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Monday, December 2, 2013

PBH Due 12.9.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Word Wall due Wednesday, December 4, 2013.
2. Progress Reports Due 12.10.13. You will receive 5 points for having it reviewed and signed by your parent/guardian. (You will receive the report by the end of the week).
3. 421 Trip Permission Slips due 12.9.13
4. Yellow Workbooks (Redo Scores 2 and below) Due 12.16.13
5. There are students who have not returned the Enrichment Student/Parent Contract from the parent teacher meeting. Please hand it in on Monday, or request for a contract if you did not attend or misplaced it. You will receive 5 points when you return it signed.
6. Nonfiction Blogging - Due 12.16.13. Use the articles you printed for your Pre-College Essay Assignment to respond to the following question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family? You will receive the detailed outline this week.
7. Nonfiction Book Review Due 1.2.13. You will continue with the biography you were reading. Go to the library and choose a biography immediately if you haven't done so already or would like to change your book selection. Please remember that a biography is a book written about the life of someone else. Do your research and find a book. This assignment requires an engaging introduction with a proper and clear thesis statement and quick write style body paragraph.
8. Follow the due dates of the Pre-College Essay Assignment Outline. However, the dates are subject to change very soon! Articles due Monday 12.9.13.
9. Learn Boost self-evaluation Due 12.13.13: Answer the following questions in complete and detailed sentence format:
  • What are my current ELA scores for homework, classwork, test/quizzes, etc.?
  • If my scores are below 85% in each subject (regular general education classes) and 90% (enrichment only) in each subject, how can I improve my scores?
  • What opportunities are available for me from my school and my teachers to help me improve my scores?
  • Which opportunity is more beneficial to me and how will I keep track of my progress?
10. Bring in your baked goods for the teacher and student bake sale on the dates we agreed as a class.
11. Mrs. Middleton needs judges for the Senior Dance this Friday. If interested, please see her ASAP!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7 pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Miss. N : )


  1. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Ha and her family have been seriously affected by the Vietnam War. Especially Ha. She lost her best friend,her papaya tree (a.k.a. hope) and her father. They have been emotionally hurt. For example they had to leave their house in Vietnam. In the poem "Should We" "Mother asks us, should we leave our home?" She was asking the family if they should leave their home because the war is getting really dangerous. In the article I picked out it states "Fifty-eight thousand were killed, two thousand captured, and three hundred fifty thousand; maimed and wounded, almost everyone in Vietnam still feel the effects of the conflict." This proves that the war was an un forgetful and dangerous event. In the article it says "For Americans, the Vietnam War is over and long forgotten. Among those still suffering are several veterans who have felt forgotten, unappreciated, and even discriminated against." This means that whoever fought in the war and survived are no longer important to people. OK, back to Ha. Her best friend had to leave Vietnam while she stayed. In the book it says "They're heading to Vung Tau... where the rich go to flee Vietnam..." Ha later on in the poem says "I'm glad we've become poor so we can stay." This means she would rather be in the middle of war instead of leaving and being at peace. Ha had to leave her papaya tree which means leaving hope behind. "Brother Vu chops; the head falls; a silver blade slices." Ha and her family has lost a lot.
    By: Agustina Guanes

    1. I think you wrote a very descriptive response. You cited your evidence from the text and it is amazing. Next time try adding the page numbers when you cite information.

    2. The response you wrote is very good it has a lot of details.

      Fardid Chowdhury

    3. Agustina, your response is very descriptive and well written. I like how you used words such as "OK" and "a.k.a". It made me more engaged in what your writing.
      Micaela Montoya 8-421

