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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

PBH Due 4.8.13 Sci-fi Project and Poetry

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break!

For the next few Mondays, your homework will be somewhat light, because we will be intensely preparing for the upcoming ELA State Exams in class.

Please do the following:
  • Work on your sci-fi movie and your graphic novel. Follow the task description guide and rubric I provided in class today.
  • Please remember that the concept of your sci-fi project should come from a big idea from one of Bradbury's works of literature.
  • The BIG focus question and new understanding you should walk away with is this: How does fiction follow a scientific thought and create a future that sometimes becomes a reality? 
This is a reminder of the due dates:
  • Although I know many of you have been working arduously since the end of February and early March, please adhere to the following dates I mentioned to you a couple of weeks ago.
  • Draft #1 of sci-fi movie and sci-fi graphic novel script - April 8. Please note that it does not have to be completed but the reader should have an idea of what you are talking about from the introduction of the topic. Basically, at least 3/4 of it should be completed.
  • Draft #2 of sci-fi graphic novel and movie April 15. This entry should be completed to the end with changes that will need to be edited later.
  • Final Draft of your sci-fi graphic novel and movie due April 22. All comments discussed in class and made by your peers must be corrected and finalized by this time.
Poetry & Floetry Freestyle

Please do the following:

Since we are wrapping up the science fiction unit in the next few days, we will begin my favorite unit, the Poetry and Floetry Freestyle Unit. Bring in your headphones along with any musical device that has your favorite songs downloaded on it. Since the state tests begin week after next, you will learn how to answer and analyze poetry questions on the state test in the form of multiple choice questions, short answers and extended responses.

Research famous poets from your family's culture and from American culture. Select, print and read one poem from each poet. Mark up the poem by looking for similarities and differences in writing style, use of literary devices, themes and the time period in which it was written. Then answer the BIG question: How does the poets cultural upbringing, environment and historical era (time period) influence what and how they write?

If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380.

Miss. N

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