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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

FYI Reminder

There is no book review due on January 2, 2014. You will receive the dates later.

Monday, December 16, 2013

PBH Due 1.3.14 (and other dates too)

Hello All,

Please do the following:


421 Blogging due before 7pm Monday, December 16, 2013. Use this homework post to post your blog comments.

Question: Using the research article you printed for your group's focus topic and the novel, How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

419 Blogging due before 7pm Thursday, December 16, 2013. Since I still have your articles, you will receive it on Wednesday. However, those students who scored a 2 and below on their printed articles must research a more appropriate article in order to receive a better grade. Please use this homework post to post your blog comments.

Question: Using the research article you printed for your group's focus topic and the novel, How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family?

You must respond to another person who is not in your group. For example, one person who posts a comment about the political impacts must respond to another person who discussed any of the other topics that is not about politics. This will give you a more well-rounded overview of all aspects of the war that affected both Vietnam and the United States.




421 - Your reflection outline is different from other classes since you had more community service experiences than the other classes. Therefore, you must follow the outline and leave nothing out. Please note that for each of the community service projects you participate in physically, you will receive 5 extra points. You have had 5 community service experiences thus far, so that is 25 points multiplied by two. You will only receive these points when you attend the trip and complete the reflection essay. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced (paragraphs only not the heading) and college block style heading. Follow the heading example on the outline. Any other font size or lettering style WILL BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE!

419 - Your reflection outline will only be about your visit to The Salvation Army. You will receive the outline on Wednesday. Please note that the same pertains to you. You have been on two community service trips and that is a total of 10 points. Please note that you will receive it by attending the trip as well as completing and following the outline for the essay. Those students who did not attend the trip or complete the Flushing Meadow Park reflection will not receive points. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced (paragraphs only not the heading) and college block style heading. Any other font size or lettering style WILL BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE!


Use the graphic organizers that I gave you the week of Monday, December 16, 2013 to help you craft your two quick write paragraphs for the poem "Saigon Is Gone" and the transcript "Forgotten Ship: A Daring Rescue As Saigon Fell". You will receive a copy of the test with the instructions and materials needed on Wednesday or Thursday.

For class 421 students, who don't have your workbook, which I think is all of you, please click on the following link below to access pages 185-191. These pages contain the transcript you will need for extracting evidence for the essay. 

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com before 7pm M-F or call Dial-A-Teacher, when school is back in session, for assistance in other subject areas between 4-7 pm M-F @ 212.777.3380.

Have a Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year! : )

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, December 9, 2013

PBH Due 12.16.13 (and other dates too)

Hello All,



If you look on learnboost, you will see your grades posted. You are still responsible for answering the LearnBoost Self-Evaluation Questions which will be due on the 13th, however, you will not receive your progress reports until next week, since most of you need to show me your redone classwork/homework in your workbook.

Please note that the grades you see now, will either drop or increase based on what you receive on your other classwork and homework assignments. You will not get another opportunity to redo your yellow workbook from the day that it is due. It is your responsibility to complete it either at home, during extra help 7th period on your class's assigned day or during extended day. If you choose not to redo the work, your grade will remain the same or if it is not done at all, it will be a zero. There are no surprises on my part and there shouldn't be on yours. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Also, please note that you will see on learnboost that there are workbook assignments with no grades. When you hand in your workbook on Monday the 16th, your grades will be posted between Monday and Tuesday afternoon/evening of that week. Later that week, you will receive your progress report. This must be signed by your parents and brought in on the day I tell you. Once it is signed and returned you will receive an extra 5 points.


Follow the Pre-College Research Assignment instructions so that you will know what to do. When we complete Lessons 12 and 13 in class, we will begin the research. Therefore, this means that the thesis statement and any other part of the essay will not be due until we begin our first day of research for the pre-college assigment, which has not begun yet. Please note that judging from the days it takes to complete the lessons, the other business we need to take care of in the classroom and trips, some of the dates I told you to change may change again and may go into January of 2014, the week we return from vacation. I will let you know when we begin the research what changes will be made.


As mentioned, there are 14 lessons in Unit 1 and the 14th lesson is an assessment. You will do this assessment at home using the workbook, your notes and Inside Out & Back Again. The test MUST BE COMPLETED DURING VACATION AND RETURNED ON JANUARY 3, 2014. You will receive further information later.

TOYS R US TRIP on 12.12.13


If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com before 7pm Mon-Fri or call Dial-A-Teacher for help in other subject areas at 212.777.3380 Mon-Fri between 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, December 2, 2013

PBH Due 12.9.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

1. Word Wall due Wednesday, December 4, 2013.
2. Progress Reports Due 12.10.13. You will receive 5 points for having it reviewed and signed by your parent/guardian. (You will receive the report by the end of the week).
3. 421 Trip Permission Slips due 12.9.13
4. Yellow Workbooks (Redo Scores 2 and below) Due 12.16.13
5. There are students who have not returned the Enrichment Student/Parent Contract from the parent teacher meeting. Please hand it in on Monday, or request for a contract if you did not attend or misplaced it. You will receive 5 points when you return it signed.
6. Nonfiction Blogging - Due 12.16.13. Use the articles you printed for your Pre-College Essay Assignment to respond to the following question: How did the social/emotional, physical/health, socio-economic, environmental or political impacts of the Vietnam War affect Ha and her family? You will receive the detailed outline this week.
7. Nonfiction Book Review Due 1.2.13. You will continue with the biography you were reading. Go to the library and choose a biography immediately if you haven't done so already or would like to change your book selection. Please remember that a biography is a book written about the life of someone else. Do your research and find a book. This assignment requires an engaging introduction with a proper and clear thesis statement and quick write style body paragraph.
8. Follow the due dates of the Pre-College Essay Assignment Outline. However, the dates are subject to change very soon! Articles due Monday 12.9.13.
9. Learn Boost self-evaluation Due 12.13.13: Answer the following questions in complete and detailed sentence format:
  • What are my current ELA scores for homework, classwork, test/quizzes, etc.?
  • If my scores are below 85% in each subject (regular general education classes) and 90% (enrichment only) in each subject, how can I improve my scores?
  • What opportunities are available for me from my school and my teachers to help me improve my scores?
  • Which opportunity is more beneficial to me and how will I keep track of my progress?
10. Bring in your baked goods for the teacher and student bake sale on the dates we agreed as a class.
11. Mrs. Middleton needs judges for the Senior Dance this Friday. If interested, please see her ASAP!

