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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Project Based Homework Due 1.7.13

Happy New Year!

I hope all of you enjoyed your vacation...or at least tried to. Anyhow, it is back to our usual routines and graduation will be here sooner than you think. We're currently approaching marking period three on the 4th of January and there's a lot to be accomplished within that time.

I. Class 421 please do the following:
  • Write a reflection about your experience recycling at the redemption maching, preparing advertisements for the school, collecting and separating acceptable and nonacceptable items, deciphering our fundraising deficiencies and goals, going to Toys R Us, eating, wrapping the gifts and the SCO. I will provide you with an outline tomorrow.
  • Just added @ 5:49 p.m. - Please find an additional TWO articles by typing into the search engine: "journal articles about the competitiveness between girls and boys in sports". Select the best, detailed articles for our round table discussion in class next week.
II. Both Classes please do the following:
  • Based on today's videos, class and PBH assignments, begin to choose a position. Are you for or against sports programs in high schools or schools in general?
  • Think of a thesis statement. What specifically are you trying to support or oppose? For example, my thesis statement may say, "...Sports programs should be allowed in schools because it promotes healthy eating habits." This statement is SPECIFICCLEAR and WILL BE THE FOCUS OF MY ENTIRE ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY. If I said, "...Sports programs should be allowed in schools because it helps students physically" would have been to broad and general. How does it help students physically would be the next question? However, we want to be VERY CLEAR in our thesis statement the first time. Please don't frustrate your readers by making generalized statements.
  • On loose leaf with a proper heading, write a thesis statement in the form of a sentence NOT AN INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH. That means I should see a clear and specific SENTENCE on loose leaf.
  • Then print TWO articles that supports your thesis statement.
III. Posting reading logs on the blogspot.
  • The class of 2012 did this and I am introducing it to you, class of 2013. You must read every night for 30 minutes (which most of you are already doing) and post a reading response based on the question posted on the blogspot using the example format below:
                               Your full name: Jane Doe
                                Title of your book: A Child Called "It"
                                Author: Dave Pelzer
                                Week Of: 1.7.13 - 1.14.13
                                Number of pages: pp.18-49
                                Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why
                                not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.
                                Reading Response:  Yes, Pelzer was very successful in naming the book, A Child Called "It". It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games--games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother's games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an "it."  Dave's bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare.

  • In addition, you must respond to another classmates post on the blogspot. This will be a total of two posts per student.
  • This will begin conversations about all sorts of books read by your classmates and SAVE trees too. : )
  • Posts are due online every Monday starting January 14, 2013 no later than 7 pm.
  • Please note that this does not substitue book reviews but in addition to book reviews. Your next book review, nonfiction, will be due on January 21, 2013.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380.

Miss. N : )


  1. Your full name: Dana Nicholson
    Title of your book: A Child Called "It"
    Author: Dave Pelzer
    Week Of: 1.7.13 - 1.14.13
    Number of pages: pp.18-49

    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: Yes, Pelzer was very successful in naming the book, A Child Called "It". It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games--games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother's games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an "it." Dave's bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare.

  2. Full name:Nicole Alves
    Title of the book:Flirt Club
    Author: Cathleen Daly
    Week of : 1/5/13-1/13/13
    Number of pages: 1-125
    Question: Was the title and appropriate choice for this book?mWhy or why not?
    Yes, this title was very appropriate for the book cause in the book talks about two girls who are tired of wanting into their crush talk to them that they decide to create the flirt club. The flirt club help them come their fears of talking to their crushes and it helps them stop being shy. This also is a great title cause it also talks how hard it can be talking to your crush just like Cisco and bean cause they stop being shy and that way they both coffered their fear and showing who they are. So yes I do think this was a great title for the book.

  3. Ana Hernandez 8-401
    Title of the book: A Look At Moons
    Author: Ray Spangenburg and Kit Moser
    Week of: 1/7/13
    Number of pages: 7-112
    Question: Was the title appropriate choice for this book?

