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Saturday, December 31, 2011



Please remember to bring in the third notebook that I discussed in class prior to vacation and what I had on the supply list since September. We will discuss this during class on Tuesday.

421 - For those of you who've been emailing me about the Reflection Outline, here it is:

Recycling, Toys R Us and SCO Reflection

Paragraph One
·         In two or more paragraphs, describe in DETAIL our purpose for recycling. Include how we came to this decision as a fundraiser, when we commenced (began) and when we finished, the support of PS/IS 127 and the types of bottles that were acceptable and not acceptable.  Describe every “special” moment and encounter we had with people on our way to the recycling machine, during our wait (i.e. the singing and begging) and on our way back to the school.  Lastly, discuss how much money we raised from recycling and monetary donations. PLEASE WRITE THIS PARAGRAPH(S) IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED DURING THIS RECYCLING EXPERIENCE. ALSO USE AN ENGAGING HOOK IN THE FIRST LINE OF THIS PARAGRAPH.
Paragraph Two
·         Describe in detail your experience at Toys R Us (your selection of gifts, your group, etc.) and wrapping the gifts at school.
Paragraph Three
·         Describe in detail your experience at the St. Christopher Ottilie Family Shelter. Think about your feelings before visiting there. What did you anticipate would happen before arriving? What happened when you actually arrived there? Who did you meet?  What did you do there (first, second, last, etc.)? How did the children respond to your visit, your activities, the gifts and your departure? How did this experience meet your expectations?
Paragraph Four
·         Based on what you have learned and your hands on experience, how has this changed your perspective on those who continuously visit the recycling machines for a living to “make ends meet”? What will be your thoughts the next time you see people at the machines on your visit to the supermarket with your family, friends or when you’re alone? What is your attitude towards helping people, especially in our case “by any means necessary”?
Paragraph Five
·         Conclusion- How would you rate your overall experience? Explain why.  What did you like and/or dislike? What would you have liked to be added and/or taken away from this experience? What life lesson did you learn from each experience overall? What other experiences like this do you hope to have? Explain why. When you are in your warm home with family and/or friends this holiday season, what will you appreciate even more having had this experience? Explain why. PLEASE END THIS PARAGRAPH WITH A DYNAMITE CONCLUSION!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Project Based Homework Due on 1.3.12, 1.4.12 and 1.5.12


I hope all of you are enjoying your vacation! Please do the following assignments which will be due as soon as you return.

  • Please complete the Middle School ELA Holiday Packet provided by the English Department. Read all instructions and articles carefully. For the short answer questions, take details from the articles to support your response and incorporate the question into your answers. Lastly, write the essay using the writing style that I taught you in class: engaging introduction, two body paragraphs (one for each article) and a dynamite and unforgettable conclusion. DUE 1.4.12.
  • Class 421 please write a reflection essay about your Recycling, Toys R Us and SCO experience using the outline provided in class. DUE 1.5.12.
  • Class 421 and 412, in reference to and inspiration of the movie Freedom Writers, please write a short story about a fictitious character (make believe character) that represents either you or someone else. This fictitious character must be someone who has experienced some struggle, trial, testing, or obstacle in life that made them have heartache and left emotional scars yet somehow something happened to them that made him/her see life differently. It can also be someone who encouraged them to turn their life around. Basically the story should start off with some sort of struggle or bad experience and then gradually develop into a victorious and happy ending. It is at this point of the short story where the character beats and defies all odds that would have kept him/her down. It is at this point where anyone who said that he/she could not amount to anything in life will have to eat their words because he/she is now more than a conqueror. This character is the master of  his/her destiny and future. Please be creative and use quotation marks to identify dialogue between characters. This must be typed (12 font, Times New Romans, double spaced). Think about the WDM short stories you've read in class and the 3 "Hot Picks" (i.e. Snitch) that I provided in class to give you inspiration as to what to write about. Lastly, give your short story a catchy and creative title and it should be 2-3 FULL pages long. Due on 1.3.12. No excuses!
  • Class 412 - Those students who did not complete their WDM essays, please make sure you email it to me during the break. If you are handing it when you return to school, it is your choice to either handwrite it or type it (Times New Romans, 12 font, double spaced). NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. AS YOU CAN SEE YOUR WORKLOAD IS A BIT HEAVY. THEREFORE IT IS IN YOUR BEST INTEREST TO COMPLETE ALL OF YOUR WORK IN A TIMELY FASHION.  DUE 1.3.12
  • Class 421 - You will receive your WDM revision lesson when you return to school. Please note however, that yours will be due on 1.5.12.
  • All students who are participating in the ABrT competition need to return their permission slips on 1.3.12. Please make sure that your parents can come to the competition.
  • ABrT rehearsal will be on 1.3.12 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Competition on 1.5.12 @ 5 pm-6:30 p.m.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Project Based Homework Due 12.12.11

