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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Book Review Blog # 1 - Due by 7pm 10.1.14

Hello All,

Welcome to your first online blog! You will post your response to a question you selected from the syllabus and respond to another classmate from either class 8-408 or 8-421.

Please follow the directions provided to you in class and do not wait until the last minute to post. If you have any questions, problems or issues with the assignment, please email before 7pm prior to the due date of the online reading blog.

I look forward to reading your insightful thoughts on the classroom's blog spot.

Until then...see you soon!

Ms. N :)


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  2. Chasing The King
    By: Joshua Stein

    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?

    I really enjoy this book because I like soccer and think this a awesome book because this kid name Jason Skidder but his friends call him '' Skids''. Skids was playing for a soccer team in San Francisco and somebody in Rio De Janeiro Brazil offered his dad a job and his dad told him that they were going to move to brazil and Skids thought that his dad was playing around and his dad was like im not playing around and then Skids said what's going to happened with my friends and my soccer team and his dad said in brazil there is better teams and they move to brazil and Skids became the best soccer player and his dream was to play against Brazil because in Brazil was the best soccer player in all times and he wanted to play with U.S. soccer team and his dream came true when he got older the U.S. soccer team called him to play for their team and he was so happy and he said yes and them the next game for U.S. was going to be against brazil when they told him that he got so happy he started jumping like crazy so the day of his day came true they were going play brazil and he was crying when he got in the field and he cry more when he saw his idol and then the game started and he was a little nervous and his team tie against brazil and he scored a goal and he said my dream came true.

    Jose Zamora

    1. I can tell that you really enjoyed this book. I can tell because you put a lot of effort into your writing and were very specific. In the first sentence you said you like to play soccer. Do you think that you and "Skids" share any characteristics ? Would you say it is your favorite book? What part was you ultimate favorite ?
      -Chelsea Atupana

  3. Insurgent
    By: Veronica Roth

    I really enjoyed this book it was really interesting.This book was really interesting and it also answered some of your questions that you had when Divergent ended has a cliffhanger. I recommend you read this book but read Divergent first. I think you will enjoy Divergent the most because it is more descriptive and also keeps you at the edge of the seat. This book is about a girl Beatrice and her society is divided into factions. So then, she has a choice of going to a another faction but, that is going to change her entire life. So when she goes into another faction she meets someone named Four so they both partner up and think of a way to help every faction from Marcus. They have so many conflicts but, it soon gets a little fixed. Read to figure out more.
    Aveneet Kaur

    1. Ive also read the book Insurgent and it was really good. Obviously the cliffhanger part bothered me when I read Divergent so the show must go on -right?

    2. Aveneet I agree with you because when I was reading the novel I really liked the theme and I was also annoyed at the cliff hanger in the first book but then I understood the rest in Insurgent . Do you have other statements of why you liked the novel ? What was your reaction to the beginning of Insurgent ?
      - Caterin Loja

    3. Even though i didnt read this book yet it really sounds good. i like how you incorperated some details form the book. i can tell you really enjoyed this book by the way you described this book and because of the reaction you stated. i cant wait to start reading this book and cant wait to talk all about it with you.

  4. The Fault In Our Stars
    By: John Green

    Did the book end the way you expected ?

    Honestly the book did not end the way I expected it to end. I expected for Hazel Grace (one of the main characters) to be the one to die at end because of the cancer she had. I never expected Augustus to be the one to get cancer again and be the one to die. On page 214 Augustus is telling Hazel about his cancer coming back again and he told her like this " I lit up like a Christmas tree, Hazel Grace. The lining of my chest, my left hip, everywhere." Once again I never expected for Augustus to get cancer again. On page 261 it says " Augustus Waters died eight days after his prefuneral, at Memorial, in the ICU, when the cancer, which was made of him, finally stopped his heart, which was also made of him." When I read this part is when found out he died. Towards the end of the book is when it really hit me that he died. I honestly didn't want to believe it was true but at his funeral when Hazel read her eulogy its when I was really like wow he's really dead.That was never how I expected the book to end.
    - Chelsea Atupana

    1. I can't tell you weren't really happy because how the book ended but who did you feel or reacted wen you found out he died?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you because I also wasn't expecting John Green to end The Fault In Our Stars that way. I thought Hazel and Augustus would have their own happy ending like most stories do. But, instead John Green left us at heartbroken state at the end. I also wondered how did you think the book was going to end like ? what where you're expectations of the book?

