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Friday, February 27, 2015

Reading Review Blog # 4 - Due 3.2.15 by 7pm

Hello All,

I apologize for the delay. Please post your responses about the movie Selma here. Or, if you did not attend the trip, use a movie that is based on a true story (i.e. American Sniper). Select a question from the sheet given to you in September. The Blogging question sheet is also posted on Class Jump. You know the rules of posting blogs.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N


  1. Title: Selma by Ava Duve ray
    Question; did the book (movie) end the way you expected?
    Watching the movie Selma was very joyful. I got to learn more about MLK and more about segregation. The movie dealt with segregation, and in social studies class we got to learn about segregation, and how blacks were discriminated and segregated because of there race and color. Throughout the movie I knew some of the parts that were going on because I knew about the historical events that were happening in the movie, so I connected it to what I had already learned form social studies class to what was happening in the movie. Yes, the movie did end the way I expected. In the beginning I imagined it to end with every mixed race coming together to put an end to segregation, and including MLK having his final speech about segregation and change. At the end of the movie MLK and his people were now able to live the life they wanted to live because now there was a big change.
    By: Gabriella Gutierrez 8-421

    1. Tausif Tushin

      I agree with the fact that watching the movie Selma was really joyful. I have also learned many things about MLK and his march to the White House. MLK did end segregation. I also learned about segregation in social studies class and how segregation was a really big deal. MLK had to face many challenges and obstacles to end segregation. He did not have an easy time dealing with the huge problem. Just like you the movie also ended the way I expected.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you because some parts or more specifically ideas such as racism and segregation were expected. They were expected because during this time period these things were common. I also agree with you when you say that we had an advantage because in social studies class we learned how many people had to struggle in order to get basic things. We were also familiar with MLK's marches because from a very young age, we learned how MLK made a revolution without the use of violence. However, was there any part of the movie where something that you were not expecting? For me I actually thought that at one point MLK would resort to violence, but he never did.

    4. I agree with you because the film taught me a lot about history and the movie did end the way I expected it to end, but throughout the movie I really wanted to hear when Martin Luther King said the words, "I have a dream" in the film he, unfortunately, did not say those words.

  2. I absolutely did it gave me a little more image on what Mr. Smith been teaching in Social Studies. It was pretty interesting to see how Martin Luther King took a stand so silently. He didn't condone violence, he would do anything to keep people that were with him safe. I think that the movie really opened the youth of today to a brighter world of Martin Luther King.

    -Zora Shillingford 8-421

  3. Tausif Tushin
    Title: Selma by DuVernay
    Watching the movie Selma was really exciting. I got to learn more about segregation and how MLK had to face many challenges and obstacles to get what he wanted. He did not stop fighting for his rights until the very end. Segregation was a problem that was mainly in the 18 and 19th hundreds. In the movie Selma MLK fought for his and everyone's rights. Fortunately segregation came to an end, therefore I expected the movie to end with the victory of MLK, and a successful march to the White House. The movie ended with the successful march to the White House and got the rights he wanted. Especially the right to vote. Martin Luther King Jr. was a really strong and brave leader leading to the end of segregation. Therefore the film ended the way I expected.
    Tausif Tushin class: 8-421

    1. I agree with you Tausif because when I saw the movie I knew it would end in a happy way because that is how it actually happened MLK got the colored people freedom and it worked out for him and the people but, then later he died from being shot. AS well as when the parts in the movie where he first couldn't march to Montgomery but, later it worked out and he and the people could march to Montgomery.
      Aveneet Kaur

    2. I agree with you when you said that "MLK had to face many challenges and obstacles to get what he wanted." Although he was doing good in one man's eyes, he was doing evil in another. Therefore, he had to face hatred from many people. Another obstacle he had to face was when the sheriffs did not allow his march to cross the bridge. When you said that you expected the movie to end with Dr.King gaining victory, I can relate because as always 'The good guys win' (also because I read the book about MLK')

    3. Tausif (at times considered the other Tashrif, who at times is considered the other Tausif), I do agree with you "He did not stop fighting for his rights until the very end." because if you scroll down, I stated how tenacious MLK was for what he believes in. For instance, in his march mom Selma to Montgomery he was denied, as a result he cam back to march again. And like Rian stated "you expected the movie to end with Dr. King gaining victory,". Tausif, were there any scenes of the film, Selma, that you did not see coming?