If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7 pm or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 M-F between 4-7 pm.

Miss. N : )

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

PBH Due 12.4.13

Hello All,

I hope you are enjoying your long Thanksgiving weekend! Please do the following:

Both Classes:
  1. Yellow Workbooks (Redo) Due 12.16.13 - I will give you the opportunity to complete all pages that you received a 2 and below. You will receive full credit for those pages. However, if you choose to not do it, it will remain the same. Any page marked N/A simply means that page is "not applicable" to you. Those N/A pages are the ones assigned to table groups a few weeks ago.  For example, if you were tables 1-3 you were assigned to complete section 2 and so forth.
  2. Pre-College Research Assignment - TBA continue to check the BlogSpot for updates. You will receive an outline print out in class next week. However, you must bring in your printed articles on Monday to class and it MUST be present on your table not on your flash drive waiting to be printed.
  3. 421 ONLY - Visit http://sco.org/ to find out more information about St. Christopher Ottilie (SCO) Family of Services. Click "about us" on the home page to find more detailed historic information. This will allow you to be more informed to eloquently articulate to others if they ask you questions and when you create the buddy SCO poster that will be alongside the Bake Sale list.
  4. Learn Boost self-evaluation Due 12.9.13: Answer the following questions in complete and detailed sentence format:
  • What are my current ELA scores for homework, classwork, test/quizzes, etc.?
  • If my scores are below 85% in each subject (regular general education classes) and 90% (enrichment only) in each subject, how can I improve my scores?
  • What opportunities are available for me from my school and my teachers to help me improve my scores?
  • Which opportunity is more beneficial to me and how will I keep track of my progress?
  • 421- Bake Sale will be from Tuesday, December 3rd until Monday, December 9th. The teacher bake sale will be on the 2nd floor outside the main office and the student bake sale in the cafeteria. Please note that on Monday, December 2nd, we will take our class time to prepare for this sale (ex: list of baked items, price list, flyers, SCO poster, morning announcement memo), Santa Trash classroom appointment/visitation set up and purpose, coupons for Toys R US as well as the activities for the kids at the SCO. You heard what Mrs. Middleton discussed today, therefore have the following for Monday: a box of gloves, plastic aprons, poster paper, eye-catching poster paper boarders that are Christmas-like, a white plastic table cloth, a white table skirt, presentable and clean serving platter trays to hold your baked goods, Christmas music in a battery operated radio or battery operated iPod on a stereo dock, Santa or elf hats, etc. Make it look good in order to sell well. Bring your creative ideas to the table because it is CRUNCH TIME! 
  • Manal - Exit Slip Box (let me know when you will have it completed)
  • Extra Credit Project/Assignments will be offered in the next few weeks to anyone interested. Please note that only those students who actually complete ALL ASSIGNMENTS will be allowed to do extra credit. The point of extra credit is so that your previous work that you completed, did not receive high scores therefore you decided to do extra credit assignments to boost your average. Therefore, if you haven't been doing your work, you have many incomplete assignments and don't pay attention in class and have no clue as to what we are discussing, you should NOT ASK FOR EXTRA CREDIT. Once you start doing the right thing where your work is concerned, it will be offered to you. However, if you have been doing well and would like your grade to be higher, you are more than welcome to do extra credit.
  • There are students who have not returned the Enrichment Student/Parent Contract from the parent teacher meeting. Please hand it in on Monday, or request for a contract if you did not attend or misplaced it.
  • Return progress reports by Monday, December 9, 2013. You will receive 5 points for having it reviewed and signed by your parent/guardian. You will receive a print out next week.
If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F before 7pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas M-F between 4-7 pm.

Take Care!

Miss. N

Monday, November 18, 2013

PBH Due 11.25.13

Hello All,

Please note that any work that is due the week of the 18th is posted on the previous blog post. Therefore, you may need to scroll down to read it.

I have made some changes. Please do the following:

Classes 419 & 421:

Vocabulary Games final project due 11.25.13.
All game pieces must be in place and ready to be played on Monday. This will be your test. Each game will be evaluated by your peers and the teacher. You will be evaluated on how well each student was able to acquire new words by playing your game. You will be evaluated on how engaging, fun, creative and clear your instructions were for the game. Lastly, you will be evaluated on how much time it takes to play the game. The game should not be too quick and easy nor too long and difficult. There must be an midway length of time for your game.

Flushing Meadow Park Reflection 
Due 11.25.13 - Write a reflection about your community service experience cleaning Flushing Meadow Park. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced. You can hand write your reflection if your handwriting is not clear. It must be at least one page and you must answer the following questions: 1)  What did this experience teach you about leadership and team work?
2.) How does this community service experience prepare you for future real life work experiences? You must provide examples from the trip based on what you felt, observed and what you heard others say.

1.High School Apps due to Mrs. Cruz Monday, November 25, 2013!
2. Class 421's Bake Sale will begin on Tuesday 11.26.13. Details will be explained on Monday 8th period as well as elections. Buy your baked goods between today and Sunday. Kimberlin get ready!
3. Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates!
4. All videos of the in class courtroom scene must be handed in during lunch time Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

5. Class 421 - A snack during ELA time is not candy. No candy or gum allowed. Cookies, chips, crackers, water, a mini sandwich, or anything that falls into that category is ok. This is only for this class because you have me right before lunch.
6. Riki return the slips that were handed to you on the bus. Due Monday, 11.25.13.

