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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Socratic Seminar Student Generated Discussion Questions Due 4.10.15 by 7pm

Hello 421,

Please post your thought provoking questions on this site by Friday, April 10,  2015 no later than 7pm.

Reflecting on some of the questions from the last seminar, please make sure that your questions are not wordy and compacted. However, the question should be by no means easy, it should still be complex in that it requires deep thinking on part of the participant.

Happy Posting!


  1. Tashrif Apon
    Title of Text: Public School And Religion: Schools Frightened To Teach About Religious Figures.
    Question: Why is it wrong to use specific religion(s) as examples while teaching?

  2. Mazharul Mahe
    Class: 8-421
    Title of Text: Public School And Religion: Schools Frightened To Teach About Religious Figures
    Question: How is the involvement of Christian religion necessary in schools for students to learn about the U.S. history? How would introducing one specific religion such as Christianity in schooling systems affect our diverse society?

  3. Rian Chowdhury
    Title of Text: Public School And Religion: Schools Frightened To Teach About Religious Figures
    Question: Why does the population of a religion affect why it should or should not be taught in schools?

  4. Nuzat Zaman, 8-421
    Title of Text: Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened To Teach About Religious Figures
    Question: What does the population of a religion have to do with education? Why can teaching religions cause bullying?

  5. Gabriella Gutierrez 8-421
    Title: public school and religion:
    Question: why does religion affect education? How can religious beliefs cause issues for kids in school?

  6. Afnan Answar 8-421
    Title: Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened to Teach About Religious Figures
    Question: How does teaching religious beliefs, culture, etc affect other kids in school? Is it a positive influence? A negative influence?

  7. Tausif Tushin 8-421
    Title: Public school and religion
    Question: Why should religion be mentioned in an environment that is being taught academics? How can religious affect the students in school?

  8. Aveneet Kaur
    Question: How does learning about religion affect children? How does learning about religion make children feel about their own religion?

  9. Clariel Arias 8-421
    Tittle:Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened to Teach About Religious Figures
    How does religion in school affect how well a student develops and learns?

  10. Sadia Tahmid
    Title of Text: Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened to Teach about Religious Figures

    How can one's point of view, or how they were raised, affect their opinion on teaching of Christianity in schools?

  11. Tyller Alexander
    Title: Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened to Teach About Religious Figures

    How does educating students on a religion affect their point of view and the way they treat others who follow that religion?

  12. Zora Shillingford
    Title: Public School and Religion: Schools Frightened to Teach About Religious Figures
    Question: How Can teaching different religions affect how students perceive another religion ?