    4. You don't know how much I hated the ending. That was the worst part of the book for me. I could actually agree with you I thought that Hazel would die but it was the ending that surprised me the most.

    5. I agree with you because John Green has indeed given all his readers a surprise. Throughout the novel, I had expected Hazel to die because I was constantly reminded of her cancer. Towards the ending, when I found out that Augustus dies, I though I had misread. That was how surprised i was. However, sometimes life takes unexpected turns and life does not end the way we expect it to.

    6. I agree with you because at first when i had read the book The Fault In Our Stars right away i thought that Hazel Grace was going to die at the end because i didnt think Augustus was not gonna die. i had the same reaction towards every thing as well. i can tell that you were sad and your reaction was very suprising because of that incident. i have a couple of questionshow did you reacted the first time you find out that Augustus had died? and if you were like one of these characters who were you like the most?

  5. Jip, His Story
    By: Katherine Patterson

    Katherine Patterson’s novel, Jip, His Story is about a 12 year old boy who had been abandoned as an infant. Later on, he is found by a lady named Mrs. Lyman. She is the owner of a poor farm where the mentally ill are housed in. Mrs. Lyman takes him in and raises him to work for her and help out treating the residents thinking he is a gypsy according to his skin color. While he was completing his daily routines, he meets one of the residents who unfortunately has serious mental problems. By this I mean that every now and then, he is uncontrollable and becomes crazy. His name was Putnam Nelson, but for short, you can call him Put. Anyways, Jip starts to talk to him and fortunately becomes his very close friend. It turns out that Jip is the only one to keep him calm during his crazy moments. However, Mrs. Lyman doesn’t let anyone near him. But then, after a lot of convincing, she allowed Put to take care of him and be responsible for him. This was a very tough decision he made because he had to clean the urine on Put’s bed and take him showers as well as feed him on a regular basis. After several days, Jip finds out that Put isn’t actually the lunatic that people actually refer to him as. About halfway through the novel, Jip finds out that he is being searched for. This is because he is actually not a gypsy; he is the half black son of a runaway slave. Trying to escape, Jip secretly brings Put along with him to travel through the Underground Railroad. However, while traveling, they get caught and Put is killed. Jip was still able to get away although he had lost his friend. He blamed himself for it because if he hadn’t brought him along, nothing would’ve happened to him. But on the bright side, Jip was able to get to his destination, Canada.

    Rian Chowdhury

  6. Lord of the Flies
    By: William Golding

    Question: Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations?

    To answer the question of whether or not this book fulfilled my expectations, I would first have to state what my expectations were. First of all, the only reason that I chose the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding was because of the Characterization Analysis Book Review, so my expectations were quite simple. I expected this book to provide a character that faces and then overcomes different types of conflict. In the book, one of the conflicts that the main character, Ralph, faced was against another survivor of a plane crash named Jack. In the book, Jack and Ralph form two different tribes, consisting of all the boys who survived the crash. Throughout the story of book, it is shown how jack and his tribe became violent barbarians as time passed. This can be seen in the book when Jack says, “Kill the beast. Cut his throat. Spill his blood.” Ralph, on the other hand, stayed true to his human nature and did not let the desperate situations change him as a person and what he believed in. Although Jack killed Ralph’s loyal friend Piggy, was the reason that all of his tribe-mates had betrayed him and also tried to kill Ralph himself, Ralph did overcome this by keeping his optimistic views and moving forward, even though he was alone. The other conflict that Ralph faced was against the forces of nature. While on the island, Ralph and the other survivors had to live through storms and the challenges in the wilderness. Considering the fact that they didn't have any real tools to work with and that their clothes were all worn out, one can only imagine how difficult it must have been for them. But they were able to make do with what they had. So in the end, my answer to the question is that this book did fulfill my expectations because it did provide several events in which the main character faced and overcame conflicts.

    -Mazharul Mahe

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  8. The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall
    By: Mary Downing Hahn

    Did you enjoy the book ? Why ? Why not?