    Reading Response: Yes, the title of this book was appropriate appropriate choice for this book because it is about exploring the moons and about the solar systems. These are the different planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Nearly 400 years ago, a scientist named Galileo- Galilei first pointed a telescope at the nighttime sky. He thought taking a closer look at the stars and planets miht unravel some of the mysteries of our universe, and he was right. He also discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter. Telescopes soon became every astronomer's greatest resource.
    The two authors of this book are a husband and wife writing team speciazing in science and technology. They have written 33 books and articles about moons. These scientists and engineers studied beyond earths protective atmosphere.

  4. Your full name: Asma Bibi
    Title of your book: Scorpions
    Author: Walter Dean Myers
    Week Of: 1.14.13 - 1.18.13
    Number of pages: 41-75
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: The title Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers is an appropriate choice for this book because it is a story of Jamal whose mother is working to try to earn the money for an appeal for Jamal's older brother Randy who is in jail. The leader of the scorpions is Randy.Randy wants Jamal to take his place until he is free. The gangs motive is to make money by selling cocaine and crack. The other members Indian and Angel think Jamal shouldn't be the leader of the scorpions because he is only 12 years old and the rest of the gang members are 14 years old so he is too little to be a leader. Also he has no experience how to use guns. Jamal's best friend Tito also doesn't want Jamal to get into problems like dealing with guns and stuff. Only Mack thinks Jamal should be the leader so he gives him the gun. Jamal wants to do the right thing and earn the money for Randy's appeal but he is too afraid to go against the Scorpions.

    1. I enjoyed the fact that you brought out all the important facts and events from this book. I was fortunate enough to read this book entirely as well. You clearly stated out the reason why Walter Dean Myers, my favorite author of this year, named this book, “Scorpions”. It is the name of the gang Jamal was coerced to joining into. It is questionable about what type of gang would allow a 12 year old to be the leader. However, you accurately pointed out most of the reasons the title of the book is, “Scorpions”.

    2. i found that you went into deep details with the book, which is a good thing.The book sounds very interesting and you also showed the most important event in the book. it sounds thrilling and like the type of book that you wouldn't want to take your eyes away from... i would like to hear more about it. you got to the point and did a good job :) -Ashley B.

  5. Full name: Kaiyell Pettie
    Title of the book: Amelia Lost
    Author: Candace Fleming
    Week of: 1/14/13 – 1/21/13
    Number of pages: pg #6-pg#38
    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: This notable author, Candace Fleming, made a great decision in naming this non-fiction book, “Amelia Lost”. This outstanding author goes in depth about the illustrious career of Amelia Earhart all the way from her birth and childhood years living in Atchison, Kansas to her infamous death while in control of an aircraft intended to circumnavigate the globe. As a child, Amelia always loved to involve herself in activities such as basketball, fishing, football, and bicycling, which at the time was sports only for boys. It was no surprise that years later, Amelia attended the Canadian Flying School to practice aviation, which was also considered to be a man’s job. Her first flight was in 1921 aboard a “Kinner Canary”. “The plane flew like a leaf” Amelia recalled. Unfortunately, her first plane ride crashed into trees, breaking its undercarriage and propeller. As the years passed by, Amelia grew experience and became a better pilot. Her last plane ride came in 1937 as she set out to circumnavigate the globe. Midway through the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia’s aircraft ran out of fuel and broke down with Amelia in it. The U.S. Navy conducted a massive search for Earhart that continued for more than two weeks. Eight days later, then President Roosevelt stated that all search for Amelia Earhart is terminated. This loss of a role model was not only a loss of a pilot, but a loss of an American icon which is why I think this author made the great decision in naming this book, “Amelia Lost”.

    1. You have done an excellent job stating your point as to why the title “Amelia Lost” is an appropriate choice for this book. It is very sad indeed that Amelia Earhart wasn't able to complete her mission to fly around the globe. Its very disappointing that she was no where to be found and how President Roosevelt terminated the search for Amelia Earhart. It is like an important piece of history has been lost forever. You have explained your point really well.

