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Monday, December 16, 2013

PBH Due 1.3.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

Please do the following:


421 Blogging due before 7pm Monday, December 16, 2013. Use this homework post to post your blog comments.

Question: Using the research article you printed for your group's focus topic and the novel, How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

419 Blogging due before 7pm Thursday, December 16, 2013. Since I still have your articles, you will receive it on Wednesday. However, those students who scored a 2 and below on their printed articles must research a more appropriate article in order to receive a better grade. Please use this homework post to post your blog comments.

Question: Using the research article you printed for your group's focus topic and the novel, How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

You must respond to another person who is not in your group. For example, one person who posts a comment about the political impacts must respond to another person who discussed any of the other topics that is not about politics. This will give you a more well-rounded overview of all aspects of the war that affected both Vietnam and the United States.




421 - Your reflection outline is different from other classes since you had more community service experiences than the other classes. Therefore, you must follow the outline and leave nothing out. Please note that for each of the community service projects you participate in physically, you will receive 5 extra points. You have had 5 community service experiences thus far, so that is 25 points multiplied by two. You will only receive these points when you attend the trip and complete the reflection essay. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced (paragraphs only not the heading) and college block style heading. Follow the heading example on the outline. Any other font size or lettering style WILL BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE!

419 - Your reflection outline will only be about your visit to The Salvation Army. You will receive the outline on Wednesday. Please note that the same pertains to you. You have been on two community service trips and that is a total of 10 points. Please note that you will receive it by attending the trip as well as completing and following the outline for the essay. Those students who did not attend the trip or complete the Flushing Meadow Park reflection will not receive points. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced (paragraphs only not the heading) and college block style heading. Any other font size or lettering style WILL BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE!


Use the graphic organizers that I gave you the week of Monday, December 16, 2013 to help you craft your two quick write paragraphs for the poem "Saigon Is Gone" and the transcript "Forgotten Ship: A Daring Rescue As Saigon Fell". You will receive a copy of the test with the instructions and materials needed on Wednesday or Thursday.

For class 421 students, who don't have your workbook, which I think is all of you, please click on the following link below to access pages 185-191. These pages contain the transcript you will need for extracting evidence for the essay. 

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com before 7pm M-F or call Dial-A-Teacher, when school is back in session, for assistance in other subject areas between 4-7 pm M-F @ 212.777.3380.

Have a Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year! : )

Take Care!

Miss. N


  1. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental and political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family.
    The Vietnam War affected Ha and her family. Ha had lost her papaya tree(hope), best friend, and dad. They also had to move away. The war was getting closer and dangerous. In the poem "Should We" , mother asks"should we leave our home?" This was a difficult decision to make. Ha didn't want to leave. Actually, the only one who wanted to leave was Brother Vu. In the article it states that "........the Vietnam War was an emotional roller coaster for most of its participants." When it said" ...most of its participants" that made me think of Ha and her family. It also says "....mentally and sometimes physically"(the pain). This had happened to Ha. She lived through the war and lost a lot during it.

    1. i see that you quoted the parts the of the book that showed the most difficulty for Ha and her family. i like how you explain how much it hurt ha and her family to leave everything behind to survive the war. Nice blog.

    2. Yes I agree with Javier's statement as you did a good job on quoting the parts of the book. You went in depth in how Ha was affected by the war. Good work.

    3. Kimberly
      I really like that you explain about her papaya tree and be so pacific by saying (hope) that's the important part I read .
      good jop.

    4. I also agree with David L. and Xavier statements, because Kimberly did a good job of going in depth in her details. I like how you emphasized what the tree meant to ha. Great Job

  2. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Answer: i am doing the Environmental impact on the Vietnam war. This had a impact on the war plus, Ha's family by most of the environment being destroyed by tanks, bombs, bullets etc. This drastically impacted Ha's family by most areas around her home being destroyed, not to mention the toxic fumes, and smoke all around. THIS stopped Ha's family from escaping to any place. Plus Ha's father is in the war as a soldier. This could affect her by her father dying in a battle by a bomb from a jet fighter, and this could more likely happen because their is nothing to cover them because all of the tree's, plant's and grass being destroyed.