If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Mon-Fri no later than 7pm. Do not wait until the last minute or email me on weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

Miss. N


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PBH Due 11.19.13

Hello All,

Please do the following:

421 Only:

  • Lesson 7: Read your assigned section of the article "The Vietnam Wars" in the yellow workbook and complete the graphic organizer of the section you read. Don't forget to mark up the text as you read your section!
  • Tables 1-3: Read Section 2 "Everything Tends to Ruin" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 2 in your workbook. 
  • Tables 4-6: Read Section 3 "Life, Liberty and Ho Chi Minh" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 3 in your workbook
  • Tables 7-8: Read Section 4 "The Fall of the French" and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 4 in your workbook.

  • 419 Only:

    Go to the library and find a biography, a book written about someone's life, to read. Please remember that although I have postponed your introductory paragraph to a later date to be announced, you are still responsible for reading a biography about this person since website information is not reliable. I can tell if the information you use does not answer the question completely. The focus question remains the same: How did this person achieve success in life? Therefore, as you read look for evidence that supports this question. 

    Both Classes:
    Using 12 font, Times New Roman, double space, college block style heading and last name page numbering, complete the essay assignment questions below:


    Write two complete paragraphs (5 complete sentences each!!) explaining why it is important to study history.  How can it affect our lives today?  Make a personal connection between the novel Inside Out and Back Again and the two articles we’ve read in class thus far (“Children of the Vietnam War” and “The Vietnam Wars”).  Discuss some of the things you have learned from these texts that help you to understand the significance of studying history and the connection of history to your personal lives. From the article, provide three pieces of evidence and an explanation of the evidence. The "Children of the Vietnam War" can be found online by clicking the following link: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/Children-of-the-Dust.html. You will need your yellow workbook for the second article.

    Class 421:  Complete Quick Write # 3. Due 11.19.13

    Classes 419 & 421:

    Due 11.22.13 - Write a reflection about your community service experience cleaning Flushing Meadow Park. It must be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced. You can hand write your reflection if your handwriting is not clear. It must be at least one page and you must answer the following questions: 1)  What did this experience teach you about leadership and team work?
    2.) How does this community service experience prepare you for future real life work experiences? You must provide examples from the trip based on what you felt, observed and what you heard others say.


    1. H.S. applications are due to Mrs. Cruz ASAP!
    2. Community Service Trip on 11.15.13
    3. 421 Only - Trip to Trade Fair Redemption Machine 11.14.13 - ELA periods only
    4. Fardid, Daisy, Riki and Jamara return the slips that were handed to you on the bus. Due Monday, 11.18.13.
    5. Reading/Writing Test 11.25.13
    6. Final Vocabulary Game due on 11.25.13. We will try to play the games on Tuesday and Wednesday before we go on Thanksgiving break!
    7. Continue to check the BlogSpot for updates.

    If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Mon-Fri no later than 7pm. Do not wait until the last minute or email me on weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Miss. N

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    PBH Due 11.12.13

    Hello All,

    Please do the following:

    Both Classes:

    Using the words on the word wall, create a fun vocabulary game using a familiar card game or physical activity that is fun and engaging. Do not use the games I have already told you about (Vocabulary Uno, Vocab Bingo, Vocab Jeopardy and Vocab Basketball). It would be fun to play vocabulary Wheel of Fortune, but someone or a group of people would have to create a small but not too large spinning wheel with different incentives and points to be picked up when the wheel stops. If you can create something like that which is strong and durable and can be used for years to come, I will most definitely give you extra credit.

    Hint: Think of a game you already play, such as a card game, and find out how to transfer/remake the rules and directions of this game into a vocabulary game.

    On loose leaf, please type out the purpose of the game and the rules by using this outline below:

    • Your group's name (all names must be listed from your group of no less than 2 and no more than 4) If you're working solo (a.k.a. by yourself) it's ok. Just don't do more than you can handle.
    • The name of your game
    • Purpose of the game (clearly explain how effective this game will be in learning new and complex vocabulary words, synonyms, antonyms or a combination of all)
    • Rules
    • Materials needed for the game (ex: dice)
    • Number of players (ex: 6-8 players, whole class, etc.)
    • Directions (list clear and specific step-by-step directions)
    • List any other important information needed for your game
    Book Review # 3 - Due 11.18.13

    Redo the introductory paragraph for the autobiography you read. Please make sure not to be dishonest by reading information online as opposed to reading an actual book. Do not copy and paste the information from online. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you actually did what you were supposed to do based on the outline I provided. However, you must use the same book you read and the format I will teach you in class next week.

    421 Only
    Diary/Letter/Journal Entry - Due 11.12.13
    • You MUST submit the final draft on Tuesday complete with a cover page. The cover page should not look like a book report cover you submitted when you were in 4th grade. The cover MUST look like the cover of a diary if you are writing a diary/journal entry. If you are writing a letter, make sure the letter is stained with torn or worn edges.
    • You MUST write the journal in first person
    • You MUST use dates during that time period.
    • You MUST creatively think of an authentic name of your orphan and soldier.
    • You MUST make it clear who the orphan and soldier is writing to.
    • You MUST handwrite it. Neither orphans or soldiers had time or the resources to type anything.
    • You MUST write two entries (one from the point of view of the Vietnam or Amerasian orphans and one from the point of view of the American soldiers who fought during Vietnam)
    • Your entries MUST be no shorter than two paragraphs each.
    • You MUST use three or more pieces of evidence from the articles provided to you as well as additional research you will do on your own.
    • You MUST make it look creative by either staining the paper to make it look old as though it was found years later, by adding black and white photos, by adding paraphernalia such as soldier dog tags that you should tape onto your soldier journal entry or other Vietnam or American soldier like items that will make your work look authentic.


    Return parent signed permission slips for our trip to the NYC Parks Department to clean Flushing Meadow Park no later than Tuesday, November 12, 2013. Be ready to paint, pick up trash and rake leaves. Wear something you don't mind getting dirty.

