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Thursday, October 3, 2013

FYI Reminder for PBH Due 10.7.13

FYI Reminder for PBH Due 10.7.13
A.    Book Review
Please follow the template I provided for you in class.

B.     The Reading Café Response Blogging
Select a quote OR question to respond to for the book you read for the book review. Do not use another book.

1.      Top 10 Famous quotes contributor: Brandoth Lopez, 8-419

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

2.      Top 10 famous quotes contributor: Fardid Chowdhury, 8-421

“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

3.      Top 10 famous quotes contributor: Camilo Pareja, 8-421

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt


1.      What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced? Provide three examples from the text.

2.      How does the main character develop or grow as a result of the incidents (events) in the story? Provide three examples from the text.

3.      What themes are prevalent throughout the text? Provide three examples from the text.

In your blog reading response make sure to write the quote or question you are responding to. For example,

Question/Quote: What themes are prevalent throughout the text? Provide three examples from the text.

Reading Response:    In Chazz Palminteri's movie, A Bronx Tale, there are many themes that arise from this one hundred and twenty two minute film. One of the main themes I believe is prevalent is that of trust. Sonny, the protagonist in the movie, develops a trust relationship like none other with Calogero (a.k.a "C") that he does not exhibit with any of this gangsta associates. In the eyes of Sonny, it is either his way or the highway, or at times you are placed "in the bathroom". If you do not meet up with his standards, trust and loyalty, you cannot be a part of his circle. However, "C' wins Sonny over when he does not rat him out during a police line up for the murder of a "bat raged man" in the beginning stages of the plot of the movie.  It was at that moment, that one little nine year old boy, who according to his father, "did a good thing for a very bad man", won the trust of a man of crime. It is also interesting to see how trust plays out in this movie. Calogero falls in love with an African American girl, and Sonny allows "C" to use his car for a date to make a "good impression". As "C" says, "Sonny, you don't let anyone use your car." Although Sonny was not "C's" biological father, he did what any caring father would do for a son after his own heart who is at the age of raging hormones and a love sick heart.

One of the highlights of the movie, "C" asks Sonny in the car, "Don't you trust anyone?" Sonny, bluntly says no. It was at that pivotal moment that "C's" influence affected Sonny.  He realized that it was not all about him. Sonny thought that he lost his trust in "C" and that he turned on him and wanted him killed when he found a bomb under the hood of his car. Through the sobbing and pleas of Calogero, he realized what he was doing. It was at that moment he turned his thinking from selfish to self-less.

By: Miss. Nicholson, 8-421

C. Class 8-421:
If you would like to read "Kitty and Mack: A Love Story" online, please click the following link: http://www.is5nyc.org/res_view_folder.aspx?id=e15efe60-a82f-4ab4-82fd-39bef8409780&userGroupId=546ad056-ebff-4bd1-b468-fa4b30f1002e&userGroupType=C
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ahmed, what happened to your comment? It should not have been deleted. How will I be able to grade your work?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think that you should have proof read your entry. I've heard of this book but never read it so thanks for telling me what the story is mainly about. Your opinion is what I probably would've thought also.

      REPLY BY: Kiara Joseph 8-421

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ahmed this book looks mirthful.I liked the part"They put him in a special ed class be cause he was that dumb to swallow a key so they had to do."
      Reply by: Sanjita laky 8-419

    4. Ahmed Almuliki This book looks and sounds fanaminal

  3. Ahmed this book looks interesting. You make youre thoughts really clear.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think that you should have proof read your entry. I have not heard of this book. But now that I know about it I would like to read it.

      REPLY BY: Kiara Joseph 8-421

    2. I would like to read this book and the boy the pulled pranks is kind of a good pranker because he spelled blue liquid on the girls hair.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Pricilla, I like the way how you gave the examples in your response. I would say the same thing as Ahmed said. I would love to read this book because I love pranks.

      Reply by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    5. I have not read The Slumber Party Pay Back by Derrick Barnes but it sounds interesting. You should've proofread your reading response. Next time try proofreading before publishing.

    6. Pricilla, I hope to read The Slumber Party Pay Back by Derrick Barnes one day. I've never went to slumber parties before, so I don't know what it's like. And you portrayed what kind of fun we would have if I ever went to one. Thanks.

    7. 13a1e4d8-2eca-11e3-8cbb-000bcdcb8a73 is me Rebecca Chen from 8-421

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. QUOTE:
    “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    In the book Wonder Struck by author Brian Selzwick, there is a boy named Ben who sadly lost his hearing. He also lost his mother and father. Actually he didn't even meet his dad. Because of that he wanted to find him. He went all the way to NYC to find his father. On the journey he started out lost. He was a lost deaf boy in the big city. He found a friend. He found a best friend. With that he was not lost anymore. He became a best friend and gained a best friend. He found an answer to his question about his dad. He connects with Douglas Pagels quote, “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.”

    RESPONSE BY: Kiara Joseph 8-421

    1. kiara the book that you read"Wonder Struck" this book is amusing. The way you told about Ben,I like at and I will read this book.