    1. You have some interesting points. However, you should include at least 3 citations to from the novel and and the article you printed to backup your ideas and give us more information.-camilo paraja 8-421

    2. I agree with you that environment impacted Ha and her family. But I think her family escaped before the bombs and etc. destroyed her home. She was on the ship when she saw bullets and fire in Vung Tau. I'm glad her family was safe.

      Rebecca Chen

    3. Good job on explain the environmental inpact and i liked how you put ha's father in this it very important for her

    4. Great job i really like the way you explained your details.

    5. I liked the way you inferred and made educated guesses. We might actually find out what happens to Ha's father. Keep up the good work Xavier

  3. Question: How did the socio-economic impacts on the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    The socio-economic aspect of the Vietnam War was an especially intense experience for Ha and her family. Throughout the novel we see countless examples of finance playing a role in Ha's family. For example, in the novel it says,"I start to chop off a potato's end as wide as a thumbnail, then decide to slice off only a sliver...You deserve to grow up where you dont worry about saving half a bite of sweet potato."(pg 47) In this part of the novel Ha is trying to be economic and save food, but Mother wants Ha to not have to worry about those types of things as others do in Vietnam because of the war and negative effect on the economy. Another piece of evidence is that in the text it says, "The nation grew to distrust its leaders as a result..."(article: "The Costs of the Vietnam War") This is especially true for Ha's family and in particular to Mother because in response to decreasing economy and hope she had low confidence in leaders. Mother's response to governmental deceit is also shown in the novel. It says, "Every spring President Thieu holds a long long ceremony to comfort war wives... Mother and I go because after [the] talk...each family gets five kilos of sugar,ten kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil."(pg 32) This shows that because of the state Vietnam is in food has to be given away to support families. Ha's family in particular goes for the food that they dearly need. The later it says,"Then he cries actual tears, unwiped, facing the cameras. Mother clicks her tongue: Tears of an ugly fish. I know that to mean fake tears of a crocodile."(pg 35-36) What this is saying is that went the President cries to the cameras Mother believes those are fake tears with no feeling or true emotion and that shows Mother's distrust in Vietnamese leadership. All in all, the experiences Ha's family went through because of socio-economic impacts in the Vietnam War affected her family mentally and emotionally. -Camilo Pareja 8-421

    1. Your writing was packed with information and was written very clearly. You explained your reasons and backed it up with evidence with page numbers. You had a great conclusion to end it off with as well.

      David Zhou 8-421

    2. I agree with David Zhou because you explained clearly the main point of how Ha and her family suffered from socio-economic problems and you used excellent examples from the book and stated the pages this is amazing quality work. Keep it up.- Chris Tapia

    3. You had lacks of details and page numbers also quotes. I liked the way you put a quote then you put page number. I also like when you explained your opinion.

  4. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Response: The subject am doing is political impact on the vietnam war.
    politics are what really controls evrything that occurs in that country. The vietnamese goverment want to make south vietnam a communism country but the north bullis the south calling them names such as the "pacified South" Ha is bieng affected by the war the north communist goverment startded Ha has to leave the country. Communist leader Ho Chi minh is winning the war. South vietnamese citizen are evacuating the area trying to head on boat and airplanes.
    By Brandoth Lopez M 8-419

    1. I understand your point but you need to cite your evidence and include a page number. You also need to give a more thorough explanation about how Ha is being affected by the war. You have to explain what is pressurizing Ha and her family to leave. Also work on your spelling and grammar.

      David Zhou 8-421

    2. I agree with david zhou because you really didnt put pages and quotes you also just put your opinion and i liked them but you need to prove your opinion.

