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Monday, January 14, 2013

PBH Due 1.21.13 and 1.22.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

Due 1.21.13

1. Reading Log Blog Posts due on online at http://missnatthereadingcafe.blogspot.com. Please note that you must have a Google, AIM, etc. account to post it online. This will be due no later than 7pm Monday night.

If you don't have one, you may email your blog post no later than 7pm Monday night to thereadingcafe@aol.com or please write/type it on paper and hand it the next day.

Due 1.22.13

2. Please hand in a typed nonfiction book review. The outline will be provided by tomorrow or no later than Wednesday. Please see the nonfiction book list on the previous blog posting. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced, page numbered using your last name (i.e. Nicholson 1) and college block style heading.

Contact Dial-A-Teacher if you have any questions for other subject areas. Please scroll down to retrieve the phone number.



You have until Wednesday to bring in the permision slips and $20 for the Aviator Sports Center Trip.

Miss. N


  1. Sofa Answar
    Title: Radiance
    Author: Alyson Noel
    Week of: 1/13/13-1/19/13
    Number of Pages:(Completed book)

    Reading response: Yes,"Radiance"is a perfect title for this book. The story revolves around Riley who's new to life after death.In the land of Here and Now things are different,very different.Each person is assigned a job and everyone has a place they belong to ,except Riley who feels she can never get used to life after death. Everyone emits a glowing light leaving Riley looking worn out. The day she had been dreading the most since her death had come sooner than Riley expected. On Riley's judgement day she meets Aurora who glows with a radiating light so brilliant so stunning it makes everyone else look like a worn out light bulb.After the gods judge her,Riley realized she spent her life carelessly. She is assigned to be a Soul Catcher,as her first assignment ends she realizes shes never felt more alive and starts to emit her own radiant light and sets a goal to glow as radiant as Aurora.

    1. Sofa it was fun reading this response! It's very detailed and I love the fact that you evidently stated why this book by Noel is titled, "Radiance". I like how you talked about the emotional effects of the characters. All I can say for now, is that I would love to read this book! May I please borrow it from you?

    2. Interesting book Sofa! I was wondering if you have explored the meaning behind the name Aurora. It has some significance due to her assignment.

  2. Mariutzy Saenz
    Title: Street Pharm
    Author: Alliso Van Diepen
    Week of:1/14/13-1/18/13
    Number of pages:31-83
    Reading responce: Yes,"Street Pharm" is an accurate title for this book. The story is about Ty Johnson a 17 year old kid that is a drug dealer. He decided from a young age to follow his dad's footsteps, and become part of his dad's own drug dealing business. However, since his dad is in jail Ty wants to do everything right and keep the business safe "under radar" as he says. After, getting kick out of his old High School for not showing up for class. He got sent to a new school where doors are under lock although he still sneaks out. Ty meets Alice a smart girl in which he starts liking after having to work with her on a project. Alyce is a very different girl apart form the other Ty although he doesn't want a girlfriend because one of the rules in the business is "girlfriends not allowed". However, on a visit to Alyce house Ty finds out he was a son of almost 2 year old and he starts to like her more.

    1. Mariutzy i enjoyed reading your response and I think im going to read this book next. :)

    2. **anthony asitimbay**

    3. I would like you to think back on one of the first assignments I gave the class: How does culture and environment influence authors and the characters they create within a story? Next time think about that as you read other books. : )

  3. Steven Castaneda
    Title: Slob
    Author: Ellen potter
    Week of: 1/19/13
    Number of Pages: 1-21

    Reading Response: No, “Slob” doesn’t seem to be a reasonable title for this book. Owen Birnbaum is the main character, and he really doesn’t seem to be a slob. He is the fattest kid at his school, but he is also a genius. He keeps to himself and thinks intriguingly, he also uses high vocabulary of words. So far from what I’ve read he doesn’t seem to like whom he’s around with. Like his gym teacher mr.wooly, his goal is just to embarrass kids. Owen relates to him as “Mr. a few fries short of a happy meal”. Owen doesn’t know whether to consider this kid Andre in his class a friend or enemy, because of the way he talks to him and treats him. Whether he making fun of him or it’s just a joke. Owen is on a diet for he is 157 pounds for a 12-year-old boy. His mother packs him only 3 Oreos for his school lunch. He deeply cares about the Oreos. Those are what he calls “my moments of bliss”. But after gym he finds out that his Oreos are missing, he feels flabbergasts. Once again I think find the title to fit the book for no one in this book SO FAR isn’t a slob.