    4. Agustina I think you did a splendid job describing and using details from the novel to back up your claim.

  2. How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental, or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Ha and her family were affected greatly by the Vietnam War. Politically Ha and her family dealt with a lot of obstacles. For example, on page 49 in the poem The President Resigns the president resigns which means there is no longer a president in Saigon. Ha writes "His eyes brim with tears; this time they look real. I can no longer be your president…” Then on page 18 which is the poem Current News Ha writes “From now on Fridays will be for happy news. No one has anything to say.” With the war going on Ha and her family are practically living on a battle field. Everyday the Communists come closer, the prices only continue to rise and American soldiers continue leaving each day. Friday is supposed to be for happy news at school for Ha but no one has anything to say. The government does not do anything about it but keep on making it worse by raising the prices of necessities and the Communists come closer everyday to Saigon. In A Day Downtown on page 32 Ha and her mother only go to the presidents speech because after the president finishes his speech of the war “…each family gets five kilos of sugar, ten kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil.” This means that the people in Saigon are so desperate for food that they would sit through the whole speech just to get a small amount of food. Ha and her family are greatly affected by the war on a political level as you can see from the evidence above. Ha’s mother wishes for the war to end so that her kids do not have to go another day knowing that they cannot eat as much as they please when they are hungry because that would be a waste of money which they are low on. Saigon went through really tough times as you can see.

    By: Maryanne Atocha 8-421

    1. This very good, it is very long with a lot of details that go good with answering the question

      Fardid Chowdhury

    2. Great job citing the evidence in the text and showing where you cited it from. Your paragraphed was very detailed and I liked how you used the quote "...each family gets five kilos of sugar, ten kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil" to show how they're being affected politically, in need of food.

    3. Very great gob on the paragraph and it was vey detailed and thought out and I like how you use the quote one page 18 that Friday is for happy news it shows how they were affected emotionally and maybe mentally.

  3. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Ha and her family has struggled a lot like the rest of the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War. For example in the poem "In a Day Downtown" Ha and her mother went to hear the president speech is because they will give food to families that have a family currently in the army. They will receive five kilos of sugar, ten kilos of rice and a small jug vegetable oil. This shows how many families are struggling to get food during this war that is going on. The environmental effect is Malaria which in the article says caused many deaths of people. Another was Agent Orange that was exposed and later on the people that were exposed to this chemical had many health problems. The emotional is that the communist are coming and HA and her family have to get out of there. In the poem "Should We" the mother asks "Should we leave?" because they don't want to leave everything they loved back here but it was for there own safety. The political is the president can not be president anymore for Saigon on poem "The president resigns" the president was crying saying he can no longer be their president. So their were a lot of struggles for Ha and her family.
    By: Fardid Chowdhury

    1. Your response is amazing. It has some errors so next time proofread it before you publish it.

    2. Great citing, your response is great.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Fardid,

      This was a good response, however, you did not go as deep as you should have by responding to one of the impacts using the article you researched for your group. That was the focus of this assignment. You were supposed to focus on the topic your group had researched. For example, if your group is the environmental group, then all of your explanation would be about how the environment affected Ha and her family based on what you had read from your research article, which is more factual and objective information than the subjective account (her personal point of view) that Ha makes in her novel.

  4. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Ha and her family had gone through a lot of suffering throughout the Vietnam War. The article explains how America entered the war between North and South Vietnam to end communism. The political level of this is that North Vietnam wants to spread communism while South Vietnam doesn't. For example, Ha and he family live in the Saigon which is located in South Vietnam so they are anti-communists. At this point of the war, the North is much more powerful and likely to win the war so if her family gets caught for not supporting them, really bad things can happen to her family, just like what happened to her father. In the poem "Missing in Action," Ha says "Father left home on a navy mission...nine years ago when I was almost one. He was captured..." This means that Ha's father was captured by the Communists and Ha and her family really miss him. Also, in the poem "The President Resigns," the president says "...I can no longer be your president but I will never leave my people or our country." This is saying that President Thieu wants to quit because the war is too much for him to handle and now South Vietnam no longer has a president. One final evidence is that due to the political status of the war, Ha and her family don't have enough to eat. This is shown in the poem "Twisting Twisting" where Ha says "Mother measures rice grains left in the bin. Not enough to last till payday at the end of the month." This shows how Ha and her family are being politically affected by the war.

    Micaela Montoya 8-421

    1. I think you did a thorough job describing the political aspect and issues that affected Ha and her family. You used many details and cited from the novel which is a great strategie.