    2. This book really looks interesting to me and about your quote is true.

    3. Well Kiara, I haven't read the book "Wonder Struck" but after reading your response I found it very emotional. I sure would like to know if the boy later found his father. If he did, how he was able blend in the city and locates him. Also I want to know more about his friend, how were they able to connect with each other.

    4. Kiara, I have never read that book but you make me want to read it. You gave a detailed explanation of the book and showed what is going on in the book.

    5. Kiara, your book response is very descriptive. I have not read Wonderstruck but I have heard of it. I would like to read Wonderstruck it sounds very intruging

    6. Kiara you did an explicit job with the details about this book and how it connects to the quote.I would love to read this book, it sounds intresting.

    7. Kiara, I enjoyed your detailed description of the book you read. I have never read it before, but wish to do so. How did the poor boy Ben lose his hearing and his mom. Please tell me, I really want to know.

      By: Rebecca Chen 8- 421

    8. Kiara, I really enjoy reading your work it was really descriptive and nicely done.I would love to read this book,because it seems
      really interesting and nice,and it seems awesome.

    9. Kiara , I like how you explain the book "wonder struck " and how you use the quote to explain what was in the book .

    10. I really like how you used the quote to favor your writing by talking about the boy who really needed a friend.

    11. It sounds like a really nice book. I may want to read. did he ever find his parents

    12. According to your book description, your book sounds pretty interesting. I have such an interest in it.

    13. kiara i love your book but i would recommed you to not start with BECAUSE but in generl you did a nice work!!

    14. This book sounds very interesting. It sounds like a realistic fiction book and I love to read that genre. How did the boy meet his best friend?
      Micaela Montoya, 8-421

    15. Kiara this book sounds very interesting because it describes a very nice friend that helps the boy find hi father. And i liked the way you connected the quote with your book.
      Erica Loja 8-419

  7. Kiara i agree with your quote. Nice details

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Quote: “Fetch the Whipping Boy”

    Response: In the book “The Whipping Boy” (fiction) by Sid Fleischman, it talks about a boy named Jimmy getting whipped by a prince. Whoever doesn’t follow instructions, they get whipped. When the king commands, it echo’s from guard to guard. An orphan boy named Jimmy, the son of a rat catcher, roused from his sleep. He’d been dreaming happily of his ragged but carefree life before he’d been plunked from the streets and sewers of the city to serve as royal whipping boy. When he woke him up tried to whip him, he said “ain’t I already been whipped twice today? Gaw! What’s the prince done now?” Jimmy never cried or bawl when he get whipped.

    BY: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    1. great job in explain details about jimmy and I think the book sounds funny just give more details next time

  12. Question:
    What life lesson does the main character learn as a result of the event he/she experienced?
    The story of the book "A Wrinkle In Time" mostly took place in the space, although the story begins on planet earth. There are three characters appears mostly in the story. They are, Margaret Murry or Meg, her brother Charles Wallace (5), and her friend Calvin. They are all in a journey through time and space in search of Meg's father Mr. Murry, who mysteriously disappeared while experimenting with fifth dimension of time travel. The Mrs, helped them to take shortcut through time and space. Along their journey, Meg learns that, she has something that IT (the evil character) does not have and IT can't fight it. She has LOVE........She also learns that you should not lose your wit, sometimes you have to be strong in life to encounter the impossible. For instance, the character decides to search Mr. Murry even when they knew they might not return. In another case, Meg did not let herself fall under control of IT, her stubbornness helped her fought against IT, thus her brother could not. In conclusion, with Meg's love she rescued her little brother and they all returned home safely.
    By: Thahera Oyshi 8-421

    1. Thahera, I love your explanation of the stories problem. It shows that you know understand the story and you took that and you put it in a paragraph. I have only one question, Why did you put a 5 in parenthesis after you told us Charles name?

    2. thahera , i really like that book . it sound nice and i like how you explain the question .

    3. Thahera I like how you organized you're paragraph. I like how you explain you're question keep it up!!!! I will like to read this book it sounds interesting.

  13. Title: David Copperfield
    Author: Charles Dickens
    Genre: Classics, General Fiction
    Question: What life lesson does the main character learn as a result of the event he/she experienced?

    David Copperfield lives a usual, normal, and happy life with his mother and Peggoty. David has never even met his father because his father died before David was ever born. Davids life gets ruined once he meets Mr. Murdstone. David has never liked Mr. Murdstone from the beginning and David has every right not to like Mr. Murdstone. The setting of this story is in the 1800's in England. During those times kids got beat a lotand Society did not offer much help for kids, although some people did not believe in beating their children. Mr. Murdstone is a strong believer in the beating of children and he also made it impossible for David to live with him. Especially since Ms. Murdstone (Mr. Murdstones sister) is now living with them. David is sent into a harsh and far away school.(Most people did not go to school and was home-schooled.) The principal in that school routinely beat his students. When he reached the age of ten he was forced into labor from morning to night in a London warehouse. David then sets out to run away and find his great-aunt who he has never met before. David learns that he can achieve anything in life by being sympathetic and affectionate. He learns this while on an adventure.
    By:Alejandro Ouvina, 8-421

