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Monday, February 18, 2013

PBH Due 2.25.13

Hi All,

I hope you all are enjoying yourselves during our 2-day vacation!

The following assignments will be due next Monday:

  • Sci-fi Movie Review - Please scroll down to the previous homework for details. When writing this review, use the Hook-3-T, TEC and SET method. Think of the Walter Dean Myers unit when you had to identify a theme and prove it with evidence from his books and A Bronx TaleTo be very clear for the sci-fi movie review, you will need an engaging introduction along with three sentences to explain the hook, ONE clearly stated theme for your thesis statement, three examples and comments in one body paragraph to support the theme you identified in your thesis statement and a very dynamite conclusion. Please reread your WDM essay for an example of how to write this movie review.
  • 421 READ PAGES 1-22 IN FAHRENHEIT 451.
  • Blogspot Reading Log - Focus Question: What is the author's purpose? Use the sci-fi movie you watched and the TEC method to answer this question including three pieces of evidence and three comments.Reading log posts due no later than 7 pm Monday night. If you can't post it to this website, email it to me no later than 7 pm Monday night or write it and submit it the following day. However, if you email or write it you are still responsible for responding to someone before handing it in as homework.
Miss. N :)


  1. Catherine Almonte
    Title of Movie: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
    Author: George Lucas
    Week of: 2/18/13 – 2/25/13
    The Whole Movie
    Question: What is the author’s purpose?
    Reading Response: The author’s purpose was to revolutionize the movie industry. George Lucas added many special effects like R2-D2, the ships travelling in space, light sabers, and blaster guns when he produced the Star Wars films. That is amazing and very creative since it was released in the late 1970s and they were not that advanced in technology. Furthermore, it was innovative because it came out in 1977. They had the movie Jaws but it wasn’t as new and such a feat like Star Wars. Lastly, he was a good story teller. Star Wars had rebels, heroes, robots, princesses and an evil empire. All of these characters make a good story-telling.

    1. Sebastian Acosta
      Catherine i don't like star wars but i watched the movie.

    2. I agree with Catherine on what is the author's purpose is because I've seen all the Star Wars movies more than I can count. Based on how George demonstrated the advance effects of that time I can say he made it feel real for the people who saw it back then. Further more the plot was exciting, the action was suspenseful, and the twists in it were flabbergasting.

    3. Catherine, I entirely agree on the point that you are trying to make. Everything was very clear fo me to understand. I also agree that it was very clever of George Lucas to add the special effects because it was the late 1970s and people did not know much about technology.
      -Rumalia :)

    4. I have not seen this movie as of yet, however you did a wonderful job painting a mental picture from this movie. After reading your post, I now know that George Lucas was a great innovator of his time. He published the world famous light saber which became a famous toy for kids. However, I wonder if George Lucas was the first to publish spaceships.

    5. I agree with your purpose and you make it seem interesting even though i don't like star wars.Your statement was clear and straight to to the point. Not only did i agree with the purpose, i also agree that George Lucas did try to add many affects.

    6. Catherine, I never watched the movie, but it sounds quite interesting. Like how you said George Lucas added many affect to make the movie more innovative. I love the details from your post. It helped me catechize what it would be like to travelling inside ships in space, and what light sabers and blaster guns are. Hopefully some day I'll try to watch the movie!
      -Kathryn Agnas

    7. You guys need to watch Star Wars. Quite frankly i feel that this generation of tens only see the amazing CGI affects and not the story. For that time Star Wars would have blown your minds. Only watch episode 4-6, the prequals suck. Star Wars is an example of remption and humility.
      By Corey Angel Almonte the great awesome and the third ( I told Cat about this movie and you guys should watch it too)

  2. Sebastian Acosta
    Title of movie:I Am Legend
    Author:Richard Matheson
    Week of:2/18/13-2/25/13
    The Whole Movie
    Question: What is the author's purpose?
    Reading response:Will Smith starred in the film I Am Legend, directed by Francis Lawrence, released on December 14, 2007.Its purpose was to demonstrate a rewrite of the original novel Matheson's wrote which was also called "I Am Legend".In this adaptation, the infection is caused by a virus originally intended to cure cancer. Some vampiric elements were put in this movie like the book had such as sensitivity to light and attraction to blood, as well as the portrayal of the infected as creatures of limited intelligence.The film takes place in New York City in the years 2009 and 2012.

