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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Book Review Blog # 3 - Due 12.1.14 by 7pm

Hello All,

Is there really any need for me to explain? You know what to do. However, if you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Review Blog # 2 - Due by 7pm 11.3.14

Hello All,

You can now post a blog response for the next book review which is based on the novel Inside Out and Back Again OR the biography A Child Called It. Choose a different question from the blog syllabus that was provided to you in class.

Please remember that your blog response should follow the quick write protocol we use in class and your response to another student should be no longer than 1 to 2 sentences. Although it is a short response to another student, it should be thoughtful and insightful. A response such as "Good job! Where did you get that book? Why did you like that book/character?" is not a thoughtful or insightful response to another student. A response that elicits deeper thought into the book a student has read or responding in a way that has involved some online research about the author or the issues/themes/topics presented in the book is considered highly thought provoking and intellectual.

Happy Blogging!

Ms. N :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Book Review Blog # 1 - Due by 7pm 10.1.14

Hello All,

Welcome to your first online blog! You will post your response to a question you selected from the syllabus and respond to another classmate from either class 8-408 or 8-421.

Please follow the directions provided to you in class and do not wait until the last minute to post. If you have any questions, problems or issues with the assignment, please email before 7pm prior to the due date of the online reading blog.

I look forward to reading your insightful thoughts on the classroom's blog spot.

Until then...see you soon!

Ms. N :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Poetry Portfolio/Vocabulary Review Game/Mini-Video Blueprint Submission - LAST CHANCE!!!!! TIME SENSITIVE INFORMATION - Due Friday, June 6, 2014

Hello All,

If you completed your poetry portfolio, vocabulary review game/mini-video blueprint and you were turned down from submitting it (because you were late), please submit it. This offer is being extended to you in a TIME SENSITIVE matter. It must be submitted on Friday, June 6, 2014 during ELA class. If you checked learnboost and you see that your grade could use some H-E-L-P, please turn it in on FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm for assistance in other subject areas.

Here to help,

Miss. N

Monday, June 2, 2014

Stereotype Mini-Video Research Project - Class 8-421 ONLY! - Due 6.4.14

Hello 8-421,

Video Q & A summary draft due on 6.4.14.
Final Video due June 6, 2014.

Please do the following:

What is the question or topic about stereotypes you want to defend?

Why is this issue so important to you?

In which format will you defend it? (i.e. documentary, play, etc.)
Why was this format more effective over other format choices?
How will you incorporate the isolation and discrimination experiences of the character Ha in your video?

How many people are in your group? What are their names?

What role does each person have in the group? Explain using valid details (3-5 complete sentences)

What are the highlights of your video? (i.e. scenes, breakthroughs, "aha" light-bulb moments for the individuals in your video) Basically, which segments of your video tells the story, exploits the truth candidly, genuinely and honestly.

Which sources did you use to help you develop your project? (staple the source list provided to you last week to this draft. All students received one therefore each person's source list should be attached to the draft.)

Which sources were the most helpful? Why?

Reminder: You must have a Q & A session either after or in between your video segments. Have at least 2- 3 thought provoking questions for class discussion about the concept of discrimination, isolation, racism that Ha experienced and the evidence provided in your video. Students must be able to draw conclusions and make connections from your video and from the text during discussion. Therefore, prepare yourselves for this analytical Q & A session.

Include any other information that you find important or necessary for me to know.

Please note that the question asked, "How will I grade your video if the marking period ends on the 4th?" It will not be due on the 10th but on June 6th as I had debated with you last week. I apologize for confusing it with the date to implement the start of your resume (volunteer work). As mentioned, last week, we will be extremely BUSY this month and I will have to incorporate as much as possible within the next couple of weeks. Therefore, stretching the due date into next week would not be wise. However, if you do have any concerns about this date, I hope you don't, but if  you do, please email me.

We will still have work to do but it should not be as intense or inundated prior to this month work we have done. Please note however, it will be graded and can be used for any promotional reasons for high school.

By the way, you may have thought the room was warm today, but this was mild compared to how it feels with high humidity and when it is in the high 80's and 90's. Therefore, bring at least two bottles of frozen water with you to class, especially on the days you have gym.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher for assistance in other subject areas M-F between 4-7pm @ 212.777.3380.

Miss. N

Vocabulary Created/Invented Game & Printing of Song Lyrics For one of Ha's Poems - Class 419 ONLY! - Due 6.3.14

Hello 8-419,

Please print the lyrics for the song you choose to compare to one of Ha's poems. Bring it to class Wednesday, June 4, 2014. You will write your essay in class. Also make sure you have the novel with you too!