    1. Last sentence: Once again I don't find the title to fit with the book for no one in the book is a slob.*

    2. Ok, I am glad that you believe that. However, have you thought beyond the text as to why the author names it SLOB? Maybe there is an underlying reason. Perhaps the environment the character is in is a slob, or the character's life is a slob, or his eating style is a slob, etc. Next time think beyond the text.

  4. Your Full Name: Rumalia Chowdhury
    Title of your Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events (Volume #7)
    Author: Lemony Snicket
    Week of: 1.14.13- 1.21.13
    Number of Pages: p. 1-122
    Question: How is the title an appropriate or inappropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response: Lemony Snicket named the book A Series of Unfortunate Events because of the many tragic events that happened to the Baudelaire siblings. The first tragedy of this book is when the Baudelaire siblings’ (Violet, Klaus, and Sonny) parents die in a severe fire inside their home which was started by a jealous villain, Count Olaf. Count Olaf killed the parents because he wanted their fortune that they left behind. Because the Baudelaires were alone and would inherit the fortune they left behind, Count Olaf took them in his care. The siblings suspected Olaf to be the murderer of their parents but when they confronted him, he would say, “You know nothing!” The second tragedy is when the Baudelaires were adopted by Olaf. They knew that he was a villain. He would give them pointless chores like chopping wood for fun and he would make them cook for him and six other men or what they call themselves as, minions. After they were able to get away from Olaf, many of their families took them in their care but everyone ended up having bad luck as long as the Baudelaires were with them. The third tragic event was when their last family, the Quagmires, got in a whole lot of trouble! One of the triplets and the parents died and the other two triplets have been kidnapped by Olaf. It is the Baudelaires’ job to save the Quagmires—or what’s left of them. The title suits the book very well because the Baudelaires literally went through a series of events that had sadness and tragedy. Just by reading the title, a reader can assume the book is about tragedy, treachery and misery.

    1. I also enjoyed reading this book, and I fully support the way you described and went into detail about the book. I fully agree that the title chosen was a very veritable choice for this book. The way that you described your reasons the title fit the book, were very admirable because you actually expounded and went into full detail, I think that anyone who reads your description will be interested in reading this book.
      -Paola ❥

    2. I have read the first 5 or 6 books of this series let me know when your done I am obsessed with this author. His books are like magic don't you agree?? Yes and I do believe you are right the title tells it all.
      - Sofa Answar

  5. Paola Peralta
    The Help
    Kathryn Stockett
    Week Of: 1.14.13-1.19.13
    Entire book
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.
    Reading Response: Yes, I would most definitely agree in saying that The Help was a commendable choice in title for this book. The Help is about a young white woman named Skeeter who lives during the times of segregation. Although she was surrounded by people who degraded and hated blacks she didn't understand why such hatred was felt, because you see the one who raised Skeeter, was Constantine. Constantine was black, and was Skeeter's family's maid. Skeeter and Constantine shared a very dear friendship, it was although Constantine was Skeeters second mother. Skeeter's dream was to be a writer, but the only job she finds is with the Jackson Journal writing, a housekeeping advice column called "Miss Myrna." Skeeter doesn't know much about housekeeping, so she resorts to her friend's maid, Aibileen, for answers and finds a lot more, because you see, Aibileen isn't the only one it turns out that is willing to share. Soon after the many tears, and the many laughs, Skeeter has enough stories including her own to write her book. The book is named 'The Help' and includes the many triumphs and sorrows that these maids had experienced catering to the needs of these white families. These aspiring black women have cleaned houses, cooked meals, and have provided relationships to the kids of these white families, relationships that even surpassed the ones that the white children would share with their own mothers. These aspiring black women were also know as, the help.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Kathryn Agnas
    Title: Live Writing
    Author: Ralph Fletcher
    Week Of: 1/9/13 - 1/16/13
    Number of pages: 1-131
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.
    Reading Response: Yes, Fletcher was very auspicious in naming the book, "Live Writing." It was a perfect choice for the book because he said that most people in reality have read lifeless, barren, and dull writing. The "live writing" meaning the type of writing that no one can’t EVER put down. And reading it until really late at night, only stopping when their eye vision starts to hurt and get blurry from either sleep or strain! Whilst reading "live writing", the words are often utilized for the eloquence with which he expresses how it can burrow deep inside one. Fletcher's main objective for the book was to give tips on how to make one's boring writing morph into an ALIVE piece of writing. He discusses about what he feels are the most crucial parts of writing in the book to make writing become more dynamic. Such as characters to voice to conflict to timing!