    Class 421 ONLY - Return parent signed permission slips to the redemption machine at Trade Fair no later than Wednesday, November 13, 2013.

    Return High School Applications to Mrs. Cruz ASAP!

    There will be no blogging or word walls due on Tuesday!

    421 ONLY - You must hand in your revised engaging introductory paragraph as was taught to you. DO NOT write on the template! I had corrected myself in class because I want to save paper and I need you to have that as your template to refer to throughout the year. Use it as a guide as well as the sample introduction on the back. Write your second draft on loose leaf. If your writing is not legible, type it using 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced.

    If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas.

    Miss. N

    Wednesday, October 30, 2013

    PBH Due 11.6.13


    Yes, you've read the due date correctly. For next week only, the homework will be due on Wednesday. Therefore, please do the following:

    Both Classes (NOTE: Class 421 you can wait until we get to this lesson before you begin)
    • Lesson 6: Reread section 1 "The Chinese Dragon" of the article "The Vietnam Wars" and complete Section 1 note-catcher. For your new assigned section, reread the few paragraphs you heard read aloud in class only. You may go beyond that but only focus on the rereading the one read aloud to you. DO NOT FORGET TO MARK UP THE TEXT WITH AN EXPLANATION AS YOU READ!
    • Lesson 7: Read your assigned section of the article "The Vietnam Wars" in the yellow workbook and complete the graphic organizer of the section you read on the following pages.
    • Tables 1-3: Read Section 2 "Everything Tends to Ruin" on pp. 17-18 and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 2 in your workbook. 
    • Tables 4-6: Read Section 3 "Life, Liberty and Ho Chi Minh" on p. 18 and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 3 in your workbook
    • Tables 7-8: Read Section 4 "The Fall of the French" on pp. 18-19 and complete the graphic organizer labeled section 4 in your workbook.
    • Bring in a pack of colorful index cards. In order for your table to play a vocabulary game using the words on the word wall...YOU WILL NEED A PACK OF COLORFUL INDEX CARDS.
    • When you receive the community service trip permission slips, please return it signed by your parent/guardian as soon as possible.

    421 Only
    • GET READY FOR YOUR BOARD MEETING! PLHH must create their advertisements, commercials, costumes, posters and any other public relations item that will be needed to get the message across. So, far third grade is the only grade supporting us. YOU HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO. A special thanks to the dedicated students who have diligently and sacrificially come during lunch to work on the PLHH project. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Please remember that without you we cannot help the children and families at the SCO. So SANTRA TRASH DO YOUR THING! :)
    • Complete "Children of the Vietnam War" article by marking up the text and providing explanations or comments next to your annotation marks.
    • Bring in a pack of colorful index cards.

    If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher for help in other subject areas 212.77.3380.

    Miss. N

    Monday, October 21, 2013

    PBH Due 10.28.13

    Hello All,

    Please do the following:

    Expeditionary Learning - Learning about the Character Ha - Lesson 4 - Due 10.23.13
    • Read pages 10–21, from “TiTi Waves Goodbye” through “Two More Papayas,”
    • Complete Quick Write 2

    Book Review # 2
    • You are only responsible for doing only one portion of the essay: the introduction.
    • It must include: a hook, three sentences that explain the hook and a clear and concise thesis statement
    • Do not do the body paragraphs or a conclusion, you will do those later.
    • Until I make the necessary changes, for now, follow the Book Review Calendar I gave you. As stated on the calendar, you must read a biography and it must be a nonfiction book. So choose a favorite or famous person you would like to learn more about. 
    The reason I want you to do this is because most of what I have noticed is that the introductions that I have read from the previous book review were not fully developed. In order for you to write college level essays for me later in the year, you must be able to write essays that have a powerful introduction and powerful thesis statement.

    This week I will hopefully get through a writing lesson with you on how to write an appropriate and  powerful introduction and thesis statement.

    I see that with this year's class, we will have to take it one step at a time. Trust me...YOU CAN DO IT!

    Online Blogging

    Please follow the same format I showed you and reread the reference sheet on how to blog. This time I would like you to respond only to one person instead of two. Make sure your comments are not about the mistakes in writing, that is not considered a comment but a writing critique. Instead, comment on the character's actions in the book, the author (if you are familiar with the author's books/writing) or your interest in wanting to know more about the book. These suggestions would be considered thoughtful comments. Please post your blogs on this homework assignment post.

    Thought Question for blogging: How did this person achieve success in their life? Please cite three examples from the text including page number and explain what each piece of evidence means.

    Word Wall

    Please select an unfamiliar and difficult word that comes from the biography you are reading. Currently we have 30 words on the word wall and we should have much more than that. I am looking forward to having fun with those words via Jeopardy, card and bingo games. Therefore, ALL of you need to post a word on the word wall. Please remember that our first game is coming from the SAT words I provided. Make sure you STUDY HARD AND GOOD! During the basketball game, you will have to recite the definition out loud and proud! :)


    Vocabulary Basketball Game this Friday

    SAT Quiz - Friday after game on the following words: ecstatic, infanticide, plethora, affable, dapper, affidavit, glutinous, pilfer and incandescent. Study only the definitions for now. The words will be in a word bank box and there will be fill in the blank sentences for the vocabulary words to be used in context.

    If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at  212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Miss. N

    Monday, October 14, 2013

    PBH Due 10.21.13

    Hello All,

    I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    Please pay close attention to the due dates and designated class assignments.

    Due 10/17

    1.) Reread pp. 4-9 of Inside Out and Back Again
    2.) Complete Quick Write on p. 4 in the Expeditionary Learning Workbook

    Due 10/18 - Don't do this until we do this lesson
    1.) Read pages 10–21, from “TiTi Waves Goodbye” through “Two More Papayas,” and complete Quick Write 2.

