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Monday, October 21, 2013

PBH Due 10.28.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

Expeditionary Learning - Learning about the Character Ha - Lesson 4 - Due 10.23.13
  • Read pages 10–21, from “TiTi Waves Goodbye” through “Two More Papayas,”
  • Complete Quick Write 2

Book Review # 2
  • You are only responsible for doing only one portion of the essay: the introduction.
  • It must include: a hook, three sentences that explain the hook and a clear and concise thesis statement
  • Do not do the body paragraphs or a conclusion, you will do those later.
  • Until I make the necessary changes, for now, follow the Book Review Calendar I gave you. As stated on the calendar, you must read a biography and it must be a nonfiction book. So choose a favorite or famous person you would like to learn more about. 
The reason I want you to do this is because most of what I have noticed is that the introductions that I have read from the previous book review were not fully developed. In order for you to write college level essays for me later in the year, you must be able to write essays that have a powerful introduction and powerful thesis statement.

This week I will hopefully get through a writing lesson with you on how to write an appropriate and  powerful introduction and thesis statement.

I see that with this year's class, we will have to take it one step at a time. Trust me...YOU CAN DO IT!

Online Blogging

Please follow the same format I showed you and reread the reference sheet on how to blog. This time I would like you to respond only to one person instead of two. Make sure your comments are not about the mistakes in writing, that is not considered a comment but a writing critique. Instead, comment on the character's actions in the book, the author (if you are familiar with the author's books/writing) or your interest in wanting to know more about the book. These suggestions would be considered thoughtful comments. Please post your blogs on this homework assignment post.

Thought Question for blogging: How did this person achieve success in their life? Please cite three examples from the text including page number and explain what each piece of evidence means.

Word Wall

Please select an unfamiliar and difficult word that comes from the biography you are reading. Currently we have 30 words on the word wall and we should have much more than that. I am looking forward to having fun with those words via Jeopardy, card and bingo games. Therefore, ALL of you need to post a word on the word wall. Please remember that our first game is coming from the SAT words I provided. Make sure you STUDY HARD AND GOOD! During the basketball game, you will have to recite the definition out loud and proud! :)


Vocabulary Basketball Game this Friday

SAT Quiz - Friday after game on the following words: ecstatic, infanticide, plethora, affable, dapper, affidavit, glutinous, pilfer and incandescent. Study only the definitions for now. The words will be in a word bank box and there will be fill in the blank sentences for the vocabulary words to be used in context.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at  212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Miss. N


  1. Question/Quote: "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too." - Will Smith

    Reading Response: In Kara Taylor's book, Prep School Confidential, the main character, Anne Dowling is transferred to a prestigious boarding school after accidentally buring down part of the academy on New York's Upper East Side. When she reaches the boarding school in Boston, she meets a rich brat names Alexis who seemed out to get Anne ever since she met her. Alexis tries her best to make Anne's life miserable at Wheatley School by disrespecting her, treating her horribly and getting Anne agrivated at times. For example, on page 23 Anne says, " I like to give everyone a chance, but somethig about this girl fills me with insta-dislike." This piece of evidence proves that Alexis must of directed her attitude towards Anne. Also from page 23-24 Anne says, " I square off with her and give my best award winning smile, because even I don't want an enemy here yet. But something in the dagger glare Alexis gives me before leaving the office in a huff tells me I was screwed the second she laid eyes on me." This evidence proves that Anne suspects that Alexis was out to get her, and indeed she was. Alexis believes that Anne is a student that she's going to have to look out for because she has her suspenseful.

    By: Trystan, 8-421

    1. Trystan I agree with your quote this has happen in reall life. You had explain your ideas really well.I will like to know more about this book it looks really interesting.

    2. Wow Trystan i really like how you
      Explained and how you gave your details.I like how you explained what was going on.