  5. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Ha and her family is being affected greatly by the Vietnam War in socio economics. The prices of everything is increasing and Ha's family has no money to afford the prices of food. For example, in page 14, it shows that Ha's mother has to work multiple jobs to earn enough money to feed the family. Also in page 16-17, the poem "Eggs", it showed that the family is so poor that mother has to take Brother Khoi's eggs. This was because the price of egg was the price of rice and the price of rice is the price of gasoline and the price of gasoline is the price of gold. This shows that the family is really poor and has to live off of what ever they have. In page 19-20, the poem "Feel Smart", Ha shows that the socio economics of the country was very bad compared to last year in the line "Now it takes two hundred dong to buy the same things", this line shows that the price of things had actually became high by 4 times. Prices were sky rocketing for things in the span of just one year, and the cause is because of the Vietnam War. Another example is in page 26, in the poem "Birthday" Ha would usually get roasted chicken, dried bamboo soup, and all she can eat pudding. However, this year she could only get a banana tapioca and black sesame candy. This proves that the family has gone poor compared to before because of the poor economy, which is caused by the Vietnam War. In page 32, poem "A Day Downtown", it had showed that Ha's family was poor by explaining that Ha and her mother only went to the ceremony held by President Thieu because at the end of the ceremony, Ha and her family gets 5 kilos of sugar, 10 kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil. In page 37, the poem "Twisting Twisting", it showed that Ha and her family was running low on food and money with the line "Mother measures rice grains left in the bin. Not enough to last till payday at the end of the month" and when mother says "Yam and manioc taste lovely blended with rice, she says, and smiles, as if I don't know how the poor fill their children's bellies." All these lines shows that they have almost no more food left and money and they can only resort do doing what poor people has to do, yam and manioc blended with rice. There was one more line in page 47, the poem "Quiet Decision" where Ha tried to save a little of potato for herself to eat but got caught by her mother. "I start to chop off a potato's end as wide as a thumbnail, then decide to slice off only a sliver. I am proud of my ability to save until I see tears in mother's deep eyes". Her mother was sad because Ha tried to save some sweet potato for herself because she could not afford any more sweet potatoes. All these lines in the poem shows that Ha and her family's are being affected by the poor socio economics caused by the Vietnam War.

    David Zhou 8-421

  6. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental and political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Socio-economic impacts of the Vietnam War affected Ha and her family. In the poem "Eggs" page 16 stanza 6 to page 17 stanza 1 "...if the price of eggs were not the price of rice, and the price of rice were not the price of gasoline, and the price of gasoline were not the price of gold..." Since the war has started, groceries have increased greatly. In the poem "Twisting Twisting" stanza 1 "Mother measures rice grains left in the bin. Not enough to last till payday at the end of the month." Her family can't buy more rice because they don't have money. They have to wait for payday but the rice left won't be enough for them to eat. In the poem "Feel Smart" page 19 stanza 3-4 "...she would give me fifty dong to buy one hundred grams of pork, a bushel of water spinach, five cubes of tube. But...I was buying ninety-nine grams of pork, seven-eights of a bushel of spinach, four and three-quarter cubes of tofu." Ha was buying less than her mom instructed so she could buy something extra for herself. Her family doesn't have extra money to buy whatever they wanted else. Socio- economic is really affecting Ha and her family. The price are increasing and her mother is earning not enough money.

    Rebecca Chen

  7. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental and political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    The topic I am researching is on the environmental impact the war had on Vietnam, this also affects Ha and her family as well considering all the damage caused by the war environmentally. Many bombs, explosions would go on, toxic fumes would have an environmental impact such as agent orange. Which cause many environmental problems within forests in Vietnam as well as health problems. This affects Ha in many ways as it affects her home and family. Where she lives in Vietnam is no longer safe. They are being destroyed piece by piece and are being taken over and in one of the poems of Inside Out and Back Again "Wet and Crying" it mentions that the papaya tree is a symbol of hope and since that is getting destroyed because of the war it shows the environmental impact the war has on Vietnam. Also it causes Ha's family to leave Vietnam as they are in fear and whatever little of what is left of Vietnam is being destroyed environmentally and more.
    By David Loayza 8-421

    1. Replies:
      Overall I like the ideas you came up with, did a very good job at collecting informational text and evidence. However, I would like to know little more about the environmental impact. You should explain a bit deeper about the evidence you demonstrated and also label where you are taking the information from. Even so, you have a pretty good account.
      Thahera Oyshi 8-421

