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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reminder to 401 & 421

Hello All,

Special Reminder to 421
  • Please bring your children's books for the SCO children. The ages are from 1-4 years old. You should bring 2-3 books.
  • Please bring the party food that you all said you would bring for the SCO kids. Cupcakes, brownies, box juices with the straw attached, chips and cookies would be great for the little kids too.
  • Please bring your own lunch. The party food you bring is only for the kids.
  • Please don't disappoint the kids of the SCO or me by not bringing in the supplies that are needed. We are depending on you.
  • Tomorrow is dress down day according to Mr. Calderon. It was announced during dismal/extended day.

Special Reminder to both classes:
  • Since I didn't see most of you today, please bring in all missing or redo work on Friday, December 21, 2012. Please don't disappoint yourself. Your grade depends on it!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

PBH Due 1.2.13

Hi All!

1. Complete Vacation Packet.

2. Hand in all redo and missing assignments typed or handwritten by 12.20.12. This is my gift to you to boost your grade.  No work will be accepted after that date!

3. Don't wait until the clock strikes midnight and the nation is ringing in the New Year to start your homework. Begin it early so that you can enjoy your time off.

4. Enjoy your vacation with family and friends, relax and be safe! : )

If you have any questions, please email me M-F by 7pm. You will NOT be able to call Dial-A-Teacher during vacation. Please scroll to other blog postings for the number if you need assistance this week.

Take Care!

Miss. N : )

Monday, December 10, 2012

PBH Due 12.17.12

Hello All,

Classes 401 & 421:

Please note that the marking period will conclude on January 4th 2013, however, the last day I am collecting any work (late or missing) is Thursday, December 20, 2012. For those of you who would like to boost your grade, I am extending an offer to REDO any work that you have done during this marking period  for a higher grade. I prefer that you select writing pieces, however, if you are not sure, you must look through your reading/writing folder and SKEDULA and email or ask me if your selection is ok.

Please come prepared to show your "How to prevent Sports Injuries" home videos Tuesday, 12.11.12. (Yes, 421 we may not be going to Trade Fair tomorrow so both classes COME PREPARED)

Please create a list of 3 ways how sports progams in schools helps students emotionally (3 ways), academically (3 ways), physically (3 ways) and socially (3 ways),  for a total of 12 reasons.

Please create a list of 3 ways how sports progams in schools does not help students emotionally (3 ways),  academically (3 ways), physically (3 ways) and socially (3 ways),  for a total of 12 reasons.

You will have to do research online (i.e. news websites, journal articles, etc), at the library, watch a television documentary or ESPN, ask a coach or a student who plays the sport, etc. You must use reliable sources as evidence/examples.

SAT Quiz # 4 Friday, December 14, 2012. Words to know: flamboyant, stave, insiduous, inducted, dapper, plethora, astute, immaculate.

Reminder to class 421:
  • Recycling Donations due Wednesday! Ask your class elected spokespersons for details.
  • Girls: Bring in the leotards tomorrow. Most, if not all of you, promised to wash and return it the day after. If you are in the competition, please wash it and wear it to the studio, along with the skirt, green band and rose. Your ABrT attire that you wore for the culminating event will be the same for this Wednesay's competition.
  • If you are participating in the competition, we need to discuss your transportation for that evening. I'm in the throes of calling parents this evening to confirm your travels. Please don't disappoint your teammates by leaving your house late or arriving to the studio late. 
  • Address of the Dancing Classrooms Studio is 25West 31st Street, 4th floor NY, NY 10001. Phone: 212.244.9442 and the Fax: 212.244.9299, Time: 4:30-6:30. How to get there by train: Manhattan bound #7 train to Queens boro Plaza then take the Manhattan bound N train @ Queensboro Plaza to 28th Street and walk 3 blocks to 31st Street.  ABSOLUTELY NO LATE ARRIVALS. EVERY SCHOOL STARTS THE COMPETITION TOGETHER!
If you need help, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3800.

Miss. N : )

Monday, December 3, 2012

PBH Due 12.10.12


Learning stations will continue for the next two days. Please work efficiently within the timeframe given to you. All the information I am exposing you to will be helpful at the end of this unit when you write your Argumentative Essays.

Assignment for both classes:

You will create a two-three minute home video instructing teen athletes how to prevent sports injuries.
Your video must include:
  • Sports equipment or vivid drawings or google images of equipment needed for that particular sport.
  • At least 5 major medical injuries that are associated with the sport you are discussing (you will need to do research online to find the actual medical names). Explain what these are and the long term and short damages it can create.
  • The do's and don'ts (techniques) before, during and after practice (please demonstrate)
  • You can also use powerpoint to explain what I listed above.
  • You can work in groups of 2 or 3 as long as the work is shared equally among all of you. One person should not do all of the work and all of the talking. Please use the example video I showed you in class as your guide.
Reminder for both classes:
  • Bring a student made holiday card for sailors by Thursday
  • SAT Quiz # 4 postponed until next week. Date TBA.
  • Study most recent words. There are a couple of words from the second cycle of words that I didn't give you on the second quiz.
  • Bring in a donation (i.e. canned food or clothing) for the Hurricane Sandy victims. Ms. Forese will be collecting it in Rm 422.
Class 421 - Make sure your ABrT clothing for Monday is neat, pressed and together. Be on time and come to school dressed in your dance attire that morning.

If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 to assist you with other subject areas.

Take Care! : )

Monday, November 26, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 12.3.12


I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Please do the following:

Reminder for this week 11.26.12-11.30.12:

421: Your word wall word is due on Wednesday (11.28.12). It should be a word that comes from the book you are reading independently, NOT THE SAT WORDS I GAVE YOU IN CLASS ON THE SMART BOARD!! Also remember that you will need to bring in your ABrT clothing on the days I mentioned in the previous blog.

401: Your word wall word is due on Thursday (11.29.12). It should be a word that comes from the book you are reading independently, NOT THE SAT WORDS I GAVE YOU IN CLASS ON THE SMART BOARD!! I changed your date for BR # 2 again which will be due on 12.3.12. Take the outline from me tomorrow 11.27.12.

***Both Classes***
SAT Vocabulary Quiz Thursday 11.29.12. Study all of the words and prepare for the vocabulary games on Wednesday.