    3. you explained the character really well. The details really support the qoute

    4. Alexis seemes very interesting I would like to read more about her. Also I think Anne is a little paranoid.

    5. Trystan,
      Thank you for posting. I am not sure if this post was for a previous blog or for the one that just passed. However, you were supposed to read a biography not a fiction book. Please follow the book review calendar.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ahmed, I am a fan of Messi too. I love the way he plays. He has some great and awesome tricks. I don't like soccer but I love to watch soccer.

      Reply by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

  4. Quote: "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    Response: Sharukh Khan was born on 2 November 1965 in New Delhi, India. He is married to Gauri Khan. He has 2 children, son Aryan and daughter Suhana. He is the most famous actor in India now. Sharukh Khan is very nice and he is cool. He gives attitudes when it’s needed. He has millions of fans. When he performs on stage, his fans cheer for him. He also anchors shows and hosts. He is known as King Khan of Bollywood. He was also the captain of his football, hockey, and cricket teams all at the same time. After he got injured in football match, he started his journey. He wanted to be an actor. His mom also wanted him to be an actor. His parents died before he entered movies. Then he started working in bollywood. Now he is still working and he will do that for rest of his life.

    Response by: Mohammad Ahmed 8-419

    1. I agree on you with your quote you cant be famous just like that it needs a lot of practice and time, Especially for an actor you need time.

    2. I agree because someone might be a lazy person in life but if they work hard they can accomplish alot .

    3. I agree with your quote because fame does not come to you. You have to go looking for it. You can not just be lazy and expect to accomplish in life.

    4. Very strong sentiments Yasky. This is very true with anything you pursue in life.

  5. How did this person achieve success in their life?

    I have been reading about Dr.Seuss in a biography about him. Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1915 1,195 people died on a british ship torpedoed by a german submarine during World War 1. This turned many people against people with German heritage like the Geisel's. It was very difficult for Thomas to deal with all of the bullying that happened. Despite the bullying Thomas was still a happy boy who loved to draw. Thomas worked for newspapers by drawing. Thomas wanted to teach but then he met his first wife Helen who convinced him that drawing is his passion, which it was. Dr.Seuss started making books that had crazy drawings in them but nobody wanted to publish it because it was to different for children at the time. He was walking down the street one day ready to burn the manuscript when he bumped into his friend who worked for a publishing company and saw the manuscript and was willing to publish it. His first book was a success and then he wrote more and more and more. This is how Dr.Seuss achieved success in his life.

    1. Wow this was pretty informative. I was able to comprehend how he succeeded in life and also learn more about the early life of one of my favorite authors.

    2. I never knew that Dr. Seuss was from Springfield, Massachusetts and that he had German heritage. Like David Z. said this is very informative but also very descriptive. I like how you explained why he was bullied. I really enjoy Dr. Seuss books and I enjoyed your online blog paragraph.

  6. In response to Trystan. You explained the book very well and you also made me want to read the book. The book seems interesting and you took quotes from the book which is a very good decision.

  7. Question/Quote: "Wherever you go, go with all your heart" Confusius.

    Heidi is the example that "wherever you go, go with all your heart, Heidi was an orphan since childhood in the care of his aunt lived, but her aunt had to work and took Heidi to make careful with his granfather." In the old man of the Alps" grandfather was a hermit and not let her, go to school but heidi as she wore her was quickly captivated with nature. For example, on page (5) saids: "All at once Heidi sat herself down on the ground.she began pulling off her shoes ans stockings as fast as her little fingures could move" This piece of evidence explains how she feels;her emotions.Alghout on page (7) saids " Heidi, what have you been doing claiming the mountains dont ever do taht..." "You selfish child! Don't you have any sense at all? Her aunt was red with anger it took her half hour to walk up to get heidi." Heidi felt Exited to go up the mountains and explore the nature and see the goats. Alghout her aunt was so mean with her and didn't let her do enithing she felt excited to discover her self wat is in the world. On page (129) she saids " It is the most beautiful thing in the world to be, up here with granfather." She feels Estatic of sharing and beeing with her grandfather outside discovering the worls. By: Pricilla Rosa.

    1. Priscilla good job i liked how you put explanation point on the sentences you took right from the book. also how you put the page numbers good job!