    Due 10.21.13

    Please do the following:

    1.) Due to changes in homework and the new curriculum, check either the BlogSpot periodically or the SMART board for you homework.

    A.) Class 421 - Research the historical reasons behind the Fall of Saigon by creating a timeline.
    Class 421 Only - Copy and past the link in your web browser  http://embed.snagfilms.com/films/title/55_days_the_fall_of_saigon#!
    Use the graphic organizer that I provided for you to extract evidence from the documentary.

    B.) Class 419 - Write a poem describing and explaining in your opinion, What Is Home.


    2.) Based on the book reviews I have read, there will be major changes made to the calendar syllabus for the year. I will explain details later! However, the next book review will be due on the 28th. Select one of the quotes below to write newly modified critical analysis essay.

    Quote Contributor: Cindy Sanchez, 8-419
    Quote: "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

    Quote Contributor: Sheila Fabian, 8-419
    Quote: "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too." - Will Smith

    Quote Contributor: Pricilla Rosa, 8-419
    Quote: "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius

    3.) Study for your SAT Vocabulary Quiz for next Friday 10.25.13.  Study the words so that we can play our first Vocabulary Basketball Tournament. A list of all of the words and meanings from the word wall and your binder will be given to you.

    4.) High School Forms due October. See Mrs. Cruz for the exact date!

    If you have any questions or need homework help, email thereadingcafe@aol.com or call dial-a-teacher @ 212.777.3380.

    Miss. N

    Monday, October 7, 2013

    PBH Due 10.15.13

    Hello All,

    Please do the following:

    1. Book Review # 2 due 10.28.13. Please make the necessary changes on your At-A-Glance calendar I provided for you.
    2. Word Wall # 2 due 10.28.13.  Please make the necessary changes on your At-A-Glance calendar I provided for you.
    3. Reading Blog # 2 due 10.28.13.  Please make the necessary changes on your At-A-Glance calendar I provided for you.
    4. Study for Vocab Quiz. Quiz will be 10.18.13. Study the words, synonyms and antonyms in the vocab section of your binder.
    5. Write on an index card who your homework buddy is for your homeroom.
    6. Please note that homework will change to some extent since we have started a new curriculum from the NYC Department of Education. Most likely you will have homework more than once a week.
    7. Read pp. 4-9 of Inside Out and Back Again. Do not lose your books, you are mature and responsible to bring it to school and class everyday.
    Class 421 - Please bring in cardboard boxes for recycling. Try to collaborate with each other to bring in boxes that are the same size so we will not have any trouble fitting them together. Continue to plan who will create the posters which must be posted in the school halls no later than next week Wednesday. Commercials and mascots must be planned as well if you are using that to promote this fundraising event.

    Class 421 - YouTube Videos

    Practice Court Room Mock Trial - Opening Statement

    Click to view and take note of the way it is presented

    Defense Closing Statement

    If you find any other videos or do your own search that helps to prepare and support your case, please do so.

    Please return to the BlogSpot for updates this week.

    If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380.

    Miss. N

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    FYI Reminder for PBH Due 10.7.13

    FYI Reminder for PBH Due 10.7.13
    A.    Book Review
    Please follow the template I provided for you in class.

    B.     The Reading Café Response Blogging
    Select a quote OR question to respond to for the book you read for the book review. Do not use another book.

    1.      Top 10 Famous quotes contributor: Brandoth Lopez, 8-419

    “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

    2.      Top 10 famous quotes contributor: Fardid Chowdhury, 8-421

    “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” – Douglas Pagels

    3.      Top 10 famous quotes contributor: Camilo Pareja, 8-421

    “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt


    1.      What life lessons does the main character learn as a result of the events he/she experienced? Provide three examples from the text.

    2.      How does the main character develop or grow as a result of the incidents (events) in the story? Provide three examples from the text.

    3.      What themes are prevalent throughout the text? Provide three examples from the text.

    In your blog reading response make sure to write the quote or question you are responding to. For example,

    Question/Quote: What themes are prevalent throughout the text? Provide three examples from the text.

    Reading Response:    In Chazz Palminteri's movie, A Bronx Tale, there are many themes that arise from this one hundred and twenty two minute film. One of the main themes I believe is prevalent is that of trust. Sonny, the protagonist in the movie, develops a trust relationship like none other with Calogero (a.k.a "C") that he does not exhibit with any of this gangsta associates. In the eyes of Sonny, it is either his way or the highway, or at times you are placed "in the bathroom". If you do not meet up with his standards, trust and loyalty, you cannot be a part of his circle. However, "C' wins Sonny over when he does not rat him out during a police line up for the murder of a "bat raged man" in the beginning stages of the plot of the movie.  It was at that moment, that one little nine year old boy, who according to his father, "did a good thing for a very bad man", won the trust of a man of crime. It is also interesting to see how trust plays out in this movie. Calogero falls in love with an African American girl, and Sonny allows "C" to use his car for a date to make a "good impression". As "C" says, "Sonny, you don't let anyone use your car." Although Sonny was not "C's" biological father, he did what any caring father would do for a son after his own heart who is at the age of raging hormones and a love sick heart.

    One of the highlights of the movie, "C" asks Sonny in the car, "Don't you trust anyone?" Sonny, bluntly says no. It was at that pivotal moment that "C's" influence affected Sonny.  He realized that it was not all about him. Sonny thought that he lost his trust in "C" and that he turned on him and wanted him killed when he found a bomb under the hood of his car. Through the sobbing and pleas of Calogero, he realized what he was doing. It was at that moment he turned his thinking from selfish to self-less.