Your final project will be due on 6.10.14.
Please do the following:
For your vocabulary project draft you will answer the following questions:
What is the name of your game?
What type of card or board game (only these two choices) will this vocabulary game be? (Note: You cannot create games that cannot be stored. Basically, although it would be nice, I do not want to see another "Wheel of Words" game.)
1. How many people are in your group? What are their names?
2. How many people can play your game?
3. What are the rules of your game?
4. What are the instructions of your game?
5. Which list of or combination of words will you use?
6. What is the purpose of your game? (i.e. to learn antonyms, synonyms, definitions or a combination of all three)
7. How many words will the participant acquire (learn) by the end of the game?
Any other information about your game that needs to be stated in the draft?

Please note that you will not have a chance to work on this in class except, maybe, last period on Friday.
Word Source List
Online Sources for Inside Out & Back Again
Online Sources for To Kill A Mockingbird
Visit the Word Wall

By the way, you may have thought that it was warm today, but this was mild compared to how it feels sitting inside a classroom with high humidity and in the high 80's and 90's. Therefore, bring at least two bottles of frozen water with you to class, especially on the days you have gym.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.
Miss. N

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Poetry Night Cafe

Hello All,

I hope you are all preparing for the event. Please read the following below.

Dress Attire: It's a black and white event :)
Mr. Calderon said that it is ok to come dressed ELEGANTLY only! No Jeans or Sneakers are allowed into the café. If you have gym, bring a change of clothing. If you can't do that, then only wear your uniform. Classes 419, 420 & 421.

421 Juice Bartenders: Wear a bow tie or regular tie with your uniform or elegant clothing.

Bring what you said you will contribute. What is on the menu should be in your hands when you come to school.

Bring a large spoon, spatula or tongs for serving the food. Please do not expect me to have that provided for you!

Waiters/Waitresses: Wear your hair off of your shoulders!

Poetry Reading:
Everyone is reading their poem and each person will introduce the next poet starting in alphabetical order. Therefore, you must have a poem prepared. Case closed!

Special Guests:

Please remember that if there are people (i.e. Mrs. Capous, Ms. Karipas, etc.) that did not receive an invitation, please know that they will be on the VIP list. VIP's don't need invitations.

If you have any questions, please email me.

Miss. N :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PBH due 5.27.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Go to LearnBoost and print out your MP4 assignments. Highlight the assignments you received a 0 on in one color and the ones that there is no grade highlight in another color. When you come to class, I will give you the opportunity to look through your academic portfolio to match it with what you recorded. This will be the time to look for any discrepancies or any other issues. Due 5.27.14.

2.  Go to the previous blog posting for other assignments due dates posted for over the next few weeks. The only change is the following:  Class 8-419 your vocabulary game is due 6.9.14.

3. Assessments: the To Kill A Mockingbird writing assignment is due on 5.23.14 (both classes). For class 8-419, your poetry essay assignment will be due on 5.30.14. You will do this on your own, I will go over the pre-written essay with you and provide you with a template to write your essay draft.
Class 8-421 your mini-video is due June 3, 2014.

4. Both classes will have a final reading assessment on 5.27.14 consisting of MC questions and one long essay question.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F btween 4-7pm.

Miss. N

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

PBH due 5.14.14 (and other dates too!)

Hello All,


Marking Period 4 Reminder

As noted earlier in the marking period, I told all of you that I am not accepting late work by any means! You must hand in your work by the due date! Absolutely no exceptions! If you receive a 1 or a 2 on your assignment, you are more than welcome to redo the work for a higher grade, ONLY if you handed it in on the due date. I told all of you this in the beginning of MP4. Therefore, there is no need to have your parents write a letter stating that you were not "feeling well". Although I did say that I can only accept absentee work with a doctor's note stating why you were absent. That does not mean that this circumstance should be taken advantage of. It is only for an emergency. I would rather honesty and hand in whatever you have been able to complete in class than choose to take an extra "day off" to complete your work. This is not fair to other students who have worked diligently and ardently in class and at home and turned in their work on the due date. If I accept work from students after the due date, then what good is my word or my rules. Hence, this is the reason why I allowed you to work on it in class without interruption, with my guidance and support and those of your peers too.

I can honestly say that if you were in class during the poetry draft writing days, then I can account that you actually have been working on it. However, if you do not hand it in, I cannot give you a grade for something I do not have. Please remember that YOU asked to have the assignment due an entire week later, knowing full well that it was supposed to be due 1 week to 1 1/2 week earlier. Therefore, I am holding you accountable for the decision YOU made.

Please note that you will have other assignments that will be due in the next few weeks and you must hand it in by the due date. Do not wait until the last minute! It is not a comfortable feeling at all!

Class 421 Only

Poetry Portfolio Essay Analysis Entry

For the students who handed in their portfolio's, please print an extra copy of your essay's. Place it inside the mailbox on Monday, May 12, 2014.

Stereotype Mini-Research Video Assignment - Due June 3, 2014

To continue with the theme question from the essay analysis of your poetry portfolio, please think about how you will creatively answer the following question in video format:

Supporting Questions
What is the relationship between identity, stereotypes and prejudice?
How does stereotyping create conflicts in society?
Acknowledging that stereotyping can affect a person's self-worth, how was Ha's self-worth affected before and after living in Saigon?