    1. Very nice description of the book. It does sound a very harsh life of David...........and who is Mr. Murdstone anyway came to beat the boy? And where is his mother now, doesn't he live with her anymore?
      I sure would like to read the book to know more about it!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Quote:“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response: In the book Backtracked by Pedro de Alcantara Tommy Latrella decides to play a hazardous prank in the subway. There is a little girl that falls on the railroad tracks and a train is coming. Tommy jumps on her to attempt to same her from the incoming train but instead goes through a time machine that sends him back to many different time period during the 20th century. Tommy doesn't like school really he hates it at times and his brother was a firefighter but he is dead now because of 9/11. Tommy is always being compared to his brother and told that his brother was an angel but really he wasn't that nice to Tommy. He hates this and thinks his life is terrible but then he deals with the hardships of the past. During his trip to the past Tommy meets a homeless man and they become friends. Everyone else in the story isn't that nice. Tommy at first helps the poor homeless man but then decides to leave him. Later during his journey through time Tommy bumps into his old friend. He now works in the army and gets Tommy a job there too. Douglas Pagels once said
    “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be". This quote applies to this book completely.

    Name:Maryanne Atocha

    1. This book sounds so interesting. I really want to read it. I like to read si-fi.

      REPLY BY:
      Kiara Joseph 8-421

    2. Great job explaining the the thesis of this book. I would very much like to read it.

    3. I love the way you put all your details together it is awesome.
      I would like for you to let me borrow that book one day.Great

    4. I would really like to read this book. When you're done can i read it please? Love it

    5. I REALLY REALLY REALLY would want to read this book, it sounds very interesting and it seems like I will be stalking you for this book. :)

    6. Do you think that Tommy was glad to see his brother when he traveled back in time? If so or not, why do you think he would/wouldn't like to his brother again.

  16. "Joey Pigza Swallowed His key" Joey is a kid who go's to school. So Once he went to school and one of his friends seen him playing with his keys so his friend told him i dare you to eat your keys so he did. He had to go to the nurse and puke everything he ate for the past two years. The weird thing is the keys didn't come out so he had to go the hospital. The thing that made him swallow it is his friend told him ill give you a dollar if you swallow it so he closed his eyes and swallowed it. They put him in a special ed class be cause he was that dumb to swallow a key so they had to do it. Joey was a fourth grader.

    Question: What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced?

    Answer: He experienced a lot one of the things he experienced is that he would never do something dumb even if he gets paid thats one of the life lessons.

    Name:Ahmed Almulaiki

    1. Ahmed, this book that you read, this is a very funny book. I would love to read this book. What's the name of that book that you read.
      Reply by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    2. Nice job in explaining the character life lesson as a result of his swallowing the key and I have read this book before and it was funny

    3. good job in giving deatails it sound like a very funny book and I think the kid is crazy by swallowing his key

    4. this book sounds funny could i read it one day

    5. I Like how you put details and i like how you described every event and your story sound funny
      Jennifer Gracia 8-419

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

    In The dreamer by Pam munoz neftali the main character in the story he want to be a writer but his father want him to work along with him . Neftali always loved dreaming that where he gets his storys from than write them down. Laurita, neftali sister thing his brother is crazy but neftali dosent listen to her. Neftali want to travel the world with his family but he dosent have money so he start saving up to go on a boat but his father doesn't go so her mother also stays the only one ones that are going to the city is neftali and her sister. Their grandma will meet them their . So that were their journey begins.

  19. am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

    In The dreamer by Pam munoz neftali the main character in the story he want to be a writer but his father want him to work along with him . Neftali always loved dreaming that where he gets his storys from than write them down. Laurita, neftali sister thing his brother is crazy but neftali dosent listen to her. Neftali want to travel the world with his family but he dosent have money so he start saving up to go on a boat but his father doesn't go so her mother also stays the only one ones that are going to the city is neftali and her sister. Their grandma will meet them their . So that were their journey begins.

    By Brandoth Lopez M. 8-419

    1. could you continue the story so i could know what happened next and if the kid does become a writer

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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

    In the book I'm reading "ALL I WANT IS EVERYTHING" by CECILY VON ZIEGESAR. The character Blair is scheduled for an interview at Yale. She has to go with her new stepbrother because she needs someone to drive her. On the day of the interview, she wakes up later than she intended. Then, she tells her interviewer her sad life story and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Weird!! She really wants to get accepted because her father went to Yale, too. She thinks she won't get in because of what she did. But she works hard to admit something really nice for Yale to rethink about their decision.

    By: Rebecca Chen 8- 421

  23. "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."

