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Monday, December 3, 2012

PBH Due 12.10.12


Learning stations will continue for the next two days. Please work efficiently within the timeframe given to you. All the information I am exposing you to will be helpful at the end of this unit when you write your Argumentative Essays.

Assignment for both classes:

You will create a two-three minute home video instructing teen athletes how to prevent sports injuries.
Your video must include:
  • Sports equipment or vivid drawings or google images of equipment needed for that particular sport.
  • At least 5 major medical injuries that are associated with the sport you are discussing (you will need to do research online to find the actual medical names). Explain what these are and the long term and short damages it can create.
  • The do's and don'ts (techniques) before, during and after practice (please demonstrate)
  • You can also use powerpoint to explain what I listed above.
  • You can work in groups of 2 or 3 as long as the work is shared equally among all of you. One person should not do all of the work and all of the talking. Please use the example video I showed you in class as your guide.
Reminder for both classes:
  • Bring a student made holiday card for sailors by Thursday
  • SAT Quiz # 4 postponed until next week. Date TBA.
  • Study most recent words. There are a couple of words from the second cycle of words that I didn't give you on the second quiz.
  • Bring in a donation (i.e. canned food or clothing) for the Hurricane Sandy victims. Ms. Forese will be collecting it in Rm 422.
Class 421 - Make sure your ABrT clothing for Monday is neat, pressed and together. Be on time and come to school dressed in your dance attire that morning.

If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 to assist you with other subject areas.

Take Care! : )

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