    1. Since I've seen this movie, I agree that that this movie was based on the book. However, I believe that the purpose for creating this movie and book was to make people aware that if a disease outbreak was to cause hazard to Earth, we need more scientist in the world to find cures and safe hideouts.

    2. ^^ I agree with Kaiyell, although I have not seen the movie I have seen the commercials and it does seem to me that the author's real purpose to create this movie was to make people more aware of things that could happen to Earth and we need to take more pre-cautions. Hopefully some day I'll actually watch the movie cause it seems pretty interesting :)

  3. Full name- Kaiyell Pettie
    Title of the movie- Captain America: The First Avenger
    Director- Joe Johnston
    Week of- 2/18/13 – 2/25/13
    Running time: 124 minutes
    Question: What is the author's purpose?
    The author’s purpose of writing creating this movie was to teach that patriotism is the key to success. Before he joined the army, Steve Rodgers attempted five times just to get in. He was denied so many times because of his scrawny physical physique. By him attempting to join the army so many times despite his physique, shows how much of a patriot he is. After noticing his patriotic attempts, an army scientist granted him the opportunity to join the World War II army. This was Steve Rodgers first career success. But Steve’s patriotism success didn’t stop there. During a training drill in the army, one of the army sergeants threw a fake grenade to test out who was the bravest soldier. Steve Rodgers quickly hovered over the grenade, preventing anyone else from damage. Luckily, this grenade was a “dummy” grenade in that it was a toy that could never explode. However, Steve Rodgers didn’t know this and still hovered over it as if it was a real situation which shows patriot characteristics. For this patriotic act, Steve Rodgers was chosen to be the first human to be injected with serum thus making him a so called “super soldier”. The test worked out and Steve Rodgers became the strongest, fastest, and most charismatic soldier on the planet. He then hid his identity and became Captain America. After becoming Captain America, Steve Rodgers fought in some of the most brutal World War II battles. His final battle was when he single handedly defeated the leader of the H.Y.D.R.A group, Red Skull. He decided to take down this villain for the safety of his country. The battle ended with a victory for Captain America however, he suffered a plane crash and went into a 70 year deep sleep. When he awoken from his sleep dazed and confused, he was offered an opportunity to become the leader of this new superhero group named the, “Avengers”. This was a prestigious offer in which Captain America deserved and gladly accepted. This just goes to show that patriotism leads to ones success.

    1. Sorry to say but I dont agree with your opening sentence. Patriotism for his country was not what made him successful. Capatain America the title character of the film had high morales for his country no doubt, but I think the director's purpose for this was to give him a reason why he kept getting back up. Thus, the audience would be able to connect with him because Captain America was humanized. He was frail and pale but he saw what he could become and went for it by signing up for his country on multiple occasions. I think what you originally tried to state was how tanacious he was, not how patriotic he can be. No matter how many times he failed his tests he always accepted his rejection letter and went on to find another way for him to be helpful. Patriotism isn't about how much you love your country, but how much you can endure for your country.

  4. Name: Rumalia Chowdhury
    Title of Movie: Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
    Director: Masaaki Taniguchi
    Week Of: 2/18/13-2/25/13
    Duration of Movie: 122 Minutes (WHOLE MOVIE)
    Question: What is the author's purpose?
    Reading Response: In the Japanese movie, Time Traveller, a daughter goes back in time to tell her mother’s friend from the 70s that she still remembers the promise he did not keep. The purpose of story line is that no matter how old a promise gets, people will always remember it. In the movie, Akari goes back in time because her mother’s friend left her and never came back. Her mother wanted Akari to send him a message that she still remembers the promise of coming back for her. When Akari goes back in time, she falls in love with a guy her age name Ryota. Even though someone erases her memory, toward the end Akari starts remembering about her journey. Akari finally meets her mother’s high school love and he goes to 2010 with Akari to say sorry to her mother. After their meeting is over, he erases her mother’s memory. After he leaves, Akari’s mother starts remembering the mysterious man even more.

