After watching A Bronx Tale, make a list of 3 major lessons about life that you believe the director is teaching you.
Select one of the three major life lessons you listed. Then write a paragraph using three or more examples from the movie to explain in depth why this life lesson is important in the movie, in the world we live in, and to you.
Please post the above response on the blogspot. Type your name and your response. Do not write it on loose leaf!!!!
Lastly, for book clubs, please do the following:
- 8-421- from the WDM novels you selected in class, please read it from cover to cover. On loose leaf, identify and list three important themes or three similar themes from this novel that we discussed in A Bronx Tale. Explain what it means and its significance to the story by using three pieces of evidence from the text to justify your reasoning.
- 8-412 - please read the following short stories from WDM's 145th Street Short Stories: "Big Joe's Funeral", "The Fighter", "Monkeyman" and "Block Party- 145th Street Style". All page numbers are listed in the table of contents. On loose leaf, identify and list three new themes or three similar themes from these short stories that we discussed in A Bronx Tale. Explain what it means and its significance to the story by using three pieces of evidence from the text to justify your reasoning.
Life Lessons Based on "A Bronx Tale"
ReplyDelete1. Just because someone doesn't show their love for you it doesn't mean they don't love you.
2. Don't judge a book by its cover.
3. What goes around comes back around.
Three life lessons of "A Bronx Tale" are:
ReplyDelete1. Family always support each other no matter what the circumstances are.
2. Wasted talent is the saddest thing that could ever happen to you.
3. Just because you are strong, doesn't mean that you are tough.
"The family always support each other no matter what the circumstances are" one of the life lessons I think "A Bronx Tale" showed to the viewer, because in the movie, "C"'s father always supported him when the everything was going wrong for him. In the movie, his father tried to stop him from getting involved with Sonny because he knew that he would eventually would get in trouble for that one day. Even though "C" turned back on his father, he never gave up his hope that he would quit hanging around with Sonny.Lastly, if his father would give up on him, then probably "C" would not be the person he was at the end.
--Mubtasim Anjum 8-421
Three life lessons that can be learned in the movie “A Bronx Tale” are-
ReplyDelete1. The choices you make will shape your life forever.
2. Being loved and feared are two different things.
3. That the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. Calogero the main character in the movie also know as “C”, learned that the choices you make will shape your life forever. For example when the police officers were asking him who he saw with the gun he didn’t rat Sonny out and that changed his life. It made Sonny finally notice Calogero and start wanting him around. Another example is when “C” was stuck in the car with his friends and Sonny took him out. The choice that Sonny made saved Calogero’s life. Sonny was a big influence on “C”, he changed his life forever and it all started with Calogero doing a good thing for a bad man. This life lesson is alaso true in the world we life in. One little thing you do can affect your life forever. This is true for my life as well. The high school that I go to next year will change and shape my life either for the better of the worse.
Rayelle Gardner 8-412
Ehthesham Ahmed
The 3 major life lessons that the director is teaching me are: Lesson 1: Sometimes You Do Good Things for Bad People, Lesson 2: The Importance Of Family, Lesson 3: There's Nothing Sadder Than Wasted Talent.
I picked lesson 1 (Sometimes You Do Good Things for Bad People) as one of the major lessons. I picked it because in the movie when C doesn't rat on Sonny, he is saving his reputation. He is also saving his own life and his family’s life. There are times in life when you'll have to do things you know aren't right for the greater good. This is also important in the world we life it because this may happen a lot. It one happened in a show I saw called “Everybody Hates Chris” when a thug was running from the cops because he had weed. He gave it to Chris and he hid it and gave it to him later. He did something good for a bad person. Also in “The Godfather” movie when Vito was helping the bad guys. This lesson also applies in real life because I remember in 6th grade in this school, my friend and I used to get in trouble (that was a long time ago and I left it behind) and there was a kid in our class that always backs us up if we get caught. He’s not in the school anymore. Even in 7th grade, I turned out to be the one to back them up. Not that other kid because he left. I did something good by not ratting out my friends but it did it to someone that is bad or did something bad.
