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Monday, February 4, 2013

PBH 2.11.13

Hello All,

Welcome to our new unit, Science Fiction. The wealth of discussion we had in class today was phenomenal! You all have such wonderful and intellectual minds. As we continue our discussions this week, I would like you to think about how you will demonstrate your understanding of illusion vs. reality in nonwritten form.

Using our discussions, thoughts and the youtube videos shown in class, please select one of the following nonprint choices to explain and explore the idea and concept of the essential question: How are our perceptions of the world influenced by illusion and reality?

Please note that this must be in a nonprint format that explores or suggests a certain topic, concern or disturbing issue in our society, a message to mankind, etc. Although imagery is an effective literary device used to illustrate through creative word choice, as for now, imagery through pictures plays a big role in how effectively you demonstrate illusion vs. reality in our world. If you would like to incorporate into your nonprint response music as a background, voice over, or words here and there to make a point, please do so. However, your response to what we discussed and viewed in class cannot be saturated and inundated with many words and paragraphs. The purpose is to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, BE CREATIVE AND DEMONSTRATE THE SOMEWHAT COMPLEX IDEA OF ILLUSION VS. REALITY! Please remember use the working definitions we discussed and the world around you as a guide to your nonprint response to this intriguing topic.

Ways to demonstrate understanding:
  • create a mini video clip (use the clips we viewed in class as a reference or check out youtube for yourself and type in "illusion and reality" or "illusion vs. reality")
  • create a powerpoint presentation using images, animations, timing that you programmed into the presentation. It must be presented without you standing in front of the class.
  • a collage using personal drawings or google, magazine or newspaper cut outs. Please note that this must be on 8 X 11 paper and there should be no empty white spaces. An idea I presented in class was to use black and white images mixed or separated by colored images to explain how life can be seen in black and white in the eyes of one person while in living color to another person. However if you choose this, think about whose reality is it and the individuals perception of it as you select the images.
  • you can create a 3-D art graphic design model of something unusual. This model can be something that stands up and provides an optical illusion.
The possibilities are endless but these are the choices you can work with. However, bring in something that is stellar work! If you are not an artist, maybe powerpoint or cut out art collages will be the way to go. Be neat and supercreative!

  1. SAT test next week Friday. Study all the words from where we last left off.
  2. Word Wall due 2.18.13
  3. The Reading Cafe Blogspot reading log due 2.25.13 no later than 7 p.m. Focus is nonfiction ONLY! In addition respond to another student.
  4. Book Review due 2.25.13. Focus is nonfiction ONLY! Use the Hook-3-T, TEC and Dynamite Conclusion method for your essay.
  5. The first EXTRA POINTS that you select from the THE READING CAFE MENU is due 2.11.13.
  6. There are still some girls who have NOT RETURNED THE LEOTARDS!
  7. Lastly, Class 421 go to the library to take out Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Speak to Chigozie or Rochel if you need help. Books have arrived at East Elmhurst, Queens Libray. YOU MUST HAVE IT WITH YOU ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please check the blogspot for updates, email me if you have any questions and contact Dial-A-Teacher if you need further assistance in other subjects @ 212.777.3380.

Miss. N : )

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