    4. I agree with you because when I first saw the movie I was surprised of all the events that occurred at the time of the civil rights movement. I was also astonished that they made it clear in the movie of what MLk actually did in the civil rights movement and how he got the black population there right to vote. Tausif what event in the movie got you surprised?


  4. I agree that the movie was excited and in fact that MLK never backed down he kept standing up and fighting for his rights and obstacles. What was very important was that he did not only think about himself for change but as well as demanding rights for others. Which is an amazing thing to do. I also agree with your ending because I had a similar image of segregation ending from the same perspective.
    By Gabriella Gutierrez

  5. Title: “Selma”
    Author/Director: Du-Vernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the book (movie) Why? Why not?
    Well, let me tell you I really enjoyed the movie. You know why because I got to learn things about MLK that I did not even know. Though in the beginning I have to admit it was a little boring because I already knew the parts in the first part. When I heard about Selma I thought why is it called Selma when his name is Martin Luther King but, when I saw the movie I understood that that was the place where MLK fought for colored people over there. I also liked the movie because I got to see one example of MLK fighting for colored people either though he knew he would get in big trouble for it. This movie also showed how MLK would do anything to help other people even if it took risks for him so that showed me a reason to like it since I got to know how far MLK would go for the colored people. I also think that this movie showed many people the way history was and more about how MLK would help out people really hard no matter the risks so it was very inspirational. These are the reasons why I like the movie.
    Aveneet Kaur

  6. Title: Selma
    Director: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did the book (movie) end the way you expected?

    Selma directed by Ava DuVernay was about the civil rights movement. We have been learning about the civil rights movement since we were young. Despite this, the movie did not end the way I expected it to. I knew MLK did not resort to violence, but I did not know that people, mainly whites, responded to non-violence with violence. I did not know or realize the power of nonviolence. For example at the beginning of the movie I did not expect a white officer to kill a colored boy in the presence of his mother. That was really cruel and showed to the mother that her son was worthless to the world. At this point, I expected MLK to lose a lot of his supporters because I thought the public would think that the boy died because of one of MLK’s marches, but MLK just got more supporters because now it was a question of giving justice. The power of his words were greater than the power of weapons. Also at the middle of the movie, there was a march, but MLK was not in it. The march was peaceful, yet the police attacked the people in the march. They did not hesitate to hit any elders. This march did not finish, but MLK would finish it with more supporters. This time, whites joined too. The shocking part is that when the whites were there, no one got hurt. Was it because there were whites involved? Or was it because they finally realized the true meaning of equality? Either or, I was not expecting the march to go on. The march continuing portrays the power of nonviolence because letting the march continue shows that the whites are accepting that everyone is equal, so MLK completed his stand without any violence. Therefore, throughout the movie, MLK used no violence and that is what I was not expecting because I never realized revolution could be made without violence. I did not expect MLK to reach his stand with no violence and at the end of the movie, they showed that anything can be achieved and violence is not necessary.

    -Nuzat Zaman, 8-421

  7. Title: Selma
    Director: DuVernay
    Question: Did the book (movie) end the way you expected?

    The film Selma is about Martin Luther King and his effort to end discrimination. I noticed many times how MLK and his followers were hated and sometimes killed. This would have affected me in what I expected how the movie would end. I thought this because everyday that passed, one person or another would get beat up and Dr.King's followers were thinking of backing down for their own safety. However, he movie did end the way I have expected because I knew that MLK would be the one to gain victory since I have read many books about him and he had been the one to succeed.
    Rian Chowdhury 8-421

    1. I agree with you about "...how MLK and his followers were hated and sometimes killed", and would like to add on that MLK gained many more followers from all over the U.S and joined him. Many whites did not accept this. After the last march with whites and blacks together, there were two whites who supported MLK and because of that they were beaten and killed. They called white who supported blacks, White N's. Even white who goin against other whites because of their decision to join MLK. I have a few questions for you, 1. After MLK'S followers were beaten or even killed, was their an increase or decrease in followers?, 2. Did MLK ever use violence against the whites to get war he wanted, and lastly, 3. Did MLK ever thought of giving up because of all the hatred and discrimination he and his people faces?

    2. I find your perspective towards the film very interesting. How you said you expected that as the days passed more and more of MLK's supporters/followers would be..."put to sleep." I have to say I do agree with the fact that you mentioned how you expected MLK to gain victory at the end.