  8. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Answer: The environmental has a part that affected Ha's family and played a big part in the Vietnam war. For instance when Ha and her family could not get much food because it was scarce and they had very little money to spend. Also Ha suffers from the fact that the North Vietnamese used the cover of the forests to conceal them from aerial view and they could hide, wait to ambush their enemies and the Americans sprayed a chemical which destroyed all the trees so the North Vietnamese could not hide anymore. The chemical had unpleasant effects on the people at war and people who were farmers. As well Ha suffered from all weapons of war that cause mass destruction. The smoke and chemicals are lethal as any other weapon used for killing. In the poem "Tv news" (page 24-25) Brother Quang states "A pilot for south Vietnam bombed the presidential palace" this indicates that the building was destroyed which if Ha or one of her family members were close they would have died because of the helicopter bombing the presidential palace. Overall Ha and her family suffered from the limitation of food that they could have because of how much money they had and the fact that there were weapons such as chemical bombs that affect the environment which limit the food supply. Which raises the cost of the food. - Chris Tapia 8-421

  9. Question: How did the socio- economic impacts on the Vietnam War affects Ha and her family?
    The socio- economic impacts on the Vietnam War is one of the exquisite conflict Ha's family had to undergo. To begin, I can infer how Ha's family is struggling financially, according to poem MOTHER'S DAYS, pg 15 " Hardly anyone buys anymore...People can barely afford food." This financial statement implies how difficult it is getting to earn for living. In the incoming poem EGGS, Ha also talks about their fundamental crisis. For instance in pg 16 Ha states "The hen gives one egg everyday and a half. We take turn eating them," which means it's a week around until they get to eat another egg. The situation is like this because the prices are too high. Infect it was also said in pg 16-17 "...if the price of eggs...were not the price of gold..." this is terrible, everything's price is equal to the cost of gold!! Moreover, in the poem A DAY DOWNTOWN the deal with money comes again, in pg 54 "...of our father's bravery each family gets five kilos of sugar, ten kilos of rice, and a small jug of vegetable oil." This assertion shows Ha's mother is not affordable enough to provide for the family, therefore she will take what she's given even if it's a little amount. Furthermore, in the poem QUIET DECISION pg 47, Ha's mother also expresses "You deserve to grow up where you don't worry about saving half a bite of sweet potato." Here she displays her concerns about the children in the future just because of the economic trouble. Besides, in the research article of (25 Years Development of Vietnam War), the war was not bad enough, even after the war Vietnam faced important consequences for the development of the economy. Prolonged 30 years of war requires time and resources to repair, but Vietnam was already collapsed. The evolution of the country took even longer then the war with many losses and finally did came to a settlement, which was not worth it. At long last I can enlightened my argument that socio economic impacted Ha's family in numerous ways, which really cost them.
    BY: Thahera Oyshi 8-421

    1. Thahera
      I like how you provide evidence from the text to support your answer and how you use the pages that we did before and I also like how you explain your evidence you get from the text .
      BY:rwan esmail 8-419

  10. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    my topic is about socio-economic , from what I know and read about ha and her family I see that there are many things they can not do and I think that the government need to do what the people want to do . ha didn't like what is happening , the people are screaming from the communists and this going to effect ha and her family and all Saigon . and this going to react ha's family so much because her father was captured by the communists , it says in the poem TV news page 24 "the communists captured father ................. this tells me that he will be so sad , depression and gloomy because of that . they need food and many things they don't have .

    BY: rwan esmail 8-419

    1. I like how you put your page number next time put with parenthsis.

    2. I like how you gave evidence next time try too explain more your'e ideas more clearly; also remember to but the page number in parenthesis. I really like how you try!!!!