    In Louis Sacher book "There's a boy in the girls bathroom." In the story a boy named is Bradley Chalkers. Bradley who always sat in the school at his deak back of the room last row last seat. He is the oldest kid in the fifth grade.Bradley almost always lies. He picks fight with girls. In the school three girls didn't like him and Bradley doesn't likes them too, because they always say hi to his best friend. First he doesn't has any friends. One day "he before makes friends" Bradley saw a new boy coming he ran to the girls bathroom,because he doesn't wat to talk with him.A new school counselor who's name is Carla. She told him to be a good student and makes friends. Then he made lots of friends. Carla taught him to believing himself and friendship

  24. Quote: "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be"

    In my book Crunch time by Mariah Fredericks one of the main characters Jane Cotterwell was a shy weird person until she created a study group for people who didn't want to go to sat prep so they all were cool with each other but at school they didn't really talk to each other until they started to get more comfortable with each other and one day it was jane birthday and Daisy and Max and Leo attended so they were being good friends to Jane which made really happy until she decides to cheat on the sat which puts Daisy, Leo and Max in a risky situation so Jane didn't realize how a friend was supposed to act until she lost hers.

  25. Title: John F. Kennedy
    Author: Tanya Savory
    Question: How does the main character develop or grow as a result of the incidents (events) in the story?

    John F. Kennedy in his youth was a bit shy. There where events that happened to him that let him to develop and grow to a great president. Some events were his rival moments with his older brother Joe Jr. Kennedy. Those events made him try to be better than others. His passion for politics made him become a great president.
    By: Yasky Camacho, 8-421

    1. Is he your favorite president? If so, why?

    2. Do you think that John F. Kennedy had ever thought about becoming a president? Do you think that he had thought it was out of his reach? Have you thought that John F. Kennedy and his brother might have gotten along at one point? What do you think would happen to John F. Kennedy if his older brother didn't try to become a great president and he wasn't very passionate for politics?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Question/Quote- “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response- In the book Walk Two Moons, Salamanca must adapt to her new environment. She used to live on a farm. She now has to go to school and make friends. She made a friend named Phoebe. They became fast friends. After a while Phoebe’s mom went missing and Sal helped her track her down. Later on they find out that Phoebe’s mother had another son and that she just went to visit him and his family. She soon came back. But during not having her mom around and not knowing where she was she had Sal around. Now that’s what I call a good friend.
    By: Agustina Guanes 8-421

    1. Honestly I really do not know why when we first got the summer reading assignment, you tried to get me to read this book!! Names like "Salamanca" tune me out for some reason.

    2. I really like this book. What about you?

    3. This is one of my all time favorite books. I used this same book and quote for my response, too.

  28. Question/Quote: What are some events or chalenges in this story?

    Reading Response: The Slumber Party Pay back, by Derrick Barnes. Many girls of my age had experiense Slumber Partys. I had experiense those situations myself. Slumber Parties were one of my favorite parts of growing up! They're so much fun! The character name Ruby made a slumber party she invited her best friends to sleep over. On the way to her house Rudy's brother sabotage some, of the games and things she plan to do with her friends, example; She fild up the pool and his brother through a liquid to make her hair blue. He also sabotage the room by puting cotton on the fan so when they turn on the fan it could blow the cotton. Rudy and her friendswere so engry they wanted to do something bad to him, However when Rudy's brother went to sleep they put some honey on his hand and with a feather they tinkle him and the hole honey went to his face. They laught so much. They even told him if he did all thouse pranks again They would acuse him with rudy's mom However he learn his valuable lesson of not doing it again.
    By: Pricilla Rosa,8-419

    1. i love how you stared your sentence and love how you ened it i will love to read your book one day

    2. I love the way that you organize your details. Keep up the good job.

    3. Pricilla I like how you stared you paragraph. Next time check over you're spelling. You explained you're question really good in three evidence.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Question/Quote:What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced? Provide three examples from the text.

    Reading Response: That Was Then,This is Now by S.E. Hinton was a fiction story about how two teen boys come to realize that life isn't just fun and games. One of them, Bryon, begins to make more serious decisions while his best friend/ adopted brother Mark, decides to keep up his reckless acts. For example, Bryon, at one point in the story, began falling in love with one of his friends' older sister Cathy. He developed some deep feelings-deeper than the word deep itself. All the other girls he's dated, wasn't like Cathy. Usually it would be easy to say "I love you," to the other girls he's dated, but it was hard to say it to her. Mark on the other hand was always jealous of her because Bryon was always spending so much time with her. But Mark is beginning to realize that he needs to make more careful life decisions. He and Bryon were hanging out one time and had said, "Sometimes I get the feeling that everything is changing, like something is coming to an end because something new is beginning." He obviously learns that he;'s going to have to accept some of the changes that happen in his life (i.e. seperation and individuality from Bryon.)

    1. BY: TRYSTAN G. 8-421

    2. I really liked the way you included many important details in your short paragraph, I'm rally interested in the book now. I was wondering if Bryon was sort of a 'player' before since you stated "All the other girls he's dated"?