    3. I agree with what you said on how Martin Luther King was victorious in the end but I do think that all of his followers would stay with him towards the end. The people on their side were willing to go back to the bridge even after betting chased and beat the first time, this shows how their loyalty and determination was very strong. Knowing this, you would expect them to keep trying until they are victorious, not back down to save their own skin because that has been going on for years now and there was no change because of that. Backing down is what got segregation to last for years and now they realize that speaking up and taking action is the only way out of it. So it wasn't a surprise for me when King's followers decided to stay loyal and not renege.

    4. I agree with you because many of Martin Luther King Jr. followers either got hurt of got killed but these were the things that they were risking to do so they could live a better life tomorrow with out any discrimination or racism.

      Yover Tenezaca

    5. I agree but was there a part you thought was interesting or something you didn't see coming threw out the movie?

  8. Title: Selma
    Director: Ava DuVernay
    Question: How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Did you like them? Hate them?

    The film, Selma, is about a civil rights movement. Whenever the phrase, civil rights movement, is heard, people mainly think of the leader of the civil rights movement and the politician. This relates to the film because the characterization of the leader of the civil rights movement and the politician is ever so credible. For instance, Martin Luther King, Jr., the leader of the civil rights movement, justifies his role as a leader because he remains persistence in his sit-downs, protests, and marches (types of taking a stand), and won't give up until he has attained his goal, for colored people to vote without being denied by white people. Another example, Lyndon B. Johnson, the politician, affirms his role as the president (a form of politician) because he chooses one idea over another where time is also his enemy, and while doing so he keeps in mind that his decision may upset part of the country and make the other part of the country happy, so he becomes wise and makes sure that white people don't deny colored people from voting, he does this for the greater good. This encourages me, Tashrif Apon, to meet them because from Martin Luther King Jr. I can learn to how to be tenacious and from Lyndon B. Johnson I can learn to decide form the greater good while the time is ticking. So yeah, I do revere them.

    -Tashrif Apon, 8-421

    1. Not to mention, I would also want to learn from MLK how to stay away from violence when the last straw is being pulled, because that was also one of his talents.

    2. Tashrif, I would say that I agree with you in the fact that the characters in the film were well portrayed. I also feel that if we had the opportunity to meet either Martin Luther King Jr. or President Lyndon B. Johnson, we could have learned from their qualities such as taking a stand without violence and making decisions that may not please everyone. Now, I have two questions for you. One: Did you enjoy the movie? Two: If it was possible, would you rather go back in time to meet someone like Martin Luther King Jr., or would you meet him today if he was still alive?

    3. Yes, I did enjoy the movie. Especially the acting of Coretta Scott King because her acting fit smooth with the situation she was in at all time. And for the second question, I would meet him today because the man as I know him, after one change he would want another. By the way Maher what would you respond for the same questions?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Movie- "Slema"
    By: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not.

    It's difficult to explain if I actually liked the movie or not. My feelings would have to be neutral. I liked the movie because it really showed the depth of standing up. How it not only takes guts, but also ambition. When Martin Luther King (in the film) has a peaceful movement and encouraged others to support them as well, it showed the true meaning of standing up. Not just believing strongly in something you believe in, but to strive for the impossible. I also did no like the movie because, honestly speaking, some parts made me fall asleep. Although, it did get me thinking. All in all, I really enjoyed the movie.

  12. Title: Selma
    Director: Ava DuVernay
    Question: How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Do you like them? Hate them?

    The film Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay, was about the civil rights movement. The characterization in the film was very realistic because the cast played their role very accurately. Martin Luther King Jr., a key figure of the civil rights movement, was one of the characters in the film. He was depicted as someone who was persistent, determined and enduring. For example, when King met with President Lyndon B. Johnson and asked for new legislation, concerning the rights of voting for African Americans, he was told that it would be considered however there would be no immediate change. Although his request was denied, he did not give up and had decided to show his resolve through peaceful protests and marches. In another instance, Coretta Scott King tells her husband, “People actually say that they’re gonna kill my children.” By taking a stand, King was putting the lives of his family in danger. However, he knew of the risks and yet he was still determined to fight for equality. In the film, Martin Luther King was depicted as someone who was enduring because he said, “I would rather people be upset and hate me, than be bleeding or dead.” He knew that his actions will may leave others hurt, yet he moved forward and was ready to endure the consequences of his actions. If had the opportunity, I would have liked to meet him in person. He was a great leader and I do respect and admire him for his many great qualities.