Big Focus Question for Video

How does stereotyping influence and/or affect a person's self-worth?

You must answer this question through inferential reasoning. That is to say that you do not state it directly in your video, it must be inferred through people (i.e. family, friends, teachers, and other adults) you have chosen to interview, books/articles you chose to research, images you strategically used and placed in specific areas of your video, etc.

Length of Video: 15-20 minutes long (anything longer must be discussed for approval)

Number of People: No less than 2 and no more than 4

Must have APA citation as part of your credits at the end of your video (i.e. people resources, online articles, books, etc.) Please note that this portion is not part of the length of the video. For example, you should not have a 10 minute long video and your APA citation credits takes up the last 5 minutes. That is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

More details and other questions for the video assignment will be provided next week.

Before you complete this assignment, you will watch a movie that I will show in class. Please note that the library video was incorrect, therefore I will substitute it with something else. Q&A worksheets will be provided in class too. . However, I will let you know the details later. - Due when given in class!

We will continue to work in the workbook which will be considered a class grade. Please note that whatever we do not finish in class will be homework. In addition, packets will be given out and will be worth a test grade. Please do not pass this up!

Class 419 Only - The poetry/music essay analysis will be on Friday May 16 and Tuesday, May 20.
The APA Citation exam will be Tuesday, May 27, 2014.

Both Classes - Vocabulary Game Invention due Friday, May 30, 2014. Make sure you have clearly written rules and instructions. This time around a game board or card games would be preferred over an active whole class game. The more we are able to keep the groups small the more manageable and efficient we will be in class. If there is another way you would like to create this game (i.e. video game) for a small group, please let me know and we will see what can be worked out. The word list will be given to you next week.

Class Events
The Poetry Night Café will be held this month (May). Due to NYSESLAT and Science testing, I cannot give you an exact date and I want you to have enough time to prepare as well.  I will let you know once I clear dates with some key people. However, we will discuss and plan in class hopefully by the end of the week.

PLHH Board Meeting (8-421) on May 12th. Please come prepared with any last ideas of what you would like to see done with the remaining funds.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PBH Reminders

Hello All,
Happy State Test Week!
Please remember to do the following:
For the NYS state test
  • Go to bed early!
  • Eat breakfast!
  • Bring sharpened #2 pencils
  • Bring a tiny ziplock bag of unwrapped candy for the day of the test (421 only)
  • Bring chips and sandwiches if you need to eat immediately after the test is collected (421 only)
  • Bring PG/PG13 DVDs or Netflix (421 only)
  • If you have Dance Revolution and you want to bring it and play it before we begin the test for energy, please do. It cannot be used after the test since others nearby will be still testing.
For the Poetry Portfolio Project
  • Complete the analytical responsive poems
  • Follow the outline and the graphic organizers I provided in class for you. Since you were all given more time, this means that you should be handing in stellar work.
  • If you have any questions pertaining to the project, do not wait until the last minute. It is due on May 5, 2014. Each class has a slightly different assignment, therefore do not ask each other and bring on unnecessary confusion like some others did last time.
  • For those of you who are still writing, check the previous blog for postings of literary devices examples and definitions.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, April 14, 2014

Poetry Portfolio Project Resources

Hello All,

As promised, I compiled a list of resources to use for your perusal as you work diligently on your portfolio project. You can email me with any questions pertaining to it, however, please do not wait until the last minute.

Please click the following links below to see definitions and examples:












Both Classes - Non-negotiable
As discussed and agreed upon in class, when you return to school your personal poetry portfolio design of the front cover must be completed. Follow the instructions on the outline I provided you in class.

Class 421 you may also complete the table of contents as well since you are aware of the changes that we discussed in class. If you don't remember, it was about the change we agreed upon about the last two essay entries. Lastly, the drafts of your poems MUST be ready for review when you return to class. Most, if not all of you, have already begun this process in class, therefore, you should have something to review.

Class 419 you should hold off from completing the table of contents for now until we discuss the possible changes that may occur for the last two entries. If you completed it already, we can remedy this and discuss this in class. However, you must have the drafts of your poems for ALL of the literary devices you learned in class for review when you return to class.

Monday, April 7, 2014

PBH Due 4.24.14 (and other dates too)


Spring Break is right around the corner and you have work to do!

Visit the previous posting for information needed for the week of 4.7.14 -4.11.14 to complete any assignments or for spring break.

Finish reading the remainder of Inside Out & Back Again if you have not done so already. This will help you to have a better selection of poems to respond to for your poetry portfolio project.

Please follow the Poetry Portfolio Project Guide that I provided for you in class on 4.4.14. If you misplaced it, email me very early (that means WAAAAAY before we go on break) for a copy. I will try to post one on the BlogSpot

If you have not yet looked inside the supply closet for an unused notebook of considerable size by Friday, April 11, 2014, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN! Sorry, tough love!