SAT Words you need to know for Thursday's Quiz: adamant, intricate, dilapidated, ameliorate, exacerbate, belligerent. STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! : )

Please remember we all (421/401) need to help others. Ms. Willis' class is collecting Holiday cards for sailors overseas. They sacrifice themselves for the good of our country so let's sacrifice our personal time to create a holiday card for them. Please read her flyers that are posted on the walls to find out what materials you should use or ask Ms. Willis.

PBH Due 12.3.12:

Please research online and:
  • Print ONE article that supports sports programs in schools. Type into the search engine (google or bing)  "benefits of sports programs in schools" click on a link and read the article.
  • Print ONE article that supports why sports programs should not be in schools. Type into the search engine (google or bing)  "problems of sports programs in schools"click on a link and read the article.
  • Please make sure to read the article before printing so you will know if it is worth printing, of interest to you and others and how many pages long. For example, you don't want to waste your ink by printing something that has 10 or more pages and has advertisements. However, it is up to you.
  • The reason you need to print these articles early is so that you will have a repertoire (wide selection of resources) of articles to choose from once you choose you whether you are FOR or AGAINST sports programs in schools.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday-Friday no later than 7pm. If you cannot print at home you can come up with a pass during lunch on Tuesdays for 8-421 and Wednesdays for class 8-401 and print from my computer. If your parents allow you to go to the library with your card, please print it there. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 11.26.12

Hello All,

Both Classes please do the following:

  • Complete WDM Wisdom Paper Intro, Body Paragraphs and Conclusion. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced.
  • Go to the library and find a WDM book of your choice to read for BR # 3. The titles with stars next to it are my recommendations.
  • Study the SAT vocab words. Your next quiz will be next week.
401 Reminder
  • I know you have not received the outline from me as yet, however your BR # 2 will be due 11.30.12. Once again you should have already read a play, whether it be "Novio Boy" or some other play of your choice.
421 Reminder
  • Make sure all of you who said you will volunteer and bring cardboard boxes, create flyers, advertisments and costumes bring it in immediately.  It has been reported by one of your classmates that students in 5th-7th grade don't know about this project. I WONDER WHY???????
  • Your ABrT culminating event will be on December 10th or 12th. I believe the date was changed.
  • On Tuesday, the girls will need to bring in an A-line cut knee-length skirt, black flat or one inch heel shoes and black tights. I will provide the green leotards, however, I only need to know your shirt sizes.
  • On Wednesday, the boys will bring in: a white button down long sleeve shirt, black dress pants/slacks, black dress shoes, black belt and black socks. If you don't have this formal attire, please make sure you let your parents know before BLACK FRIDAY! Hint! Hint! Nudge! Nudge!
  • I want us to have an early start for dress rehearsal, so if you need to buy anything you will not wait until the last minute.
If you have any questions, please email me and enjoy your GOBBLE GOBBLE day and weekend!

Miss. N : )


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 11.19.12

Hello All,

It was nice seeing you during the parent/teacher meeting.

Class 8-421 please do the following:
  • Overlook Reflection Due 11.14.12 Must be typed 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced.
  • Complete PLHH flyers and other advertisements for recycling project.
Both classes please do the following:
  • Setting Class 421 Book Review # 2 due 11.19.12 and Class 401 BR # 2 is due 11.26.12. You should have already read a play by now...you have had over three weeks to read one. If you have not received the outline, it does not prevent you from reading a play. If you want to use "Novio Boy" from 7th grade, you may do so. Please use the outline I provided in class.
  • WDM Wisdom Paper 1st draft of an engaging introductory paragraph is due on 11.19.12. Please follow the format that I will show you in class later this week.
  • Please make sure that you have a library card because you will need to go to the library to select WDM novels that I will recommend to you for your third book review.
  • Please return any contracts or forms that were given to you during parent/teacher meeting by tomorrow.
  • Please note that this is a new marking period. Thank you to those students who have read the parent letter and had their homeworks signed by their parent. Once again ALL PBH and tests must be signed by your parent/guardian.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Mon-Fri by 7pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher for help in all subject areas M-F (4-7pm) @ 212.777.3380.

Miss. N : )

Friday, November 9, 2012

PBH Revised Due 11.13.12

Hello All,

There is a slight revision to the homework. It is as follows:

Class 421
1. Book Review # 2 is due on 11.19.12.
2. Respond in your journal to the following question(s): How are the life lessons that Calogero
mentioned in the movie significant to you in your life? Provide examples from the movie, books you have read, the world around you and/or personal experiences.

Class 401
1. Complete Character Analysis Chart.
2. Book Review # 2 Outline will be provided next week. It is not due on Tuesday, 11.13.12

Both Classes
1. WDM essay is NOT DUE 11.13.12
2. Return Parent Teacher Conference slips on 11.13.12

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Miss. N : )

Monday, November 5, 2012

PBH Due 11.12.12

Hello All,

I hope all of you are well and safe! If not, I pray things will get better for you and your family.

Class 8-421
1. Please write a reflection about your experience cleaning Overlook Park. Please write this in two pages max.  I do not have an outline for this, it is a free write, however, future reflection papers will have outlines.

2. All those who volunteered to create flyers, media advertisements (incl. rap, infomercials) and mascot costumes, please have this ready by Wednesday. The mascot costumes can be ready by Monday, November 12, 2012, however, please select who will be wearing which costumes so that you are not laboring in vain. Our tiniest students of 421 are preferable, however, a tall person could be a tall bottle of water. Just giving hints. : )

3. First Draft of WDM Wisdom paper (only the intro and 1st, 2nd and 3rd body paragraph) due on Monday, 11.12.12. I will show you how to write a collegial intro and body paragraphs in class this week...hopefully.

4. I will let you know when your PBL proposal letters are due.

Class 8-401
1. First Draft of WDM Wisdom paper (only the intro and 1st body paragraph) due on Monday, 11.12.12. I will show you how to write a collegial intro and body paragraph in class this week...hopefully.

Both classes:

1. Please complete the character analysis chart worksheet, you will need it to help you write your paper. All of you will see why I have asked you to do all of these "questionable' assignments for homework and classwork since September.

2. All movie permission slips are due on Wednesday, 11.7.12.

3. I will provide Book Review # 2 Setting Outline when copies are placed inside my mailbox.

If you have any questions, please email me!

Miss. N : )

Monday, October 22, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.29.12

Hello All,

This week we will be discussing stereotypes in our society and in literature. Please be prepared with your online cultural stereotype research of your articles this week of 10.22.12.

