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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

PBH Due 11.12.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

Both Classes:

Using the words on the word wall, create a fun vocabulary game using a familiar card game or physical activity that is fun and engaging. Do not use the games I have already told you about (Vocabulary Uno, Vocab Bingo, Vocab Jeopardy and Vocab Basketball). It would be fun to play vocabulary Wheel of Fortune, but someone or a group of people would have to create a small but not too large spinning wheel with different incentives and points to be picked up when the wheel stops. If you can create something like that which is strong and durable and can be used for years to come, I will most definitely give you extra credit.

Hint: Think of a game you already play, such as a card game, and find out how to transfer/remake the rules and directions of this game into a vocabulary game.

On loose leaf, please type out the purpose of the game and the rules by using this outline below:

  • Your group's name (all names must be listed from your group of no less than 2 and no more than 4) If you're working solo (a.k.a. by yourself) it's ok. Just don't do more than you can handle.
  • The name of your game
  • Purpose of the game (clearly explain how effective this game will be in learning new and complex vocabulary words, synonyms, antonyms or a combination of all)
  • Rules
  • Materials needed for the game (ex: dice)
  • Number of players (ex: 6-8 players, whole class, etc.)
  • Directions (list clear and specific step-by-step directions)
  • List any other important information needed for your game
Book Review # 3 - Due 11.18.13

Redo the introductory paragraph for the autobiography you read. Please make sure not to be dishonest by reading information online as opposed to reading an actual book. Do not copy and paste the information from online. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually did what you were supposed to do based on the outline I provided. However, you must use the same book you read and the format I will teach you in class next week.

421 Only
Diary/Letter/Journal Entry - Due 11.12.13
  • You MUST submit the final draft on Tuesday complete with a cover page. The cover page should not look like a book report cover you submitted when you were in 4th grade. The cover MUST look like the cover of a diary if you are writing a diary/journal entry. If you are writing a letter, make sure the letter is stained with torn or worn edges.
  • You MUST write the journal in first person
  • You MUST use dates during that time period.
  • You MUST creatively think of an authentic name of your orphan and soldier.
  • You MUST make it clear who the orphan and soldier is writing to.
  • You MUST handwrite it. Neither orphans or soldiers had time or the resources to type anything.
  • You MUST write two entries (one from the point of view of the Vietnam or Amerasian orphans and one from the point of view of the American soldiers who fought during Vietnam)
  • Your entries MUST be no shorter than two paragraphs each.
  • You MUST use three or more pieces of evidence from the articles provided to you as well as additional research you will do on your own.
  • You MUST make it look creative by either staining the paper to make it look old as though it was found years later, by adding black and white photos, by adding paraphernalia such as soldier dog tags that you should tape onto your soldier journal entry or other Vietnam or American soldier like items that will make your work look authentic.


Return parent signed permission slips for our trip to the NYC Parks Department to clean Flushing Meadow Park no later than Tuesday, November 12, 2013. Be ready to paint, pick up trash and rake leaves. Wear something you don't mind getting dirty.

Class 421 ONLY - Return parent signed permission slips to the redemption machine at Trade Fair no later than Wednesday, November 13, 2013.

Return High School Applications to Mrs. Cruz ASAP!

There will be no blogging or word walls due on Tuesday!

421 ONLY - You must hand in your revised engaging introductory paragraph as was taught to you. DO NOT write on the template! I had corrected myself in class because I want to save paper and I need you to have that as your template to refer to throughout the year. Use it as a guide as well as the sample introduction on the back. Write your second draft on loose leaf. If your writing is not legible, type it using 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas.

Miss. N

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