Hello All,
Please note that any work that is due the week of the 18th is posted on the previous blog post. Therefore, you may need to scroll down to read it.
I have made some changes. Please do the following:
Classes 419 & 421:
Vocabulary Games final project due 11.25.13.
All game pieces must be in place and ready to be played on Monday. This will be your test. Each game will be evaluated by your peers and the teacher. You will be evaluated on how well each student was able to acquire new words by playing your game. You will be evaluated on how engaging, fun, creative and clear your instructions were for the game. Lastly, you will be evaluated on how much time it takes to play the game. The game should not be too quick and easy nor too long and difficult. There must be an midway length of time for your game.
Flushing Meadow Park Reflection
Due 11.25.13 - Write a reflection about your community service experience cleaning Flushing Meadow Park. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced. You can hand write your reflection if your handwriting is not clear. It must be at least one page and you must answer the following questions: 1) What did this experience teach you about leadership and team work?
2.) How does this community service experience prepare you for future real life work experiences? You must provide examples from the trip based on what you felt, observed and what you heard others say.
1.High School Apps due to Mrs. Cruz Monday, November 25, 2013!
2. Class 421's Bake Sale will begin on Tuesday 11.26.13. Details will be explained on Monday 8th period as well as elections. Buy your baked goods between today and Sunday. Kimberlin get ready!
3. Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!
4. All videos of the in class courtroom scene must be handed in during lunch time Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
5. Class 421 - A snack during ELA time is not candy. No candy or gum allowed. Cookies, chips, crackers, water, a mini sandwich, or anything that falls into that category is ok. This is only for this class because you have me right before lunch.
6. Riki return the slips that were handed to you on the bus. Due Monday, 11.25.13.
If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Mon-Fri no later than 7pm. Do not wait until the last minute or email me on weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.
Miss. N
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