    2. Wow i like the way you use your details.
      Your details are very descriptive,great job

  5. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, enviromental, or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    The article that I printed out was based on socio-emotional/social issues that affected Vietnam. This also is based on the conflicts Ha is facing due to the fact that she has a an emotional struggle through out all of this. She lost both her best friend Titi described in the poem "Titi Waves Goodbye" and her papaya tree in "Wet and Crying". This shows that she is emotionally hurt because in "Titi Waves Goodbye" she clearly states "I would still be standing there crying and waving to nothing if Brother Khoi hadn't come...They're heading to Vung Tau". This shows that she can not bare her friend to leave. Also in the poem "Wet and Crying" the quote shows that whatever she thinks the tree is feeling she is connected to it too. The quote is "Black seeds spill like clusters of eyes, wet and crying". Not only did these issues affect Ha but her family as well. For example, Ha's mother is emotionally hurt due to her husband leaving to war and being missing in action for 9 years which is described in the poem "Missing in Action"and that is, "Father left home on a navy mission.....He was captured on Route 1....She can not bear to look into Father's forever-young eyes". Finally, the whole family, together is emotionally affected by this due to the fact that they all had to leave their beloved home that they grew up in since they were born. The poem, "Left Behind" show this when they describe taking stuff from their house to leave to the ships. These are the reasons and the affects of what Ha and her family had to go through emotionally/physically.

    By: Manal Elbarhoumi 8-421

    1. Nice Job Citing! You have prove your point with the socio-emotional/ social issues that affected Vietnam and Ha and her family.

    2. Manal, I like the way you explained your evidence and provided more than one example for each evidence cited. Good job including the name of the poem where you got your evidence and examples from.

  6. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Response: Ha and her family are affected by the Vietnam War for many reasons like political impacts. Based on “Inside Out and Back Again”, the poem “Birthday” it states “The country divided in half. Mother and Father came south, convinced it would be easier to breathe away from Communists … the same week North and South closed their doors. No more migration. No more letters. No more family” based on what I know North and South divided after the Geneva Accords were signed in 1954 which affected Ha’s parents because of all the conflicts going on and the living conditions that is happening. Also, in the poem “Current News” it says “how many distant bombs were heard the previous night...” which tells me that they are really close and it’s very dangerous also due to the war they don’t have enough to eat. Also in one of the poems “The President Resigns” it says that they don’t have a president anymore which is really bad for South Vietnam, so who is going to lead them. Also in “Saigon has Fallen” it says “Then he adds what no one wants to hear: It’s over; Saigon is gone” which shows that after all this time they have been fighting that they lost and it’s sad that many had to risk their lives, or risk getting on a ship and leaving everything behind (like Ha and her family) also not only that but Ha’s father was captured by the Communists which affected the whole family and the article that I read it states “…the impact of the Vietnam conflict still lingered for the Vietnamese and American people. But a new phase began, characterized by hope, new friendships, and cultural and political exchange unprecedented …”which is like the after cause of the war.
    By: Daisy Zhagui 8-421

    1. I love the length of your comment. And it is very nice and precise.

  7. Question: How did the social/ emotional, physical/ health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam war affect Ha and her family?
    The Vietnam war affected Ha and her family in multiple ways, Ha was mostly affected by it considering she's the youngest of the family. Ha had lost her best friend, her papaya tree (hope) was cut down and she had lost her father as well. These were all things/ people she cared about. Ha and her family have been emotionally hurt. Specially now that they had to leave their home in Vietnam as said in the poem "Should We?". Ha's mother asked her children if they should leave since the war was getting too close and dangerous to her family. Leaving their home was a very hard decision to make but it was the best one so they could remain safe. In an article that I shared with my group member it stated that "... the Vietnam war was an emotional roller coaster.... mentally and sometimes physically" this specific piece of evidence made me think about how affected Ha and her family really were because of the battles going on in Vietnam. That quote in the article also helped me understand how mentally and physically Ha was being affected by everything she's losing.

