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Monday, April 29, 2013

PBH Due 5.6.13

Hello All,

Look for updates during the week. For now, please do the following assignments:

1. Create a word wall word graphic organizer from the words I provide during our new historical fiction unit this week or from the Holocaust novel you've selected. Due 5.20.13

2. Select a historical fiction book from the library or the list I provide on the blog for your book review that will be due on May 20, 2013. Please go to the following websites to check out some YA Holocaust novels:

If the above websites are not interesting to you, please do your own online search. The book review question is: What risks are you willing to take to survive? This is all based on the characters, plot of the story and, of course, your brilliant explanations. You must use the Hook-3-T, TEC and dynamite conclusion method.

3. Write a letter to Thank You letter to the donors of Donors Choose for the books that they sent our classroom. Please write it in your neatest handwriting. Due 5.3.13.

4. Purchase a notebook (spiral), sketch pad or create your own for your historical fiction poetry portfolio. This does not have to be an expensive notebook. The 99 cents store is fine. :) Your final H.F. poetry portfolio will be due on May  27, 2013 and I will provide you with a detailed outline later. Please note that this will be filled with poems reflecting the Holocaust as well as music analysis using literary devices. Please note that you have enough time to get this, however please don't wait until the last minute. You will add your final poems and other works days before the end of the month.This is one out of two projects for this new unit. However, I may keep it at this alone and give you other assignments.

5. Reading Comprehension Test this Friday.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

Miss. N

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