Please purchase a notebook or create one from scratch. This is the time to showcase your creativity by creating something out of nothing! Email me if you need ideas or ask a friend or family. There are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm.

You can call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm when school is in session, not during Spring Break!

Take Care!

Miss. N

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

PBH Due 4.7.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

I know we are approaching Day 3 of the NYS ELA test, and the last thing you want to see is homework.  However, we're in April now, it is your senior year and the school hear will fly by... therefore, there is still a lot to do!

Please do the following:

1. Poetry Portfolio Project due 4.28.14. Details will be explained on Friday.
2. On Monday, please bring your headphones and music devices (only your cell phone since most of you bring it everyday) to school. Please do not bring iPads, Tablets or any other expensive device to school. Neither the school or myself will be responsible if it is lost, stolen, damaged, etc. You will be responsible! Due 4.7.14 and 4.8.14
3. If you are not able to purchase a notebook for the poetry portfolio project, you must let me know before we go on Spring Break Vacation.

Class 421 Only (due 4.7.14)

1. Please make a list of the Top three stereotypes associated with your culture that you do not like. Explain why.

2. Find three strong online resources (i.e. articles, videos, etc.) that has strong proof to counterargue the negative stereotypes about your culture.

As for now this is it! I am sure I posted some other assignments that are due but we will discuss that next week.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm for assistance in other subject areas.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, March 24, 2014

PBH Due Everyday until 3.31.14

Hello All,

Please do the following:

I. Reading At Home

Continue to Read! Read! Read! Read! Read! Read! everyday! This must be a combination of the following:

  • a book (fiction/nonfiction) on your independent reading level
  • an informational article from a newspaper, magazine (printed or online) ranging from sports, science, history, politics, research articles about stereotypes.
  • the informational text can also be your SS and Science textbooks and/or articles Kaur and Smith gives you.
II. Practicing Poetic Literary Devices

Please note that the work you will receive for test prep is online. Since I will not be able to teach you literary devices in depth, as of now, and the test mostly requires a basic knowledge of it, I decided to provide you with a variety of online links that will support you in understanding and reviewing poetic literary devices.

Click on the link(s) below to practice and review poetic literary devices. If there are instructions listed, be sure to read this first before proceeding. Also, if there is sound and music involved, TURN IT UP! :)

Online Video Games

Trivia Questions

Java Games

Jeopardy (Ppt)

III. Practicing Literary Elements in a Story

If required, be sure to follow the download instructions before proceeding.

Online Game



I hope this helps! Continue to visit the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher M-F between 4-7 @ 212.777.3380.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

PBH Due 3.25.14

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Read every night for at least 30 minutes or at the most 1 hour. Nonfiction preferably and it should be on your reading level.

2. Complete the test prep work each day. Writing Only. You will receive it later.

3. 421 ONLY: Vocabulary Game moved to another date. This date will be in April before the spring break. Instead you will select an educational movie to watch after each day of the state test. Make sure to draft a an outline, typed, double space, Times New Roman and 12 font. You must include the following before getting it approved by Calderon. It should have the following:
  • Rated PG, or PG-13. If it is rated R, you must write a permission slip for the parents to sign and it must explain why this movie is educationally sound for 13/14 year olds to watch
  • a brief synopsis of the movie
  • create a mini-activity that your classmates can do after viewing the movie (i.e. mini writing assignment, discussion, debate, quiet game, role play, etc.)
  • keep in mind it must be an activity that will continue to prep you for the test
Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

4. 421 - You will not have the project I mentioned to you in class. For now, just focus on the state test.

If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 between 4-7pm M-F.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, March 10, 2014

PBH Due 3.17.14 (and other dates too!)

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Complete the assigned pages in the workbook. Newly assigned pages to be announced later.

2. Vocabulary Word Wall Game due 3.31.14. Since you will be playing your created games after the test, it must be a quiet game that does not require a lot of movement or noise. We must be considerate of other classes taking the test for a longer period of time.

3. Movie/Book Review Due 4.4.14. (Note: date change) A movie book review rubric link will be posted later. You must use the introductory, body and conclusion paragraph template to construct a substantial and meaningful essay. It will be provided for you in class later. Please note for this assignment, you will select the movie. I will provide details later!

4. Reading/Writing Test 3.17.14

Please note that your NYS ELA exam will be from April 1-3.
Spring Break April 14-23

Please check the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7.

Miss. N

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

PBh Due 3.11.14 (and other dates too!)

Hello All,

I hope you all did remember to bring your yellow workbook home. After the 8th grade debate tomorrow, we will accelerate our learning as we revisit the novel Inside Out and Back Again.

Please do the following each day of the week due 3.11.14:

1. Due to the overwhelming amount of work I assigned from the yellow workbook, I decided to change a few things. Please do the following in the yellow workbook:

A. Skip page 52. (It serves no purpose at this moment)
B. Complete pp. 53-59 - Due 3.11.14
C. Complete pp. 60-68 (Read and annotate the text only. For this assignment it is more important for you to thoroughly annotate the text and absorb the information from the reading) - Due 3.14.14
D. Complete pp. 69-72 - Due 3.17.14

Read the directions in the workbook and read the corresponding pages in the novel, if necessary, that it instructs you to read for each lesson.