Class 421 ONLY

You will be starting your journey in Project Based Learning Independent Study Research. From now on, your PBH assignments will begin to take on this format. Your assignments will be due every 8 weeks, however, a lot of research and contacting important places and people will have to be conducted. We will have periodic meeting points where I will meet with you either via email or one-on-one conferences to check your progress. The meeting dates will be updated and posted on the center bulletin board inside the classroom. It is the board that has ideas written on sentence strips protruding from the board.

The first assignment is for you to create a brainstorm list of ideas that you would like to research and develop. Please keep in mind that you are not doing this just for show or a grade (which you will receive) but for your idea to become a reality. For example, if you wanted to create an invention for senior citizens or for students in school that would make life easier, cost effective and save time your purpose would be to sell the idea to Bill Gates or the Apple Company. You must think with the end in mind. As you begin to brainstorm, have someone and/or some place where you know your idea will be considered or possibly bought. Trust me it can happen! You just have to know where to search and who to send it to if you cannot reach the top person in charge. Do not lose hope, it will eventually make its way to the top.

Please take this assignment seriously. After you have found out what you want to research, your purpose for this interest and who it will be sent to (it must be a legitimate address), then you will have to write a proposal letter including the information I just stated.

The first portion will be a graphic organizer web with the PBL interest in the middle and the ideas that branch out of it. This is due October 29, 2012.

The second portion will be the proposal letter. The letter will be due the following Monday, November 5, 2012

Class 421 and 401

Walter Dean Myers Book Clubs

1. Please take out your library cards because all of you will need to take out a WDM book from the library. I already have the reading support questions for this assignment prepared. Please note that you CANNOT use any of the assigned book club or in class WDM readings for your second book review that is due on November 5, 2012. You are required to read a play. The outline will be given to you sometime this week. This reading will be done independently at home unless I tell you to bring it to school. I will provide you with a list of students who will be reading certain WDM books.

Class 421 and 401

2. To continue our exploration of stereotypes you will write a poem about the negative stereotypes associated with your culture.

Your poem only needs to be two stanzas and four or more lines in each stanza. Please keep it somewhat short but it should not be too short.

The first stanza should have a creative way to describe the negative stereotypes said about your culture.

The second stanza should have a creative way to describe how you are above these negative stereotypes, how you or people you know have overcome these stereotypes (i.e. Martin Luther King Jr.), and/or how your life experiences does not fit the negative "label" society has placed on your ethnicity.

Lastly, there should be a "catchy" creative title and it should be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and since it is a poem it does not need to be double spaced unless you feel that it adds to the interpretation of the poem!

I will show you a sample of the poem before Friday.

As always if you have any questions, please email me Monday through Friday before 7 pm.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.22.12

Hello All,

In the previous homework, I asked you to answer questions based on the stereotypes associated with your race. Since I will be starting Fontas and Pinnell Reading Assessments this week, you delve a little deeper into the study of stereotypes and its relation to characterization. Instead of writing an essay for this project based homework, you will do research online and brief interviews from family members. Although I will be approaching this assignment differently for classes 421 and 401, the research will be for both classes.

Please do the following:
  • Think about your race and ethnic background. What stereotypes or "labels" are associated with your culture?
  • Visit the following website to find out more:
  • http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-racial-stereotypes.php (print this for class on Monday)
  • Type into the search engine your race or ethnic background and print out the stereotypes associated with your specific race. For example you would type, "negative stereotypes of Filipinos" or "negative stereotypes of African Americans".  Please be very specific in your search especially if you are from a particular country or island. Print the website that offers a lot of information about the stereotypes of your race. You will only need one article to bring to class in addition to the TOP 10 racial stereotypes.
  • Ask your family about the negative stereotypes of your race and culture.
Once you have printed the TWO articles, underline/highlight and mark with a check mark the statements you already knew about the stereotypes of your race, mark with an "I" what you find interesting and lastly mark with an "M" those statements you would like to know more about.

Word Wall Word due 10.19. 12

Book Review due 10.22.12. You must use the outline I provided in class.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.15.12

Hello All,

I would like to point out that you must make sure that your PBH is printed and inside the mailbox the day it is due. Please don't give me excuses on the due date why you don't have it. I made it clear on day one that if you don't have a printer, it's out of ink or not working to go to a library, come upstairs during lunch (only days before it is due) or go to a friends home who has a working printer. That is why I say do not wait until the last minute. It is good for those of you who you save it on your flashdrive and send it to your email because now you have back ups. However, it must be printed and inside the mailbox. Make sure you check your flash drive to make sure you have saved it correctly. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!!!! The only acceptable excuse is if you are sick and it is accompanied by a doctor's note stating why you were absent.

To prepare you for what I will be teaching next week, both classes will answer the same questions in essay format, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced and proper heading.

In connection to "Thinking outside the Box" with Walter Dean Myers literature, please answer the following questions using three details from prior knowledge as supporting evidence for your claims.

1. What are the stereotypes associated with your race?

2. Where do you think these stereotypes originated or came from? Explain why. Please think outside the box.

3. Do you believe that everyone in your race fits under this stereotype category? Explain why.

4. Why do you think these stereotypes still exist today?

421 - Journal response due tomorrow, 10.10.12. You copied the question from the SMART board so answer it in essay format.

421 and 401
  • Open book test on "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" this Friday, 10.12.12.
  • Word Wall - Vocabulary word of your choice from your independent reading book is due on 10.19.12. Please complete and take one graphic organizer I showed you in class.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.9.12

Hello All,

This homework assignment will be different for each class. Only do what your class number tells you to do.

A. Class 8-421, please do the following...

To continue our exploration of Walter Dean Myers, in a full, typed, 12 font, Times New Romans, doubled spaced essay, you will explain the following questions using your prior knowledge and personal experience:

I. How does culture and environment (in which you live) influence who you are as an individual? Basically, think about how you were raised, your culture, close family and friends, school, religion, neighborhood, etc. has shaped you into the person you are today. Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.

II. How does culture and environment influence what author's write about? Think about what books you have read in the past and what evidence of cultures (i.e. Hispanic/African American) and the environment (i.e. discrimination, stereotypes) are described in the books of your favorite author(s). Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.

III. How does culture and environment influence the media in terms of what is produced in magazines, billboards, television, movies, the web, newspapers, your community,etc.? Think about how some of what you see around you (violence, discrimination, cultural stereotypes, etc.) is reflected in the media and entertainment. Provide 3 or more detailed examples. Explain why for each.
This essay must include an engaging introduction and a strong and clever conclusion.