  8. Full name: Anthony Asitimbay
    Author: Louis Sachar
    Week of: 1/14-1/21
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response: Yes, Holes is an appropriate choice for this book. Its a story that was by Louis Sachar, about a boy that is called Stanley Yelnats,was sent of to a boot camp because he was accused of steeling. The reason it's called holes is because the teenager that were in the boot camp had to dig holes throughout the whole day. The teens were also treated unfairly as well. The holes had to be 5ft deep and 5ft wide. At the end Stanley and his friend Zero dig a hole to find his great great grandfathers treasure and the succeed doing it.

    1. I have to disagree with your reasoning, I have read the book and I think that if the reason for calling this book Holes was merely because he had to dig holes in a boot camp I believe that you have to look deeper into the story for why it is actually called Holes. I also have a question, If you've only read 27 pages of the story how did Stanley and Zero already find the treasure? The book is thick so the story shouldn't be at it's end in 27 pages unless you meant 227 pages. Typos, what can you do?

    2. I saw the movie and i liked it , i look forward to reading the book :)

    3. Great movie/book, i read the book and saw the movie. I like how your response is straight to the point great job.

  9. Valentina Escudero
    Book: Twisted
    Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
    Week of: 1/14-1/21
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response: Yes, Twisted is so far, an appropriate title for this book. This book is centered on the life a high school senior, Tyller Williams. It is centered on the roller coaster life Tyller is going through. Try this... One day your invisible to the public your just "Nerd Boy", and the next your this admired, cool, despised guy to others. Well, this is exactly what happened to Tyller. One minutes his grades are amazing and the next he is in jail, doing community service and having his own parole officer. To many this was cool and amusing and to others it was something they were afraid of. So far his life is really being 'twisted". But let e make it even more twisted. Try having your crush which in this case, Tyller's is Bethany Willbury, acknowledge you and have her be your dad's boss' daughter and your worst enemy's sister. I mean if this isn't twisted to you then i don't know what is. Tyller is having his whole life flipped upside down. He.s being twisted in all different directions and taken out of his comfort zone. I mean if being invisible on day and the next day being visible to everyones isn't twisted or twisting then I don't know what is because Tyller is twisted and thats why this title fits so good with this story. I don't think any other story can describe this title as good as this one does.

    1. I like the way you clearly explained how the title fits the book and used good examples. Also this book reminds me of another book called Homeboyz because just like Tyller, Teddy's life also has been twisted after his sister was killed. Before he was thinking of going off to college but now he only thought of revenge. I think I might try this book and read how this boy's life has also been twisted.

    2. I think it was a good answer because you stated why it was an appropriate title for the story. I also think you used great examples on how the characters life was "twisted". I would like to know more about how Tyller's life was turned upside down and changed. I am looking forward to reading this book and learning more about it. :)

