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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PBH Due 11.19.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

421 Only:

  • Lesson 7: Read your assigned section of the article "The Vietnam Wars" in the yellow workbook and complete the graphic organizer of the section you read. Don't forget to mark up the text as you read your section!
  • Tables 1-3: Read Section 2 "Everything Tends to Ruin" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 2 in your workbook. 
  • Tables 4-6: Read Section 3 "Life, Liberty and Ho Chi Minh" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 3 in your workbook
  • Tables 7-8: Read Section 4 "The Fall of the French" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 4 in your workbook.

  • 419 Only:

    Go to the library and find a biography, a book written about someone's life, to read. Please remember that although I have postponed your introductory paragraph to a later date to be announced, you are still responsible for reading a biography about this person since website information is not reliable. I can tell if the information you use does not answer the question completely. The focus question remains the same: How did this person achieve success in life? Therefore, as you read look for evidence that supports this question. 

    Both Classes:
    Using 12 font, Times New Roman, double space, college block style heading and last name page numbering, complete the essay assignment questions below:


    Write two complete paragraphs (5 complete sentences each!!) explaining why it is important to study history.  How can it affect our lives today?  Make a personal connection between the novel Inside Out and Back Again and the two articles we’ve read in class thus far (“Children of the Vietnam War” and “The Vietnam Wars”).  Discuss some of the things you have learned from these texts that help you to understand the significance of studying history and the connection of history to your personal lives. From the article, provide three pieces of evidence and an explanation of the evidence. The "Children of the Vietnam War" can be found online by clicking the following link: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/Children-of-the-Dust.html. You will need your yellow workbook for the second article.

    Class 421:  Complete Quick Write # 3. Due 11.19.13

    Classes 419 & 421:

    Due 11.22.13 - Write a reflection about your community service experience cleaning Flushing Meadow Park. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced. You can hand write your reflection if your handwriting is not clear. It must be at least one page and you must answer the following questions: 1)  What did this experience teach you about leadership and team work?
    2.) How does this community service experience prepare you for future real life work experiences? You must provide examples from the trip based on what you felt, observed and what you heard others say.


    1. H.S. applications are due to Mrs. Cruz ASAP!
    2. Community Service Trip on 11.15.13
    3. 421 Only - Trip to Trade Fair Redemption Machine 11.14.13 - ELA periods only
    4. Fardid, Daisy, Riki and Jamara return the slips that were handed to you on the bus. Due Monday, 11.18.13.
    5. Reading/Writing Test 11.25.13
    6. Final Vocabulary Game due on 11.25.13. We will try to play the games on Tuesday and Wednesday before we go on Thanksgiving break!
    7. Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates.

    If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Mon-Fri no later than 7pm. Do not wait until the last minute or email me on weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Miss. N

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