    2. Pricilla I like how you gave evidence from the text You explain you're quote. You follow what the teacher told us to do when writing a paragraph. Keep it up Great job!!!!

    3. Pricilla, I have not read this book, but after reading your description, I really want to. You explained with such detail, excellent work!! But is this a biography about a girl named Heidi or something else? Just wondering.

    4. Pricilla,
      Thank you for posting. I am not sure if this post was for a previous blog or for the one that just passed. However, you were supposed to read a biography not a fiction book. Please follow the book review calendar.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How did this person achieve success in their life? This is a short biography of my favorite soccer player and he is one of the best players in the world. quote “Every time he start a year, He starts with the objective of trying to achieve everything, without comparing it to how he've done in other seasons.”

    Messi was born on june 24,1987.Messi is from Argentina he plays for Argentina and Barcelona. He started playing at 11 years old. He achieved his success. Messi was always ahead of his teammates and didn't whine that he was short he boosted his self and till he was recognized. Messi always donated and gave charity. Messi had a Diagnosed With Growth Hormone Deficiency he never gave up like others who had this diagnosed. Messi never gave up he believed in his self. He still plays his team is in 1st place in the champion league. Messi's parents moved to Spain when he was 13 for youth FC Barcelona masia. His parents had to pay couple hundred dollars for his medication. Messi is a very good player he never gives up on himself.

    Ahmed Almulaiki 8-419

    1. I liked how you told about Messi when he started playing.

      Sanjita laky 8-419

    2. Hey Ahmed I like how you told when Messi started to play and how he is a awesome soccer player and how he played for Barcelona.

    3. I like the way you introduced your character and how you gave specific details of his goals and how he accomplished them. However, I would like to know more about him in a way where what were the conflicts that he went through and did he accomplish them?
      Kiara Caro 8-419

  10. How did this person achieve success in their life? Please cite three examples from the text including page number and explain what each piece of evidence means.
    The Harlem renaissance began as a declaration of an African-american identity. this provides that the whole book called The Harlem Renaissance is all about how African Americans achieve their goal and successes.(pg.67) Huston was indeed a colorful figure sporting a turban in imitation of an Indian princess when driving Hurst to appointments.(pg.64) this provides that Huston talents were very successful and her talent for story telling was legendary. Hughes writing career was launched in 1925 when "the weary blues" won the opportunity magazine contest.(pg.58) Hughes was a very well known writer he was one of the best and successful writer in the African american cultural.

    BY:Kimberlin Liranzo 8-419

  11. Quote: "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    Jose Reyes plays baseball in the MLB . He plays for the Toronto Blue Jays . He was really poor . But he played baseball and focused on baseball . He got signed at the age of 16 . His debute was at the age of 19.

    1. good job but next time give info about jose reyes for a example what motvated Reyes to play baseball

    2. that is a good job but could you write a little bit more so i could know more about it.

    3. I like the way that you wrote when he started playing. However, just one question and one comment.
      Q: Does he still pays in the MLB?
      C: Can you please add more info. the next time.

  12. How this person achieve success in their life?
    Steve Jobs is the ceo of apple which he founded in 1976.He grew up with one sister.In 1986 Steve Jobs purchased a small company.Steve Jobs pays particular attention tot the study of Steve Jobs himself,but along the way its also a history of apply.In the CEO of the company there imac,itunes,ipod,iphone and ipad.Steve Jobs be came success he study lots.

  13. Question: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    Book: Dare To Dream:Life As One Direction
    One Direction are a British/Irish boyband. They were started on a show called the X-Factor in 2010. The band consists of 5 members whose names are Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik. Liam had gone on the X-Factor before but he didn't make it and was told to come back in a couple of years. They all auditioned as solo artists but were then put together in a group. Before the X-Factor and all of the fame that they have now they were all just 5 normal boys from different parts of England and Ireland. Harry Styles was in a band with his friends called White Eskimo and he worked in a bakery. Louis Tomlinson was also in a band with his friends called The Rouge. As for Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne they were not in any band. They all loved to sing and were always told by friends and family that they were amazing singers. On the X-Factor they met and became good friends. The next thing they knew they had released an album, they were going on tour, and they were going to perform in Madison Square Garden. They all worked hard for their success and never gave up on their dreams. That is how One Direction achieved success in their lives.