    I really enjoyed Mary Hahns' novel , The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall , because the author stated in vivid details the frightened chills the main character felt and it made me have those chills too. For example on page 97 the author stated " Sophie's eyes held mine . I couldn't turn away ' It's death ' , she whispered . ' Death is here and there and everywhere " . This example shows the way the main character might be feeling . Also in the novel the main character describes how she feels when the ghost is around her or when the ghost reaches out to her. Also on page 21 the author states " A chill raced up down my spine and my scalp prickled. 'Is someone there ' I whispered fearfully." This quote is another example of how clearly the vivid images the author gives the reader while they are reading . Overall I really enjoyed reading the novel and having sort of like a movie play in my head while reading.

    Caterin Loja

  9. The Giver
    By: Lois Lowry
    Genre: Fiction

    Question: How does the setting figure into the book?

    The books setting really does have a huge impact in the book. In the book the main characters name is Jonas who lives in a community that involves no pain, no fear, and no ... color. Jonas doesn't know the meaning to life... no one does, really. When Jonas becomes a twelve (meaning becoming twelve) he is chosen to be The Receiver. The job for The Receiver is to gain memories from The Giver. The Giver alone has all the memories to life. When Jonas receives the memories to life, he now fully understands what life is and realizes how much people in his community are missing out. Jonas must solve the conflict of Man V's Society - which is how the setting figures into the book. An example is how Jonas must show everyone how to feel. You see, in the society. The government must give everyone pills so they don't feel and have emotions. Another example is how everyone was just used to life, but after receiving memories from The Giver, Jonas must prove to everyone the true meaning of life. Jonas also has to battle the government by proving to everyone that there's more to life than just getting assigned to a job and getting your first bike (at a certain age, kids receive bikes in the community). You'll find ALOT of Man V's.Self, Man V's Man, and Man V's society in this book.

    By: Afnan Answar

    1. I can see that you gave a bit of a description of the book and then answered the question of 'How does the setting figure into the book?' You also gave numerous clear evidence from the book that supported your reasoning to the question. Although I haven't read the book, I may choose to because it does sound "interesting". Now my question to you is, did you enjoy reading this book and its contents? If so, would you recommend this book to others? And lastly, would you read a sequel to this book (If there is one)?

    2. I strongly agree with Mazharul Mahe, and appreciate how you incorporated a plethora of evidence. This helps a lot to understand what the book is about. In addition, this answers your question that you chose, so a job well done. The book seems very deep in its beliefs. Do you concur with the ideas that are shared in the book. Why, or why not?

  10. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    by: Robert Louis Stevenson
    Q: Did the book end the way you expected?

    The book that I read is about a detective that is trying to conclude a case that seems impossible to solve. The case is about a man that is terrorizing the streets. However all the clues are leading to one man, Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll is a well known man so they never would have thought that he was the criminal. Until Dr. Jekyll wrote a confession letter that he took a drug that he could separate this good and bad side at first it didn't work that well until one day Mr. Hyde roared out like a tiger(the bad side of Dr. Jekyll). However the ending was every expecting because since Mr. Hydes power was so strong he took over and Dr. Jekyll would die.

    -Mubashshir Hossain 8-421

    1. After reading your response, I would be interested in reading it because from what you said, I think that it has many ooh and aah moments. I think this because as you said, the book has "clues" involved. Anyways, I like that before answering, you gave a little glimpse into the book. At the end of your response, you concluded that "the ending was very expecting..." My question for you is that would you like the book even more if it had a less expecting ending?

    2. After reading your response, I would love to read this book because after what you have wrote this book has many climaxes and twists and turns. Let me guess, this is a mystery book because you said that there are "clues" involved. One question I have for you is that did you know from the beginning that Dr. Jekyll was the criminal behind all the mischief? Also would you recommend this book to others?

  11. Batman and Robin
    By:grant Morrison

    Do you like this book?

    Batman and robin was a good friends they always help people from bad guys. Batman fight with a bad guy and he was biting by bad guys then robin came and helped batman. Robin fight with a robot he killed him then he fight a fat lady and the both need help but no one is there to help them. The found a monster that is destroying the city then they both went to help. At the end the fight the boss and batman died.
    By: Ruhin Ahmed. 8-408

    1. How did batman died? What happened to the monster he still alive or dead?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The secret life of bees
    By: Sue Monk Kidd
    Question: What did you think the book was about?

