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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Project Based Homework 4.2.12.

Hello All,

This is just a reminder that you must complete the following:

***All tasks 1,2,4,5 (use plenty of cited details in your essays)
***Read a nonfiction book for 40 minutes per day. In addition, use strategies to help you as you read and use context clues to help you find the meaning of the word.
***Complete all Acuity assignments online to help you prepare for the state test.
***Please visit http://www.edinformatics.com/testing/ny.htm to practice the NYS ELA/MATH sample state tests. These tests are from previous years. Find your grade and select a year (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010).

As of next week, we will be focusing on test prep strategies for short and extended response writing and poetry in test prep. Please be prepared to work hard! Take every strategy I show you and practice it with diligence! YOU WILL PASS!!!!!!! However, it all depends on you!

What does this mean for the task bundles you may ask? You will be responsible to complete all of the tasks on your own, except for the FINAL TASK. If you do need help with the structure of the essays and the writing strategies I taught you (i.e. Hook-3-T, T-E-C and CA-R1-R2 and "The Bottom Line" method), please see me during lunch or request to come during 421 AIS on Tuesday (6th period) or Friday (4th period). Class 424 you can request to come during 424 AIS on Thursday (2nd period). Please understand that I cannot take the entire class, only those students who are truly struggling and are extremely behind with their tasks will be allowed to stay for AIS.

Enjoy your week!! : )

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Project Based Homework 3.26.12

Hello All,

This is just a friendly reminder to all of you who have been diligently working on your Tasks for the Bundles in class. Please remember that you will have to complete all of the tasks in order to not have your grade remain as a zero on Skedula. Read the feedback that I have provided for you in your portfolio on the post-it.

421- Redo or begin your counter arguments using the CA-R1-R2 graphic organizer I provided in class early this week. If you don't have it is your responsibility to ask for one or email me for an attachment. I will teach you how to write a professional closing conclusion paragraph next week.

424- Please write the first introductory paragraph for your Final Task using the Hook-3-T method that I taught you in class.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PBH Bundle Unit Due on Different Dates

All students must have Task 2 (Note Taking) completed by tomorrow morning using the two articles noted in the instructions. Due 3.15.12

Task 4 will be due on 3.19.12. You must read the article in order to compose the essay.

Task 5 will be due on 3.16.12.  You will watch three short videos and take notes during class on the lined paper that I will hand out to you.

Class 421 only, will have the final task typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced with an introduction using the Hook-3-T method, detailed body paragraphs containing two arguments and two counterarguments (with actual factual evidence :) )and a conclusion. Please note that your evidence should be stated as, According to a newspaper article by Perkel (2010), he claims that, " (state the articles claim or evidence within the quotes word for word).

If it's a website with an unknown author, According to a sports website, ESPN (2009), it claims that, "...."

If you are having trouble citing your sources within the body paragraphs, please email me and I will HELP YOU at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

Lastly, make sure that all of the evidence you mention in the body paragraphs is commented on how it supports your claim stated in your thesis.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reminder # 2

Hello All,

Please note that the following will be due on Monday and there are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS or EXTENSIONS!!!

421 - The group of 10 students must submit their first draft of the argument/counterargument essay on Monday. The following website you may use as your tutorial to write this essay: http://www.shoreline.edu/doldham/101/html/what%20is%20a%20c-a.htm. Please either click on this link or copy and paste it to your URL address box.

The remainder of the class must submit TASK 1 on Monday. Tatiana and Shavanni please email me since you were doing community service during 8th period.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me.

418 - Task One must be completed. Although you may not have the worksheet, you must still think of ideas and facts that you would like to add to your essay. Be prepared to use these facts on Monday during 6th and 8th period.

For ALL students, please scroll down to see what I have posted earlier this week!

Have a BLESSED weekend! : )

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project Based Homework 3.12.12


As mentioned in class, all I need you all to do is the following:

1. Choose a position to defend. Decided whether you think sports is good or bad for kids.

2. Find articles that supports your position about sports being good or bad for kids.

3. Find articles that counterargue your claim. For example, if I say that sports are good for kids because it helps in the fight of childhood obesity. I may want to also find articles that go against that. For example, I may find articles that claim that obese children who participate in sports may face ridicule and made fun of by their healthy and fit teammates. As a result they become isolated and depressed.

Once again find SPECIFIC NOT RANDOM articles related to your position. If you need assistance, please email me.

Remember that the last day to return the CPR permission slips and cash or money order made payable to PS 127 is 3.19.12.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hello All,

Please remember to do the following:

1. Bring in the $15 and permission slip 8 a.m. sharp Monday morning and wear your gym or school uniform with sneakers. These are school rules!

2. Class 421 you have three permission slips. The only one that I will collect at a later time will be the CPR slips. The trip permission slip, money and the other permission slip I gave you on Thursday is due on Monday.

3. I am revising your online research. You will print and search for three articles that discuss whether or not sports is good or bad for kids. These articles should consist of the following:
  • it should have an author's name
  • the date the article was published
  • should be retrieved (taken from) a valid resource such as ESPN for kids, a sports articles website but not from wikipedia where the information is or has been altered by random individuals
  • articles should be longer than one page
  • articles should have sources cited at the end of the page to let the reader know where the author received his/her information for their article
These are just a few of the main criteria to look for in order to keep you focused and your articles legit.

Please note that if you cannot print the articles, please copy and paste the internet article onto a MS Word document sheet and save it onto your flash drive to be printed at school or your nearest library. I encourage all of you to use your library or a friends house. It saves us a lot of class time if you have it printed and ready when we begin class next week.

Enjoy your weekend! : )