  6. Your full name: George Marfetan
    Title of your book: A look at Mars
    Author: Ray Spangenburg And Kit Moser
    Week Of: 1.7.13 - 1.21.13
    Number of pages:Complete

    Question: Was the title an appropriate choice for this book? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    Reading Response: " A look at Mars" by Ray Spangenburg And Kit Moser was a good title because it explains how there are maars rovers such as the mars pathfinder. This book also explains how they research by little cars they send to space to find new things that the world needs to know. Mars and other planets are the wonders of the of knowing how they are and if there's life there. This book gives details of why they made rovers and why they want to see mars. It gives a lot of details of people who studied mars and wondered ho it is or looks like in real life.

    1. There fore i think that "A look at Mars" is a good title because it talks about mars

  7. full name: EVA JASMIN VALDEZ
    title of the book: snitch
    week of: 12.20.12 - 1.21.13
    number of pages:completed

    question:was the title an appropriate choice for this book? why or why not/ explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    its a good title for this book because she lost her best friends everything took a completely took a new tern. she had to see things differently because she "snitches" to the guy that she is in love with. she tells him how the real n are going to jump him.she losses one of her best friends because she told Sarah that the real high as were going to hit him. her friend was part of the real b which are part of the real n. Sarah was a innocent girl and hated gangs she wanted nothing to do with them. but after she snitches she gets jumped. she gets so beaten that she has to be admitted to a hospital. after she's released from the hospital she has to seek for protection. there for she joins the cribs. now she dosnt see gangs as bad as she did before.... now shes family. this is why i think snitch is a good title for this book.

  8. Full name : Ashley Marie Baez
    Title of book: Blood is thicker
    Author: Paul Langan
    Week of : 1/14/13- 1/21/13
    Number of pages- complete
    Question- was the title an appropriate choice for this book.why or why
    not ? Explain your reasoning using two or three details from the book.

    I think that Paul Langan did a good job at picking the title "blood is
    thicker" because In the book the main character Hakeem is forced to
    leave his home and live with his uncle due to his fathers sickness and
    his father not being able to work and pay the bills. When Hakeem
    arrives to his uncles house he is reunited with a cousin that once was
    very close to but now discussions being the main reason that keeping
    them so distant. Hakeem has to share a room with his cousin and notices
    all the new and pricey things he's been bringing home around the same
    time that a lot of the local stores have been getting robbed and the
    only store that hasn't been robed is his cousins fathers store. Hakeem
    also notices that his cousin has been leaving in the middle of the
    night and is associated in a gang . One night Hakeem follows his cousin
    after he leaves and finally find out where he's been going , his.
    Ousting has been going to a local club and had been rapping for money
    that's where everything became clear to Hakeem on where He's been going
    all night and she he's been getting all the money from. Hakeem's cousin
    notices humans they both rush home... Situations have gotten better but
    now how they used to be between them until Hakeem's girlfriend that he
    left behind due to the move called bearing Hakeem with the bad new
    about her grandmother dieting and not having money to bury her so
    Hakeem's cousin over heard and lent him money to go Nd help out his
    girlfriend. Paul did a good job picking this title because in the book
    a lesson is learned through all the fighting a family can due between
    each other the blood is thicker that all the problems they're family
    and love each other

  9. Name: Luna schillaci
    Title of book: the lost boy
    Author: David pelzer
    Week of : 1/14- 1/21
    Number of pages: completed

    Question: was the title an appropriate choice for the book. Why or why not/ explain using two or three details from the book.

    Reading response : Yes, I believe the lost boy was an appropriate choice for the book. The reason I think this is because throughout the whole story, David is trying to find a family and a house to call home. David is always going from foster home to foster home and when he finally feels comfortable, he has to move. He feels lost inside because he feels trapped by his mother. He feels he doesn't fit in in school and he cant make any friends. He wants a family so badly and he wants to find someone he can say "i love you" to. He wants someone to tell him they love him. This is why I believe the lost boy is an appropriate choice for the book.