    1. I liked how you described the emotional ways Ha and her family was affected by the war, and also that you showed how the papaya tree is a sign of hope to Ha.

  8. Kiara Joseph


    Ha and her family are living in a place under bombs, death, Communism and war. Saigon is in a war! They are being affected by this a lot. In the book "Inside out & Back Again" on page 49 Ha writes that the president resigns. What bad timing. Your country is in a war and you resign. I doubt that he wanted to but I feel as if he cold have fought more for his beloved country. Ha and her family are in a lot of stress. The Communists are coming and they lost a president. Also, on page 18 in the poem "Current News" Ha writes about how her teacher lets her class talk about the current news. All her classmates spoke about was bad. So, her teacher said, "For now on we only talk about good news..." But no one had anything to say. Another thing was when Ha's school closed. Her school closed two months too soon. This has a lot to do with the politics. Ha and her family are in a very bad and scarce position right now. Also, I have an article about the politics during the Vietnam War. In my third paragraph it talks about how the president of Vietnam wanted help from America. But, the Americans began to stop helping out the Vietnamese. Ha and her family are in a very scarce politically bad situation.

    1. Your response was great. You had voice in your writing and expressed your opinions with facts. You also cited your evidence with the pages and the name of the poem.

      David Zhou 8-421

  9. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Ha and her family is being affected greatly by the Vietnam War in socio economics. The prices of everything is increasing and Ha's family has no money to afford the prices of food. For example, in page 14, it shows that Ha's mother has to work multiple jobs to earn enough money to feed the family. Also in page 16-17, the poem "Eggs", it showed that the family is so poor that mother has to take Brother Khoi's eggs. This was because the price of egg was the price of rice and the price of rice is the price of gasoline and the price of gasoline is the price of gold. This shows that the family is really poor and has to live off of what ever they have. In page 19-20, the poem "Feel Smart", Ha shows that the socio economics of the country was very bad compared to last year in the line "Now it takes two hundred dong to buy the same things", this line shows that the price of things had actually became high by 4 times. Prices were sky rocketing for things in the span of just one year, and the cause is because of the Vietnam War. Another example is in page 26, in the poem "Birthday" Ha would usually get roasted chicken, dried bamboo soup, and all she can eat pudding. However, this year she could only get a banana tapioca and black sesame candy. This proves that the family has gone poor compared to before because of the poor economy, which is caused by the Vietnam War. In page 32, poem "A Day Downtown", it had showed that Ha's family was poor by explaining that Ha and her mother only went to the ceremony held by President Thieu because at the end of the ceremony, Ha and her family gets 5 kilos of sugar, 10 kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil. In page 37, the poem "Twisting Twisting", it showed that Ha and her family was running low on food and money with the line "Mother measures rice grains left in the bin. Not enough to last till payday at the end of the month" and when mother says "Yam and manioc taste lovely blended with rice, she says, and smiles, as if I don't know how the poor fill their children's bellies." All these lines shows that they have almost no more food left and money and they can only resort do doing what poor people has to do, yam and manioc blended with rice. There was one more line in page 47, the poem "Quiet Decision" where Ha tried to save a little of potato for herself to eat but got caught by her mother. "I start to chop off a potato's end as wide as a thumbnail, then decide to slice off only a sliver. I am proud of my ability to save until I see tears in mother's deep eyes". Her mother was sad because Ha tried to save some sweet potato for herself because she could not afford any more sweet potatoes. All these lines in the poem shows that Ha and her family's are being affected by the poor socio economics caused by the Vietnam War.