Three life lessons from “A Bronx Tale” are-
ReplyDelete1.“Bad things happen to good people”
2.“The things you do in life will shape your life forever”
3.“Except people for who they are”
The lesson that I really thought was important was “The things you do in life will shape your life forever” For example when “C” was told by the police officers to tell them who was holding the gun he did not say that it was Sonny. If “C” would have said it was Sonny then things would have turned out very differently like they would have never been close friends. The choice that Sonny made to take “C” out of the car changed “C”s life because if he would have not taken him out of the car then “C” would have died with the rest of his friends. I think that the choices that you make will shape your life because if you do something it could affect your life in the future. I think that this goes with my life as well because everything I do in my life could change my life in the future
-Jose Lopez 8-421
Three life lessons learned from "A Bronx Tale" :
ReplyDelete1)"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent".
2)"The choices that you make will shape your life forever".
3)"Give love and get love unconditionally".
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent". Not only is this theme important in "A Bronx Tale", but it is also an important life lesson that everyone should remember in the real world. As it was said in the movie, you can have all the talent in the world, and not know how to use it. Or not want to use it. Sonny was always tell "C" to stay in school, and be successful. That way, "C" would have two educations, one from school, and one from the streets. Calogero's friends are a good example of "wasted talent". Evidence in the movie shows that they did not care about school, and would rather create chaos in the streets. This life lesson is also important for me because I decide what I want to do with my life, and I want to take advantage of the talent that I was given. Years later, I would not like to mourn over the talent that I wasted by slacking off.
By Karla Hernandez 8 - 421
Tatiana Iglesias 8-421
ReplyDelete"And choices we make will shape our life forever" is an important lesson because what you do in the past will stay with you forever and people on mark or judge based on the past not present or future. In the movie "Bronx Tale" ,Sonny was know for certain and a couple of things when he meant business he meant it so people had feared him letting nothing get in his way. In the real world for a example a "Criminal" like a robber there minds can't be trusted because we don't know how they work but robbers are always stealing so now one trusts them they have "sticky fingers" so people have to high alert or aware of there belongings. For me since a child I hated being messy my things were always organized so since then I been called a neat freak and I still am called a neat freak
Three Life lessons from "A Bronx Tale"
ReplyDelete1."The thing you do in life will shape your life forever"
2."There is a difference from being loved and being feared"
3." The worst thing in life is waited talent"
The lesson I think is most important is the thing you do in life will shape your life forever because in the beginning of the movie C had a bunch of men to chose from to help the cops determine who committed the murder, but when he got up to Sonny he looked at his father and reluctantly said no to the cops. Also in " Spongebob Squarepants" Spongebob did the opposite of what C did and told on the tattletale strangler for committing a littering crime. C and his father never knew that C would be hanging out with Sonny and all of Sonny's boys from that day forward. In fact during the ending of the movie Sonny ended up saving C's life, but C wasn't able to do the same thing for Sonny. This can affect anybody because any decision you make in life can come back to you later on in life
ReplyDelete1)Don't judge a book by it's cover
ReplyDelete2)Saddest thing in life is wasted talent
3)The chocies you make will shape your life forever
"The chocies you make will shape your life forever". This is a important lesson because what you do makes you the person you are today. Like in the film "C" saw that Sunny had shot the guy and when police asked him which guy was it C did not rat him out or snitch so he was known around the town. C was trusted by one of the powerfulest men in the town when he was trusted it made him look big. Also when Sunny told C to get out the car when he was with his friends. That was a good choice because if C was with them he would of pasted away. I think thats why you should make the right choice in life.
By:Brianna Hernandez -8-421
Three Life Lessons from the Movie "A Bronx Tale"
ReplyDelete1)"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent"
2)"The choices that you make will shape your life forever"
3)"To accept people who what they are"
From all the important life lesson I chosen " the choices that you make will shape your life forever." Calogero know as "C" he had to tell which men had a gun in his hand because he committed murder. But C didn't rat Sonny out and it changed C's life completely. It made everyone treat C better. The choice what C did is going out with Jane made him brave. It made him not care what other people think of him. When Sonny took C out of his friend's car saved C's life. That made C thank full of what Sonny did for the rest of C's life. What choices we make if it was excellent or wrong. It will be there for the rest of our life's. We have to make positive choices. Even tough sometimes you cannot but it is all right, we are humans and we make mistakes. This will help me in my life like making sure what choices I make because it will affect me in my further life.