    1. I agree with her response that movie is very similar to other movie I have been seen like this.In the movie main character or character they back to time for solved problem and fix it.Those movie they can have many problem. That's they have to make it and right and save the person or the world.

  5. Full name- Leonela Hernandez
    Title of the movie- Avatar
    Director- James Cameron
    Week of- 2/18/13 – 2/25/13
    Running time: 178 minutes (Whole movie)
    Question: What is the author's purpose?
    Response : In James Cameron's 2009 sci-fi film it teaches that you don't have to destroy an environment or person to reap benefits from it. In the movie everyone is after this powerful mineral called "unobtanium" on Pandora. However, because Pandora's atmosphere is poisonous to humans scientist create these creaters like the ones on Pandora called Avatars. The scientist's plan is to make peace with the creaters on Pandora and gain their trust but that isnt the RDA'S plan. The RDA has the complete opposite idea. They want to destroy the tree in which the mineral is kept and kill whatever gets in the way of it. In the end Jake sully(Avatar) falls in love with a creature on Pandora and gains her trust. This plot in the movie shows that you dont have to destroy an enviornment in order to benefit from it.

    1. leonela i completely agree with your explanation and answer to James Cameron's purpose in this movie. I watched this movie and i agree that the purpose is to show viewers that you don't need to destroy an environment to benefit from it. I love how your synopsis was short and to the point yet still described in a very understandable way the purpose behind Avatar. I just wanted to, I don't know if you would agree with me but this movie can also in some way shows us that our human actions create the many human and non human enemies we may have, because sometime we take part in action that may harm someone else causing us all of these unwanted enemies.

  6. Name: Saiful Same

    Movie Name: “Men in Black 3”

    Author: Lowell Cunningham

    Director: Barry Sonnenfeld

    Week of: 02/20/2013 to 02/25/2013

    Running time: 105.50 minutes (Whole movie)

    Question: What is the author’s purpose?

    Reading Response: The author purpose in the movie “Men in Black 3” was to teach us about how one goes to extreme danger to save a comrade. Firstly, in movie agent J. said, “Target Vector July 16, 1969.” And then he said, “You send me July 15, 1969 and I will killed younger Bores before older one before showed up.” The store owner said, “That way you neither one will even exist.” Then agent J. said, “July 15 Bores killed an alien in Roman Fabulous.” The store owner said, “The real time jumpier and it’s very rare and very old.” Agent J. he wants to go back in time to save his partner. That’s why he goes into the store to get the time jumper and also him needs help from that store owner. He has to go back to the future kill the past criminal young Bores. That way he can save his friend. Then after he can killed future criminal Bores too. Secondly, agent J. said, “I know you’re looking for and I’m after the same guy. He is bagladide and his name is Bores. If we don’t get him know there will be two of them. If you erase me you erase the whole world. If you see Bores Mack do not arrest him kill him.” Past agent K. said, “That is your last chance who are you and what you know.” Agent J. said “I’m agent men in black and we both are partner in the future. We need to go Coney Island right know and killed that Bores. That is the whole truth.” Then Agent J. arrived in the past to kill those two Bores. Then agent K. wants to know who is agent J. and why he did he came in the past. He told past young Agent K. everything about who the enemies are and when both Bores will come to killed him. He tells him they both were partner for long time in the future. He told him that why he here for. He also told him everything he knows. Thirdly, Griffin said, “This will save your world. When it’s outside the atmosphere it’s get whole lot bigger and all you have to do is deployed.” Agent K said, “Moon lunch today.” He said again, “We got 6 hour to get into Florida.” Then agent J. said, “Not us I have to do this alone. I’m going to Florida. You’re going to stay here and you have to trust me on this one.” Agent J. said again, “You die there in Cap Ka Navrol at pallow lunch. Bores killed you there. That’s why I here for I came back to stop.” Griffin he gave his power inside the device and gives it to agent K. Because he have to help this planet for protect from evil. That’s why they have to go in the moon satellite and put in the very top. That’s how he can protect earth. Agent J. doesn't want agent K. go into the Florida. Because he was die in Florida by Bores. That’s why agent J. here for to stop him and save him from the Bores. That’s also shows how much agent J. cares about his partner agent K.