    By:Maryanne Atocha 8-421

    1. Maryanne, I like the fact that you are reading a book about One Direction! One question that I have is what inspired them to audition in the X-Factor?

    2. I agree with Micaela. I would like to know how they each prepared to audition on the X-Factor. Also, what inspired them to audition on the X-Factor a second time?

    3. Wow, this sounds like a interesting book. I would like to read this later on.

  14. Question/Quote:"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    Albert Einstien was one of the greatest scientist in the 19 century he was very famous he won the nobel prize in 1971 he was awarded for his determination he reallly won that prize because he workes hard on math science and quatuam physics. He was born in march 14 1879. Hewas forced to learn WW1 affected his study but he still study. He was an inportant person history we still remeber him by his work.

  15. Question: How did this person achieve success in life?
    Title of book: My Name is America The Journal of Scoot Pendleton Collins A World War II Soldier
    Author: Walter Dean Myers
    Genre: Non Fiction

    Scoot Pendleton Collins was a very successful man. He was a World War II soldier. He was one of the many brave American soldiers that were willing to risk their lifes for their beautiful country. He went to war and survived. He had lots of glory and gain respect just like many other American soldiers.That is what I call succeeding in life. Scott Pendleton is a hero.

    1. i have never heard of him before. He must be a hero.

    2. I would think someone with such glory and respect would get much more attention, some people do wonderful things during their lifetime but never get any recognition for it. I would definitely consider reading this book.

  16. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Reading Response- Martin Luther King Jr. achieved success. He did this by not giving up on what he wanted. What he wanted, he thought it was important which it was. He wanted equal rights for blacks and whites. He made a speech. It started with “I have a dream”. Eventually his dream came true. To achieve success he worked hard for it. He didn’t just sit back and relax. He wrote a speech. He must had work for days and let me tell you, its not easy getting up in front of people and giving a speech. It took courage. That’s why I admire Martin Luther King.
    By Agustina Guanes

    1. I don't know much about Martin Luther King Jr. but i would like to know is why did he fight for equality. Any other African American could have done it but it was him. In you book does it say why he did what he did?

    2. Great description! If I was Marther Luther King Jr. I would've done the same thing. But since I'm not I have to commend him on what he did for African Americans! Great choice of book/article selection!

  17. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Response: Steve Jobs achieved Success by not giving up. Many times he was knocked down but he got back up and continued. Steve Jobs had to do many things and send countless hours trying to create what is now known as the Ipad. he could have given up but he didn't. Similar events happened with the other devices, but he did not give up, because he had created his dream company and a world changing device. He a man created all of this from scratch, that is why i admire Steve Jobs.
    By Xavier Joza

  18. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Reading Response: In the book I have read about Barack Obama, it shows how he has put a lot of effort to achieve in life and become the president of the United States. But of course, this took a lot of steps to achieve. The process all began when he attended college.That is where he decided to attend law school at Harvard University.After attending law school, he moved on to Chicago to work at a Chicago law firm. He also taught at the University of Chicago Law School. In 1995, he was elected to be the Illinois state senate which is a big step for having experience to become a president.Later in 2004, Barack Obama is elected to become the U.S. Senate with 70% of the votes. Finally, in 2008 he runs for president and defeats Senator Hillary Clinton. In 2009, he was nominated president and he was able to achieve success in life.
    By: Micaela Montoya 8-421