    The book I read was about a girl named Lily fighting her way out of her emotional conflicts. She blames herself for her mother's death. Now she is trying to find a perfect mother that can replace Lily's real mother. She actually did find a person whose name was Austin. Lily did overcome her conflicts by finding a cure to her problems. Also Lily despises her father because he is the main reason that Lily's mother died. Lily still follows his rules, and listens even though inside her mind is full of fire and hatred towards T. Ray or her father.
    By: Tausif Tushin 8-421

    1. I think after reading this response i might just read this book. This book sounds really interesting by the description you were giving. How much did you enjoy the book? Does the girl want to get revenge?

  14. The Beginning of After
    By: Jennifer Castle
    Q: How realistic was the characterization? Would you want to meet any of the characters? Did you like them? Hate them?

    Jennifer Castle's The Beginning of After tells of a real life disaster anyone can go through. This disaster is a complete nightmare and it can cause victims trauma. Unfortunately, Laurel had to go through this disaster. This disaster is losing your entire family in a car accident. Her world comes crashing down and she has to go through a lot. Laurel has a very strong characterization because she is able to move on in life. Her family died before the SATs. Laurel has to take the SATs in a fragile state of mind. However Laurel leaves everything behind except for her goal of making her family proud. Anyone can go through this disaster, but not everyone can stand up after falling down. Castle supports this by showing readers the struggles of Laurel. Castle also gave Laurel problems normal kids her age have. For example Laurel had the SAT score to get into Yale, but she decided to go to Cornell instead because it was closer to her home. Another realistic characteristic of Laurel is her ability to judge people. Like us, Laurel judges a book by its cover. She realizes that it is the wrong thing to do, but she still does it. For example she blames her neighbor for her family's death because he was driving and his alcohol level was on borderline. Gossip people will automatically blame the neighbor because they do not know the entire story. Laurel knows the truth. She knows it was an accident. Despite knowing the truth, she decides to blame the neighbor because she doesn't want to feel guilty. This is very realistic because in the real world, people also judge people based on covers even though it is wrong. For these characteristics, I would like to meet Laurel in person. Though fiction, Laurel is inspirational and can serve as a model. Laurel is your average person with not so average problems. We can learn from her decisions (good and bad ones). As a character I liked Laurel because to me she was an example. Her life wasn't all cliche and her decisions were all based off of something reasonable. I also wonder where she got all her strength from. How was she able to move on in her life without the most important people in her life? I wonder this because if I was in Laurel's place, I would still be grieving and mourning. Therefore Laurel is an inspiration we can all learn from.
    -Nuzat Zaman 8-421

  15. Title- Street Pharmacy
    Author Allison van Diepen
    Did the book end the way you expected?
    The book did not end the way i expected because i thought the book was going to end bad but it did not.Through out the book the main Character Tyrone Johnson went through lots of problems man vs. self. He made a lot of bad decisions which led to bad things happening. Such as him losing the girl he like because she found out he was a hustler.Him getting kicked out of high school and so many more. The surprising thing that happened at the end was that he starts school again and he gets the girl he likes back.
    -Jibran Zaffer

    1. I can see that you really enjoyed that novel due to the way you explained the problems of Tyrone Johnson. After reading your post I am now very interested in reading this novel. Its interesting how a drug dealer can turn good after all his mistakes.

  16. When Zachary Beaver came to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt (fiction)

    What did you think this book was about?

