    Question: did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?

    This book I actually really enjoy it, it showed me a really important life lesson, why did I enjoy it? Well, this book gave me the experience too show me what is going on, on animal abuse today, and it showed me how you should never treat animal's, for example, "Ginger was not happy with this, and said, if they strain me up tight,why,let em look out! I can't bear it" (Sewells,p.54), this explains that what you do to people or animals it might not hurt you but it may hurt them. Once I did the same thing a hurt another person badly and it hurt them horribly, but I learn is not funny to hurt other's.,

    1. I could tell that you enjoyed reading that book and it shows how you feel about the way the book is set up and u explain your feelings and how u don't like they way they get treated I agree with you because I can make a connection to the book I read were the boy is getting abuse.

  25. Title: My Friend The Enemy
    Author: Dan Smith
    Question: How realistic was the characterization? would you want to meet any of the characters? Did you like them? hate them?

    I really enjoyed the book very much and I believed it was very well done. The characters in the book each had there very special characteristics that made them each quite different. I would have loved to meet a character in the book called peter because he was an amazing character who fought for something he believed was right. While the war was going on he found ways on how to survive and how to show that he could bring his family forward from a place that was dangerous not only for him but for his family. One character that I hated very much was peters friend which became his enemy. He was the reason why peter has suffered very much and why he was somewhere he didn't want to be. Overall this was an amazing book that I enjoyed very much and hopefully I would be able to read more books of his author.
    by: yover tenezaca 8-421

  26. Wasam Almulaiki 8-408

    Title: Chasing the king
    Author: Joshua Stein
    Question: Do you like the book?

    The book I read called "Chasing the king" is about a boy named Jason Skidds but people call him skidds.He loves soccer and he went to high and a soccer team and also in tournaments. One day his parents said that they were gonna move to Brazil he thought that his life was over but when he told his friends, his friends did not want to be sad his friends wanted make him feel good. When he moved there he had a hard time making friends. The only way he made friends was by playing soccer. It turned out to be better than where he used to live. he said "The adventure just begun".

    Wasam Almulaiki

    1. I could tell that you actually enjoy this book but did he have any more struggles by getting in the soccer team or having this decision.

  27. Title: The Fault In Our Stars
    Author: John Green
    Question: Did the book ended the way you expected?

    "The Fault In Our Stars" novel is a beautiful heart breaking novel. It is about two teenagers who has cancer but they are both dealing with that and moving on with their lives. When I first started reading the book it was pretty much good but I had never expected the way that book ends. They both (Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters) had cancer, yes, but the way they were leading their lives there wasn't any sign that one of them will had to die. It was a whole another different story than I thought it would be.

    Ariana Shemonty

    1. I can tell that you enjoyed this book even though it wasn't the happiest if endings.I agree with you because I also would have never expected Augustus to die because in the beginning he said he was cancer free and because he said that it had never gave me a thought of him dying.If it were up to you how would you want the book to end? and how do you think your'e new ending will affect the book?

  28. Basam Almulaiki 8-408

    Title:A Child Called it
    Author:Dave Pelzer
    Question: Do you like the book?

    The book so far is about David and his mother's relationship. So far I know David just got stab by his mother. He has been abused by his mother for a long time. The book is really interesting but also sad at the same time.

    Basam Almulaki

  29. Title: The Cookcamp
    Author: Gary Paulsen
    Question: What did you think the book was about?

    The boy name is Carl his father had to go fight in the World War 2 and his mother had to work at a factory. His mom send him to go in the train to Chicago to his grandmother of Carl. Carl doesn’t now to read and write. Carl had a lot of problem without knowing to read, write, and without his parent.

    By Edwin Sibri
    Class: 8-408

  30. Did the book end the way you expected?
    Tittle: Anastasia
    Author: Carolyn Meyer
    I did not know how the book ended or how I expected it to end, but it ended in an marvelous way because although Anastasia had to burn or get rid of her diary she did not. She did not get rid of it because she had the diary for a long time and wrote everything that happened to her and her family. For example, “ but this diary has been my friend for a long time”(Meyer p.167) the diary has been with her a long time and she does not what to leave it or burn it. “then you most burn it.” she should have burn the diary but instead she gave it to a friend to send it to her when she was free. I really enjoyed how the book ended.
    Clariel Arias 8-421

    1. You must use three pieces of evidence to support the question.

  31. Tittle: Speak
    Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected?

    Before answering the question, you should get to know what the book is really about. The book is about a girl, Melinda Sordino, whose life changes because of one party. The party (as summer was about end) was near a far farm. There Melinda had drank beer, which was illegal because she was under the age of 21. If you are shocked, then you do not want to read the following sentence. Now that she was drunk a boy, Andy Evans, took advantage of her, and raped her. Melinda was hurt, and called the cops. All the people at the party abhorred her. As she began High School, she had no friends. (She did have a friend, Heather, who became popular and forgot Mel). However, she tried helping others. For instance, she warned Rachel Bruin (her ex-best friend) who was dating Andy Evans! Yet, her exploit brought danger. When Mel was alone in the closet, Andy was about ruin her life again! However, Melinda Sordino spoke up for herself. As a result, she had gotten her decent life back. Now that you know what the book is about. The ending is perfect because a girl in misery fights multiple wars herself, so you would not want to wish for her life to be in more misery.