B. Class 8-401, please do the following...

To continue our exploration Walter Dean Myers, in a full, typed, 12 font, Times New Romans, doubled spaced essay, you will explain the following questions using your prior knowledge and personal experience:

1. Choose a movie, sitcom or television series you watch on a regular basis.

2. Identify the main character and list the character traits of that character.

3. Explain how the writer of the movie, sitcom or television series reveals direct and/or indirect characterization through the personality and qualities of the character. Include in your essay 3 specific examples from the movie, sitcom or television series.

8-401 Hint: Each number above should be treated as a paragraph.

C. For both classes 8-421 and 8-401, read below...

Book Review # 1 will be due 10.22.12. The focus will be on characterization and the outline will be handed to you this week. Please do not wait until the last minute my book review outlines are NO JOKE!!!

Word Wall Vocabulary # 1 will be due on 10.19.12. Please follow the format that is on the classroom word wall.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me M-F before 7 p.m.




Thursday, September 27, 2012

SAT Vocabulary Words Friday's Quiz 9.28.12

8th Grade SAT Vocabulary Words to Know for Friday's Quiz:


Words in context 421 missed:

Brandish - to wave or flourish (a weapon) menancingly; to wave in a threatening way.
Sentence: Although the criminal did not shoot, he was brandishing a semi-automatic gun in the air in order to scare the victims inside the bank.

Arduously: extremely difficult
Sentence: Janet worked arduously to complete her chemistry project. Although she was not good in science she still was determined to pass the class and graduate high school.

Profusely: pouring forth liberally; abundanlty; a lot
Sentence: After exercising on a very hot day, Mark was sweating profusely through his T-shirt that people thought that he was swimming in a pool all day.

Please bring in your most valued and prized possession tomorrow. :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Project Based Homework Due 10.1.12

Hello All,

For those of you who completed your first project based homework...Congrats! As I said you will notice how your homework is essential for understanding what I do inside the classroom. You will need it to complete most of your assignments.

Here are few things you need to keep in mind for this week:

1. Tomorrow will be the last day in all of the learning stations. You will continue where you left off yesterday.
2. Wednesday is NO school.
3. Thursday you must bring in your most prized possession. It must be an object that you find to be of value to you and means the world to you. Please read last week's blog for more details.
4. Friday - Vocabulary in Context quiz on all 7 words!

Next week we will go further into Walter Dean Myers' works of literature. We will be discussing the author's use of characterization or character traits in literature. You will create a dating ad home video trying to convince the celebrity of your dreams to choose you over someone else. Your video must include:
  1. Creativity - You can use music in the background, create your own persuasive lyrics, write a poem to the person of interest, use sound effects, create a setting, etc.
  2. You must identify who the celebrity is that you are interested in (i.e. Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber)
  3. Provide a list of reasons why you should be their number one choice
  4. Be yourself - you must allow your personality to shine through in order to be convincing and unique.
  5. Equipment - you may use your phone, iPad, camcorder, computer camera or any other device that will record your presentation.
  6. Time Limitations - your video must be 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 minutes long.
  7. Presentation - presentation and professionalism is everything. Please make sure that you check and double check that your home video is saved correctly on your flash drive. Also remember to bring it to school to show the class on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
  8. Reminder - If you haven't purchased a flash drive as yet, I suggest you do it rather quickly. All video recordings MUST BE SAVED ON YOUR FLASH DRIVE!
If you have any questions, please email me. All presentations are due on Monday! There are absolutely no excuses!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Project Based Homework Due Monday 9.24.12

Since we are beginning our new unit on Walter Dean Myers next week, to introduce you to his works you will do a mini research about his life and the books he has written. This assignment is to have a proper heading, handwritten on loose leaf, using paragraphs and skip a line for each sentence. Please use the following websites for your information. You are NOT TO COPY but to write an academic essay using the information from the websites below to support your answers for the questions below.

Research websites: http://www.notablebiographies.com/news/Li-Ou/Myers-Walter-Dean.html,
http://cms.westport.k12.ct.us/cmslmc/resources/authorstudy/myersbio.htm, and/or
http://www.walterdeanmyers.net/bio.html. Click the links to be taken to the website.

Please note that you may ONLY use the above websites. If you have a book about WDM's life you may use that as well.

Please answer the following questions in ESSAY FORMAT ONLY:

1. What challenges did Walter Dean Myers experience growing up? (i.e. school life, at home, etc.) Why? How did he overcome them?

2. What was Walter Dean Myers motivation to write the type of stories, tales and poems he published? (list some books, poetry, etc. as evidence to support your answer)

3. Based on your research, what types of helpful lessons about life do you think you will read about in Walter Dean Myers books? Why? What do you think you will learn from these lessons and how can you apply them to your life?


421 and 401 please bring headphones to class on Monday.

Good News! Those of you who didn't hand in your summer book report, I just received news at approximately 3:31 p.m. that it will be extended until September 28, 2012. Please have your work neatly typed and inside the classroom mailbox.

For class 421 ONLY! Please write about your ABrT experience in a letter format to Ms. Beata. She said it should be at least 10 lines. This will be due on Monday.

On Thursday, you must bring in a personal object that means the world to you. However, you may NOT bring in something that someone can steal from you (i.e. XBOX, skateboard). It should be small enough to carry in your bookbag and large enough for everyone to see. If you have any questions, please email me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework Reminder Due 9.19.12

Hello All,

Thank you to all of the students who brought in 100% of the supplies. For those of you who did not bring it in as yet, you still have time. As I said in class, there are a few other items you will need to bring. That is why I am giving you over a week (two day Jewish Holiday) to be 100% prepared for my class on the 19th. Please note, that if you received 0 for not having all of the items, your grade can change. However, if you don't bring it in it will remain the same.

The additional supply items for class are the following;

1 pack of Crayons
1 pack of Markers
1 pack of Colored Pencils

You will need these above items to decorate the reading corner in the classroom. Please bring in google or magazine images that represent who you are. Please select positive images. Bring in as many as you can, the possibilities are endless to what you can create.

If you need to know the previous supply items I requested, please go back to or scroll to the previous blog.

Lastly, the summer book reports are due September 14, 2012.