    Before I had read this book or even the summary behind the book I had already knew some things that probably were going to be in the book. For example right away I knew it had to be about someone or a specific character or in this case characters. That character was name Zachary Beaver. If you didn’t know or had read this book this book was about his kid who was known as the fattest boy in their small Texas town. Which wasn’t a bad thing for him. Actually he was recognized by many people his town. It was like he had all the attention because he was an artifact in a museum. However I kind of knew at the same time Zachary really didn’t care what people thought but another character named Toby did. And as Toby and his other friend Cal noticed Zachary they helped Zachary by being is friend and slowly as I read the book I noticed that Zachary started to change. Meaning he became more careful and cared more. This book was a really good book because it had many details and was described really well. I think it also had conflicts that many of these characters learned to overcome. It was like they were teaching you lessons or giving you hint of advice, because maybe some kids might have gone through the same obstacles that Zachary and the other main characters faced. In addition to that I recommend this book to others who have trouble finding any kind of book that is there style or just have trouble finding in general. With that said to find more about the characters and their conflicts and also more about the book you can find this book in any library.
    By Gabriella Gutierrez

  17. Title: Middle School My Brother is a Big Fat Liar
    Author: James Patterson

    What did you think that book was about?
    The book is about a girl called Georgia Khatchadorian and her brother Rafe Khatchadorian. Georgia is new to the school that her brother had been for years, now Georgia wants to show everybody who she is. But there is one problem her brother Rafe is the worst student and the school and now that Khatchadorian's name have a bad influence and meaning. She spend the hall year trying to get people to know her for how she really was. But she couldn't because nobody believes her just because of her brother that is a troublemaker and a blabbermouth and nobody likes the Khatchadorian's.

    Ivonne Santana 8-408

    1. Ivonne I really liked the book you are reading. Were there other conflicts on the plot of the book?

  18. Title- The Outsiders
    Author- S.E. Hinton
    Did the book end the way you expected?
    Did the book end the way I expected it to, not at all I thought the movie would end with Johnny and Ponyboy heading to court and Johnny getting left off the hook because it was self defense. I did not expect Johnny to die from the church fire by a piece of the roof. It kind of sadden me when he passed away. It kind of shows that anything could happen and to be grateful for what you have in life. If you do not know in the end of the novel Ponyboy and Johnny decide that they will turn themselves in as they go into Dally's car they notice that the church they were hiding in was on fire. Johnny and Ponyboy run to the church thinking that it was all their fault. They overhear that a group of kids were trapped in the church and that they needed saving. So Johnny and Ponyboy save the kids. Sadly while Johnny exits the church a piece of the roof falls on Johnny paralyzing him and killing him.
    -Moises Espejo

  19. Just Listen
    by:Sarah Dessen
    Question: Did the book end the way you expected?
    The book did end the way I expected it to end because I wanted the main character mother to finally start listening to her daughter about things she wanted to do in life not what her mother expected her to do. When the book was finally coming to an end the mother soon realizes that if she did not start listening to what her daughter wanted to do in life she would loose her mother daughter relationship soon and because the mother did not want that to occur she gives up on trying to control what her daughter is going to do in life and start listening to what she says and then realizations hits her that all this time her daughter Annabelle was only doing modelling and pretending she liked it just to fulfill her expectations of her. I liked how it ended because now their mother daughter relationship is growing stronger than ever because now the mother listens to what her daughter has to say and she also starts encouraging her daughter to do what she wants to do in life.
    -Nicole Sosa

  20. I can tell that you put a lot of thought to your writing. Hopefully the mother could continue to listen to her daughter so that mother and daughter relationship would never end.
    Yover tenezaca

  21. Title: Let's Get Lost
    By: Ali Alsaid
    Question: What did you think the book was about?
    The book was about a girl name Leila, who has a dream to see the Northern Lights so she decided to take a road trip and drive all the way to Alaska. In the middle of her journey she met four strangers, Hudson, Bree, Sonia and Elliot. They all had some problems or need friends to talk to, at that time Leila is there with them. In the whole story Leila tries to solve their problem and give them happiness and also tries to give them whatever they want in their life.
    -Ariana Shemonty

  22. Title: The Subtle Knife
    By: Philip Pullman
    Question: What do you think the book about?

    The book is about a girl name Lyra and a boy called Will they discover a world that haunted of Cittattagazze. In a place were nightmare comes true, were soul eat specters stalk and wingbeats of distant angels sound like they are against the sky. Lyra meet Will Parry and Will is looking for his father. They work toghter to uncover secret and destroying the devastating powers. They fought breases witches, angle, and sorcery. Every step they moved they got closer to an even greater threat. They befit every obstacles but the lost obstacles they won but Lyra got capture by the witch. Will doesn't now what to do to get her back and find the witch and destroy the witch for ever.