  7. Paola Peralta
    Jurassic Park
    2hr 7 min
    Focus Question: What is the author's purpose?
    I believe that the author's purpose was to allure the viewers into a world where our increasingly modern-technology was the root of a accumulating problem, and in a sense demonstrate what would happen if we let our world became fully powered by technology and create an awareness of the dangers in technology. In the beginning of the film, Hammond, in an attempt to increase efficiency and save money, has the park designed to be operated almost entirely by a huge computer system that automates virtually all of the park's systems and functions. In the world we live in today, new discoveries in technology are being recognized everyday, but what we don't seem to realize is the potential dangers in technology. Hammond's computer system is designed to anticipate any disaster that may befall his park, yet Malcolm asserts that, something unexpected is bound to happen, and no computer program can be designed to prevent it. In other words, making this connection in our world today, circumstances change, and even the most complicated computer program will not always be able to keep up. In a broader sense, Crichton is making a statement about man's thirst for scientific discovery and power, Dr. Wu, the park's head scientist, is only half-aware of what exactly his computer programs are doing when they replicate dinosaur DNA. The message portrayed to me throughout the movie was , just because we have a supercomputer or any other powerful scientific or technological tool that can do something for us does not mean that we should use that tool, especially if our knowledge of its precise function is so limited.

    1. Paola, I agree with your answer!! I have watch the movie and I think that the author's purpose is to let us viewers know that everyday there is something new built. It was can in the science field and well as any other useful source we can use. Love how you explain <3 keep on the good work ^.^
      P.S text me lol

    2. I completely agree,I like how you said "mans thirst for scientific discovery and power", I believe it can make them look over the fact they'er are not 100% certain of what the technology is capable of.Sometimes too much of anything can be bad for you.-Sofa Answar

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kathryn Agnas
    Title of Movie: The Hunger Games
    Author: Suzanne Collins (directed by Garry Ross)
    Week of: 2/17/13 - 2/24/13
    The Whole Movie
    Question:What is the author's purpose?
    I don't really know if the authors created the movie to put out a message. But I do know is that their purpose was to let people know about what's their perspective of what the future might be. Like what would happen if kids had to compete in a survival game. It could teach them about life and how it's unfair. Every day is survival. Look outside your window at the spider eating the fly caught in its web. Even that's survival. Mention survival instincts too, like adrenaline and the whole fight or flight. None of the citizens (kids) in Panem should have to fight to the death for a rebellion that happen 74 or more years ago. The Capitol people live a really easy and luxurious life. How you are raised is how you see things. Citizens of the Capitol find it entertaining to watch 24 tributes (that are very young) risk their life. Meanwhile, people in the districts find this atrocious. Also, I think the purpose is to show what will happen to the Earth if we don't take care of it now. From looking in the book/movie, it shows that we don't really care about what's going to haven to the next generation. In addition, it also shows how cruel people in this world can be, if you see how the tributes kill innocent peoples live.

    1. I read a few ages of the book however I haven't seen the movie yet. I kind of agree with you because this story is more of what will happen in the future and their isn't a exact purpose the author brings out. Its about how Panem is divided between 12 districts and the Capitol; each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games.The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. I think you did a great job bringing out the the authors purpose.

    2. Kathryn I also watched this movie and I agree with you. But I don't think that the author's purpose was fully based on their perspective of the future.

  10. Sofa Answar
    Title of Movie: “Looper”
    Author: Rian Johnson
    Completed Movie

    I believe Rian Johnsons main purpose of writing this movie was to change and add a little twist on your average sci-fi movie genre. This movie is not your typical sci-fi movie. The movie doesn’t revolve around time travel rather, it investigates the moral implication of which a character faces. I think Rian Jonson deliberately makes Future Joe(Bruce Willis) say, “ I don’t want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we’re going to be here all day, talking about it and making diagrams out of straws.” The film lays out ground rules for its time travel setup, and then it turns its characters loose to make their own life altering decisions. “Looper” is a humanist movie, it amplifies what’s human by incorporating ONE person living in two different realities in the same time,in this case young Joe and future Joe(older).The main message the movie “Looper” sent me is,we never know who we will become in life and what’s going to happen next. All we know is we have to live in the present doing things right and hope for the best that everything will turn out ok.