    3. This book sounds interesting. I would like to read more about those two boys. You were very specific in your details.

  31. Quote: "A friend is one the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be"-Douglas Pagels

    Reading Question: All throughout the book "The One You Love" by Paul Pilkington, Emma's best friend Lizzy supported her. She let Emma stay at her house after the incident with Richard. She even went with her to the hospital. So they could see if Richard was okay. Lizzy went with Emma to see her former stalker to see if he'd kidnapped her fiance. Unfortunately the guy had been dead for years. Lizzy was a good friend, but it's also good having a friend like Emma.

    By: Ravon Burnett, 8-421

    1. I like the way how he give evident and connect the quote with the book.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Title: Walk Two Moons
    Author: Sharon Creech

    Question/Quote: “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    Response:In the book that I have read over the summer called Walk Two Moons, this quote by Douglas Pagels can be connected to it. This book is a about a girl named Sal who has lost her mother and moved to Euclid, Ohio to live a better life. When she moved, she has made a new friend called Phoebe. They become best friends. Later in the book, Phoebe's mother leaves her home, which makes all Phoebe's family devastated. And as Phoebe tries to discover why her mother has left, Sal has been on her side. She listens to all of Phoebe's crazy conclusions about her neighbor murdering her mother. Even though Phoebe is jumping to conclusions, Sal listens to them helps her out through out those tough moments. They both have a really nice relationship and whenever they are feeling down, they both help each other out. They are great friends.

    By: Micaela Montoya, 8-421

  34. Question- How does the main character develop or grow as a result of the incidents/events in the story? Book: Look for me by Moonlight, by Mary Downing Hahn. In my book the main character Cynthia develops as a person because of the situations she's experienced. For example, she finds out she has a stepbrother and she gets jealous. She responds this way because she's always been an only child. After a while she thinks it's not so bad after all. She learned that she does not have to be jealous, her dad will always love her the same way he loves his other child. This was the first time Cynthia's experienced this. By: Kimberly Ramirez 8-421

    1. I love the way you described your book. It sounds very intriguing. I would literally spend a night reading this book because of the contents it contains such as drama, etc. BTW, how long is this book? :)

  35. Question/Quote-" The only thing we have to fear is itself" Franklin D.Roosevelt
    Tittle- The Deathly Little Secret
    Author-Laurie Stolarz

    In the book "The Deathly Little Secrets" camila is a young girl that had a life as any normal teenager. But one day it came she receive a mail that was pictures of her in the bench. She thought it was some kind of prank. there was day two. and when she was eating and then she the door bell rand. she went and open the door and saw a box. Inside the box there was a letter and dress that said "put it on for diner" that was scared because she was going to go for dinner this afternoon. She was scared but she didn't say anything not even to her mom she was scared. Camila knew this was only the start of what was happening to her but she knew somebody was watching her and she wanted to find out it was.
    By-Erica Loja 8-419

    1. I Actually like how you gather your information but try to write slow you mest up in words but you did excellent job!!!
      Jennifer Gracia 8-419

    2. I agree with Jennifer because after you put the decimal you have to put a uppercase.

    3. Daniella we do not call punctuation marks decimals, it is called a period.

  36. Question/ Quote- “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response- One of my favorite historical fiction book, "Chains", is somewhat connected to this quote. The main character (Isabel) is a slave who is bought by a new owner from New York. Her name is Madam Lockton and she was definitely no what you call a sweet or nice woman. This was a hard struggle for her and her little sister Ruth but while living in New York as a slave she made friends with a boy named Curzon. He was a slave just like her but he had hope and imagination. He called himself a patriot even though Isabel hasn't chosen sides but he still cares about her as a friend.For example, he tried to help her by telling colonel Regan about her. When he didn't help he still tried to help Isabel. He even calls her "Country". In the end her and Curzon run away to find freedom and her sister Ruth. I definitely think he's a good friend.
    By: Manal Elbarhoumi 8-421

    1. I truly love this book. It was very captivating. You used your information wisely.

      REPLY BY: Kiara Joseph 8-421

    2. You had chosen the right book for this specific quote in my opinion, good job.

  37. Question/Quote:What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced? Provide three examples from the text.
    by: johstin flores 8-419

    Reading Response:The Key To Rondo, by Emily Rodda. The events that he has experienced is that he had to follow some rules. He had to follow the rules because he was the owner of a music box. the music box was in family for centuries. the rules that he had to follow was,wind the box three times only.never wind thee box while the music plays. never move the box while the music plays. never close the lid till the music has stopped playing. another experienced is that Leo wouldn't dream of breaking these rules- he wouldn't dream of doing anything wrong. then his weird cousin Mini comes to visit, and the first thing that she does is wind the music box 4 times. but what mini intends as a prank unlocks a hidden world- and frees the sorceress in side It. now Leo ans Mini must pair up to stop the with - if only they can discover the true secret of true secret of the music box in times. At the end of the story he learned that he should be more careful of who he lends it to. and also he defeated the witch.