When you read the nonfiction articles in the yellow workbook, please annotate it with a purpose. Read the questions or any instructions that precede the articles and ONLY annotate areas that provide you with the answers.

2. Debate Writing Reflection - Class 419 Due Date 3.10.14 & Class 421 Due Date 3.14.14
You have the option to either type it following the criteria of: Times New Roman, double spaced, last name numbered pages, college block style heading and the title, Debate Writing Reflection, in bold print. Or, handwrite it in your neatest and clearest writing.

The reflection questions are as follows:
¡In an essay, write about your experience researching evidence for the debate and collaborating with your classmates. Be honest and reflective.
¡What difficulties did you have finding  articles for your counter argument and presenting it? If not, why? Be very detailed (beginning to debate day).
¡What new information did you learn about  the Vietnam War? (3 examples from the articles)
¡Why was it important to understanding the novel Inside Out & Back Again? Provide examples from the novel and cite page numbers.
¡Place finished, stapled essays inside mailbox on the assigned day for your class.

Debate FYI:

Please research 5 of the strongest facts that explains the reasons for and purpose of the Vietnam War.


Please bring in a canned good (i.e. soup, veggies, meat, etc.) on 3.5.14 or 3.6.14 and give it to Mrs. Hamilton. One person from the class will collect it and bring it to her.

Movie/Book Review due 3.24.14. Recommended list of movies to watch TBA. I will provide you with a different rubric.

Vocabulary Game Project due 3.31.14. You will want these games to be created prior to the NYS ELA state test so that the class will have something to play after the test is done. Please follow the same rubric I provided you with for the first project. If you don't have one, please request one.

If you have any questions, please email thereadingcafe@aol.com by 7pm M-F, or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 between 4-7 pm M-F.

Miss. N

Friday, February 28, 2014


Hello All,

Please read below:
A. Print the movie/book review rubric from the following link: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plan/collateral_resources/pdf/r/review_writing/movies/movie_rubric.pdf

You will also need the 8th grade "no excuse list" in order to know what the rubric is talking about. The link is http://www.asdk12.org/MiddleLink/LA/spelling/grade8/No_Excuse_Spelling_Grade8.pdf

You will need this for Monday. It will be the same peer editing you did this past week. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE IT ON MONDAY!

B. You still have one last time to submit the previous rubric for bonus points on Monday. Make sure your name is on it, class and date.

C. Here is another opportunity to earn bonus points. Go to google images and print one profound scene from the movie you watched that best illustrates the focus question above. Please REMEMBER TO COPY AND PASTE THE SCENE TO MS WORD AND THEN SHRINK THE IMAGE TO APPROXIMATELY 3 X 5 (this is about index card size). YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE FULL BONUS POINTS.




Take Care!

Miss. N

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PBH Due 3.3.14

Hello All,

The following is due:

1. Movie Book Review (I took the liberty of reposting the previous blog info about the movie/book review to this blog)

Movie/Book Review - Due March 3, 2014 (Please note that the focus question was changed)

We are still exploring the refugee experience, and, although we have taken a little break from reading the novel, we have not taken a break analyzing the impact of war within a society. What you will explore and analyze is: what is the importance of family when  war happens to divide it? First you must have a "working definition" of what a family and war is. This must be in the body paragraphs including evidence from both the text and the movie. The movies you can select from below are as follows:
1.) Life Is Beautiful (Highly Recommended) French movie with English subtitles. Mr. Sillman said that the full movie is on YouTube.
2.) The Pianist
3.) The Devil's Arithmetic
4.) The Hiding Place

Check your local library for these movies, YouTube or Netflix! Happy watching and reading!
Please follow the outline below:

Introduction Paragraph:
Hook (thought-provoking question, anecdote, quote, etc.)
Filler (3 sentences) Explain the quote you used without giving away too much information. Please do not start off your explanation with, "this quote means..." or "I think this quote is trying to say..." or any other cheesy and unprofessional sentence starters. Just say what you have to say without having to introduce that you are going to say it.
Thesis/Focus Statement (what you are proving and three supporting examples à one sentence)
Body Paragraph # 1 (Focus on the importance of family in both the movie and novel):
Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1 (word for word from movie)
 Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2 (word for word from movie)
Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3 (word for word from movie)
Explanation of evidence 3

Body Paragraph # 2 (Focus on the importance of community in both the movie and novel):

Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3 (cite evidence from text with page number)Explanation of evidence 3


Conclusion Paragraph:
Restatement of Thesis/Focus Statement
Restatement of Body Paragraph Topic Sentences
Thoughtful statement to leave the reader thinking (Clincher)

2. Word Wall (this must be an unfamiliar word that comes from either the movie you selected, your independent book or the novel)

That's all...for now! : )

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!