    -Mazharul Mahe, 8-421

    1. I totally agree with you on the fact that the characters were outstanding at the characters that they played and it was a well directed movie. Also i agree on the point that Martin Luther King was a very strong, brave, and determined leader. The movie shows how it can be hard to accomplish something, but at the end it pays off.

    2. Mazharul, I agree with you on everything because the there is no way to deny the evidence you utilized to affirm your claim, "He was depicted as someone who was persistent, determined and enduring." If Martin Luther King, Jr. was to be alive today, do you think he would try to make another change to this imperfect world? If so, what would it most likely be?

    3. Mazharul I agree with you by what you said because the actors did a great job portraying their role in the film which was a very successful film in my opinion. I would also like to meet him in person for what he has affected everyone from that day until today, that means everyone has a wide variety of people to be friends with, marry, be family and etc.

  13. Movie - "Selma"
    By: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not.
    I really enjoyed this movie very much, it was a delight to watch how people during the civil rights movement would stand up with nonviolence, words, and peace. One part that caught my attention was how the director, Ava Duvernay was able to accurately convey how the atmosphere and environment was like in Selma during the 1960’s which was what made me appreciate the film even more. For example, when the preacher from Boston was shot in the street by racist white southerners for supporting the blacks, I felt as though it was something that would actually happen during that time period. Many southerners hated when whites would support blacks which provoked them to harm supporters of blacks as well. I had background knowledge prior to viewing this film so the main idea and purpose was much clearer for me to understand. Another part of the movie which caught my attention were the speeches, Martin Luther King was an amazing speaker and his words were very insightful which provided hope for all that was listening. These speeches was what made me love the movie even more and fulfill my expectations.

    1. Sadia, I agree with you especially in the part where you said "Ava DuVernay was able to accurately convey how the atmosphere and environment was like in Selma during the 1960s..." All the cars, clothes, houses, and stores looked like they were from the 1960s. Even the way the spoke sounded like the way someone spoke in the 1960s. What I want to know is 1. Did you learn anything new from watching this movie? and 2. Which speech from the movie that Martin Luther King gave that you liked the best?

  14. Movie: "Selma
    Director: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the book (Movie)? Why? Why not?

    I did enjoy this movie. Watching this movie not only helped me learn new things about the Civil Rights Movement but it made me feel like I was actually there in some parts of the movie. One part of the movie I liked was how Martin Luther King actually showed emotion. For example, when Coretta and Martin were listening to supposed audio recordings of Martin cheating on Coretta with another woman and Coretta asked him how much he really loved her, he showed so much emotion in that scene and it was almost like you could feel exactly how he felt. Another part of the movie I like was when Martin Luther King Jr. was giving speeches. His speeches were so strong, encouraging, and full of emotion. His speeches were able to move people and to show them it was time to take a stand especially in the scene when everyone was at Jimmie Lee Jackson's funeral. Martin was able to move people to show that it is time for them to put their foot down and fight back. One last part I liked about the movie was the bravery shown in the scenes where the African Americans were actually fighting back. The bravery they showed was amazing especially in the scene where the marchers first attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery. To try to march from Selma to Montgomery knowing all the challenges and problems they would face will trying to reach their goal was really brave of them. This movie was very enjoying to watch.

    Tyller Alexander

    1. I agree with you because in Mr. Smiths class we were learning about the Civil Rights Movement and analyzing the film gave us more information about the topic. I also agree with you that in some parts of the film it was like you were actually there because they used actual photographs and videos about what was happening in that moment of time . Have you seen any other films that was as accurate to the time period it happened in like this one ?

  15. Title: "Selma" by Du Vernay
    Question: Did you feel that the book (movie) fulfilled your expectations?

    The movie Selma was a movie that really taught not only me but others how colored people suffered deeply do to segregation and racism. This amazing movie did fulfill my expectations. The setting the characters made me fell as if I were to be there with the people who walked through those tough battles hand by hand. I was expecting the movie to be more on the educational side but it was truly based on the experience that most colored people faced and I am glad that I got to see a movie that spoke and showed the truth. This movie showed me how many people suffered and how they over came challenges that no other person could this movie was satisficing in so many ways hopefully others would be able to see that.