By: Lizeth Garcia 8-421
Corey Angel Almnte THE GREAT and 8-421
ReplyDeleteThree life lessons from a "Bronx Tale":
1. What comes around goes around. For example,when Sunny shot the man over a parking space in the beginning of the movie, in the end of the movie Sunny was killed by the son of that man.
2. There is a difference from being loved and being feared. For example, at Sunny's funeral no one cared about the death of their boss, whom was Sunny. That demonstrates that there is a difference between being feared and being loved.
3. He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. For example, Sunny convinced Colodro to get out of the car before his friends tried to burn black people in a store.
I think the most important lesson about life that was suggested in the movie is "He who walks with a wise man will become wise, but the companions of fools will suffer harm." Like when Sunny took Colodro out the car before his friends were going to take him to kill all the black people at the store. Sunny the wise man convinced Colodro to walk with him(thus preventing his death) instead of becoming a companion with fools who will be harmed.(friends burned to death).Also when Colodro decided not to attack the black people on the bikes but instead help them. Without Sunny Colodro would have probaly hurted them, but Sunny(the wise man) taught him to follow his heart. Colodro's father(the wise man) told him to stay away from the bar where all the bad people hunged out, but instead Colodro followed his companions (the bar people) to the bar. In this world you cannot follow a fool who knows nothing about business, but follow a wise man who knows everything about business. The life lesson is important to me because i would not like to hang around fools who skip school but follow a wise and smart teacher who i could follow and become smart and wise too.
The 3 life lessons is A Bronx Tale were,
ReplyDelete1. "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent"
2."Sometimes you do good things for bad people"
3."The choices you make in life will shape your life forever"
The quote that I chose was"the choices that you make in life will shape your life forever".The character Calogero ( also known as "C") life was changed entirely , throughout the story. Throughout the story Calogero has learned this life lesson.As a little boy Calogero's "idol" was a man named Sony.Sony once commited a murder and Calogero was there to see the entire thing. Calogero was shocked to see what Sony had done. C was asked by the cops to point out the person that did it and he never ratted out Sony. The small decision of not ratting Sony out , changed C's life forever. His decision got him aknowledged by Sony more. Sony had Calogero's back no matter what.Calogero's decision also falls into another quote which is "sometimes you do good things for bad people". The outcome of C's life would have been different if he would have told on Sony. C's life was also changed in another way as well. Sony pulled C out of a car, because he knew that that wasnt the right place for him to be. If Sony had not saved C, then C would have been dead. Once in a TV show there was a woman in the same position as C. She had to tell on who killed a innocent victim. She told who did it and her life was affected. Her life was affected because now that she has told, she had to be on the lookout for someone being after her. In my daily life my decisions will shape my life forever in either a good way or bad way, based on my actions.
By:Zhane Mendez
Natasha Ospina 8-421
ReplyDeleteThree life lessons learned from "A Bronx Tale"
1)"Give love and get love unconditionally"
2)"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent"
3)"The choices that you make will sharp your life forever"
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent". I think this the most important lesson in "The Bronx Tale".This is also the theme of the movie.This lesson is important in the movie becuase how Sonny told "C" that the only way he could be successful is going to school. Like that "C" he could have two educations which is from the streets and from school. You could be very talented,but not have an idea of how to use it wisely.An example of "wasted talent" are "C" friends becuase they did not know how to use the talented they were given, instead they were making damages physically, like to people places. "C" were creating a whole chaos. This life lesson from "The Bronx Tale" is also important to me because it teach me that to use the talent I have been given, and to use it wisely. To always be in school and learn from it something new every day. This lesson is important in the world we live in becuase every body should use their talent, a gift they have and to hold on to it and make it worth during your life.
A Bronx Tale 3 Lessons
ReplyDelete1) Be Thankful.
2) As said in the movie, "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent"
3) Also, as said in the movie, "Give love and get love unconditionally."
From the movie, a Bronx Tale I chose the life lesson, "Be thankful." I chose be thankful because in the movie, See was in the car with his friends who were up to no good, then Sonny stops the car and takes See out of the car and smacks one of See's dumb friends. See's friends end up passing away in the car when one of the kids from the neighborhood threw a bottle of liquor that was fired up at the car that caused it to burn. See was thankful that Sonny had saved his life.