A. If you have not yet done the following, you still have an opportunity to submit the 2.3.14 Word Wall Word and post a reading blog and a response to one person by 7 pm Monday night. Don't miss this opportunity! I AM ONLY ACCEPTING THIS. ABSOLUTELY NO ESSAYS!
B. You still have one last time to submit a rubric for bonus points on Monday.

C. Here is another opportunity to earn bonus points. Go to google images and print one profound scene from the movie you watched that best illustrates the focus question above. Please REMEMBER TO COPY AND PASTE THE SCENE TO MS WORD AND THEN SHRINK THE IMAGE TO APPROXIMATELY 3 X 5 (this is about index card size). YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE FULL BONUS POINTS.

If you have any questions, email thereadingcafe@aol.com by 7pm M-F, or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7pm for other subject areas.

Miss. N

Friday, February 21, 2014


Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed your vacation thus far!

I wanted to share another opportunity to earn extra points towards your grade.

Please click on the link below or copy/paste into your web browser and print the compare and contrast essay rubric.  Once it is printed at home, the library, STAPLES, OFFICE MAX, KINKOS, UPS or FedEx stores, write your full name, class and date on it and bring it along with your typed written essay to class.

It must be printed and on top of your desk along with your essay on MONDAY the 24th, in order to receive the 5+ BONUS POINTS!

This will be used for the peer review evaluation in class Monday.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, February 17, 2014

PBH Due 2.24.14 (and other dates too!)

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Compare and Contrast Essay

Those of you who were present on Friday, February 14th received the packet and those of you who were not present, please read below and click the link to read article stories about the refugee experience. Please note that there is a change to the Movie/Book Review date which is no longer the 28th of February but is now March 3rd.

February Break Essay Assignment: Compare/Contrast Essay
         People have been refugees all throughout history and even though each story is unique, they are all universal.  We have been reading the fictional story of Ha and her family during the Vietnam War in the novel Inside Out & Back Again as well as informational texts of other refugees from various conflicts, such as the Bosnian War, from our curriculum workbooks.  Your task is to write a compare/contrast essay in which you discuss the universal refugee experience using the texts provided.  You must use the WWII article in this essay (provided).  If you do not want to use the second provided article by Bashir, go to the link below and choose any of the other refugee stories there: http://www.amnesty.org.au/refugees/archive/C12/.   Be sure to annotate your texts and use strong relevant evidence that will support your thesis and analysis!!  This is due on Monday, 24 February 2014.  Your March Movie/Book Review is due on Monday, March 3  2014. 

Remember!! Your heading must be college block style, last name numbered pages, 12 font, Times New Roman, double space lines within the paragraphs as well as between paragraphs. DO NOT TRIPLE SPACE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS!

Although this essay is due on Monday, February 24, 2014, the date you must type on this compare/contrast essay must be March 3, 2014.

Lastly, you must come prepared with your essay typed, printed and on top of your desk so that we can do written peer evaluation reviews on Monday the 24th. Check your printers early to make sure ink and paper are available. If not, with your parents permission, go to your local library, Kinkos, Staples, Office Max, UPS or FedEx stores to print your work. PLEASE TRY NOT TO WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!

Your essay must follow the format below:
Introduction Paragraph:
Hook (thought-provoking question, anecdote, quote, etc.)
Filler (3 sentences)Explain the quote you used without giving away too much information. Please do not start off your explanation with, "this quote means..." or "I think this quote is trying to say..." or any other cheesy and unprofessional sentence starters. Just say what you have to say without having to introduce that you are going to say it.Thesis/Focus Statement (what you are proving and three supporting examples à one sentence)

3-4 Body Paragraphs:
Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1
Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2
Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3
Explanation of evidence 3

Conclusion Paragraph:
Restatement of Thesis/Focus Statement
Restatement of Body Paragraph Topic Sentences
Thoughtful statement to leave the reader thinking (Clincher)

2. Movie/Book Review - Due March 3, 2014
We are still exploring the refugee experience, and, although we have taken a little break from reading the novel, we have not taken a break analyzing the impact of war within a society. What you will explore and analyze is: what is the importance of holding on to your family and community when war seeks to divide it? First you must have a "working definition" of what is a family and what is a community. This must be in the body paragraphs including evidence from both the text and the movie. The movies you can select from below are as follows:
1.) Life Is Beautiful (Highly Recommended) French movie with English subtitles
2.) The Pianist
3.) The Devil's Arithmetic
4.) The Hiding Place

Check your local library for these movies or Netflix! Happy watching and reading!