    1. Sofa, I was actually surprised with what this movie is actually about. The title caused me to believe that this movie was a thriller, however, the way that you described the plot made me understand what happens in the movie very well. I would like to point out that you did a very exceptional job in backing up the authors purpose with insightful details, and writing in a way that was fluent and easy to read. I think I might look into watching this movie :)
      - Paola Peralta.

    2. Sofa I agree with you as I saw the movie as well as the story surprises you at the end when it turns out that the story was a loop as old Joe was the catalyst to the story

  11. Your full name: Asma Bibi
    Title of the movie: Koi Mil Gaye (English: I…found Someone Special)
    Director: Rakesh Roshon
    Week Of: 2.18.13 - 2.23.13
    Length of movie: 166 minutes
    Question: What is he author’s purpose?

    The movie Found Someone Special by Rakesh, I believe the author’s purpose in this movie was to show that even though someone has a disability it doesn’t mean that he will never succeed in life. Even though you are different from others it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to make friends and be just as intelligent as they are. You are unique in your own way there will be no other person just like you. You want to be successful in what you do; you can accomplish anything with hope and passion.
    Sanjay Mehra is a scientist who is trying to establish that there is life on other planets and that it’s possible to reach them. For that, he has set up a computer, which transmits different sounds. One day he gets a response from the outer space. But the scientist at the Space Research Organization doesn’t believe Sanjay. While returning home with his pregnant wife he sees an alien spaceship and in the confusion he cannot control his car, leading to a crash. His wife gives birth to a mentally challenged boy Rohit. As he grew, Rohit constantly repeated the same class in his school. His mother tried to comfort Rohit every year he failed, it was still never clear to him why he was treated so differently by everyone.
    At school Rohit joins computer class but the teacher scolds him and tells him get out because he is not capable of using a computer just because he is an abnormal child. Nisha (Rohit’s friend) and Rohit go on their father's computer and they start thinking it’s a normal computer so they start playing with it but one thing they don't know is that computer is to keep in touch with the aliens. Then the UFO comes and accidentally one alien is left behind. Then they both realized that the alien is in trouble so they took the alien to Rohit’s house. Rohit was being bullied from his age groups; he comes crying in front of the alien. The alien gives Rohit power that a normal kid would have. He is now intelligent,strong and fit.
    He then goes to computer class again. The teacher then tells him to leave. Rohit said, “You are a teacher, who's responsible for thousands of students, sir. You ought to inspire them to move ahead in life, computer did not make man, man made the computer. So what the brains can accomplish, your computers never can, sir. “Do not ever consider anyone to be small, sir, because what is small will become big someday, sir.” The teacher was surprised of Rohit’s response. Rohit was now allowed to join computer class. What Rohit said was true because anyone could accomplish anything with hope and passion. The author purpose of this movie is to show that whether someone is a normal or disabled anyone could accomplish anything with hope and determination.

  12. Mariutzy Saenz
    Title of movie: Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    Director: Michael Bay
    Completed Movie(154 minutes)
    Question: What's the author's purpose?

    In Transformers: Dark of the Moon I believe that Michael's Bay purpose of directing this movie was to show that not everything is what it seems. It shows that everyone hides something. For example, when Sam was working in the yellow office Jerry Wanng(Ken Jeong) was stalking him until he "caught" him in the males bathroom. He claims to know that Sam has two transformers in his power. Basically, everyone is against each other until they find out that things transforms and want to win a battle between each other. Michael use a great sound, visual effects , and a great scenario in which we can see how the whole movie develops its self.

  13. Valentina Escudero
    Title of Movie: Shutter Island
    Writers: Laeta Kalogridis and Dennis Lehane
    Director: Martin Scorsese
    Completed Move
    Question: What is the author's purpose?