    By: Edwin Sibri

  23. Title- Fat vampire
    Author- Rex
    Question- Did the book end the way you expected?

    No the book did not end up the way I expected. In most vampire books people believe that the vampire is so handsome and he is what she dreamed he would be. But in this story he is fat and lets just say no as handsome as some girls would want the vampire of her dreams to be. Later on in the book a foreign exchange student comes and catches the eye of the main character Doug. As much as he tries to get her the more things start to happen to him that have not happened to him before. At the end of the book he final gets her and he lives his life as a normal human.

    Yover Tenezaca

  24. Walk to moons by Sharon creech

    The thirteen year old Salamanca hiddle begins to remember the moment when her and her father first moved to Euclid Ohio from their farm back in bybanks Kentucky Salamanca starts to realize that the new place is different from the old place she used to live in.Compared to Bybanks, Euclid is totally gray and boring. She and her dad arrive on a street where the houses are all jammed together like "birdhouses," and the sidewalk and the road look grey. Worst Thing is that there are no trees. Salamanca and her father arrive at the house of Margaret Cadaver in Euclid, Ohio, three hundred miles from their home in Bybanks, Kentucky When they arrive Sal is introduced by her father to a woman with red hairnamed Margaret Cadaver who helped salamancas dad get a job . Sal points out that there are no trees no barn and no river nearby as their house in Bybanks had. Sal looks next door and sees a girl’s face in the window. She later discovers the girl is Phoebe Winterbottom. Sal says she and Phoebe will later become friends and that “many peculiar” things happy to Phoebe.i enjoyed reading these book because it shows a lot how Salamanca is really interested in her old house she is use to seeing the animals st the farm and trees and now her new house don't have that not even trees around.it showed how she liked her old house I hope these book ends up with a great ending

  25. Green Which by Susan Cooper fiction

    The plot was about a guy who stold something from a showcase. Now the owner is upset. But two ladies was a the crime and said "thats were they pinched it in from." One of the ladies weared a yellow hat. Then Great uncle Merry was home early from his vacation. The kids wonder if great uncle knows about this. I found this book and it inspired me to read it by the cover and the name of it. I felt I was forced to read it. Also I like reading crime and cop shows. So thats why I felt like I was forced to read.

    Basam Almulaiki 8-408

  26. Tittle: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    Author: Mark Twain
    Question: How would the book have been different if it had taken place in a different time and or place?
    In order for this question to be answered the time period for the book is to be known, so the time period in which the book takes place is between the mid-1830s and mid-1840s (before, but near the time period of the Civil War). However, if the time period were to be changed, let us assume that the time period was modern day, the book would have been completely different and many chapters would have been taken out. I am able to aver such a broad statement for one reason. This reason is that one of the major conflicts in the book is man versus conscience that is related to slavery. The conflict is about whether what Huck did (helped Jim, a slave, find liberty) was right, or wrong. He has to think twice because the setting takes place in the Southern United States where slavery is accepted, but he believes in the freedom of slaves. Also, the time period was before slavery ended, so again slavery was accepted. This is why if the time or place was different, then the whole story would have been different.
    By: Tashrif Apon

    1. I can tell how much of a great impact the setting had to the book. I like how you explained the book really well and felt as though you gave it justice. I also like how you were able to analyze the setting and determine how significant it is to the whole story and how much of a difference it would make if it was a different setting. The book seems really interesting and i just might read it. But i do have one question, did Huck ever get in trouble for helping a slave out or did he get away with it?

    2. Tashrif, I like how you explained the time period of the book and then proceeded to answering the question. You provided reason to why it would have been different if it had taken place in modern time. My questions to you are: Were you able to make other connections with the book and modern time? And was this book to your liking?

    3. Throughout your response I like how you stayed on topic and presented very strong details used your prior knowledge to show how the book would have been different if it had been a different time/place.
      What happened to Huck?Did he help Jim?