Please follow the outline below:

Introduction Paragraph:
Hook (thought-provoking question, anecdote, quote, etc.)
Filler (3 sentences) Explain the quote you used without giving away too much information. Please do not start off your explanation with, "this quote means..." or "I think this quote is trying to say..." or any other cheesy and unprofessional sentence starters. Just say what you have to say without having to introduce that you are going to say it.
Thesis/Focus Statement (what you are proving and three supporting examples à one sentence)

Body Paragraph # 1 (Focus on the importance of family in both the movie and novel):
Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1
Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2
Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3
Explanation of evidence 3

Body Paragraph # 2 (Focus on the importance of community in both the movie and novel):

Topic Sentence
Quote/Evidence 1
Explanation of evidence 1
Quote/Evidence 2
Explanation of evidence 2
Quote/Evidence 3
Explanation of evidence 3


Conclusion Paragraph:
Restatement of Thesis/Focus Statement
Restatement of Body Paragraph Topic Sentences
Thoughtful statement to leave the reader thinking (Clincher)

3.)  Pre-College Research Debate Articles - Due 2.25.14
Please note that although I did not specify certain topics in the search engine, you may still find information relating to your topic within the articles you select to read.  However, what I did, was to put together key words/phrases that will filter out articles about supporters of the war. Please note that you are not limited to the key words/phrases I provided. Feel free to modify the keyword search to match your own needs.

Please copy and paste the following as a Google search: "counter argument articles about the Vietnam war" "necessity of the vietnam war" "journal articles about the importance of the vietnam war" "purpose of the vietnam war" "benefits of the vietnam war". Print the best three articles that  could be used against you during the debate.

I will try to add more as time progresses, however, it most likely will remain the same. However, if you find something please share!

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7 pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm. Please note that this number is not available during holiday or vacation breaks.


Miss. N

Monday, February 3, 2014

PBH Due 2.10.14 (other dates too!)


Please do the following:

I. Pre-College Research Article Debate - The Impact of the Vietnam War

Research THREE articles that counterclaim (go against) your thesis statement.  Basically, if you decided that the war was justifiable (there were good reasons to go to war) then you need to find articles that discuss in depth and detail about how it was not good to go to war. If you choose that the war was not justifiable (there were NO good reasons to go to war) then you need to research articles that discuss in depth and detail about how it was good to go to war.

The point of finding articles that are the opposite of the claim you stated in your thesis statement, is so that you will be ready to argue and prove, intellectually, why the claim your opponent (enemy) states is wrong or in error. Basically, your mind must think like your enemy. You must ask yourself the question, "what would my enemy say against me, to prove me wrong, based on the evidence I have?"

Be prepared! Be 10 steps ahead of your enemy but don't let them know that you know. You know :).

Please note that you may not be able research the articles until I teach you how to craft a thesis statement. That will happen this week prior to the review and the test. Also, please understand that it is ok to change your position (claim), later on, if you find other compelling evidence that has persuaded you to think differently. However, your evidence must be strong, accurate, well-thought out and compelling.


For additional historical information, please use Smith, Rodler, online video sources, etc.

II. Community Service Points Opportunity

If you missed out on bringing in soup cans last Friday, please bring in Box Tops to help raise money for the school by Friday, February 14, 2014.

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PBH Due 2.4.14

Hello All,

Please do the following:

Word Wall Word - Due 2.4.14

This must be an unfamiliar word that came from the movie you have or will watch, your independent reading book or what you read in the novel.

The Reading Café Blogging - Due 2.4.14 by 7pm (Respond to ONE PERSON ONLY!)

Select a quote that relates to the refugee experience that Ha is experiencing at this present moment of what we are reading in class. Connect this quote to the movie you watched for the review. Be able to explain the hardships of fleeing and finding home.

Movie/Book Review - Due 2.4.14 (Please come with it printed and ready to be peer reviewed)

For this book review, you will write a review about a movie that you have watched or will watch. The movie must, however, be connected to Ha's refugee experience. The focus question is: How do the events in this movie compare to the refugee experience that Ha and her family is dealing with?

Introductory Paragraph - The first sentence must begin with a quote that represents the central or universal theme of being a refugee or being away from home or something you cherish/love. The next three sentences should briefly explain the quote without giving out too much information. The last sentence should briefly explain what you are going to prove about the theme you found that is connected to Ha's refugee experience and

Body Paragraph - Must have a focus topic sentence restating the question, three details from the movie (must be the exact words the characters say in the movie) and NO you don't need to cite page numbers for a movie. However, you will need to cite page numbers when you make connections in your explanations about the connections that the movie and Ha share. Lastly, and an explanation after each evidence explaining how the movie connects to Ha's experience.

Conclusion - In two sentences, summarize how both the movie and book share a similar central/universal theme (i.e. fleeing home, finding a home, losing something you cherish or love). In one sentence, explain what you believe the movie director and author are trying to teach you about themes both of these share.

Suggested Movies

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
I heard that this movie is on Netflix. : )

Catfish in Black Bean Sauce, Chi Moui Lo, 119 minutes
Dwayne and his older sister Mai are adults: Mai is married to Vinh, Dwayne is about to propose to Nina. Twentytwo years ago, when Mai was 10, she and Dwayne were refugees in Vietnam, adopted by Harold and Dee Williams, AfricanAmericans from Los Angeles. When Mai locates their birth mother, Thahn, and she arrives in Los Angeles, tensions reach the breaking point.