    David Zhou 8-421

  10. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental, or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    There were many ways Ha and her family were by the Vietnam War. They were not only affected by one of these topics but by all of them. Few of the ways that Ha and her family was affected by the Vietnam War was that they had to move out of their home, Ha lost her best friend, her father and had to leave her Papaya tree. In the poem TiTi Waves Good-bye on page 10-11 Brother Vu states that “They’re heading to Vung Tau… where the rich go to flee Vietnam…,” and at the end of the poem Ha says that “I’m glad we’ve become poor so we can stay.” This shows me that Ha and her family couldn’t go to where TiTi and her family could because they were poor. Also that Ha was glad that they were poor so they don’t have to leave Vietnam. In the poem Missing in Action on page 12-13 Ha states that “Father left home on a navy mission… nine years ago when I was almost one. He was capture… an hour south of the city by moped.” This means that Ha’s father left on a navy mission when she was about one years old and never came back from a mission. This shows me that Ha really didn’t get to know or remember her father at all. The war also affected her as much as how she was affected personally. Ha had to see her Papaya tree be cut down cause of the society around her. The reason that they had to cut down the Papaya Three was because they were leaving their home and didn’t want the tree to be destroyed by the communist. Ha and her family went through a lot of trouble to be safe and keep each other safe.

    By: Irtiza Prottay 8-421

    1. Alejandro Ouvina

      I think that you explained this very well. I see how Vietnam and Ha and her family was affected more clearly.

  11. Alejandro Ouvina 8-421

    Question: How did the health/physical impact of the Vietnam War affected Ha and her family?

    The health/physical impact of the Vietnam War affected Ha and her family. Ha and her family fled Vietnam because of the war. They also probably left because of all of the danger that the war caused. In the article Vietnam War Health Risks, it talks about all of the diseases that the war has caused. This war has not only affected Ha and her family, but also all of Vietnam. Around 400,000 deaths were caused by the Vietnam War. Ha and her family are not rich enough to leave Vietnam sooner and that is why they had to flee later. Also in the article it states that, "Approximately 20 million gallons of herbicides were used in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 to remove unwanted plant life and leaves which otherwise provided cover for enemy forces during the Vietnam Conflict." This not only affected humans but also plant life. This all proves that the war affected many living things, physically and in health.

  12. How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam war affect Ha and her family?
    The Vietnam war affected Ha and` her family because it made them suffer a lot. Ha's mother is being affected by the war because she said " you deserve to grow up where you don't worry about saving half a bite of sweet potato" p.g 47 This means that Ha's mother is being affected emotionally because she is torn between wanting a better life for her family and worrying about being catch by the communists and being maybe killed. " Then he adds what no one wants to hear; It's over; Saigon is gone" p.g 67 This means basically the war is over and Saigon has been taken over and this really affects Ha's family in a economic way because they don't have any money probably and they don't have a home and they left most of their possessions back in Saigon." The president said I can no longer be your president but I will never leave my people or our country" p.g.49 This means that if their president has resign he probably gave up hope on the war and basically is leaving Saigon without a leader and this is affecting them in a emotional and political way because without no leader everybody or almost everybody has given up hope so it affects them emotionally and it affects them politically because nobody can fight for them verbally and really defend their country. So overall this how the Vietnam wars affected the Ha's family.

    1. i really like the way you cite evidence.ithink
      you did a really great job.

  13. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Response: Ha and her family have been through a lot during the war. in the book, "Inside Out and Back Again," the poem "The President Resigns" it mentions that Saigon no longer has a president. this means the war is getting worse by the minute.(page 49). in the poem "A Day Downtown" it mentions that the president gives soldier wives food and supplies for them. Many of them dont have enough money to buy for their family and go to the speech to recieve food.(page 32). In the poem "Tv News" Brother Quang races home to find out more information on the bombing of the presidential palace. This means the war is getting closer to Saigon. Ha and her family were badly afected during the war.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Response: The socio economic has affected has family in good
    and bad ways. In Titi waves goodbye it saids "I'm glad we've become poor so we can stay." (11) Ha is happy because she is poor so she doesn't have to live her home.Has mother needs to keep more than one job to have enough money. In saigon they are increasing everything because Ha saids
    that her mothers saids " if the price of eggs were not the price of rice,and the
    price rice were not the price of gasoline , and the price of gasoline were not
    the price of gold,then of course brother Khoi could continue hatching eggs.(17). Ha and her family have money only for the necessary things.Ha and
    her family became poor because of the war.