  38. Quote: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Title: Ender's Game
    Author: Orson Scott Card

    The book Ender's Game is about a 10 year old child called Ender who is being trained to defend humanity against aliens called "buggers" that had once almost destroyed the entire humanity itself. Ender thought he was just playing a game when in reality, he was purging the buggers, who threatened the survival of humanity. This book relates to Franklin D. Roosevelt's quote because, in the book Ender was constantly being pressurized by the adults who were trying to train him. However, Ender knew better than to be scared and show his weakness. Ender wasn't scared of the things that the adults were trying to do, even though Ender knew what was going on. For example, in the book Ender once faced around 1000 enemy ships and he only had around 10. Ender wasn't scared at all and fought the enemy ships. He understood that fear wouldn't be able to help him at all. Because of him not fearing the enemy numbers, Ender won the battle. He blew up the enemy's home planet and destroyed the buggers. He understands that there is nothing to fear, instead of fearing something else, what he should really be fearful of is fear itself. Ender used his ability of understanding how fear works to achieve what he had achieved. He had a genius mind and understood the psychology the I.F. was using against him. However, since Ender understood that the I.F. was trying to manipulate him, he was able to overcome many obstacles that any other normal kid would usually go insane from. Another stroke of genius from Ender was that Ender had known what the I.F. had been doing very quickly however, he went along as he did not have all the information. He did not really fear the I.F. would be trying to harm him as he IS a candidate for being able to save the world from the buggers. So, using the facts he knew, he did not fear the I.F. and played along with the I.F. What's funny to me though, was that in the end I.F. had the last laugh as they was able to use Ender to destroy the buggers in the end as, there was too much information that was concealed that Ender had no idea what was going on. Ender may be a genius however, without all the fact and the strict conditions/rules of the I.F. battle training stations, he couldn't have understood that he was fighting the buggers all along when he thought he was just playing a game to train for it. It is fear that one truly fears as it is fear that causes the fearful emotion that one experiences.
    By: David Zhou
    Class: 8-421

    1. I like how you gave a short summary and then connected it to your quote. The book sounds really cool and fun to read.
      Xavier Joza 8-421

  39. Quote: “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response: Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender relates to this quote. Alexis the main character used to have a best friend and they did everything together like; pranks, and be late to class. But one day the school did a presentation about health. In the presentation it was talking about health and somehow it said that her best friend was over weight and some other people too and the next day people were making fun of her and later on she left the school and Alexis had no one to talk to. Like Alexis said "when you do pranks or something with someone it's more fun but when you do pranks alone you get in trouble for it." Later on, she was standing near her locker when she was about to head for class someone hit her in the head with the door. That person was Carter Blume. After that, he started talking to her and they got along. Carter was really nice to her, he even gave her a ride home in his car and Carter really understood Alexis. That's what I call a good friend. Also Alexis became connect with Megan which used to be her arch enemy and Megan was the one who helped Alexis with her possessed sister (Kasey).
    By: Daisy Zhagui, 8-421

    1. I Was really interested in the book you read, so did Alexis' friend ever return or get in touch with Alexis? Also what was Alexis' best friend's name? I'd really like to read your book! it sounds really cool especially the part about the possessed sister.

    2. I really liked how you described the main character. I also like how you told us the things he used to do with his best friend and what he did afterwards.Your book sounds interesting and I would really like to read your book someday.

  40. Question / Quote: " A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. " - Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response: I read a book about " Alice Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Alice was like lost she didn't know where was she Alice kept going where ever the path took her . Alice found interesting stuff that were there. Alice found a Friend but it was not a human friend it was a rabbit,the rabbit was so friendly with her. He told her where to go and how to get out the rabbit just followed her. Alice met other friends which they were animals and some weird humans but they helped her with everything she asked them. Thats what true friends do help there friends and and give them all the advice they have for them . Alice should be proud that she has some good friends with her that help her with her problems.
    By: Jennifer Gracia 8-419

    1. i like the way you connected your book with the quote and how your book had advantures i really like it
      Erica Loja

    2. Your book sounds fascinating. How does Alice adapt or gets use to her surroundings like the creatures and the place itself?

    3. I really like your book because even if they were strange she needed help to get out.

  41. Quote: "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." -Douglas Pagels
    Title: Perfect
    Author: Natasha Friend
    Genre: Fiction
    In the book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend a 13 year old girl in eighth grade named Isabelle is going through a harsh time. Isabelle, her little sister April, and their mother Beth have been going through a rough time trying to get over their father's/ husband's death. Isabelle has recently entered eighth grade and has been having doubts on her body image. On the first day back to school, Isabelle's little sister "April" caught Isabelle puking her guts out on the toilet. April went and told her mom, this resulted into a punishment for Isabelle, she was forced to go to group therapy. It was sort of "the deal". At group therapy Isabelle makes some friends, Ashley Barnum was like her best friend at group. Even though at school Ashley seemed all snobby, popular, perfect and beautiful at group therapy she was nothing like that. Isabelle finally got a chance to get to know the real Ashley Barnum. After months of having group therapy with Ashley, Isabelle and Ashley became really close. Ashley and Isabelle were inseparable, they were always there for each other. In group therapy there was an activity where they had to tell each other what they disliked about their selves. Ashley was there to cheer up Isabelle and tell her how beautiful she was, and did Isabelle when it was Ashley's turn. Ashley and Isabelle developed a great friendship throughout the beginning of the book and towards the end it was a beautiful relationship. They both had struggles that they each helped each other get through. Both Ashley and Isabelle were great friends to each other, there friendship was like no other.
    By: Kimberly Guaman 8-421

    1. I liked how you described Isabelle's relationship with Ashley. You explained how Ashley was snobby at school and friendly outside of school. This book sounds very interesting and I would l like to read this.