-Jordis Hernandez
the 3 life lessons i learned form the movie "The Brown Tale"
ReplyDelete1) "the saddest thing in life is wasted talent"
2)"the choices that you make will shape your life forever"
3)"to accept people for what they are"
"To accept people for what they are" these are the words of Calogero from the movie "The Bronx Tale" "C" as people call him has learned this the hard way. "C" is Italian and the Italians didn't like colored people. One day while on the bus with his dad "C" saw a girl that caught his interest but she was colored. A few days after that he saw her again at his school he wanted a chance to talk to her but not around his friends. Then while leaving school she was alone so he told his friends he had to stay back that he would see them later. When his friends left he went out to talk to her. Her name was Jane he walked with her until she saw her house he couldn't walk her all the way because he was scared. They had made plans to go out the next day. That same day a few colored people passed by in bikes through C's neighborhood one of C's friends got mad and started beating up the boys then everybody but c jumped in C didn't want to hurt them. C's friend told him to come and help them he held one of the boys and told him "Stay down I don't want to hurt you." The next day while C was going to pick up Jane he saw her coming out of a car she seemed mad. She came up and told him
"my brother came with me he got jumped by some Italians yesterday were you there?" C responded
" No I wasn't there i swear." Then Jane's brother came out the car
"That's him he is the one that did this to me."
"I tried to help you man i didn't hurt you i didn't lay my hand on you." C responded Jane was furious then she said
" You lied you told me you weren't there" Jane then left with her brother the next day C's friends were planning to set fire on the neighborhood C's friend told him to come with them C went along but then Sonny pulled C out of the car. When c returned he had found out that Jane was looking for him. He went running after her. Jane brother confessed that he wasn't the one that hurt him and she came to apologize. Then C remembered what his friends were about to do so he garbed Jane and took her home by the time he got there multiple buildings were on fire. He also saw the car that his friends were burned all of C's friends had died that day. After that C learned to accept people for what they were as in what ever race they were what ever skin tone they had. This is important in the world we live in and it's important to me because i won't care what skin tone they are where they come from whats there race or name i will just accept them for being themselves. And maybe there wont be as much conflict as there was in the movie.
Perla Villanueva 8-421
JonCarlos Castellanos . Class: 8-421.
ReplyDeleteThe "Bronx Tale" Lessons
1) What comes around goes around.
2) Saddest thing in life, is wasted talent.
3) The choices you make can end up shaping your life later on.
I think the life lesson , " What comes around goes around " is very important in the movie for many reasons. One of the details that show that lesson is important is in the beginning of the movie. Sonny kills a man and later in the movie the son of the man Sonny killed, comes back to kill him execution style. C's friends are racist and dislike black people. They come up with a plan to try to kill some African-American people in a store, and when they throw the bottles with fire, one of the guys in the store, throws one back at the car they were in and C's friends all burn to death. Also, when C's friends jump a young black man , he gets beat up badly but C never hit him. That was a good thing. The young black man ended being the brother of the girl C had a crush on. At first, the boy told his sister that C had been apart of the assault which wasn't true. But then since C did something good, the young black boy returned the favor and told his sister he was lieing. Then, she still liked C. That lesson is important in the world we live in because if someone does something good to someone else. Something good should happen to the person who did well. That also goes with someone who does something bad. That lesson, is important to me because it reminds me that I should not do nothing bad to someone or something because something bad can also happen to me and I will not like it. Also, it helps me know I should do good things because somehow something good will happen to me.
Daisy Lazo
ReplyDelete1. wasted talnt is the worst hing in life
2. sometimes you do good things for bad people
3. the choices u make can change your life for ever
A Bronx Tale
ReplyDelete• One major life lesson I believe the director is telling me is to listen to people who have more experience than you.
• Another is that some people just do not care.
• Another is that every choice you make can shape your life forever.
Every choice you make can shape your life forever. One detail that shows evidence from the movie is when Jane brought her brother this is an example because when her brother said that Cologero beat him up that effected Jane and Cologero’s relationship by obliterating it and lying about Cologero attacking him.
Another detail that supports evidence is when Cologero went his friends and Sonny told Cologero exit the car. If Cologero didn’t get out of the car he would have died in the car explosion when the man threw the cocktail at the car.
By:Michael Shaker