  10. Bryan Tenesaca
    Title: No Easy Day
    Author: “Mark Owen”
    Week Of: 1/12/13 - 1/19/13
    Number of pages: 1-99
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.
    Reading Response: The title this book is under is a perfect match up to what the book itself contains. In this book, former Navy Seal “Mark Owen” who bravely served the United States from 1998-2012 calls back memories from his extremely deadly career, in particular the high profile mission to capture or execute the master mind terrorist Osama Bin Laden, part of the classified special operation under the title of Neptune Spear. In addition he clearly describes the hardest military recruitment training in the world, and how he physically, mentally and morally passed. He describes the sacrifices made by his teammates and the incredible and superhuman bravery they all showed in constant deployments around the world. To get to the mission that highlighted his whole career he went through pain, sacrifices and difficult days on his career. Being a Seal is much more than anyone can think. They are tasked with the most difficult missions, and the most dangerous tasks such as hunting down nuclear weapons, and intercepting any threat in the world within one hour. Seal doesn’t just stand for Sear air and land, they stand for one nation, for one flag, and for millions of Americans. They carry on a huge responsibility and honor, to serve the people of the United States and eliminate any threat that can deprive this great nation of its freedom and rights. The philosophy his brotherhood lives by, the one every navy seal lives by is a code of honor not found in any other person. These breed of warriors are Americas finest and represent much more than words can describe. There is no easy day for a seal.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation's call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America's finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life. I am that man.

      My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day. My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach.

      I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own. I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.

      We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations. I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.

      We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me - my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete. We train for war and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my country. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend. Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail.
      Navy Seal Philosophy

    3. that excerpt above is part of the philosophy his team lived by and memorised. It was mentioned briefly in the book, although the whole thing was not written down

  11. Catherine Almonte
    Title of Book: The Lost Boy
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Week of: 1/09/13 – 1/20/13
    Number of Pages: The whole book
    Question: How is the title an appropriate or inappropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response: The title of this book is appropriate because it’s about a boy who is lost and when people are lost they search for a way out. Like Peter Pan and the lost boys. Dave Pelzer said in this book “I just wanted to stay at a place that I could call home.” Unlike the people who are lost physically Dave is lost emotionally. He is in search of a place to call home that has a loving family. However, it was not that easy because ever since he was saved he has been named a foster child and sometimes people react to foster children in an ugly way. Dave also had to go through five different homes to find the right one. Even though he had been through so much in his search he soon found a home with a woman to call mother and a man to call father. He was not considered a lost boy but now a man named Dave.

    1. I have read the blurb in the library and according to what you have written, sums up what the book is called Lost Boy. He needs a home where he could find love and like you said, is lost emotionally. They say that the strongest love is a mother’s love but Dave Pelzer did not experience mother’s love. His mother would brutally abuse him and so he was lost.
      -Rumalia Chowdhury :)

    2. I read the first one "A child called it" and i liked the book. I wanted to check out the second book but i couldnt find it anywhere. Maybe you can tell me about it in class ? :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lisette Lazo
    Author:Allison Van Dieper
    Week Of:1/13/13-1/18/13
    Pages Completed: Whole Book completed

    Response: The title "Snitch" entitles with the book because it shows how a teenage girl named Julia dates a guy named Eric who later becomes a gang member of the "Crips". As soon as Eric becomes a member there are problems between the two couple and they brake up. A party comes around and Julia and her friends show up and then the gang clubs take over. Maria, a member of the gang "Blood" and a friend of Julia tells her that the gang "Blood" plans to beat up Eric because he's the newest member of the "Crips" and want to eliminate him fast. Maria tells Julia that Eric deserves it. To this point Julia feels bad and decides to look for Eric and warn him because she still cares. Eric is warned and a fight between gangs brake out and people run. The next day Maria calls her a Snitch and beats up Julia. Now this tells her that the whole gang is after her. In order to protect herself she becomes a "Crip" the "Bloods" arch enemy. In the blurb it states that "one name can brand you for life" and in Julia's case this makes sense to her. Only for one mistake it ruined her life and is known a "Snitch.