    2. i like how you gave a good description of the book you have read it sounds very interesting.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Question: What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced

    Response: I read a book called "The Mist" by Stephen King. the main character (David Drayton) learned many lessons during his experiences of surviving and fighting the mutated animals. One is to not always be a hero. if you are always a hero your luck with die out and you will die like another character in the book. Two, if you can't beat them, run. A general thought that if he stayed behind and fought he would win, sadly he died. Three never leave your kid unattended. David learned this lesson the hard way. His son Billy Drayton almost dies 3 times but at the fourth time his father David was there.
    Xavier Joza 8-421

    1. That looks like a intriguing book. That was some good life lessons David Drayton learned from his experiences.

    2. I heard of the book before it sounds very interesting.

    3. I never heard of this book but it sounds interesting. I would really like to read it. I like the way you talk about the main character and make connections to other characters from the book.

    4. I heard about the movie. How does the book end? - Camilo Pareja

    5. Does the main character die? - Camilo Pareja?

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I like how you explained how Scott and Chris helped each other and how Chris always had faith in Scott and then he got to prove it at a football game.
      Xavier Joza 8-421

    2. This book sounds like a good book. Do you recomend this book to teens.

  45. Quote:"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." -Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response: Two Minute Drill by Mike Lupica is about a boy named Scott Perry. He moved into a new neighborhood and he was a very shy person. Chris his best friend is the star quarterback for the new school Scott his going to now. Chris made Scott join the football team with him it was no cutoff. Chris could not be the quarterback for the team because he could not keep his grade up. so they made a deal Chris would help Scott get better at football and Scott would help Chris get good grades. Chris got his grades up so he got to stay on the football team and Scott was getting better at football. But Scott never got play a full game he only played like 2 minutes that's it. So on the final game Scott did not want to go but Chris forced him or he would not go play. Scott went and there he got to kick a field goal because it fourth down 30 second left the last quarter. Chris told the coach that Scott should kick and he made it right through the middle. The whole team was amazed that Scott was a good kicker and Chris always had faith in him.
    by Fardid Chowdhury 8-421

    1. Do you know any other books that is about sports, because i really want a book on basket ball or football as well. Good work on the review.

  46. Question/Quote- “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response- In Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Salamanca and her dad move to Ohio where she has to adapt to her new environment. Salamanca meets Phoebe and they become friends. Salamanca helps Phoebe find out why he mom had left and to where. Salamanca helped Phoebe feel better when her mom left. Salamanca was also by Phoebe's side when Phoebe's mother returned home and explained why she had left. Salamanca was a good friend to Phoebe and Phoebe was also a good friend to Salamanca. Salamanca proved she was a good friend and didn't leave Phoebe alone when she needed a friend there for her the most.
    By: Carina Lara, 8-421

    1. Carina this book sounds like a good book. What do you like about this book?

    2. Carina would you reccommend this book to someone who likes reading mystery books? Nice book review by the way.

    3. It seems that Phoebe is a very good friend. Why do they have to move? - Camilo Pareja

    4. What was the resolution? -Camilo Pareja

    5. Very true Carina, I've also read the book Walk Two Moons. Salamanca or Sal indeed was a very good friend of Phoebe, and it goes same for Phoebe too. They had very less in common but they didn't let the the differences get between their good friendship. However the incident with both of of their mothers was quiet similar.-Thahera Oyshi

  47. Question/Quote: What are some events or challenges in this story?

    Reading Response: Fallen, by Laruen Kate. The character name is Luce got transfer to other school. The school is really far from her house so she can't go visit her family, in that school are really strict. they couldn't have there phones with them they couldn't have anything whit them, they had one call a weak they had cameras on the hall school they have to stay there on till you finish the school. The good thing is that you can use regular clothing but if you behave and get early to class. Luce miss her best friend and family she wish she could go back to her house.
    By: Daniela Saquisili 8-419