    Yover Tenezaca

    1. I agree with what you said especially when you said " taught not only me but others how colored people suffered deeply do to segregation and racism." it was shown clearly how unfair and mean the rules were for colored people. You really did a great job.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Title- Selma by Du Vernay
    Question- Did you feel that the book (movie) fulfilled your expectations?
    The movie Selma was a outstanding movie that thought me lots of things. The movie did reach my expectations because it taught me everything i needed to know about MLK and about segregation against colored people and whites. Also in the movie it talked about the challenges that MLK and the people faced to put a stop to segregation. They went through a lot and at the end they succeeded. This was a great movie and i would recommend it to everyone.
    Jibran Zaffer

    1. I agree with you on how the movie helped us learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. I have two questions for you. One: Did you also learn about how bad the time period was and how segregation was so intense? Two: do you think that the plot of the story had a lot to do with how the movie was constructed?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Title: "Selma" by Du Vernay
    Question: Did you feel that the book (movie) fulfilled your expectations?
    I was really surprised with Selma it was well written and preformed it really was amazing. I love how accurate they were in showing the setting and emotion of the civil rights activist. They showed how bad it was in the past. I also love how they showed that Martin Luther King was a normal person he too had dark times and doubts but he had trust in himself and was able to achieve glory. It really gave me a good image of how amazing the civil rights movement was.It was not always sunshine and rainbows and they show it clearly in this film. I would defiantly recommend everyone to see it.

    1. I agree with you Moises because the movie did really help paint a clear picture golf what was really happening and what some people were feeling. The movie helped us have a deeper understanding and that it wasn't always as good as it is today .

  19. Title:Selma by Du Vernay
    Question: did you enjoy the book (movie) why or why not

    This movie showed me more information of MLK i got to now what was he known for and what exactly did he do, what i like so much about him and the movie it shows how his the voice of his people he talks over those who don't have the voice to tell what they think is wrong i think that such a good thing speak for others because even tho they are afraid they still have a voice another thing i like is they never back down for what they believe in and every time they lose they come again but stronger and people start to realize what they should have done, and that is speak for what they believe is right.

    1. I agree with you because Martin luther king always made speeches to tell black people to keep fighting for what they believe and that is taking.a stand

  20. Title: Selma
    Director : Du Vernay
    By: Caterin Loja
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not.

    I did enjoy the film '' Selma" because it provided an insight in which an indivisual makes a difference in people's life like a real hero. For example in the film " Selma " Martin Luther King Junior had arguments with his wife because of the pressure he had with what he was doing which affected his wife as well . This shows how he is willing to go through problems with his family in order to make the difference he want's for others to come true . Another example is when MLK led a group of supporters across a bridge in the city of Selma in a march ,when a group of white officials ready to attack on the other side. This shows how he will not back down even if there will be life threatning challenges towards him just to make a difference in other people's life. Also another example is when MLK went to the president to complain about the unfair laws created for colored people . This shows how he will do whatever it takes even if he has to go to the president to make a difference in the colored peoples' life .These examples show how MLK is a hero which made me enjoy the film .

  21. Tittle: Selma by: Du Varney
    By:jefferson Fabian 8-408
    Do you enjoy the film?why?or why not?

    I did enjoy the film because it teachs me and others people that taking a stand which is fighting for what you believe can help us defeat our challenges. I also enjoy watching the film because martin luther king Jr was a hero for black people. My favorite part that I enjoy was when black people and white people made an alliance with each other and that show that they were taking a stand for themselves. Lastly MLK never gave up until he had freedom and equal rights as all white men and that shows his bravery.

    1. Jefferson, I agree with you that the movie shows how black and whites came together to make an alliance. But my suggestion is next time make sure you use the capitalization rulers that we have learn in class in your writing. Namea must be capitalized!!

      Ivonne Santana 8-408

  22. Title:Selma
    Author: DuVernay
    Queastion: Did you enjoy the film?Why?Why not.
    I did enjoy the film because it granted me more knowledge of what occurred in the civil rights movement with MLK. Before seeing the movie I thought it was going to be boring but, as you get farther in the movie it captivates you to want to see more of what is going to occur next. For example, in the scene where the girls are at the church they are just walking down the stairs and next thing you know there is an explosion and they're dead that scene really got to me because I did not think that was going to occur. Another example, is in the scene where the whites start beating up another white person because they did not believe that one race was better than the other and that scene also got to me because they even beat up their own kid because they did not believe in the same thing. One last example, was when MLK led his followers outside the voting building as a way of protest and the police officers did not like what MLK was doing that when all of them were supposed to sit on the ground and there was an old man that could not sit because he was old the police officer pushed him and then a commotion occurred next where a woman got beat up bad. Overall, I really did enjoy the movie Selma because it taught me more things that I did not know about the civil rights movement and the events that occurred in the movie really did surprise me.