Ms. Karipas's Class 412 - Please have your first draft of your Theme Analysis Thesis Paper written on loose leaf. Please skip a line after each sentence for editing purposes on Monday. Bring your trusty multi-colored pen and flash drive to school to be prepared for typing in class next week.

Miss. Nicholson's Class 421 - Please make a list of 10 movies that you believe teaches life lessons and/or are very educational (basically it makes you think about life situations, people, the world, etc. differently)

421 - Please remember to bring in your permission slips signed. Someone left their permission slips in the classroom today after dance. Please note that you were given TWO permission slips. In addition, we need 5 CHAPERONES in order to go to the trip on December 19th. On that day, we will be split into groups and going our separate ways. Therefore, it is imperative that you tell your parents IMMEDIATELY so they can notify their jobs.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Class 412 Homework and Class 421 Reminder

Hello All, : )

This is a reminder to Class 8-412 that your Salvation Army Reflection essay is due on Monday. As directed on the paper, it must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced.

Reminder: Class 8-421 Girls, please bring in your black skirts on Monday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Project Based Homework Due Saturday @ 8 p.m.

 Hello 421,
Your complete essay including an engaging introduction, three body paragraphs with three detailed pieces of evidence in each paragraph and a DYNAMITE conclusion is due Saturday, December 3 at 8 p.m. via email attachment. As mentioned in class, if you are having internet problems, please type your work and save it on a flash drive and be prepared to print it at school. Please make sure that you saved it properly so as to avoid any problems at school. If the problem is not internet related, please handwrite your essay on loose leaf and be prepared to type it on Monday. Either way, there are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!

If you are having trouble, please let me know and I will do my best to help you.

Below is the three step model to support you as you write your conclusion. I know that all of you are going to write STELLAR essays and I cannot wait to read them. ALL of you are promising writers and you all have your own unique writing style. Someday, I will buy your novel or poetry anthology collection at Barnes and Nobles. : )

My famous 421 authors, please read below...
}Step 1- State 3 examples of how W.D.M. and the movie proved the point of your thesis.
}Step 2- In a short sentence, explain the purpose that the author and the director of the movie (Chazz Palminteri) wanted the audience to see or learn about the theme.
}Step 3- Think outside the box. If WDM and Chazz Palminteri were your teacher, what would he say to you about life and your theme?
Sample Conclusion:
                    The racial and social divides, going into hiding and being caught in the middle are three ways in which Myers and Palminteri demonstrate human misunderstandings. Myers and Palminteri wanted their audience to understand the depths of the human mind and their behaviors. They used real life situations and conflicts rather than unrelatable problems to describe settings and people. If Myers and Palminteri were my teacher, they would say that in life we should take the time to know people’s hearts before we judge them by their actions.
If you are having difficulty figuring out how to begin your conclusion, please feel free to use the sentence starters below.
Dynamite Conclusion Sentence Starters:
                The ___________________, _____________________, _________________ are three ways in which Myers and Palminteri demonstrate ___________________________________. Myers and Palminteri wanted their audience to understand________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________. They used ________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________. If Myers and Palminteri were my teacher or mentor, they would say _____________________________________________________________________