Email me if you have any questions at thereadingcafe@aol.com

: )

Friday, September 7, 2012

Homework Reminder Due 9.10.12

Hello All,

Now that you have completed two days of school, I would like to remind you of what is due on Monday. Please bring with you the following:

1.) All 3 Blue Cards signed and completed by your parents
2.) All school welcome letters signed and completed by your parents
3.) The revised and updated welcome letter to parents about your ELA teacher that I gave you on Friday. Make sure that your parents have completed the bottom portion of the letter. Please disregard the first one I gave you on the first day.
4.) All ELA supplies:  3 marble composition notebooks
                                 3 folders with pockets (Reading, Writing and High School Folder)
                                 4GB or 8GB flash drive (mandatory)
                           A pack of multi-colored pens
                           1 pack of 8 ½ x 11 white copy paper (IT IS OK IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS)
                           Library card (mandatory)

If you received a library card application from me, PLEASE RETURN IT TO THE LIBRARY NOT TO ME! Don't forget to follow the instructions that are printed on the form.

Lastly, don't forget that your first set of ELA pre-diagnostic tests will be next week. These tests can be used as grades so please take each test seriously.

Have a wonderful weekend! : )

Friday, June 1, 2012

PBH - Journal Entries

Hello Graduates!

This is it! I just wanted to let you know that the last assignment for this unit is due on Monday. The journal entries should be on paper not in your journals you used early this year. If you have started in your journals make copies of what you've written so far. I don't want you to feel as though your previous journal entries will be read. Please be creative. You can use construction paper or hard paper (cardstock) as the cover and write, for example, "Diary of Lu Yong" largely across the top with your name or group's name with class and date at the bottom. You can place the picture of the immigrant I gave you on the front page or select historical images online. On the inside you can use blank or lined paper for journal entries. You want to use paper that was close to what was used during that time as possible, with an acception of the construction paper. Please remember that you are required to write 10 journal entries if you work alone or as a group. However, the group can divide the entries evenly amongst each other. Please use dates during that time period (i.e. March 4, 1944).  Please also use historical facts and events that occurred during that time to make your work more authentic.

To close the historical fiction unit we will watch two movies on separate days as of next week.

All permission slips for field day must be returned either to the gym teacher or your homeroom teacher.

Bring two #2 pencils for Monday's Science test.

Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

PBH - H.F. Unit Due Date Reminders

May 31st – Historical Fiction Traditional Food Menu Presentation (in class oral presentation)
June 1st – H.F. Traditional Food Celebration Presentation (in class). Unfortunately both classes will not present together due to conflicts with projects due to other teachers.
June 4th – H.F. 10 Journal Entries (please note that you should include an authentic name, historical dates and events, what life was like, etc.) Please refer to the format I provided for you in class. It was two sheets consisting of the menu and journal entry format. The journal entry format had 10 questions broken into two sets of five questions each. You can type, hand write or type it as a powerpoint presentation slide show. It is up to you! Just make sure to make it authentic(real).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PBH - H.F. Unit Menu/Journal Entries

Please follow the outline I provided in class for you.

The menu will be due on May 31st. You can choose any design you want for the menu (i.e. pamphlet accordion style, foldable program style (just like you fold it for the word wall), or flyer style (like what I used for the poetry night cafe). It is up to you. Please use the colors of the country of your "adopted" immigrant.

Due June 1st: The food presentation, which is only ONE food item (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, beverage, or sauces) that you selected from the menu to showcase for the H.F. Food Fest. Only one item are you required to bring in not the entire menu. That would be crazy and unrealistic!

If you have any questions, please email me. The Research Questions 1-6 that was posted on the SMART board in class is on the blogspot, just scroll down. If you have not finished answering the research questions, please understand that by completing the journal entries you are thereby answering 1-6 simultaneously. This cuts your time in half so that you will not have to do double the work. I will count the grade twice by just doing the journal entries alone without also doing 1-6. This will make it easier on you.

Working with Partners
If you and another classmate have the same country, please work together to share and alleviate the workload. You can share ingredients to buy at the store, divide the menu of traditional foods in half so that each person is researching only their categories of food, and share the journal entries in half. Also, if you have already selected a name for your adopted immigrant, you can make them sisters and brothers, twins, cousins, or whatever seems to work with you and your classmate. It is a joint grade, so you must work hard together, the grade of what you produce alone or in a group depends on you.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

PBH Due 5.29.12

1. Please take your journal out of hiding and blow the dust off of it because you will need it for the Historical Fiction Unit.

2. You are required to write 10 journal entries, however 5 will be written in class and the last 5 will be completed at home. Please note that in order to write these journal entries, especially the first 5 you will need online research for facts to support your responses.

3. The 5 entries at home must be about the immigrant's life in the United States. What are the difficulties he/she faced when they arrived? (i.e. language barriers, no education, gender inequality, no work, etc.) How did he/she overcome the difficulties? What success or accomplishments did he/she gain?

4. The H.F. Food Celebration is tentatively going to be held on June 1, 2012. Please make sure you have spoons, a knife, spatula, etc. that is necessary to serve the food. DO NOT EXPECT THAT UTENSILS WILL BE THERE WAITING FOR YOU!

5. You must have a menu ready for your in class presentations. You can choose to video tape your presentation with music and paraphenalia from the immigrants country as your background while you give a short history of the migration and the history of the food. However, you must have a printed menu. Keep it simple if you wish!


If it rains tomorrow the trip will be canceled!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Historical Fiction Research Questions

These are the historical fiction research questions that need to be completed in order to progress in this unit (i.e. journal entries and H.F. short stories) and have our food celebration at the end. Please continue to do your research. Each class will use these questions as an introduction and basic knowledge of historical fiction and will receive slightly different assignments within this unit. You will find out the rest later on.

   }1. Why did the immigrant migrate to the U.S. during that time period?
}2. What historical events were happening during this time?
}3. What difficult times were they facing?
}4. What types of jobs were they able to work?
}5. What type of education did they receive? If they couldn’t why not?
}6. What was life like when they arrived in the U.S.? What challenges did they face?

Lastly, please check SKEDULA for updated grades. What I have not received from you is now a zero unless the deadline has not passed. As was mentioned in previous posts, if you haven't submitted your poetry portfolio today, May 18th was the last day. As for the sports bundles, May 25th is the last day. Please scroll down to read details.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Poetry Night Cafe

Hi All,

I hope all of you come prepared with your poetry and food. Mr. Rivera said that all 8th grade students must dress up and bring their uniform in a bag. That means ABSOLUTELY NO JEANS! Girls should not wear anything revealing or short. Boys come dressed to impress. In addition, if you are waiter or a waitress you must come dressed like a waiter or waitress. Absolutely no acceptions.