    Tashrif Apon


    1. I like how you give us information on what the book is about before answering the question because then we would understand the question and also I would like to read the book someday since it's about law and crime which I'm into while reading books, so thank you for that and because of this blog I guess I'll go read it.

      -Joshua Piedra 8-421

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  32. Title: Death Note, Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases
    By: Nisio Isin
    Question: Do you like the book?

    The book I am reading is from the series and TV show "Death Note''. The book itself is a lot like the original concept. The book a detective book which is a very complex novel. It has many complicated words that are tricky from time to time, but I understand most of it. The I like the most in the novel is that it no longer focuses on the main character from the original series, but focuses on the one that was supposed to catch him and put him to jail. His name is "L". His real name is unidentified. In conclusion, I do like this book and I also like the series.
    Raul Montoya 8-408

    1. I loved the show there is a lot of suspense especially between L and Kira and how they kept on countering each other in a battle of smarts. But you didn't explain any reason to why it was difficult to understand and what the death not was and what Kira used it for.

  33. Nicholas Islam 8-421
    Title: Never Let Me Go
    author: Kazuo Ishiguro
    question: do you like the book
    The book "Never Let Me Go" is about the life of a clone ever since childhood. The main character Kathy tells the story if her life and friends Ruth and Tommy. The school they go to is called Hailsham where all the students their are clones. They all go through school life like a normal person and don't learn about they being clones until latter in school. Ruth and Kathy have so many arguments during the story that you wouldn't realize that they were best friends. "Its just her letting off steam." I really like this book and would suggest this to anyone that is interested.

    1. You must support your thoughts with proper APA/MLA in text citation.

  34. Title: Parsifal's Page
    Author: Gerald Morris
    Date: December 1, 2014
    Question: What did you think the book was about?
    I thought the book was about knights fighting each other to obtain a book. This book is actually about a boy named Piers and joined a knight and that knight became his master but he died so he joined Parsifal, another knight. According to the book Parsifal's Page, the author states that, "My former master is dead, and I did not wish to serve such a man anyway.” (Morris. 23) Piers former master is dead so he has no choice but to serve Parsifal. According to the book Parsifal’s Page, the author states that, “‘He said that he had never been defeated.”’ (Morris. 71) Piers and his master, Parsifal must not be defeated and must fight to survive and never give in. According to the book Parsifal’s Page, the author states that, “…she’s dead.” (Morris. 216) Piers and Parsifal must not lose their will to fight because of the death of someone important and they should overcome it.
    -Danish Mohammad 8-421

  35. Title: Hoot
    Author: Carl Hiaasen
    Question: What are some of the book's themes? How important were they?

    Some of the book's team are environmentalism, teamwork, friendship, and leadership but the main theme is environmentalism and I predict that the author wanted to raise the awareness of construction projects destroying animal habitats or destroying the environment. In the novel Hoot the main character is Roy Eberhardt his friend Mullet Fingers, no one knew his name until the ending and his name was Napoleon Bridger. Roy and Napoleon were trying to delay and stop the construction of a pancake house that was going to be on top of a colony of owls underground, the bulldozers were going to crush them so in order for that to not happened Roy and Napoleon gathered classmates and friends to stop the construction of the pancake house so the owls will not be killed and have a place to live in. If I were in the book I would have also supported Roy and his friends to stop the construction because they also need homes and it's for a good cause but environmentalism isn't about destroying animal habitats, it is to save the world from pollution and saving habitats and many more. This is how environmentalism is a good thing and also what are the main themes in the book.

    Joshua Piedra 8-421

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  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Title: Divergent

    Author: Veronica Roth

    Question: Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations?

    I do think that the novel Divergent by Veronica Roth did fulfill my expectation of the book because while reading the first few pages of the book and understanding what was going on at the moment it just grabbed my attention and from that I knew that this book was going to be a book that I was going to read. One thing that I really liked abut this book was the way it was structured and also the way the author expresses each character in the book. For example, it sates, "In my reflection, I see a narrow face ,wide ,round eyes, and a long thin nose-I still look like a little girl, though sometime in the last few months I turned sixteen..."(Roth p.2). This shows the way the author expresses the way the main character Tris looks at herself. Another thing I liked about this book is how at the end of the book it left you on a cliffhanger and in order to find out what was going to occur you had to read the second book Insurgent. Overall, the book Divergent did fulfill my expectation in everyway and it was a really good book to read.

    -Nicole Sosa


    1. You must use three pieces of evidence to support the selected question.

  38. Title: Mockingjay
    Author: Suzanne Collins
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected ?

    The book did not end the way I expected. The only reason why Katniss volunteered for the hunger games in the first place was because she wanted to protect her sister and everything she did was to protect her sister and the ones she loved. All throughout the book it was her sister Prim who was always by her side and who always helped her make the right decision. It was her sister who gave Katniss the strength to keep going and to keep fighting for what was right but then when I least expected it she died and Katniss didn't know how to keep going. All throughout the book it was the capitol who seemed to be the bad guy but at the end it clears up that it wasnt only the capitol but the rebels as well. i also expected Katniss to end up with Gale but she ended up with Peeta and he was trying to change back to the way he used to be.

    Yessenia leon

    1. You must support your question with three pieces of textual evidence and your thoughts with proper APA/MLA in text citation.