    1. Kinda reminds me of Dru from "For The Love Of The Game" documentary, nice response John.

  14. Your full name: Chigozie Madu
    Title of your book: The Lady of the Rivers
    Author: Phillipa Gregory
    Week Of: 1.7.13 - 1.14.13
    Number of pages: pp.1-39
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: I think that "The Lady of the Rivers" was an appropriate title for this book because this novel revolves around Jacquetta. Jacquetta is a fourteen year old girl, she befriends a seventeen year old woman named Joan in the beginning of the book. Joan says that she is given tasks to complete by God himself and Jacquetta seems to be the only one who truly believes her. Jacquetta also has the Sight, a God-given gift only possessed by the virgin daughter of Melusina the water goddess who is Jacquetta's ancestor. In the book she is referred to as a girl pure enough to capture a unicorn. To capture a unicorn you must be an all around pure virgin, then when you are in the forest a unicorn will voluntarily come to you and lay its head gently in your lap. Jacquetta foresees the card Le Pendu with her gift for Joan, this is the card of the Hanged Man. Later on in the story Joan dives off of Jacquetta's wealthy great-aunt's roof because she is being accused of witchcraft, heresy, illegal alchemy and whatever other charges the English would conjure up against Joan. Joan hits the mud headfirst and is lifted up lifeless and kept in a guarded bed, four days later she gets up dusts herself off and goes on her way as if nothing happened. This only further endangered Joan because the townspeople then said that only Satan would save her from a death like that. They charge her with heresy and burn her alive with dampened wood so that she may die with the most agony in a slow fire. Jacquetta realizes that her prediction of Le Pendu for Joan was correct, the card had the man hanged by his foot so he could easily unwrap his foot and fall to one scene or stay hanged up in another. Metaphorically Joan was a woman trying to lead and be on her own in a world full of men. She was hanging between two choices, she could choose between forfeiting her freedom or her life, she obviously chose to forfeit her life. After a year when Jacquetta was done mourning for her lost friend, Joan's accuser proposes to her. Being a great lord though, the duke who proposes to Jacquetta isn't really asking for her hand in marriage, he is simply notifying her that she is going to be his wife and with her family pressuring, her there is no option for her to refuse. She gets married to him but finds out that it was not out of love as it seemed but because of her gift. On the first morning of her married life, Jacquetta finds that this is the beginning of her living a deceitful life in her husband's world, she fears that he will trick her into a confession of her gift but is later assured that this is not the case. Jacquetta is becoming more and more like Melusina, seeing that she is the true virgin daughter of Melusina. This novel is all about Jacquetta, this novel is all about the Lady of the Rivers. This is why I agree that The Lady of the Rivers is an appropriate choice of a title for the book.

    1. hey chigozie your answer is very detailed i think that its just a tad bit long... you criticized anthony for his answer but his was a lot more clearer than yours it was short and to the point yours on the other hand was a little exaggerated i mean dont get me wrong its type good its just to long but i look foward to reading this book <3

  15. Leonela Hernandez
    Title: The Scarlet Letter
    Author : Nathaniel Hawthorne
    Week Of: 1/7 - 1/14
    Pages: 1-64 (Chapters 1-9)
    Question :Was the title an appropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response: Yes, "The Scarlet Letter" is an appropriate choice for this book. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about a young widow named Hester Prynne who lives in the settlement of Boston in the year 1640. Back then the people of the settlement believed it was a sin to have a child with anyone but your spouse. Hester Prynne is branded as the shameful sinner of their town. She is forced to wear a scarlet "A" on all of her clothes. Her Sin was mortal to the people of Boston so they felt she should be punished. Not only was she a sinner but her beauty was a crime too. She was tall with long beautiful black hair however it was the extravagance of the scarlet letter on her chest that caught everyone's eye. She has to live the rest of her life with that scarlet letter to remind her of her sin and also carry on with her "Devil Child".

    1. I'm going to read this book when your done :o. It seems interesting especially about the crime of being beautiful !

  16. Daeyana Nicole Francis
    Title: Little By Little
    Author:Jean Little
    week of 1/17-1/19
    pages:whole book
    question:was the title an appropriate choice for this book?
    Reading Response : yes ! Little By Little is an appropriate choice for the book. I think this because it is pretty much an auto biography about herself. she was born blind with scratches on her cornea, so she could barely see. To read she had to put the print literally on her nose to be able to see it and that was with glasses. She was always moving with her family and had to make new friends but she always failed at it so the title is saying little by little because she learned how to move through life being almost fully blind and not having much friends and always depending on someone else to help her. So i believe that the author chose the right title for this book. :)

  17. Jair Juez :)
    Title: Catching fire
    Author:Suzanne Collins
    Week of: 1/16/13-1/19/13
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.
    Reading Response: Yup the title of the book is appropriate as the book talks about how after the hunger games (a free for all between "tributes" in which they fight to the death) Katniss Everdeen sparks a revolution within the nation known as Panem by threatening to eat poisonous berries with fellow district twelve tribute Peeta which would have left the games with no victor. They both are allowed to live but this sets in motion the events in Catching Fire as the districts think that Katniss defied the capital as an act of rebellion instead of love towards Peeta. So this put all of Katniss's family and friends in danger from the capital.