  11. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Ha and her family is getting affected by Political impact because shes losing everybody she loves her father,Papaya tree, now her mom is sick on the ship "Saigon is gone"Mother is sick her stomach she has waves in her stomach" Since she lost hope she is losing everything she loves. The prices are getting high they father is not with them. There mother is probably going to work when she is sick. In saigon the president used to give them little of everything food. They could eat papaya tree now they can't. They are also in danger because in the poem “Saigon is gone” pg(67and68) “We hear a helicopter circling circling near our ship” These could be the communists finding that they trying to escape. The communist already bombed the presidential palace. “At noon today the communists crashed their tanks through the gates of the presidental palace and planted on the roof a flag with one star”pg(69) They took over saigon they planted a flag of the communists.It was also a problem that Ha had to face because she went to Alabama and it was at the end of world war 2 it could be black and white separated.
    Ahmed Almulaiki 8-419

    1. Ahmed, your response is good but next time add more evidences to support your response. Your response is run on sentences. You have to put a period after each sentence. When I read the first four lines, it didn't make any sense. Overall good. Try to add more details and evidence.
      Reply by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

  12. In the war ha and her family lost lots of things such as her father and papaya tree her mother also sick int the "sagion is gone" there said "mother is sick with waves in her stomach.."(pg 670 mabe her mother work, her mother cook for them. in "wet and crying" brother Vu said"brother u chops: the head falls; a silver blade slices. Ha feel sad when she hear that. by sanjita laky 8-419

  13. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    The political impact affected Ha, her family and the whole South Vietnam. People were being bullied by the communists in daily basis. The Northerners are called the communists or politician. People are afraid of them. They come and "patrol the neighborhood" (4). Ha and her family is hoping that the communists will no longer patrol their neighborhood. But the communists don't care about the southerners. "...Communists are dropping all the bombs they have left" (67). Now, since the people are fleeing away, the communists are still bombing on the ship. What are the people going to do? They have to be in the ship. They don't have any other choices. “People run and scream communists” (68). People are scared that the communists will probably kill them. These politicians are the most dangerous people in the Vietnam. If they are alive, then the people in Saigon are dead. They are trying to make the south as them. Finally, “Saigon is gone” (69). It’s over, the communists destroyed the people. Now there are nothing left in Saigon. All the people escaped and came to Alabama. And the people who didn’t come or left behind, they are dead.
    Response by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    1. Mohammed Ahmed AKA ( Sayeed Ahmed ) I like how you used specific information . I also like that you put in your response what Ha and her family were hoping for . All your information was correct . I like how you said where the people were going to .

  14. Question: How did the social/emotional,physical/health,socio-economic,environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    During the Vietnam war different things happen. Environmental is one of the big issues during the vietnam war; It also affected Ha and her family members. Ha and her family could not get enough food; in general they are poor. They don't have lots of money. They have little money base on all the damages that had happen during the war, it affected environmentally. There were bombs, explosions that, In toxic leaves, flowers and food. Which caused many environmental problems. " Agent Orange contained quantities of the dioxin TCDD as an impurity from from the manufacturing process... There is no doubt that the chemicals had immediate deleterious effects on living organisms, particularly on birds and other inhabitants of the over-story in forest areas (p.4)" The herbicide dumped diden't kill things at it's moment. The gas was a really powerful gas that destroyed things by weeks." After weeks of the gas things have been destroyed; no more leaves,flowers and fruits" This situation affected Ha and her family in many different situations. On the poem Inside Out and Back again" Wet and crying" It mentions that the papaya tree is a symbol that represents hope for Ha and her family. also Ha and her family are scared of the communist base on they took away there father and they want to take away papaya tree. However on page 10 "The vietnam wars" " After two months of fighting in spring mud, the french were exhausted... they agree to leave vietnam for good." Also Ha's family were afraid of them and Ha's mother also decided to leave vietnam for good. Vietnam is being destroyed; no only environmentally.
    By: Pricilla Rosa 8-419

  15. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    Response: The socio economic has affected has family in good
    and bad ways. In Titi waves goodbye it saids "I'm glad we've become poor so we can stay." (11) Ha is happy because she is poor so she doesn't have to live her home.Has mother needs to keep more than one job to have enough money. In saigon they are increasing everything because Ha saids
    that her mothers saids " if the price of eggs were not the price of rice,and the
    price rice were not the price of gasoline , and the price of gasoline were not
    the price of gold,then of course brother Khoi could continue hatching eggs.(17). Ha and her family have money only for the necessary things.Ha and
    her family became poor because of the war.