Look forward to seeing all of you with your poetry and food and I hope lots of it! : )

Monday, May 14, 2012

Project Based Homework

Hello All,

Please note that school is still in session and you are still required to do work. If you know that you did not complete the Sports Bundle when it was due the first week in April, you must complete it in order to not keep the zero you have on Skedula. The last day that I will continue taking Bundle portfolios will be May 25. Once again don't wait until the last minute, if you hand in unsatisfactory work (poor work) then you will receive a poor grade with 10 points off for lateness. Please note that although I am giving you until this time to hand it in does not mean that you will receive full credit...you must understand it is way overdue. For example, if your work is worth a 90 you will receive an 80, if it is worth an 80 then it will be a 70 and so forth. Please make sure that you look at the rubric inside of your portfolio in order to complete the assignment correctly.

Make sure that you make a concerted effort to continually look at Skedula everyday or at least a few times a week to make sure that you are not missing any work. It is your responsibility! You should not wait until the last minute to ask if you are failing the class. When you ask that question, you are only telling your teacher that you are not taking the responsibility to monitor your grades on Skedula. In September, you were told by all of your teachers to do this.

Although the poetry portfolio was due a week ago, some students have been handing it in because they would rather receive points off than a zero which will drop their average significantly. The last day that I will collect this will be May 18. Make sure that you read the outline and the lessons posted on the blogspot in order to do this assignment correctly. It is up to you! If you like receiving zeroes in any of your subjects then do not ask why you have failed a class when your parent is asked to come to the school to pick up your report card.

Lastly, the new unit we are in requires you to do the following:
*Research a country that your "adopted immigrant" came from during the 1600's-1900's. Find out why did immigrants from this country migrate to the U.S. during this time period. You will need this information later to write historical fiction journal entries.
*Research traditional foods and beverages that were most common during that time, find the ingredients and make it. Do not limit yourself to only dinner like food, but to traditional natural drinks (i.e. Sorrel from the Carribbean), or traditional desserts (i.e. Tiramisu from Italy).
* Create a menu containing: traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and beverages (drinks) from your immigrants country.
The final project will be due May 31 and the Historical Fiction Traditional Food Presentation will be June 1st.

Friday, May 11, 2012

PBH Reminders for the Week of 5.14.12

Hello All,

Please note and remember the following:

1. 421 remember your lines for "Two Gentlemen of Verona" for both scenes that we practiced in class for Monday.
2. For Poetry Night Cafe, on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, remember to bring in the food you put on the list so that we can create the breakfast and lunch menu to give to our guests and classmates. Please remember we should anticipate about 40 guests or more (including students during the period you have ELA) in room 421. The amount of food you bring is important for this special event put on by your class.

Lastly, please keep in mind the on demand question that was asked in class for the movie you watched. Throughout the unit you will receive more information from both SS and ELA class.

The Community Service Trip to Flushing Meadow Park will be on May 21, 2012. We will be cleaning the park for about 1 hr and 30 minutes, have lunch and then play for a little while before heading to the bus. All permission slips must be handed in NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012.  We need two chaperones (21 and older) per 8th grade class for a total of 10 chaperones. Classes 8-416A, 8-417, 8-420, 8-421 and 8-424 will be attending this trip.

On loose leaf, make a list of at least 10 high interest historical fiction books for teens and young adults.

Have a nice weekend!

Happy Mother's Day to all of your mothers and to those who have been like a mother to you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lucille Lortel Theater Permission Slips

The following students have not returned their permission slip for the Lucille Lortel Theater Trip to be held on Thursday, May 3, 2012. You must arrive at school tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. sharp.

Samuel L.

Please return the slip to school if you have it at home if not, please have your parents write you a note stating that you are allowed to attend the Shakespeare Festival at the Lucille Lortel Theater on May 3, 2012. We will be leaving school grounds approximately at 7:45 am and returning to Queens after 3 pm taking the train both ways. Make sure that your parents include all of their phone numbers (work, cell, house) in case of emergency.

Lastly, wear your costumes/outfits, bring an umbrella and for the club scene please bring your shades to show transition of scenes and money for lunch.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

PBH - Poetry Portfolio Lesson on the Blogspot

Hello 421,

In order to submit your poetry portfolio project on May 4th, you will have to write a poem each day or in a couple of days (depending on you) using the lessons posted on the blogspot. Please read the outline that I gave you in class last week. In addition, look at the student sample portfolios  that I have placed in a red bin inside the classroom. If you don't see it please ask. It is your responsibility!

Please write a poem for each of the literary devices that I have posted on the blogspot. Yes, this will be a very long blog, but at least you don't have to take any notes in class. : )

Each literary device has an example as well as a link to a website for you to see other examples. Please use your time wisely!

421 and 412 (a.k.a 424) You will receive a notebook as soon as Ms. Lucy delivers it to my classroom. As soon as you receive it, you must decorate the cover to represent who you are as a person.
I. Lesson One - Metaphor/Simile

A metaphor compares two unlike things or objects without using the words "like" or "as".

Example of a METAPHOR POEM
A friend is an open hand
A friend is a happy land
A friend is a pot of gold
A friend is someone I can hold
A friend is a beautiful flower
A friend has a lot of power

For more: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/metaphor-poems.asp

II. Lesson Two - Simile

A simile compares two unlike things or objects using the words "like" or "as".

Your Feet
Your feet smell so bad,
just like limburger cheese,
that I'm holding my nose tight
between my two knees.

by Denise Rodgers

For more: http://www.funny-poems-for-free.com/funny-simile-poems.html

III. Lesson Three - Imagery

Imagery poems draw the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the images and
senses which the reader already knows. The use of images in this type of poetry serves to intensify the impact of the work.

Example of Imagery in Poetry

The newborn flowers blossom
in all sizes and vivid colors.
When you walk by, their sweet
and luscious aromas ensnare you..
The beautiful butterflies titter
Around the light grassy areas.
The trees are full of lush, dark green leaves.
Spring is when you can really savor
the intense scent of nature.
For more: http://www.mywordwizard.com/imagery-poems.html

IV. Lesson Four - Haiku

"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

Example of Haiku

Green and speckled legs, (5 syllables)
Hop on logs and lily pads (7 syllables)
Splash in cool water. (5 syllables)

For more: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/haiku-examples-of-haiku-poems.html

V. Lesson Five - Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia are words that sound like the objects they name or the sounds those objects make.