    By: Miss. Nicholson, 8-421

    C. Class 8-421:
    If you would like to read "Kitty and Mack: A Love Story" online, please click the following link: http://www.is5nyc.org/res_view_folder.aspx?id=e15efe60-a82f-4ab4-82fd-39bef8409780&userGroupId=546ad056-ebff-4bd1-b468-fa4b30f1002e&userGroupType=C
    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Saturday, September 21, 2013

    Revised PBH for the week of 9.23.13 - 10.7.13


    As mentioned in class, please read the following:

    • Top 10 favorite quotes due 9.23.13 (please scroll down to see the format)
    • Word Wall due 9.30.13 (Sorry, I'd rather keep it for this day instead of the 7th)
    • Crazy Fan Celebrity Dating Characterization Home Video due 9.30.13
    • Book Review # 1 is due 10.7.13
    • Reading Response Blog due 10.7.13 no later than 7pm
    If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com M-F no later than 7 pm. Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas M-F 4-7 pm.

    Take Care!

    Miss. N

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    PBH Due 9.23.13

    Hello All,

    For those of you who completed your first project based homework...Congrats! As I said you will notice how your homework is essential for understanding what I do inside the classroom. You will need it to complete most of your assignments.
    I hope visiting this website will become a habit for all of you as the weeks and months progress. As mentioned, if you have not given in all of your supplies you may hand them in no later than Wednesday. You must be prepared for my class by having all of your supplies ready.

    Please take note that your assignments will vary at times. There will be moments when I give 421 a different assignment from 419 and there will be times when it will be the same.

    Assignment # 1 - Student Generated List of Favorite Quotes - Create a list of 10 of your most favorite quotes by famous and/or non famous people. These quotes must be a range of being funny, inspiring, motivational, having a serious tone, cultural, educational, about personalities, philosophical, etc. You can research it online and make note of the website you retrieved your information and the author of the quote (first/last name). For example,
    Quote - "...that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong...,"  -- King Solomon
    Source -  http://biblehub.com/ecclesiastes/9-11.htm.
     You are allowed to write your own original quote but ONLY ONE!

    Assignment# 2 - Reading Skill Focus: Characterization

    In order to prepare you for our upcoming unit, there are a few reading and writing skills you will have to brush up on. Therefore, for your next assignment please read the following:

    Next week we will be discussing the author's use of characterization or character traits in literature. You will create a crazy fan celebrity dating ad home video trying to convince the celebrity of your dreams to choose you over someone else. Your video must include:

    1. Creativity - You can use music in the background, create your own persuasive lyrics, write a poem to the person of interest, use sound effects, create a setting, etc.
    2. You must identify who the celebrity is that you are interested in (i.e. Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber)
    3. Provide a list of reasons why you should be their number one choice
    4. Be yourself - you must allow your personality to shine through in order to be convincing and unique.
    5. Equipment - you may use your phone, iPad, camcorder, computer camera or any other device that will record your presentation.
    6. Time Limitations - your video must be 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 minutes long.
    7. Presentation - presentation and professionalism is everything. Please make sure that you check and double check that your home video is saved correctly on your flash drive. Also remember to bring it to school to show the class on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
    8. Reminder - If you haven't purchased a flash drive as yet, I suggest you do it rather quickly. All video recordings MUST BE SAVED ON YOUR FLASH DRIVE!
     All presentations are due on Monday! There are absolutely no excuses!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Do not email me on the weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Take Care!

    Miss. Nicholson


    1. SAT Vocabulary Quiz 9.27.13
    2. Book Review # 1 Due 9.30.13

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    PBH Due 9.16.13 (other dates too)

    Hello All,

    Once again, welcome back! For some reason, the BlogSpot did not allow me to post on Monday while at school. However, please take note of the following and make sure to BRING these items in on the highlighted dates:

    Due 9.16.13 - Monday
    • Welcome back packet from Miss. Nicholson to you and your parents. This packet contains English and Spanish versions of my letter, the queens library card application as well as other documents to be signed and handed in.
    • 9/11 Poem about being able to triumph over tragedy. Please make sure that you incorporate literary devices to explain and describe tragedy and triumph as well as use images and/or cut out words that provides a visual explanation of your poem. - Class 421 ONLY!
    • Complete your personality poster using images and/or words that describes who you are as a person.
    • ALL supplies must be handed in on Monday.
      ·         1 ½  inch hard cover binder / 2 packs of loose leaf/ 1 pack of dividers/ 3 packs of sheet protectors/ 1 pack of hole reinforcement labels for loose leaf/ 1 marble notebook/ 1 expanding file folder
      ·         1 folder with pockets (High School Folder)/ 4GB or 8GB flash drive (mandatory)/ A pack of multi-colored pens/ library card (mandatory)
    Due 9.12.13 - Thursday
    • old newspapers and/or magazines of images you don't mind cutting out for your personal portrait.
    • positive Google images that represent who you are as a person/individual
    • Inspiring, hopeful and motivating images about September 11th.

    Due 9.13.13 - Friday
    • Summer Reading Report
    • Emergency Blue Cards
    • School papers to be signed by your parents (i.e. giving permission for neighborhood walks, video recording, photographs)
    • Bring in old newspapers and/or magazines that you don't mind cutting up.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com Monday -Friday no later than 7pm. Do not email me on the weekends! Call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

    Take Care!

    Miss. Nicholson

      Thursday, May 23, 2013

      PBH Due 5.31.13

      Hello All,

      As I mentioned to you all, there is NO WORK due on Monday because it is a holiday. All work that you submit will be for the Holocaust final project. Whatever you choose to submit from the final task sheet I gave you over three weeks ago, must be handed in on May 31, 2013.

      Ms. Stern is visiting our classroom as a Holocaust representative for her grandmother. You must have one or two questions ready to ask during the interview. This will help you for your final project. She may visit either Tuesday or Wednesday so please be ready! 

      All Student Release Forms and Donors Choose permission slips (8-421 only) must be handed in. This is not a choice, I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!

      For being responsible, I am granting all students extra points for handing it in. If you know you didn't hand it in please do so expeditiously.

      May 31, 2013 will be our celebration! Please bring the food/beverages you signed up for to contribute to our menu. on Friday. In order to participate you need to have your poem or your poetry portfolio to read. Class 8-401 the list will be discussed on Friday, 5.24.13. Please bring more than enough to feed over 40 people. Any questions, will be discussed in class.