    Dennis Lehane and Laeta Kalogridis' purpose through out this film is to make the viewers question the ending and actually think outside the box about Teddy Daniels/ Andrew Laeddis also known as patient 67. In this movie Leonardo DiCaprio plays the role of a mentally disturbed patient named Andrew Laeddis or patient 67. The movie begins as DiCaprio playing the role of Teddy Daniels who is an investigator, investigating Shutter Island. Teddy Daniels however, Isn't DiCaprio's True identity. In reality Teddy Daniels is a disturbed inmate of Shutter Island who doctors are trying to rehabilitate. Daniel's investigation of the island is actually a intricate role playing game fabricated by Dr. Cawley and Daniel's partner "Chuck" who in reality is in reality Dr. Sheehan. Both Dr. Cawley and Dr. Sheehan are the more sympathetic doctors who believe that madness can be cured with therapy and compassion in someone like patient 67. However, Dr. Naehring and the Warden believe that guys like Andrew Laeddis are too mentally unstable for therapeutic solutions. They believe that strapping patients down and sedating them is the solution for their madness. The role playing game is commenced to give both Dr. Cawley and Dr. Sheehan one last chance to prove that Andrew can be pulled out of his other persona's world and come back to his sad reality. A shocking reality, indeed, that caused him this tremendous trauma The doctors are trying to pull patient 67 back into the reality he tried to escape, the sad reality which is: he killed his wife. However, he did it to somehow retaliate towards his wife. Andrew's wife Dolores was mentally ill and murdered their children. Andrew felt guilty, because he knew of his wife's insanity before hand but never really payed attention due to his own alcoholism and post traumatic stressed after undergoing World War II. He never acknowledged the extent of his wife's illness until it cost him his children's lives. This trauma lead Andrew to invent his second persona as an escape of his sad reality. This new persona is Teddy Daniels who is still a war hero and a federal Marshal investigating Shutter Island. Andrew is a very smart man, so in his secondary persona he fabricates an intricate mental narrative where conspiracy theories about Shutter Island and the hunt for a missing psychiatric inmate who doesn't exist but keeps Andrew occupied with a mystery he cannot resolve: that he is in missing patient 67. In then end Teddy Daniels awakens to the reality that he is actually Andrew Laeddis. Doctors Cawley and Sheehan warn him that he regressed from his persona's fantasy. However, Andrew is agile and knows he behavior is being monitored. He feels so guilty for everything that has happened, that he makes pretend that he still thinks that he is Teddy Daniels leading to lobotomization, so that he can finally be liberated of his burden.

  14. Steven Castaneda
    Title Of The Movie: Predator
    Author: John McTiernan
    Week of: 2/24/13-2/25/13
    The Whole Movie
    Question: What is the author’s purpose?
    Reading Response: The author John McTiernan wanted to make an interesting combat military movie including an extraterrestrial being in it. Therefore he made the movie “Predator”. It won $98,267,558 in the box office. There have been sequels of this movie including crossovers such as the Alien franchise in “Alien vs. Predators”. The predator got it’s entitled name by what it suggests. It’s a predator and it’ll feed or stalk its prey. Its prey would be Dutch’s whole elite team. Dutch is the main character and is played the role by the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger. The predator enter Earth’s atmosphere and landed in a jungle. The same very jungle that Dutch and his elite team must enter to save a presidential cabinet minister. As the movie progressed there, the team found a helicopter crash. They soon found out that the pilots and the inhabitants of the helicopter were hung upside down with no skin. As they continue for the search Dutch’s team would be picked of one by one, or go missing. They find a woman in the in where the enemy’s camp now remains in ashes. They take her prisoner. Soon it was just narrowed down to Anna and Dutch. Anna would be the woman that was held prisoner. It soon turned nightfall, and Dutch sent Anna to the extraction point for safety, for he had plans with this being. The predator see’s with it’s infrared helmet, and Dutch is aware of that as well. So him covers himself with mud, and sets up running wall of fire. Dutch made a war cry making the predator hear it and come towards the area. There on Dutch and the predator have hand-to-hand combat with Dutch having a tremendous advantage. Dutch defeats him and proceeds to the extraction point.