  27. Hitler Youth
    Susan Campbell Bartoletti

    I actually enjoyed the book alot at first it talked about the young people that are included in the book.Then it went to the good stuff it talked about how hitler inspired teenagers to follow him he called it ''THE HITLER YOUTH.''When i started reading this book I thought hitler was a bad man who killed juwish just because he didnt like them ,but there is something that i didn'"t is that he helped teenagers with human disorders he can only help the ones who are not blind or deaf which is kind of messed up.(P.S. its a non-fiction book)

    jose palestino

  28. Book: Crossing the wire
    By: Will Hobbs
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers?

    This book was really interesting because it tells of a fifteen year old boy who goes though many challenges in order to support his family. Victor Flores has to take care of his family because his father died. He works had in the sun growing corn but the prices went down. he doesn't know what to do and decides to cross to the U.S. This book relates to many issues today because many people from other countries cross to the U.S illegally in order to support their families. This book tells you about how they cross and all the challenges they face throughout their path but they do all this for their family. I would recommend this book to other readers because they would read something that compares to what is happening and they have a image of how much people suffer to give their families a better future.

    1. Of what you have shown me and everyone, I can understand you really like the book. You must have thought that this book was really good and would recommend it to other people. I agree with you about recommending this book to others because I have read this book and it was really interesting. If it were me, I would also recommend this book because of its excellent story about the boy who had to take all responsibilities because he lost his father. I would like to ask you a few questions. 1. Would you recommend this book to everyone or would you recommend it to only specific kinds of people who would seem like they would like the book depending on their personalities? 2. Which part of the book did you like the most? 3. Which part of the book did you dislike the most?

  29. Title:Summer Ball
    By:Mike Lupica

    Do You feel that the book fulfilled your expectations?

    Yes,I feel that the book fulfilled my expectations.When I saw the book I was excited to see that this novel is part two of a book i previously read named,"Travel Team."So from the start I knew that I would enjoy reading this novel and reading ore about the main character,Danny Walker,and his difficulties with basketball.Through out the book I learned more about the main character Danny Walker by the way he solved conflicts and difficult situations.It helped me better understand Danny as a person,how he deals under pressure , and how the people around him such as his family members affected his decisions. So not only did the book fulfill my expectations it exceeded them.

    -Ella Regan 8-421

    1. I can see how you were excited to read the second part of the novel of the because you have read the first part. I like how you answered your question with a short paragraph but you still got to the point so good job on that part. I would gladly read the the novels and see if I can agree with you and trust your opinion that it will be a good book and see for myself. You didn't really give too much or too little information about the book because I guess you would also like someone to read the book as well. And I also like to play basketball with my friends during recess or after school. So it seems that I might enjoy the book as well.

  30. Title:The Boy Who Spoke Dog
    By Clay Morgan (fiction)

    (How would the book have been different if it had taken place in a different time or place?)

    If Moxie and Jack been in a different place the story would have changed COMPLETELY! Actually they both have different point a view but they come together. Moxie is a sheep dog who guards a tons of sheep from this wild animals called The fangos and Jack is a pirate selling the seven seas but something happened a huge storm came across Jack's ship and the last thing u know jack landed in a shore of an island were Moxie was. So if Moxie And Jack were in a different setting this would have never happened. Be side's that's what makes a story unique!.

    °Marielis torres


  31. Title: The Trojan War
    Author: Olivia Coolidge
    Question: Did you enjoy the book? Why? Why not?
    I really enjoyed this book because of its interesting battles of the gods, humans and goddesses. This book is about The Trojan War which occurred after Paris of Troy kidnapped or took Helen from her husband Menelaus King of Sparta which means that this war was caused because Paris who kidnapped Helen, the most beautiful women in the world. This war was fought between gods joined up with humans vs. other gods joined up with other humans. The gods joined forces with the humans who wanted to defeat the same enemy. Many gods fought each other for themselves and their comrades. According to the book The Trojan War, the author states that, "… he feared Menelaus… Menelaus and I fight out our quarrel.” (Part 3, Chapter 2, Page 80). Even though Paris is a coward who was afraid of Menelaus they fought each other. According to the book The Trojan War, the author states that, “… striking him dead to the earth.” (Part 3, Chapter 5, Page 106). Hector killed Patroclus Menelaus and Paris will fight each other even because he attacked his comrades. According to the book The Trojan War, the author states that, "… Hector’s limbs relaxed as the shadow of death came over him.” (Part 3, Chapter 6, Page 116). Achilles took revenge because Hector killed his comrade, by killing Hector he took revenge. In the end I really enjoyed the book and its interesting battles among the gods, goddesses and humans and I could picture the battles in my head.
    -Danish Mohammad, 8-421