    1. keyla very good job i really like everything you did nice job!

  16. How did the social/emotional, physical/health, sociol-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

    My group choose environmental and what environmental impacts the vietnam war affect ha and her family have alot of problems ha's best friend left war stared she was poor everything was getting destoryed. Ha had the papaya tree which was really important to her in her life,"The tree has grown twice as tall as i stand on tippy toes." (8) ha's tree was growing and growing bigger and bigger. "On weekends she takes me to market stalls,dropping off the clothed and trying to collect on last weeks goods."(14) They did have the enough money for noting they had to wait for a week to past so they can get clothing.
    By:kimberlin liranzo 8-419

    1. kimberlin I like how you cite evidence from the inside out & back again , But next time make sure that you used three piece of evidence from where you are getting you're getting the evidence. You did really good keep it up!!

  17. Question: How did the social/emotional,physical/health,socio-economic,environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Answer: during " The Vietnam War" a lot of problems happen and it affected Ha and her family members. The socio- economic affected Ha and her family by when it said " the vitnamese economy has entered a period of peaceful development". (21) When the vietnam war happend it was not peaceful it was a lot of problems going on where they lieve. Another, problem that happend was 'not only a legacy of heavy war damage and an extremely impoverished economy: (22) This is also something that affected Ha and her family member because when the vietnam war happend it left a lot of damaged and it was not a good economic that they were passing through the war. The last problem that I sow was "the government should have focused on economic recovery"(22). The damaged were so terrible that even the government had to focused on its economy because of everything that happen on the war. It had to focused on labor skill, agricultural and consumer goods production, it was a lot of things that the government had to reconstruct and make it good for the Vietnamese people to live. In addition, there are still more things that happen in Vietnam and it impacted all of them even Ha and her family.

    By: Cindy Sanchez

    1. Dear Cindy, I love the way that you provide evidence from your article/book. However, next time please try to revise your spelling, in the other hand everything was good and well explained.

  18. Question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Response: the way that the economy affected Ha and her family was when they decided to stay in Saigon instead of going to another country.For example, in the book Inside Out & Back Again I read a poem called "TiTi Waves Good-bye" it says "I'm glad we became poor so we can stay" (pg. 11) meaning that they didn't have enough money to be traveling. Also, it affected because in the article that I read it says "... with more than 30 percent of the population considered to be below the poverty line. This is a high level of poverty..." (pg. 3) meaning that the economy affected other families too, but the awful part of it is that is the highest level of poverty. However, the way that it affected Ha's family is in the poem called "Saigon Is Gone" it says "mother is sick with waves in her stomach..." (pg. 67) meaning that they way that is going to affect it is that when they probably get to land and take her mother to the hospital there might not be enough money to pay her medicine.
    By: Teresa Bernabe, 8-419

  19. The social/emotional damage to Ha was really bad . Ha was depressed because she had to leave her papaya tree . The Vietnam War affected Ha and her family.Why ? Because Ha and her family had to leave there home . When they left there was alot of trouble caused . Like when her mom was sick .

  20. The social/emotional affected Ha and her family was really sad and terrified. Ha was sad because she had to leave her papaya tree , it was like part of her. The Vietnam war affected her family and her by leaving Saigon. He mom was sick. There was a lot of attacking in Saigon. They had to close the school.

  21. Question:How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?
    Answer:I'm doing this comment from the physical/health perspective. One thing that many families in the Vietnam wars did was leave before the war could get to them. In the process of doing so, many families would get rid of anything that would link them back to somebody they shouldn't be in contact with. Ha's family cut down the papaya tree, because they didn't want to leave it to the communists. "Black seeds spill like clusters of eyes, wet and crying"(pg60).It affected her physically and emotionally, because it was a big symbol hope. This made her feel bad on the inside and outside.
    By: Ravon Burnett 8-421