  18. Jovanny Rodriguez
    Tittle: Snitch
    Athor: Allison Van Diepen
    Week Of: 1/14 - 1/21
    Pages: The Whole Book
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book?
    Response: Yes, I couldn't agree more on how "Snitch" was a great title for the book. Allison Van Diepen really did an amazing job of linking the title with the story, she couldn't have done a better job. I believe the title was very appropriate for a story like this, its incredible how one word can have so much meaning and represent one book! This new Eric Valiente's goal is to setup the Crips and take them all out. He has been working with the police this whole time and he uses this girl named Julia Valiente that is very close to a Crip member "Black Chuck", and Eric eventually gets initiated into the Crips. Eric technically joined the Crips to scoop any sort of information on the gang to then run back and let it all out to cops. That is just one example of "snitching". Julia also gets involved in the snitching by warning Eric he was going to get jumped by the "RLN's" the boy side of the Blood gang after big party Julia and Eric were in. The "RLB's" the girl side of the Bloods let Julia in on the plan to jump Eric after the party. Julia knows not telling a kid she loves he is going to get jumped is wrong so she lets Eric know before he gets jumped. Eric ends up escaping but Julia gets caught in school later in the book and gets jumped for snitching. That the second reason "Snitch' is a very amazing title for the book. The last reason I believe that "Snitch" is a very good title for the book is because nearly at the end of the book there is a drug deal that take place with Crips and Eric ends up setting it all up with the Cops. The big "homie" or leader of the Crips got arrested along with other Crip members. Many people thought Eric was a "narc" because he walked away freely. The suspicion all started when Julia saw a tattoo of the Latin Kings ( a rival gang of the crips ) on his back. That just goes to show how the title "Snitch" really ties up the book in one whole. The 3 biggest events in the book were revolved around snitching. That is why I agree that "Snitch" is a marvelous title for the book!

    1. I like the fact that you applied how Snitch comes into play in this book. I just wonder about Eric. Does he like involving himself in gangs or not.

    2. I honestly believe yes because he was once in the Latin Kings and now he's helping the police bring down the crips. So either way if he is in the gang or not he is still involving himself with gangs either way.

    3. I read this book in the beginning of the year and i really like it. I agree on how "snitch" is the appropriate title for the book. It took you a while to read this book :P

  19. Name: Lilliana Ramirez
    Title: Street Pharm
    Author: Allison Van Diepen
    Week Of: 1.14.13 – 1.21.13
    Number of pages: 1 – 109
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three detail
    Reading Response: I believe the title” Street Pharm” was not an appropriate title for the book. I think this because the title didn’t really have anything to do with the story. The book is about a boy named Ty Johnson who is following his father’s footsteps in the business of drug dealing. After getting kicked out of his school for not showing up and skipping class he was put in a new school with stronger security systems but he still managed to do whatever he wanted to. After being paired up for a project with a girl named Alyce he starts to like her. Ty then finds out she has a child which doesn’t seem to bother him. In fact he actually likes her more because it makes her seem more mature. Ty and Alyce become closer but Ty can’t have a girlfriend because it can be a distraction to his drug dealing business. Although the title “Street Pharm” can be related to the story because is about how Ty deals with drugs and what happens on the street I still believe there should be another title for the book.

    1. I like how the story does not fit the title the way you describe it. during reading this I thought of examples how the title did fit the story but then at the end you made me realized it didn't. you described both point of views of how it does fit and your opinion.