Example of Onomatopoeia

Slam! Slam!
Go the car doors.
Jangle! Jangle!
Go the house keys.
Jiggle! Jiggle!
Go the keys in the door.
Goes the front door!
Thump! Thump!
That is me running down the stairs.
Guess what?
Mom and Dad are home!!
For more: http://www.mywordwizard.com/onomatopoeia-poems.html

VI. Lesson Six - Alliteration

Alliteration is a device used in writing, often in poetry, in which the beginning consonant is repeated in all or most of the words in a line or sentence. "She sells seashells by the seashore" is one common example. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" is another.

Example of Alliteration in Poetry

Don't delay dawns disarming display.
Dusk demands daylight .
Dewdrops dwell delicately
drawing dazzling delight .
Dewdrops dilute daisies domain.
Distinguished debutantes . Diamonds defray delivered
daylights distilled daisy dance.
For more: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~poems/ps/html/alliteration_examples.html

VII. Lesson Seven - Personification

Personification in poetry is when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do.

Two Sunflowers
Move in the Yellow Room.

"Ah, William, we're weary of weather,"
said the sunflowers, shining with dew.
"Our traveling habits have tired us.
Can you give us a room with a view?"

They arranged themselves at the window
and counted the steps of the sun,
and they both took root in the carpet
where the topaz tortoises run.
William Blake

For more: http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/personificationclassics.html

VIII. Lesson Eight - Hyperbole

A hyperbole poem often exagerates and stretches the truth just a little bit.

Example of Hyperbole in Poetry

In a house the size of a postage stamp
lived a man as big as a barge.
His mouth could drink the entire river
You could say it was rather large
For dinner he would eat a trillion beans
And a silo full of grain,
Washed it down with a tanker of milk
As if he were a drain.

For more: http://www.mywordwizard.com/hyperbole-poems.html

IX. Lesson Nine - Concrete Poetry

A concrete poem is a poem that forms a picture of the topic or follows the contours of a shape that is suggested by the topic.

To understand concrete poetry, you must visit:

X. Lesson Ten - Freestyle/Lyrical Poem

Freestyle poetry is exactly that. It is a type of poetry that has no set pattern or style. Most of the time, freestyle poetry rhymes. Since most poetry is freestyle and rhymes, most people are under the false immpression that if the verse dosn't rhyme, it isn't poetry. Freestyle poetry can be fun to write. None of it has to make sense so it can be humorous. It can also be serious and have a lot of depth to the subject. This is a very flexible style of poetry and that is why a lot of different people enjoy writting this type of poetry.

To read an example, visit: http://www.teenink.com/poetry/all/article/38492/Lyrical-Freestyle/

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poetry Portfolio Outline

Due: May 3, 2012

For Poetry Night Café and Floetry Freestyle Friday in June (Date TBA)

The poetry portfolio is due on May 3, 2012, Poetry Night Café will be on May 12, 2012 and Floetry Freestyle Friday will be in June (the date will be announced at a later time). For this project, you will need to purchase an art sketch pad, 70 page spiral notebook or marble notebook. Decorate the cover of your sketch pad/notebook and type and paste the outline (which is your table of contents [T.O.C.] ) of your portfolio on the inside of the sketch pad/notebook. Please do not leave the T.O.C. as it appears below this paragraph. Where it says “Title of Poem” you should type the title of your poem and the literary device you used following the order you see below. The cover of your sketch pad/notebook should represent you or your poetry. Basically, if someone were to look at your portfolio they should be able to tell what kind of person you are. Also, the cover should have your name (first, last), grade and year in some creative way. You can use personal pictures, clip art, google images, or your own personal drawings. Next to each poem there should be images or pictures (drawn or printed) that represent the feelings, ideas or colors of your poem. The picture or drawing will be on the left side and the poem on the right side or vice versa. All poems must be edited and typed before submitting it on the due date. Please note that only one poem per literary device is required for entry. There should be no less than 10 poems (1 poem per literary device) that will be required for your portfolio. Out of the ten poems, one should have evidence of rhyme scheme (i.e. abab or aabbaabb). There are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!!! The outline is as follows:

Poetry Portfolio Outline

*  “Table of Contents”                                                                                       I

*  “Title of Poem” – Metaphor                                                                     Pages 1-2

*  “Title of Poem” – Simile                                                                          Pages 3-4

*  “Title of Poem” – Imagery                                                                       Pages 5-6

*  “Title of Poem” – Haiku                                                                           Pages 7-8

* “Title of Poem” – Onomatopoeia                                                              Pages 9-10

* “Title of Poem” – Alliteration                                                                    Pages 11-12

* “Title of Poem” – Personification                                                              Pages 13-14

* “Title of Poem” – Hyperbole                                                                      Pages 15-16

* “Title of Poem” – Concrete                                                                         Pages 17-18

* “Title of Poem” – Free Style/Lyrical Poem                                                 Pages 19-20

* Other Poems                                                                                                 Pages 21-

Friday, April 13, 2012

Holiday Packet Reminder


I hope you have enjoyed your vacation thus far and are looking forward to the warm days ahead. However, this is just a reminder that the packets are due on Monday 4/16. All sections provided in the NYS ELA test practice packet must be completed. Any section that requires you to write a short or extended response but there is no space provided for you to write, please use common sense and use loose leaf to write your response. No space provided for your answer does not mean that you cannot answer it!

In addition to your short and extended responses, please use the writing strategy I taught you in class such as the one and only T-E-C method. You don't need to use the Hook-3-T, CA-R1-R2 or The Bottom Line methods because the state test does not require you to write argumentatively. The T-E-C method is the best one to use. Please incorporate parts of the question and author's name into your topic sentence and find three pieces of evidence (only if the test does not specifiy the number of details to use) that ANSWERS THE QUESTION by stating "For example...". Lastly, provide your commentary after each example taken from the text that relates to how the example you've just stated answers the question. However, please don't start off your commentary by saying, "This is correct because..." or "This answers the question because..." it is just TACKY! If you do start with that in your mind cross off those first few tacky phrases and whatever else is left is your "untackified" commentary to the evidence you provided.

If it is an extended response, you will need to use the T-E-C method twice with a conclusion. The reason you will need to repeat this method twice is because you will be asked to compare and contrast two passages/articles.

Just remember T-E-C-E-C-E-C! Sing it like a song to help you remember the acronym. When you return with your completed packets you must use this method to ensure you get the most if not all points for your answer. Trust me this is exactly what the test graders are looking for. Just make sure to read the questions and instructions carefully so you will know the best details to select from the text. Please BEWARE, that most students believe that if they write anything down and it "looks good" they'll receive full points. WRONG! The details you select MUST answer the question.

