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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

PBH Due 12.4.13

Hello All,

I hope you are enjoying your long Thanksgiving weekend! Please do the following:

Both Classes:
  1. Yellow Workbooks (Redo) Due 12.16.13 - I will give you the opportunity to complete all pages that you received a 2 and below. You will receive full credit for those pages. However, if you choose to not do it, it will remain the same. Any page marked N/A simply means that page is "not applicable" to you. Those N/A pages are the ones assigned to table groups a few weeks ago.  For example, if you were tables 1-3 you were assigned to complete section 2 and so forth.
  2. Pre-College Research Assignment - TBA continue to check the BlogSpot for updates. You will receive an outline print out in class next week. However, you must bring in your printed articles on Monday to class and it MUST be present on your table not on your flash drive waiting to be printed.
  3. 421 ONLY - Visit http://sco.org/ to find out more information about St. Christopher Ottilie (SCO) Family of Services. Click "about us" on the home page to find more detailed historic information. This will allow you to be more informed to eloquently articulate to others if they ask you questions and when you create the buddy SCO poster that will be alongside the Bake Sale list.
  4. Learn Boost self-evaluation Due 12.9.13: Answer the following questions in complete and detailed sentence format:
  • What are my current ELA scores for homework, classwork, test/quizzes, etc.?
  • If my scores are below 85% in each subject (regular general education classes) and 90% (enrichment only) in each subject, how can I improve my scores?
  • What opportunities are available for me from my school and my teachers to help me improve my scores?
  • Which opportunity is more beneficial to me and how will I keep track of my progress?
  • 421- Bake Sale will be from Tuesday, December 3rd until Monday, December 9th. The teacher bake sale will be on the 2nd floor outside the main office and the student bake sale in the cafeteria. Please note that on Monday, December 2nd, we will take our class time to prepare for this sale (ex: list of baked items, price list, flyers, SCO poster, morning announcement memo), Santa Trash classroom appointment/visitation set up and purpose, coupons for Toys R US as well as the activities for the kids at the SCO. You heard what Mrs. Middleton discussed today, therefore have the following for Monday: a box of gloves, plastic aprons, poster paper, eye-catching poster paper boarders that are Christmas-like, a white plastic table cloth, a white table skirt, presentable and clean serving platter trays to hold your baked goods, Christmas music in a battery operated radio or battery operated iPod on a stereo dock, Santa or elf hats, etc. Make it look good in order to sell well. Bring your creative ideas to the table because it is CRUNCH TIME! 
  • Manal - Exit Slip Box (let me know when you will have it completed)
  • Extra Credit Project/Assignments will be offered in the next few weeks to anyone interested. Please note that only those students who actually complete ALL ASSIGNMENTS will be allowed to do extra credit. The point of extra credit is so that your previous work that you completed, did not receive high scores therefore you decided to do extra credit assignments to boost your average. Therefore, if you haven't been doing your work, you have many incomplete assignments and don't pay attention in class and have no clue as to what we are discussing, you should NOT ASK FOR EXTRA CREDIT. Once you start doing the right thing where your work is concerned, it will be offered to you. However, if you have been doing well and would like your grade to be higher, you are more than welcome to do extra credit.
  • There are students who have not returned the Enrichment Student/Parent Contract from the parent teacher meeting. Please hand it in on Monday, or request for a contract if you did not attend or misplaced it.
  • Return progress reports by Monday, December 9, 2013. You will receive 5 points for having it reviewed and signed by your parent/guardian. You will receive a print out next week.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas M-F between 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

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