  20. Armando Vargas
    Title of Book: Missing
    Author: Catherine Macphail
    Week of 1/12/13- 1/19/13
    Number of pages:1-79
    Question: How is the title an appropriate or inappropriate choice for the book?
    I think the title is an appropriate title because a girl named Maxine has a dead brother. The problem is that no one knows hes dead, at least not yet. Maxine goes to the same high school as her brother and there lives an enemy called Sweeney. Sweeney makes his targets life hell. One of his targets was Maxine's brother Derek. Derek was told by his father to fight back. Sweeney didn't fight fairly so Derek didn't fight. Instead Derek became a bully and got into trouble. More trouble kept coming and Derek ran away. He has been missing. Maxine isn't the perfect child either she skips school and thinks of everyone comforting her annoying. No one understands her position because she wants Derek gone because her parents care more about Derek than her. but she misses him because he meant a lot to her. The police have found a body in London and her parents have to identify the corpse. they identify it and they say it is Derek and they realized he is dead. Maxine receives a call from a payphone in the cemetery and claims its Derek. Now shes unsure if Derek's actually dead or if he's alive. Is he still missing or what? This is the story so far and why i think the book is called missing.

    1. I like the fact that you clearly stated why this book is titled Missing. I just ask that you add more deatails about the emotional effects of the characters.

  21. John Pritchett
    Tittle Of Book: Travel Team
    Author: Mike Lupica
    Week Of: 1/14/13 - 1/21/13
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not?
    I believe that the tittle is an appropriate for this book. The story is about Danny walker, a 12 year old with a passion for the game basketball. But the only problem is that he is small and gets criticized for it. Danny gets cut from his travel team that his father used to be on, all because of his height. Now his father makes his own basketball travel team, that consist of Danny and other players who were cut from the travel team too.

    1. Sounds like a good book i might read it.

    2. This sounds like a good book and I think I want to read it. Also, I think it's mean that he gets criticized for being small.

  22. Full name- Jaskamal Singh
    Title- Mein kamph (my struggle)
    Author- Adolf Hitler
    Week of- 1/15/13 - 1/20/13
    Pages- 1-37
    Question- Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Answer- The title "My struggle" is an appropriate title for the book. Adolf Hitler talks about his life as a young boy growing up in a small village in Austria. His family was pretty poor. Also Hitler's life was filled with struggle. Most of his siblings died through out his child hood and his father beat him very brutally as a child. Also when he was 19 his mother died. Hitler's life was filled with struggle if it was from death or from loosing elections. His childhood shaped his future and the his life

    1. I'm interested in your book would you mind lending me it for a day?

  23. Hi miss nicholson can I give my non fiction book review tommorow 1/22/2013 because my computer is having some problems due to virus and computer shutting off a lot right now I am writing this rapidly because my computer can shut off any I will give you my book reviEw in loose leaf tommorow.

  24. Full name: Kaiyell Pettie
    Title of the book: Amelia Lost
    Author: Candace Fleming
    Week of: 1/14/13 – 1/21/13
    Number of pages: pg #6-pg#38
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: This notable author, Candace Fleming, made a great decision in naming this non-fiction book, “Amelia Lost”. This outstanding author goes in depth about the illustrious career of Amelia Earhart all the way from her birth and childhood years living in Atchison, Kansas to her infamous death while in control of an aircraft intended to circumnavigate the globe. As a child, Amelia always loved to involve herself in activities such as basketball, fishing, football, and bicycling, which at the time was sports only for boys. It was no surprise that years later, Amelia attended the Canadian Flying School to practice aviation, which was also considered to be a man’s job. Her first flight was in 1921 aboard a “Kinner Canary”. “The plane flew like a leaf” Amelia recalled. Unfortunately, her first plane ride crashed into trees, breaking its undercarriage and propeller. As the years passed by, Amelia grew experience and became a better pilot. Her last plane ride came in 1937 as she set out to circumnavigate the globe. Midway through the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia’s aircraft ran out of fuel and broke down with Amelia in it. The U.S. Navy conducted a massive search for Earhart that continued for more than two weeks. Eight days later, then President Roosevelt stated that all search for Amelia Earhart is terminated. This loss of a role model was not only a loss of a pilot, but a loss of an American icon which is why I think this author made the great decision in naming this book, “Amelia Lost”.

  25. Miss Nicholson rather last comment with Ana Belen Rodriguez was me.david arias from