  23. Title: Selma
    Director: Ava DuVernay
    Question: How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Do you like them? Hate them?

    In the film Selma the characterization was very realistic because of the way the actors portrayed the main idea very clearly. They did this by being persistent, enduring, and vociferous. The film was about the civil rights movement and during this time there was a lot of tension and chaos and that is exactly what the movie showed. For example the actor that played Martin Luther King was very vigorous character that showed lots of firm emotion. In the movie while MLK was leading the people to cross the bridge he seemed very determined and ready to fight for what he wanted. He portrays a very enduring, persistent character. Also in the movie it shows the phone calls that MLK makes to the president in which he sounds very explicit and although the president kept saying that a change like that was going to take a long time, MLK never stopped fighting but instead he was on going. The characterization was also very realistic because while the colored people were trying to take a stand for themselves they kept being harassed by the police there. The police would mistreat those people horribly and while looking at those movie parts it made me feel like I was in the scene and it was so real because one thing is people telling you what happened back then and another is actually seeing. If I had a choice to meet any of the characters it would be Coretta Scott King, I would love meeting her because it must have been very hard to be married to a leader that is always working and busy. Also being a wife to a very important leader who was disliked by most white racist people can be scary because you think of all the negative things that people are capable of doing.

  24. Title: Selma
    Author: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why or why not?

    I did enjoyed the film Selma. This film was very realistic in the way that they crafted the setting and all the events that happen through the Civil Right movement. Now because I saw the movie I have a better understanding of segragation and how black where descriminated just because they were blacks and how sometimes some whites will also be hated just because they don't agree with segragation. But mostly, I enjoyed the movie because it gets its point across about taking a stand.

    Ivonne Santana 8-408

    1. I agree with you and I also think that it was an interesting movie, and that it conveys the message throughout the movie about taking a stand. And I also enjoyed the film.

  25. Title: Selma 
    Author: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why or why not? 

    The movie Selma was an amazing movie . I enjoyed it a lot and it was really informational . It thought me many things how blacks took a stand for their rights and how they were treated unfairly. This film also showed the impact that Martin Luther King Jr had on people and how he helped them and guided them to stand up for their rights . The movie showed all the events that happened and how it was back then when people where treated differently and didn't have equal rights. This movie helped me have a better understanding of the civil rights movement and how unfair our country was. This movie was a good movie and it was really interesting.

    Yessenia Leon 8-421

  26. Title: Selma
    Author: Ava DuVernay
    Question: How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Did you like them? Hate them?

    The acting and the role the actor played MLK was very realistic and can make people emotional. I enjoyed the film and some characters that I like was Dr. King and his supports (family, friends, church and etc). Dr. King story was not only inspired by Ava DuVernay to make a film a film about him and what he has done which caused every African American to get their Civi Rights but unfortunately he was assassinated for what he believed in but his supporters still fought and managed to get their Cvil rights.The characters I disliked was the people who opposed Dr. King and killed the African Americans because of their skin color or for what they are. In conclusion I would have liked to meet Dr.King and to tell him that he succeeded and affected the history of the United States and thank him for equality.

  27. Film title: Selma
    Question Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    I enjoyed the film Selma because I learn more about Martin Luther King.
    He convince the black people to fight for equal right. He went to Selma and convince black people to fight to they can vote. He proved the president that the most important problem in the USA it segregation.

  28. Movie- "Slema"
    By: Ava DuVernay
    Question: Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not.
    I think the film was great with great story telling and presentation. The way they presented the beginning with the colored kids talking about a normal thing when they were blown up. They showed a sad thing made even sadder with the kids in the scene talking about a innocent thing. when they were attacked. Later in the film they showed the opinions of both the whites and blacks by showing MLK (Martin Luther King) and the president talking about the issue and having their own points of view. The way they had the actor playing MLK say the speeches showed me how powerful he felt about his civil rights and how he spread the word to others.

  29. Film “Selma”
    Did the actions of the characters seem plausible? Why? Why not?

    The actions of the character are plausible because they were standing up for what they believed in which was equal rights for African Americans, more specifically for the right to vote. This was plausible also because they deserve the same amount of respect and the same rights as everybody else. This actions changed a lot of people lives and they were to be the same as they deserve not as inferior.

    Clariel Arias, 8-421 