  32. The Fault in Our Stars – John Green
    Sadia Tahmid 8-421

    Question: Would you recommend the book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?
    I read the book the Fault in out Stars by John Green. This book is about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster who meets a boy named Augustus Waters who goes through similar challenges that she faces. They both fall in love and Hazel learns many things about herself throughout the book. I would recommend this book to a friend because it is a really powerful book that has a lot of deep, thought provoking parts. Such as, “Some infinities are bigger than other infinites,” page 233, which is my favorite quote in the book. This is a really insightful quote which shows how Hazel sees the world and its true colors. Also, the book has a really strong moral to it, it’s not a book about cancer, it’s more about the celebration in life and to cherish the moments you have. For example, this book focuses mainly on Hazel and Gus’s lives and how they both bond with each other rather than their cancer life and story. This book also has a very interesting ending that will shock a lot of people and something you defiantly do not expect when starting the book.

    1. I like how you started your response by explaining the gist of the novel,then continuing to answer the question by using strong details and connecting to the reader by explaining your favorite quote in the novel.I also like how you explained the moral of the story,through your response it seemed like you enjoyed the book and that it interested you lot.
      How did you respond to the "shock" at the end of the book? Where you surprised or did you know this was going to happen?

  33. Title: Street Pharm
    Author: Allison van Diepen
    Question: Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why? Why not?
    I would recommend this book to my close friend(s) because this book is really interesting and it includes narcotics, guns, violence, and also includes a bit of love. This book was about a teenager name Tyrone Johnson who was a hustler. His father Orlando established the drug business and was also know as the drug kingpin of Brooklyn. But Orlando was arrested so his son, Tyrone Johnson took over the drug business at the age of sixteen and still manages at such a young age for this kind of business he also wanted to be The King of the Streets. But this book includes a lot of profanity but it emphasizes the character’s emotions during the book it also makes it easier to understand the situations Tyrone and other characters go through. Tyrone had to deal with competition with another man who calls himself “Darkman.” I won’t go into detail about what happens between them but Darkman isn’t the only problem Tyrone had to go to the even though the main conflict was Man vs. Man. Tyrone also experienced Man vs. Self, it is hard to not get somebody killed in such a pernicious business but that wasn’t the only thing to worry about. Tyrone had to lie to his mother and the people he love that he wasn’t going to end like his father but he did but didn’t want to disappoint his family. No teenager should experience what Tyrone did during the book. The book will make your heart rate faster and would make you want to continue reading until you sleep. This is why I would recommend an outstanding book to my close friend(s).
    By: Joshua Piedra, 8-421

  34. Tittle: The Hunger Games
    Author: Suzanne Collins
    Question: What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?
    The plot of the book was interesting and caught my attention. I found interesting how the characters had to fight and kill each other to survive and win the games. In other for the hunger games to happen two tributes from each district are chosen, they have to fight in a arena for weeks until just one tribute stays alive. For example “we spent one hunger games watching the players freeze to death at night”(39) There are many ways and many arenas that the hunger games could happen like a cold arena or a really hot arena. There were many conflicts and many challenges throughout the plot that kept me focus in the book. This book did pull me in, and as I read I wanted to know more about the book. As I finished every chapter the book let me with a concern on my mine and I had to read more. For example at the end of a chapter 11 it said “I almost fall out of the tree. The voice belongs to Peeta.”(160) I wanted to know what happened next after I read the chapters.
    by Clariel Arias

  35. Wasam Almulaiki

    by: Jim Haskins

    Did you like the book?

    The book I read was about african american people in 1800s and people use to think that they could grow wings and fly like birds. They would draw an airplane and try to build it but they couldnt. Two people came to the US and build an airplane. Orville Wright is one of the first people to fly an airplane.
    US started using it as in AIR FORCE. They used it in world war 1. People started getting flight schools to learn how to ride and airplane.

    Wasam Almulaiki
