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Monday, October 24, 2016

Socratic Seminar Student Created Thought Provoking Questions - 8-420 Class of 2017 Due Every Saturday by 7pm

Hello All,

Please read the requirements and criteria for Socratic Seminar on JupiterEd and then post ONE  thought provoking open-ended question based on the text provided by your Socratic Seminar leaders.

Make sure that your name, class and the title of text you're responding to is posted along with your thought provoking open-ended question.

Use the reference sheet and follow the steps on How to Post a Thought Provoking Question on the Blog Spot. Or, please visit JupiterEd to access and open the MS Word document step-by-step procedure to post on the blog spot.

Questions? Email thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm.

Take Care!

Ms. N


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What's the point of creating fear? When actual clowns are loosing there jobs.

  3. Why police forces just increase the number of policemen at the location where clowns are being cited? So that way the killer clowns would be caught faster and wont be causing trouble.

  4. If clown sightings ever stopped will police still take a chance to discover what caused this to make kids fear?

  5. If clown sightings ever stopped will police still take a chance to discover what caused this to make kids fear?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What's the point of injuring innocent people and wearing a clown costume.

  8. What's the point of injuring innocent people and wearing a clown costume.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Do you think that parents should let their (small)children be their with them when there have been reports of the clown sightings? Whats the point of wearing a clown costume if its being used to scare people?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. How does this affect the clowns that are actually doing their jobs?

  13. What if these clown sightings are a warning of something big that will happen on halloween? Like they are trying to bring the purge into the real world.

  14. why are the 'killers' dressed up as clowns? it is very easy to spot someone bad with a costume on, then if they were wearing regular clothes.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What has cause clowns (or people dressed up as clowns) to kill people/ give innocent strangers on the street a scare?

  17. Why aren't parents being responsible and looking after their kids or teaching their kids not to go anywhere with strangers?

  18. why are these killers dressed up as clowns,isnt it very easy to spot a clown?

  19. Why do the people in clown suits or costumes decide its best to make them fear all clowns even the professional ones?

  20. what is the purpose of dressing up as a clown?

  21. How does this affect the way professional clowns work and does this change something in their careers?

  22. why did the terrorists attack? Was it because Paris is in contact with America?

  23. Why do you think ISIS is so confident to admit that they have done it ?

  24. Was this a sign of a warning that a much bigger attack will happen worldwide and linked with isis?

  25. Why did ISIS attack? Is it to create fear?

  26. Why do you think Isis attacked? Is there a more diabolical reason to this?

  27. Why did ISIS feel like it was right to go after anyone they saw? Did they have a bad history with Paris or was it all fun and games

  28. why did ISIS attack this certain area?what was their reason?

  29. How is the rest of the world gonna react to this and what will they do?

  30. did ISIS do this to create fear in people that are in Paris or are they trying to get in a war with Paris?

  31. What was the purpose of the attack? Why did it have to be Paris?

  32. Why did ISIS take the blame? Why did they attack in the first place?

  33. Wouldn't the president of France cause more problems if he creates war that will be merciless? Won't that mean more blood shed?

  34. Will Donald J. Trump keep his promises or will he ignore everything he promised to do if he won?

  35. Why is Donald Trump saying something negative about a country or a religion and then saying that it's an awesome country or a religion? Does he have a plan in mind to do something even worse?

  36. How is it possible that Donald Trump has talked so many bad things about foreign countries but now they are all congratulating him because of his victory. Is it because now he control the United States they are afraid he might do something horrific to those countries?

  37. Why do you think some of the voters are happy and scared at the same time ? Shouldn't the U.S be united ?

  38. What do you think about think about Donald Trump winning the election? What do you think immigrants felt or thought about when Donald Trump won the election?

  39. Why are some people happy when the basically the whole U.S is worried about their families and their job? Why would they even let Donald Trump run for president?

  40. Some places and people are comfortable with Trump being the president, but is Donald Trump comfortable and does he feel threatened, or even that someone wants to kill him?