  48. Question/Quotes: " A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."- Douglas Pagels Title: THE SECRET OF DAVID MORTIMORE BAXTER
    Genre: Fiction
    In the story The Secret of David Mortimore Baxter by Karen Tayleur gives examples to make his reading more stronger. One of the examples that he gave was when he need to keep all does secret that his friend had told him. If David didn't keep does secret to him self then something bad will happened to him, the friend wouldn't talk to him, well get in a big trouble ect..Sencond, the other thing that he gave to keep the story strong was that he didn't tell no one about that, that he had all does secret in his mind, he didn't explode like he said he was to. David is very strong to keeping secret he didn't gave up there were true and fake secret that he had but no one new just him. Third, David Mortimore never gave up what he wanted to be a "class president"that was his future and it came true with all the trouble that he had stuck. It is not easy to study for a career when you have you're head almost to explode about all the secret he had. This quote that I picked relates to my book because David is being a nice friend right now, everybody is telling him secret and he keeps the secret to him self. A friend is one of the nicest thing you could have just like David mortimore is.
    By: Cindy Sanchez 8-419

  49. Quote: “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

    Title: Ender's Game
    Author: Orson Scott Card
    Genre: science fiction

    This quote can be heavily related to the book Ender's Game because of the many circumstances in which Ender, the main character, has to make his own decisions and not let others change who he is. For example, when the adults manipulate Ender by forcing him to do multiple tasks and place different obstacles in his path to test and train him Ender does not let the adults fool him and fully control him. He himself chooses to go along with what the adults say because he can't do much about it. The adults are not able to change who he is and that is very important. Second, Ender faces a group of bullies at school and when they go too far Ender decides to beat up the leader, Stilson, to teach the bullies a lesson. Afterwards, Ender feels horrible because he acted just as his brother, Peter, who is a vicious bully to him as well. Ender does not blame it on the circumstances of being around Peter all the time or being bothered by the school bullies all the time either. He only blames it on himself. This shows that he is a product of his decisions and now of his circumstances and he is aware of it as well. Third and finally, this quote applies to Ender in that even though he is constant bullied by his brother and he finds himself in dangerous situations where he is seriously harmed he decides for himself to stay calm and focus on trying to resist the brutal attacks so that he can control his anger and become a better leader in the future. This also shows that Ender is a product of his decisions and is not affected by the many influential circumstances that others would be affected by. I found this book to be very inspiring and it taught me many life lessons, I recommend it to other readers.

    By: Camilo Pareja, 8-421

  50. Quote: "A friend is one of the nicest things you can be, and one of the best things you can be."-Douglas Pagels

    Reading Response: I read a book called Storm Runners which was very interesting. The reason I chose this quote is because it goes along with the book very well. There is this boy named Chase Maters who is on a journey with his dad tracking down storms. When the storm of the century hits he must used every thing he has learned and his skills will be strained. After the bus flipped over into the bay because of slippery roads and tremendously powerful winds. Chase quickly went to save his friends and the bus driver who was still in the bus. He opened the hatch and let them out first. Chase was more concerned about others than himself. He realized the bus driver seatbelt was stuck and smashed a window making his hand covered in shatterd glass.He cut the seatbelt and took the driver out to shore where he found his friends. Chase was a good friend for saving the others first. That is why Douglas is quote ties in perfect with this book. Chase loves his friends and is a great one himself.
    By:David Loayza 8-421

  51. Question/Quote: what life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced?
    In the book called Dear Bully by 70 Authors Tell Their Stories and that is edited by Megan Kelley Hall and Carrie Jones, talks about a girl or woman name Tonya who suffer from bully just like me. However, Tonya tries to deal with him in any number of ways, but nothing work and nobody helped her. However, in a quote that says “I learned to rely on myself, to believe in myself, to do for myself, and to fight for myself” that was when she decided to stand up for herself and that she would not let herself bring down just by her bully.
    By: Teresa Bernabe, 8-419

  52. Question/Quote: what life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced?
    In the book called Dear Bully by 70 Authors Tell Their Stories and that is edited by Megan Kelley Hall and Carrie Jones, talks about a girl or woman name Tonya who suffer from bully just like me. However, Tonya tries to deal with him in any number of ways, but nothing work and nobody helped her. However, in a quote that says “I learned to rely on myself, to believe in myself, to do for myself, and to fight for myself” that was when she decided to stand up for herself and that she would not let herself bring down just by her bully.
    By: Teresa Bernabe, 8-419

  53. Question: How does the main character grow or develop by the result of incidents (events) in the story? Give three example from the test.
    In the book called Chu Ju's House written by Gloria Whelan, the main character is a fourteen year old Chinese girl name Chu Ju. In Chinese tradition you can't have more than one girl or more than two child in a family. If you have than the child will be sent to an orphanage. The same thing happened to Chu Ju's family, her mother gave birth to another daughter. To protect her baby sister Chu Ju ran away from the village she lived in, so her family would have only one child. This is one way the character Chu Ju develop in the story by the event that occur. Another time when I found Chu Ju's growth in the story was after she met some girls from orphanage. Although she did not succeed, she tried to lead the girls to escape from there after learning how badly they were treated. Last but not the least, as the story went on, Chu Ju reached another village where she met and old lady and her son. She started helping them in their paddy. She stayed with them for years, her relationship with the old lady got deeper. With time and situation Chu Ju became more mature and self dependable. Even though at the end she did return to her own village to meet her family, but she started her own life.
    By: Thahera Oyshi, 8-421