  15. Andrea Pineda
    The Hunger Games
    142 min. whole movie
    What is the authors purpose?
    Personally I think that this was a really great movie. The author was really able to fully describe her purpose on how love can overcome great obstacles. As you may have concluded, the movie is basically a tragic love story. The movie is based on love of all kinds. Katniss, the main character shows love to her younger sister Prim when she takes her place in the Hunger Games, knowing that the chances of survival are really short. Not only that, but towards the middle of the movie Rue, Katniss's ally in the games died. She knew that by making a mini memorial for her might cause bad consequences. This just proved that Katniss risked her life for both girls. Saying so, this would be examples of how love can overcome great obstacles.

    1. i strongly agree with you Andrea i haven't washed the movie but this summarize just made me want to watch it even more i loved the way you explained.

  16. Lidhilda Munoz
    Title of movie;I Am Legend
    Author;Richard Matheson
    Week of;2/18/13-2/25/13
    ;The Whole Movie
    Question: What is the author's purpose ?
    I believe that the authors purpose was to show how a virus can damage many things if it gets spread on. The main character, Robert Neville is a man driven to find a solution. He is depended on to find a cure for this virus. He has to find a cure because like he said "God didn't do this, we did." Neville has no choice but risking his life from these creatures so called "Dark Seekers", that come out at night. Also the authors purpose is to show that once you make a decision you must have courage and faith and not give up.

  17. Eva Valdez
    Title of the movie:Bed time stories
    Director: Adam Shankman
    The whole movie
    Question:What is the author’s purpose?
    Reading Response: the directors purpose of this movie was to tell a message. this is a fantasy movie but a comedy. what Adam shankman is saying is that your dreams could come true only if you make the effort for it to come true. the protagonist Adam sandler plays the cast of Skeeter Bronson. his purpose or his goal was to finish the bedtime story to make the happy ending not for the kids to tell him whats going to happen but him to make his happy ending. yes he went through a lot but that's what a story tale is about going through the hardest things in life to get your happy ending but you have to make an effort. so the directors purpose of making this movie was to teach us a lesson. and that lesson was don't let anybody else tell you what your happy ending is going to be. is us who has to decide what it will be by making an effort and dreaming about out future if we want it to come true. that there is nothing wrong with dream because dreams could come true.

    1. i totally agree with your thought of the authors purpose. This movie is showing that we cant depend on anybody for our happy ending its all on us and what work we put in. As my mother always says "You only get out as much as you put in." I have never watched the movie i have seen previews before but id love to watch it now. - Daeyana Francis

  18. Daeyana Francis
    Title of movie: 2012: ice age
    Director:Trey Stokes and Travis Fort
    February 25 2013
    The whole movie
    Question :what was the author purpose ?
    Reading response:I think the authors purpose of making this movie was to inform us that the world was going to end in 2012 because this was a theory that circled around. In the movie,a volcano eruption happens in iceland and is so big that it travels and is going to hit the East side of North America. their teenage daughter just flew to New York for college and right after the tragedy happened. now the father, mother,and brother are driving from Maine to New York which is a seven to eight hour ride in the horrible weather condition just to get and save the daughter. I also think that the authors purpose of this movie was to show that most people would do anything and go through drastic measures for family or very close friends.

  19. Full name: Jair Juez
    Title of movie: The Thing
    Director: John Carpenter
    Week of: 2/18/13-2/25/13
    Running time: 109 minutes
    Question: What is the author's purpose?
    Response:To scare us as much as possible. The movie is based on the movie the thing from another world and even more from the novel who goes there.The story is about a crew of researchers at the north pole who find a dog being chased by a helicopter. They kill the guys attempting to kill the dog but this results in to have been a big mistake. The dog turns out to be a shape shifting alien who takes your appearance and memories when it eats you. This situation is particularly scary as you never know when to expect a jump scare unlike jaws or aliens. The problem is you never know who is who and this movie makes you doubt the people in your life after watching it. I guess the moral of the story or the author's purpose is to

    1: "Watch the skies"

    2: that you shouldn't always believe what people tell you.