A Family Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story, Christopher Leitch, 90 minutes
This film is based on the true story of the fiveyearold Cuban boy who is the sole survivor of a refugee boat that sunk in a storm on its way to the U.S.

War Child (2008) Christian Karim Chrobog, 94 minutes The film documents the story of Emmanuel Jal, a former child soldier of Sudan’s civil war. He is now an emerging international hip hop star sharing a message of peace for his wartorn land and beloved Africa.


Vocabulary Test - Next Friday, February 7th 2014. On Thursday, February 6th there will be a Vocab Basketball Review Game. You must study the definitions, spelling of the words that you have not been tested on as yet as well as the antonyms.

Words to know: ebullient, pretentious, superfluous, abdicate, expound, perpetuate, astute, renege, nuance, humanitarian, elite, ration, and paucity.

Antonyms: As for now, study all of the them!


FYI: Next week we will begin collecting and analyzing data for the debate, therefore, please have your articles ready. I know that some of you have already handed in your research articles. However, some have not. You will be left out and a bit confused if you don't have it with you. By now, you should have 4 articles.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F by 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Continue to look for updates on the BlogSpot.

Miss. N

Monday, January 20, 2014

PBH Due 1.27.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

Please do the following:

Both Classes:

1. All work that was due on 1.6.14 is due TOMMORROW 1.21.14. This includes: the community service reflection essay (including pictures demonstrating your community service work), SHSAT Extra Credit, and the take home test. Please note that the reflection essay MUST BE TYPED 12 FONT, TIMES NEW ROMAN, DOUBLE SPACED SENTENCES WITHIN THE  PARAGRAPHS, SINGLE SPACE BETWEEN EACH PARAGRAPH, NUMBER THE PAGES WITH YOUR LAST NAME AND SINGLE SPACED COLLEGE BLOCK STYLE HEADING.

2. As for the community service pictures, please note that after reviewing some of the pictures, these pictures should show how you have helped others and physically doing work. These pictures in no way should be poses with your friends making silly faces. This by NO MEANS shows community service work and, it goes without saying, that the pictures I requested during your community service visits SHOULD AND MUST SHOW what you were doing during that time. Thus, some of the pictures that were handed in DOES NOT MEET THAT CRITERIA. If you are aware that you handed in a picture that does not meet this criteria, please reselect another picture for submission.

3. 419 may have to ask either the yearbook representatives for your class or Smith for pictures during your community service in December. Due: 1.22.14.

4. For those students who have not submitted their reflection essays, please make sure that your reflection essay has the January due date, either 1.6.14 or 1.21.14. If you have already submitted your work, you do not have to reprint it. When you look on the bulletin board you will see that your name and date just so happens to be covered with teacher feedback. :)

5. Debate Research - Please note that due to the time I was absent, we have lost a considerable amount of time for preparing for the debate. We will have to resume research mode during this week, however, it will be independent research at home. Please make sure to bring in 3 more additional researched information about your selected topic. Due: 1.27.14. Research Paper due 2.21.14. Debate Showdown 2.28.14.

6. Workbook - Finish your answers to the text-dependent questions if you did not do so in class. Complete a first read of pages 115-134. Take notes (in your journal) using the Structured Notes graphic organizer. Focus on the strongest evidence that reveals how Ha is being turned "inside out", plus vocabulary that helps you understand her challenges and responses. As I said in class, if you were assigned these pages either for classwork or homework, you will not have to do it since you already completed it. However, if you did not, you MUST COMPLETE IT! Due 1.22.14.

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

If you have any questions, please email at thereadingcafe@aol.com by 7pm M-F or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380 between 4-7 pm M-F.

Miss. N

Thursday, January 2, 2014

PBH Due 1.6.14

Hello All,

Please do the following:

421 - If you have not resubmitted the Mid-Unit test that I am recounting, you must submit it by Monday. There are a number of students who have not and that is why there is no grade on LearnBoost for you.

Both Classes
Meet with your Pre-College Research groups to research additional information. Choose a side: were the Vietnamese and the United States justified in entering into war or not? Please note that although it may be tempting to choose "No" or maybe even "Yes" you must, however, read and reread your articles in depth and do additional information to truly prove your claim. In order to choose correctly and objectively (fact based not opinion based) you must take your own feelings out of it, put it to the side, and really examine all aspects of the war. Please remember that this is post-war.

We will continue with the novel by starting unit 2. Be prepared by bringing in your novel and workbook.

Book Review Due Dates - TBA

Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!

Always remember that extra-help is set aside on a specific day for each class. It is posted on the classroom door and has been there since September. I've mentioned it to all of you and some of you need to take advantage of that. For those of you who have been coming regularly, your grades have improved.

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm for assistance in other subject areas.

Miss. N