      For the next several days your class time will be dedicated to the Holocaust final project. Bring your supplies to class.

      Email thereadingcafe@aol.com if you have any questions or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

      Miss. N

      Monday, May 13, 2013

      PBH Due 5.20.13

      Hello All,

      Both classes, please do the following:

      I. Research and write four examples of discriminatory practices against your race in the United States. Explain why it happened and how it is affecting your ethnicity today? How is it similar or not to how Jews were treated during the Holocaust?

      II. Make sure to go to the library to select a Holocaust fiction book of your choice for in class independent reading if you have not done so already. There are still some students who do not have their books for their book group. I posted the Holocaust Fiction books web links two weeks ago but I will post it again for your benefit.
      III. Reread the final task and think about what you would like to focus your end of unit project on. If you are interested in creating a Holocaust poetry portfolio, the outline will be given to you this week.
      Bring in your trip permission slip by Friday of this week. Read what you need to bring for this community service trip. The trip is tentatively set for Monday, May 20, 2013.

      If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380 for assistance in other subject areas.

      Miss. N

      Monday, May 6, 2013

      PBH Due 5.13.13 and Other Due Dates


      Please do the following:

      421: I am entrusting you with the decision to create your own book groups based on the Holocaust book list I provided online. Please keep your reading level in mind. If you're not sure if the book is on your level use the 5 finger rule for selecting a "Just Right" book. Select a Holocaust nonfiction and fiction book using the links on the previous blog. You must have this book by Friday. Go to your nearest library and check www.queenslibrary.org. to find the locations that have your book. Due 5.10.13. Read the blurbs provided on the sites to make the selections that you will enjoy!

      401: Select one fiction Holocaust book from the links I provided in class. If you are not able to go online, use the school's lab, visit the library by asking your parents first, come during lunch to room 421 and I believe some of you can access it using your cell phones. NO EXCUSES!

      Both Classes:
      SAT Vocab test this Friday. Words to know (insight, elicit, bereft, renege, eminence, pugnacity, ethnocentrism)
      Short Answer Test using the TEC Method this Thursday, 5.9.13 - 421 only
      Short Answer Test using the TEC Method next Monday, 5.13.13- 401 only
      Word Wall Due 5.20.13
      Holocaust Book Review Due 5.20.13
      Final Holocaust Project Due 5.27.13
      Begin thinking about your Holocaust Project and begin working on it now by brainstorming ideas.
      Return the Video Permission Slip that I will give you this week. Must be returned on Friday.

      Other Reminders
      Please return all of your Bradbury Short Story books by the end of this week. - 401 only
      All PLHH passes that you may be HOLDING HOSTAGE, please return it by the end of this week. I am missing MANY! - 421 only

      Email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com if you have any questions or call Dial-A-Teacher @ 212.777.3380 for help in other subject areas.

      Miss. N

      Monday, April 29, 2013

      PBH Due 5.6.13

      Hello All,

      Look for updates during the week. For now, please do the following assignments:

      1. Create a word wall word graphic organizer from the words I provide during our new historical fiction unit this week or from the Holocaust novel you've selected. Due 5.20.13

      2. Select a historical fiction book from the library or the list I provide on the blog for your book review that will be due on May 20, 2013. Please go to the following websites to check out some YA Holocaust novels:

      If the above websites are not interesting to you, please do your own online search. The book review question is: What risks are you willing to take to survive? This is all based on the characters, plot of the story and, of course, your brilliant explanations. You must use the Hook-3-T, TEC and dynamite conclusion method.

      3. Write a letter to Thank You letter to the donors of Donors Choose for the books that they sent our classroom. Please write it in your neatest handwriting. Due 5.3.13.

      4. Purchase a notebook (spiral), sketch pad or create your own for your historical fiction poetry portfolio. This does not have to be an expensive notebook. The 99 cents store is fine. :) Your final H.F. poetry portfolio will be due on May  27, 2013 and I will provide you with a detailed outline later. Please note that this will be filled with poems reflecting the Holocaust as well as music analysis using literary devices. Please note that you have enough time to get this, however please don't wait until the last minute. You will add your final poems and other works days before the end of the month.This is one out of two projects for this new unit. However, I may keep it at this alone and give you other assignments.

      5. Reading Comprehension Test this Friday.

      If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

      Miss. N

      Monday, April 22, 2013

      PBH Due 4.29.13

      Hello All,

      Please do the following:

      1.) Your final sci-fi project is due on April 29, 2013. Please make sure you type your final drafts of your movie scripts and final drafts of your sci-fi graphic novel from MS Ppt neatly and creatively. Make sure the names of all of your group members are listed on the final project. Your work will be posted on the bulletin board for the month of May.

      Be prepared for discussion and student evaluations of projects next week in class. You will comment and score your peers work using the rubric I provided the class in March. Make sure you have the rubrics ready for next week Monday.

      2.) Your 4th marking period progress report will be given at the end of the month or on May 3rd the latest. It must be signed by your parents and returned on Monday, May 6, 2013.

      If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

      Miss. N

      Tuesday, April 16, 2013

      PBH Reminder

      Hello All,

      Please note that since we're in the throes of the NYS state exams, the following are just reminders about the due dates of assignments for this month.

      Sci-fi movie final draft and movie premiere on April 29, 2013.

      Sci-fi graphic novel draft # 3 due April 22, 2013.

      Sci-fi Final Draft due April 29, 2013.

      Try to rest and do your best! : )

      Class 401 - Poetry Analysis Essay due 4.22.13.

      Check the blogspot for updates.

      If you have any questions, please email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com.

      Miss. Nicholson :)

      Saturday, April 13, 2013

      Poetry Analysis Essay and Reminders

      Hello Geniuses!

      Please note that the poetry analysis essay is not due on Monday. You will complete it in class on Monday as I had told you earlier in the week. However, you must bring your flashdrive to work on it in class.