  41. Why are people all around the world supprised about Trumps victory?

  42. Why did people really think Hilary was going to win at all?

  43. why do you think some people are glad about Donald Trumps victory?

  44. why were people shocked when Trump won when he said he would do more for the country than hilary would?

  45. How come this election effected other countries around the world but not the other past elections?

  46. Why are police not taking animal abuse more seriously? Shouldn't the police take this man and give him what he deserves?

  47. Is the man mentally ill? Or does he have some kind of issues with dogs that he had murdered 4 dogs for no good reason?

  48. Do you believe this was fair? If he had a problem with the puppies why would he keep them?

  49. If the man didn't like the puppies than why would he keep them?

  50. what were his reasons to hurt the puppies? if he disliked them why have them with him instead of giving them to someone else?

  51. How can he have the courage to do hurt puppies? Why couldn't he just give them away?

  52. Why did he think it was right to stomp these puppies to death, especially in front of children?

  53. How does this man have the audacity to hurt a living thing including in front of others?

  54. Couldn't the man just ask to keep it down and not just barge into someone's home and do what he wants to animals. First he's breaking and entering and second he just murdered 4 baby dogs

  55. Do you think that African-american people are taking the hate crimes overboard? Will this continue to happen? If so do you think the police should take this matter into more serious hands?

  56. What was the reason for these four teenagers to torture/ pick on the special needs teen?

  57. If the teen was not white and he didnt support for Trump, would those four criminals still kidnap the teen and torture him?

  58. was all this torture necessary, they cut his sweatshirt, Carved a piece of his scalp, forced him to drink toilet water, and beat him for 4 to 5 hours just because he said something about Donald Trump?

  59. What was the main purpose for this attack? Why didn't people do anything about it when they saw the video on Facebook?

  60. Was this attack meant for a warning to most white people? was it supposed to mean that if you speak of trump and are white you will be attacked?

  61. How serious will the police take this situation? and will people act negatively towards it?

  62. Did they think that putting the video on Facebook was necessary or did they want attention?

  63. why did they pick this specific trump supporter with special needs?

  64. Do you think they picked a trump supporter with special needs because he could not do anything back ?

  65. Why do they think that was ok to do?

  66. Was there a specific reason why they had picked the special needs teen, who was a Trump supporter? They could have just picked any other Trump supporter, so why choose this special needs teen?

    1. The first question is a closed question. It requires a yes or no response. Please redo or it will receive a zero.

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    1. This is a closed question. It requires a yes or no response. Please redo or it will receive a zero.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is a closed question. It requires a yes or no response. Please redo or it will receive a zero.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. First, what is your name so that you can receive a grade?

      Secondly, this is a closed question. It requires a yes or no response. Please redo or it will receive a zero.

      Ms. N

  70. why would the other passengers be scared if there were probably other people on the plane that spoke other languages too?

  71. Why was it necessary to remove them from their flight? Why were they uncomfortable? Don't they hear other people speaking other languages why not remove them?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. why were they removed for speaking Arabic, what if they spoke another language like spanish? would they still have been arrested?

  74. Since they had been speaking Arabic, did the passengers think they were terrorist, was that why they were uncomfortable? Was the captain going a bit overboard,by kicking them out? Shouldn't the captain have listen to Adams story or point of view before taking action? What would you do if you were in a situation like this?

  75. Couldn't the pilot just changed their sits if the people around them were feeling uncomfortable? Was it really necessary for them to tell them to leave the plane, shouldn't they have taken some other approache to solve this problem?

  76. Why at all people that they hear a different language like Arabic and assume something is wrong? doesnt is show how bad society is because they judge instantly?

  77. Where they kicked out for being precieved as terrorist as how society precieves any arabic,muslim person to be one??(jose rojas)

  78. Why did they kick them off the plane? Were they really afraid or were they just taking caution just in case?

  79. Was it honestly really necessary to kick them off the plane

  80. How come when people talk in a different language people think that they are saying something bad?Were they just trying to protect the people in the plane if something was going to happen?Also was it necessary to kick them off the plane?