  19. Quote: "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    Response: Keisha Castle-Hughes is a new Zealand actress who rose to prominence for playing Paikea "Pai" Apirana in the film Whale Rider. She didn't have any previous acting experience, she went directly from her Auckland school classroom to the film set when the shoot began in New Zealand. Keisha was nominated for an Academy Award for best actress for her performance in the film. She's not just talented. She had the poise and intelligence to play the character not as an icon of maternity, but rather as a headstrong, thoughtful adolescent transformed by an unimaginable responsibility.
    By: Rebecca Chen 8-421

  20. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    Book: Bruce Lee: Words from a Master
    Author: John R. Little
    Genre: Non Fiction

    Bruce Lee was a famous martial artist and at the same time, an actor. He was known in Hong Kong, China, and even America. He learned martial arts when he was very young. He soon took on the job of being an actor. He was so good at acting and using his martial arts in his acting, he soon became famous where he lived and he decided to go to America. At America, he met many new people with his acting career, including Chuck Norris. Bruce Lee would act in many movies and become more known in America. He once had even went to Rome for his acting career. Bruce Lee achieved success in life through many hardships and difficulties. He had to muster the courage to travel to new land for his career. Bruce Lee had truly put in hard work and effort to reach what he has become today.
    By: David Zhou 8-421

    1. I heard of Bruce Lee before, interesting book

  21. Quote: " A dream doesn't become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    RESPONSE: Ashley never sat back and let all the offers come to her. She worked for it. Because of her hard work she is now a successful actress and singer. There are always offers coming to her door. She always counts on and relies on her family. She may be glamorous, but she doesn't let that go to her head. Ashley never forgets about her family. You may think she is snobby, but she is not. Ashley is a funny, talented and kind person. She is very determined in becoming the best she can. She couldn't of made it without her family.
    BY: Kimberly ramirez 8-421

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sounds like and interesting book. What is the book called?

  22. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    book; the Night Mary's
    by; Dan Poblocki

    My book was all about that timothy has a secret . that secret is giving him nightmares .Abigail and timothy are the main characters. when the start on a school project they realize that Abigail's past is timothy's present. that makes them a target for a terrible curse . the curse that turns their worst fears into to reality.but their fears are just just the beginning . the curse is feeding in there fears. it gains strength day by day, also it feeds in a human soul.
    by Johstin 8-419

    1. This sounds like a interesting book, but is this book non fiction?

  23. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    Book: Killing Lincoln:The Shocking Assassination That Changed America Forever
    By: Bill O'Reilly
    The Civil War ended in 1965 Spring, Robert E. Lee surrendered and President Lincoln let the Confederate join their nation, they had become one nation again. President Lincoln with his fellow patriots celebrate at Ford's Theatre for their victory. But a few of the Confederates were not happy about that including John Wilkes Booth. Everything changed when John Wilkes Booth came in and murdered President Lincoln. America faced a big tragedy after the murder of President Lincoln so there was a huge search was going under way. John Wilkes Booth became one of the most wanted in America after that murdering. The person who was on the case was Lafayette C. Baker he is a detective and was also a former Union spy. The case of his death lead to many court cases and death penalties or executions.
    By: Fardid Chowdhury 8-421

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life? Title: HOMEBOYZ Author: Alan Lawerence Sitomer Genre: Fiction After Teddy's little sister was gunned down his entire family went in depression and he was plotting his revenge. He went to the other side of town where the gang who shot Tina in a drive by to get back at them. Then he spots some of the gang members and lures them behind a grocery store where he beats all three of them until the store manager saw the events and called the police. They responded very quick and before you know it three gang members on the floor beaten and a gun pointed to the back of Teddy's head. He was caught. Teddy waited for his trial to come and when it did the judge did not care and said re-trial in fourteen days. Later on though an innovative probation earns Teddy early release but under house arrest. As part of a juvenile rehabilitation program he is assigned to mentor a foster child who has nothing. His name is Micah and soon enough he begins to be apart of Teddy's life and family. Teddy becomes a good role model and even as much as he would want revenge he decided not to because of Micah. Teddy was able to reach success, giving up revenge and bad habits for someone. Deciding o be a better person. All I have to say that is probably one of the greatest success anyone could accomplish. By:David Loayza 8-421