      The due date for the final sci-fi movie project is due on April 22 and the sci-fi graphic novel is due on April 29. Make sure you hand in the drafts of your scripts on the due dates specified on earlier blog postings. Scroll down to find out.

      Here is the poetry analysis essay as promised. Please note that if the NYS ELA question asks you to identify and analyze the poem for about 2-3 literary devices and its use in effectively conveying a message in an essay, unless the instructions tells you to find the same 2-3 devices in both then only explain the ones you have found. Once again read the directions carefully before you do anything.

      Yes, love is blind…however, it is sometimes what you do see that can also hurt you. In “Killing Me Softly” and “Grenade” the lyricists creatively and effectively use repetition, hyperbole and personification to portray strong negative emotions of heartache through anger and sadness.
      Hill’s “Killing Me Softly” is a true depiction of the sadness heartache brings.  The repetition of the phrase “killing me softly” in the chorus shows a gradual progression of slow and almost painful loss due to the power and strength “with his song and his words”.  The phrase “strumming my pain with his fingers” beautifully personifies the effect of lightly running his fingers across the strings of her vulnerable heart. Also, the lyricist creatively uses this same phrase as a hyperbole in that “strumming” is an action used on a guitar, thus, a person’s pain cannot be strummed literally. Nonetheless, it is an action, and the action he takes to expose her weaknesses as he continues to kill her softly “telling her whole life with his words”.
      Mars’ “Grenade” is a true depiction of the fierce anger heartache produces towards oneself or an individual. The phrase “black, black, black and blue” symbolizes the depth of darkness within his heart and “Mad woman, Bad woman that’s just what you are” represents the emotional scars his ex-girlfriend left on his heart and mind. The repetition of the phrase “…for ya” shows his frustration and anger of all of the things he would do for her love but she fails to reciprocate. Also, this song is full of hyperboles such as “I’d jump right in front of a train”. It is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, however, this once again shows the depths he would go for her but is irate that “she would not do the same”.
      To conclude, in order to draw a reader or listener into one’s writing, a writer will strategically use a plethora of effective and creative literary devices to convey an important message or to tell a story. It is definite that these two writers have taught a relatable and sometimes true story about heartache and love.

      Monday, April 8, 2013

      PBH Sci-fi Project and Poetry Reminder

      Hello All,

      Please do the following:

      Bring your headphones and music devices (i.e. iPods) tomorrow. In addition to the two poems you have responsibly printed for Monday's homework (4.8.13), I would like you to select a famous or well known song from your family's country/culture and one from America. We will examine the cultural aspects found in poetry in class tomorrow.


      Continue working on your sci-fi project. Class 401 you will have one period working on the sci-fi project and the other working on poetry test prep.Use the guides I handed out to your class last Friday!

      Class 421, you are ahead, however you still need to continue working on the sci-fi project. Use the guides I handed out to your class last Friday!

      Please scroll down to read the deadlines for your sci-fi project!

      Email me if you have any questions at thereadingcafe@aol.com. Call Dial-A-Teacher for other subject areas at 212.777.3380.

      Miss. Nicholson

      Wednesday, April 3, 2013

      PBH Due 4.8.13 Sci-fi Project and Poetry

      Hello All,

      I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break!

      For the next few Mondays, your homework will be somewhat light, because we will be intensely preparing for the upcoming ELA State Exams in class.

      Please do the following:
      • Work on your sci-fi movie and your graphic novel. Follow the task description guide and rubric I provided in class today.
      • Please remember that the concept of your sci-fi project should come from a big idea from one of Bradbury's works of literature.
      • The BIG focus question and new understanding you should walk away with is this: How does fiction follow a scientific thought and create a future that sometimes becomes a reality? 
      This is a reminder of the due dates:
      • Although I know many of you have been working arduously since the end of February and early March, please adhere to the following dates I mentioned to you a couple of weeks ago.
      • Draft #1 of sci-fi movie and sci-fi graphic novel script - April 8. Please note that it does not have to be completed but the reader should have an idea of what you are talking about from the introduction of the topic. Basically, at least 3/4 of it should be completed.
      • Draft #2 of sci-fi graphic novel and movie April 15. This entry should be completed to the end with changes that will need to be edited later.
      • Final Draft of your sci-fi graphic novel and movie due April 22. All comments discussed in class and made by your peers must be corrected and finalized by this time.
      Poetry & Floetry Freestyle

      Please do the following:

      Since we are wrapping up the science fiction unit in the next few days, we will begin my favorite unit, the Poetry and Floetry Freestyle Unit. Bring in your headphones along with any musical device that has your favorite songs downloaded on it. Since the state tests begin week after next, you will learn how to answer and analyze poetry questions on the state test in the form of multiple choice questions, short answers and extended responses.

      Research famous poets from your family's culture and from American culture. Select, print and read one poem from each poet. Mark up the poem by looking for similarities and differences in writing style, use of literary devices, themes and the time period in which it was written. Then answer the BIG question: How does the poets cultural upbringing, environment and historical era (time period) influence what and how they write?

      If you have any questions, email me at thereadingcafe@aol.com or call Dial-A-Teacher at 212.777.3380.

      Miss. N

      Friday, March 22, 2013

      421 iKids Invention Information

      For those 421 students who are interested, please read the following email below about what you should do to send your invention. Please note that it must be sent to them by the end of March. If you can send it today, please do.

      The email from Annie is as follows:

      Good Morning,

      They can email a powerpoint or compressed video directly to the invent@inventivekids.com email address (do not go through the website but use an email program instead). If the files are large, say over 5 mg, I can set up file sharing on drop box. Does this help?


      I hope this helps! If you have any questions pertaining to your invention, please email Annie. Don't forget to state who your teacher is so that she can make the connection. If you have questions for me, you know the email: thereadingcafe@aol.com. You can't call Dial-A-Teacher because they are on vacation too! Just in case you are wondering!

      Miss. N : )