  81. why couldn't they just do a background check if they cared so much

  82. Thank you for finally contributing to the Socratic Blog. I am so PROUD of you! However, please end sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark, in this case, a question mark. Also begin sentences with capital letters.

    Thank you.

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  84. Do you think that Trump is making up promises, just so people don't contradict him *? Do you also think that Trump will take off his ban? Is it fair to all the other affected countries?
    * and his ruling, do you think that he is doubting, becoming president of the U.S.A

  85. Why did Donald Trump really make this travel ban? Was it because of terrorists, is he afraid of them? Why?

  86. Why is president trump forcing the travel ban on countries that "have been deemed sponsors of terrorism", mainly towards the middle eat side of the world? Couldn't Trump have put the travel ban on countries that have tried to harm america as a whole country?

  87. what could this spark with trump and our middle eastern populatuion?

  88. Why did President Trump have to go so far at banning muslim countries, if there are so many innocent people who do not take part in terrorism? Was it mandatory for him to do this and stop innocent Muslims from seeing their family? Why not only punish those who take part in terrorism?

  89. Why did president Trump had to ban muslim people?Did he banned them because he is afraid something bad will happen?

  90. What is the purpose of banning these countries from the U.S.? Does he believe the stereotype that ALL Muslims are terrorists or did this happen so he could get attention?

  91. Whats the real purpose of banning some specific race,if there are many other races which have bad people as well.

  92. Muslims are already being judged as terrorist, why does trump have to say that 'media is covering up terrorist attack' ?

  93. There is racism all over the world but why do they have more attention to the muslims?

  94. Why make the travel ban if all 7 Muslim countries are not a threat to the United States

  95. How does Prince Ea comparing a goldfish and a child help us uderstand what school are doing?

  96. Why Prince Ea compare fish to students isn't this a form of a strange way to compare a child? How do you think that this rap helps us truly understand what this fish represents and what our school is doing?

  97. Prince Ea has compared the past with the future but does he know that in order to get to the future there is a education that is required in order to make it come true?

  98. Prince Ea says that other places, like Singapore are prospering more than us. So, why not take their educational system and ours, to create a new educational system? What would we be without education?

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Prince Ea says that teachers should be paid the same as doctors? Do you think that that should happen?

  101. Why is Prince EA concerned about the school system if its always going to be the same no matter what unless someone high class speaks about it?

  102. Do you think the school system will change even after this video ?

  103. Many people made videos about the same topic why would this video make an impact?

  104. What makes you think that the school system would change?

  105. Do we need more artistic classes than normal classes? (What's the point of learning stuff like calculus if we don't even use in our daily lifes?)

  106. Why do you think Abortion is such a controversial topic? How do you think that an abortion might separate family members from people? And are these woman protesting for a good reason?

  107. How/why does making a decision effect your well being?

  108. Why do most people get offended by abortion since they are not involved with it?

  109. why is it so difficult for people discuss their experiences with abortion?

  110. Why is abortion such a difficult topic to talk about?

  111. Why does abortion impact a person? Why do people feel so uncomfortable having a discussion about it?

  112. Do you think abortion is acceptable in any scenario? Why or why not?

  113. Whats wrong with people choosing abortion,it's their life and they choose their ways of going,they'll look back at it at some point.

  114. Why didn't the cops do something about the noise partys and that's also something they should be doing because if local pedestrian say something the people avoid it but when a cops says something they take it more?

  115. Why did thy decide for this to happen? What was the cause for this decision?

  116. Did the NYPD think this through?
    How will this benefit people trying to sleep?

  117. Do you think people will take advantage of the fact that the cops can't tell them that their music is too loud?

  118. Will this cause other people who arent agreeing with this to take a stand and do something to even it out for both sides?

  119. why did the cops decide not to take action?

  120. Do you think police went to these parties too much and got tired of it ?

  121. How do you think that this rule will affect future generations? If this rule cannot be broken, will people take advantage? Or will the police eliminate the rule and keep the old one?

  122. Why did the police think this was that nessacary? Why did the police not take action when they had the chance to?