  26. Question/ Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    Book;" I have a dream" The story of Martin Luther king
    Author: Margaret Davidson
    Genre: Non Fiction biography

    Martin Luther King achieve success during his life. He had a dream and he never gave up what he wanted for us. Martin Luther once said '' I'll fight it until the day I die" (15) He want to make everybody equally ( blacks and white). In the 1930s blacks were treated very badly and it was not fair for the them to treat them like that when the whites were treated good. Martin want to fight his dream until he die. Also a second evidence is that he said "Martin luther was sitting on the bus talking with Miss Bradley When a white man came in and they had to give up the seat'' ( 23) Black people were treated very bad that when they were in the bus they couldn't seat in the front of the bus because it was save for the whites only. Even though you pay for it if a white come in and don't have a seat you had to give that seat. White people had more privileges than black did. Another one is that " Martin is arrested for the the first time" (58) Martin was arrested because he wanted equality between blacks. He didn't like the way that black people went to different school, and were treated differently than white did. It did not care if you were very tired and got to the bus where it was empty you still had to give up the seat to the person who is waiting for it. Martin Luther King did achieve his success and fought for it.

  27. Question/Quote:"Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too." - Will Smith
    Book: Bullying: Teen Issues
    Author: there is different stories from teenagers (Tom's Story: Olympic:
    Champion pg: 44)
    Genre: Non-Fiction
    Response: Tom Daley is boy who is now 15 years old. At the age of 14 Tom suffered from bullying. For example in the book it says "Instead, he was mocked and called "Speedo boy" and "Diver boy."(pg. 44) He was called like that because when he was 14 he became the United Kingdom's youngest competitor at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Also, in the book it says that "Some even threatened to break his legs"(pg. 44), however, his parents made a decision of switching him from that school to another school. But also his own friends throw pens and pencils at him. In the book also says, "Just a month later, in July 2009, Tom became the United Kingdom's first individual world diving champion, at the age of 15" (pg. 44)
    But for him to be able to achieve his accomplishment he has psychologist who helped him stay focus on his positive traits.
    By: Teresa Bernabe, 8-419

    1. Dear,Teresa i really like your quote. I also like your response i think its a very nice book that you have read about bullying.

      By; Erica Loja

  28. Question: How did this person achieve success in their life.
    Book: Bret the hitman Hart
    By: Bret Hart

    In my book Bret started out as a rookie who didn't really earn that much money and also people thought he would never make in wrestling, especially Vince McMahon, but man did he proved everybody wrong because he was always the people favorite and he finally proved that by winning his first ever title the intercontinental championship and eventually started to win more titles for example he was one of the longest ever wwf champion for 646 days. Now he is a retired wrestler but is a writer and actor.

  29. Question/Quote: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Reading Response: In this book, I have read about Anne Frank. Anne Frank had a diary (which was given in her 13th birthday) It was kept by her while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family went in hiding in The Achterhuis (a Dutch word meaning/translated as the”Secret Annexe”) In August 1944,the family was betrayed which resulted that the family was apprehended in 1944 and Anne Frank and her sister Margot and the mother Edith ultimately died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp but their father Otto Frank was alive and later the war ended and the prisoners were liberated by British troops in April 1945. After that, Anne Frank’s diary was retrieved by Miep Gies, who gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank. The diary has been published in more than 60 different languages. As you can see, Anne Frank achieve success is by teaching us and learning from her experiences about what many and herself went through in this deadly war.