I believe you can do it! Use the T-E-C method and the rest is up to you!

Be ready to practice how to answer poetry multiple choice questions and short answer questions when you return.

See you Monday! : )

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Project Based Homework 4.2.12.

Hello All,

This is just a reminder that you must complete the following:

***All tasks 1,2,4,5 (use plenty of cited details in your essays)
***Read a nonfiction book for 40 minutes per day. In addition, use strategies to help you as you read and use context clues to help you find the meaning of the word.
***Complete all Acuity assignments online to help you prepare for the state test.
***Please visit http://www.edinformatics.com/testing/ny.htm to practice the NYS ELA/MATH sample state tests. These tests are from previous years. Find your grade and select a year (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010).

As of next week, we will be focusing on test prep strategies for short and extended response writing and poetry in test prep. Please be prepared to work hard! Take every strategy I show you and practice it with diligence! YOU WILL PASS!!!!!!! However, it all depends on you!

What does this mean for the task bundles you may ask? You will be responsible to complete all of the tasks on your own, except for the FINAL TASK. If you do need help with the structure of the essays and the writing strategies I taught you (i.e. Hook-3-T, T-E-C and CA-R1-R2 and "The Bottom Line" method), please see me during lunch or request to come during 421 AIS on Tuesday (6th period) or Friday (4th period). Class 424 you can request to come during 424 AIS on Thursday (2nd period). Please understand that I cannot take the entire class, only those students who are truly struggling and are extremely behind with their tasks will be allowed to stay for AIS.

Enjoy your week!! : )

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Project Based Homework 3.26.12

Hello All,

This is just a friendly reminder to all of you who have been diligently working on your Tasks for the Bundles in class. Please remember that you will have to complete all of the tasks in order to not have your grade remain as a zero on Skedula. Read the feedback that I have provided for you in your portfolio on the post-it.

421- Redo or begin your counter arguments using the CA-R1-R2 graphic organizer I provided in class early this week. If you don't have it is your responsibility to ask for one or email me for an attachment. I will teach you how to write a professional closing conclusion paragraph next week.

424- Please write the first introductory paragraph for your Final Task using the Hook-3-T method that I taught you in class.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PBH Bundle Unit Due on Different Dates

All students must have Task 2 (Note Taking) completed by tomorrow morning using the two articles noted in the instructions. Due 3.15.12

Task 4 will be due on 3.19.12. You must read the article in order to compose the essay.

Task 5 will be due on 3.16.12.  You will watch three short videos and take notes during class on the lined paper that I will hand out to you.

Class 421 only, will have the final task typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced with an introduction using the Hook-3-T method, detailed body paragraphs containing two arguments and two counterarguments (with actual factual evidence :) )and a conclusion. Please note that your evidence should be stated as, According to a newspaper article by Perkel (2010), he claims that, " (state the articles claim or evidence within the quotes word for word).

If it's a website with an unknown author, According to a sports website, ESPN (2009), it claims that, "...."

If you are having trouble citing your sources within the body paragraphs, please email me and I will HELP YOU at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

Lastly, make sure that all of the evidence you mention in the body paragraphs is commented on how it supports your claim stated in your thesis.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reminder # 2

Hello All,

Please note that the following will be due on Monday and there are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS or EXTENSIONS!!!

421 - The group of 10 students must submit their first draft of the argument/counterargument essay on Monday. The following website you may use as your tutorial to write this essay: http://www.shoreline.edu/doldham/101/html/what%20is%20a%20c-a.htm. Please either click on this link or copy and paste it to your URL address box.

The remainder of the class must submit TASK 1 on Monday. Tatiana and Shavanni please email me since you were doing community service during 8th period.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me.

418 - Task One must be completed. Although you may not have the worksheet, you must still think of ideas and facts that you would like to add to your essay. Be prepared to use these facts on Monday during 6th and 8th period.

For ALL students, please scroll down to see what I have posted earlier this week!

Have a BLESSED weekend! : )

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project Based Homework 3.12.12


As mentioned in class, all I need you all to do is the following:

1. Choose a position to defend. Decided whether you think sports is good or bad for kids.

2. Find articles that supports your position about sports being good or bad for kids.

3. Find articles that counterargue your claim. For example, if I say that sports are good for kids because it helps in the fight of childhood obesity. I may want to also find articles that go against that. For example, I may find articles that claim that obese children who participate in sports may face ridicule and made fun of by their healthy and fit teammates. As a result they become isolated and depressed.

Once again find SPECIFIC NOT RANDOM articles related to your position. If you need assistance, please email me.

Remember that the last day to return the CPR permission slips and cash or money order made payable to PS 127 is 3.19.12.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hello All,

Please remember to do the following:

1. Bring in the $15 and permission slip 8 a.m. sharp Monday morning and wear your gym or school uniform with sneakers. These are school rules!

2. Class 421 you have three permission slips. The only one that I will collect at a later time will be the CPR slips. The trip permission slip, money and the other permission slip I gave you on Thursday is due on Monday.

3. I am revising your online research. You will print and search for three articles that discuss whether or not sports is good or bad for kids. These articles should consist of the following:
  • it should have an author's name
  • the date the article was published
  • should be retrieved (taken from) a valid resource such as ESPN for kids, a sports articles website but not from wikipedia where the information is or has been altered by random individuals
  • articles should be longer than one page
  • articles should have sources cited at the end of the page to let the reader know where the author received his/her information for their article
These are just a few of the main criteria to look for in order to keep you focused and your articles legit.

Please note that if you cannot print the articles, please copy and paste the internet article onto a MS Word document sheet and save it onto your flash drive to be printed at school or your nearest library. I encourage all of you to use your library or a friends house. It saves us a lot of class time if you have it printed and ready when we begin class next week.

Enjoy your weekend! : )

Monday, February 27, 2012

Project Based Homework

1. Money for the trip to Chelsea Piers is due Thursday, March 1, 2012. The cost is $15.

2. Think of your favorite sport and research online for articles that discuss the pros and cons of having this sports program in the school. For example, if you like hockey, you would search for articles that discuss the pros and cons of having hockey as a sports program in school. You must select and print 3 articles online. The more articles you have the better it will be for you to write your argumentative essay. Due 3.5.12.

3. Please note that although the trip to Chelsea Piers is on March 5th, you still have to do this homework, bring it to school, and place it inside the mailbox.