    By: Daisy Zhagui 8-421

  30. Question: How did this person achieve success in their life?
    Reading Response: As I was reading this short biography of Hellen Keller, she went through a lot of upset, estatic, and more moments. However, when she was little she had a really bad fever and from that moment on, her whole life changed. She went throught a lot of confusions after that because no one (even the doctor) knew what had happen to her. She lost her voice, and she became blind. She was confused and she was upset and angry all the time. However, she overcame that by a woman named Annie Sullivan. She lost her eye sight at age five, and she was the women that help Kelen. Kelen overcame all of her fears and accomplished her goals!
    Name: Kiara Caro
    Class: 8-419

  31. quoestion/ quote

    reading response- Helen Keller was a woman who was death and unable to speak. she was born on 1880 and diet on 1960. Helen was ad inspiration to many people. When she was 18 months she got a high fever which caused her to catch an illnes that nobody knew that excited. people thought that she had no hope in life. But she proved them wrong, Helen people very known and inspired people. She meet president John Kennedy and other people. She traved around the world and visited people and helped them. At almost of the age of 88 she diet. But she is till an inspiration to people.
    Erica Loja 8-419

  32. Question: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Reading Response: Theodor Geisel is known as Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss married Helen Palmer and went on many adventures together. One of Dr. Seuss' firsts books started while he was on a ship going back home but didn't realize it at that moment. When he got home he wasn't able to get the rhythm of the ship's engine out of his head. At that point, he decided to write a story following that rhythm. Dr. Seuss got rejected by 27 publishers and he got his lucky break when he accidently ran into Dartmouth who was from New York City on the street. Dr. Seuss also went to the Zoo a lot as a kid. he often took his sketch pad and drew pictures of plants and animals he saw. This was the beginning of Dr. Seuss' career and how he achieved success in his life.
    By: Carina Lara 8-421

    1. Over all Carina, I think you did a splendid job with your answer for this question. While reading this I have became more interested in learning about Dr.Suess's life.

  33. Question: How did this person achieve success in their life?

    Reading Responce: The book I have read is titled"Abraham Lincoln:A Biography". This biography main thesis is of course, Abraham Lincoln's life. He had accomplished so many things through out is lifetime.Most importantly,won the Civil War and freed African Americans/ended slavery. He did not just accomplish this tremendous goal one easy step but he tried over and over again until he was elected as president (the 16th) and he knew he could make a difference with his beliefs.I think that Abraham Lincoln definitely is a person that represents having big achievements throughout his life. In my opinion I think he is a role model to all of us.
    By: Manal Elbathoumi 8-421

    1. I saw that book at the library, too. Nice choice. Next time you should make some citations on him so that you can better express his way of reaching success in his life. I want to know what he did to become such a great preasident

  34. Thought Question for blogging: How did this person achieve success in their life? Please cite three examples from the text including page number and explain what each piece of evidence means.

    In the biography "Steve Jobs" I read about how Steven Paul Jobs achieved success in his life by not letting anyone or anything stop him from going forward with his career. Jobs is creating a new model when in the text it says, "Jobs thought the new computer should come with a visually appealing case. It would cost a lot of money to build such cases, though. Jobs solved this problem by convincing an investor to provide the company with $200,000."(20) As you can see, Jobs did not let a simple money problem get in his way of making sure his computer would sell.This helps him in making the Apple brand develop. Then, in "1977, soon after the release of the Apple 2, Jobs reconnected with his high school girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan. Chrisann soon became pregnant. Jobs did not want a child, though. He was too wrapped up in his work at Apple to start a family. He broke up with Chrisann."(22) Even though this seems heartless, breaking up with Chrisann let Jobs focus on helping Apple and make it develop even further which brought him success. Finally, in the text it says,"Jobs grew more difficult to work with. Many of Apple's employees complained that he made it hard for them to do their jobs. Apple's board of directors, the group of people chosen to make important decisions for the company, knew they had to do something about Jobs. They tried forcing him into a new position in which he would have less control over the company. He turned down the offer. In September 1985, he resigned from, or left, Apple...Almost immediately after leaving Apple, Jobs started a new company called NeXT...In the fall of 1985, he purchased the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm..Jobs renamed it Pixar." After leaving the company he helped create Jobs started a new company and bought Pixar. This means that even after it seemed like his career was over he started fresh and continued his career with computers. This is the third piece of evidence that shows that Jobs achieved success by not letting anyone or anything stop him. All in all, Steven Paul Jobs was a famous and successful person because of his ability to quickly overcome obstacles.
